MTL - NBA Opening Draw To Twilight Shaquille O’Neal-v2 Chapter 1005 Shura field broke out

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Chapter 1005 The Asura Field Explodes

In the beginning of the nBa, O'Neal in his old age, chapter 1005 of the Shura field broke out. Wang Zelin played 42 minutes in this game and scored 48 points, plus 16 rebounds, 5 assists, 4 blocks and 2 steals. For him, getting 40 points is not uncommon. If he can add 2 points to get 50+, maybe it will cause more discussions from the outside world.

Lillard played steadily, scoring 18 points, 13 assists, 4 rebounds and 2 steals.

Jokic also had a quasi-triple-double of 16 points, 9 rebounds and 7 assists.

The three of them alone have sent out as many as 25 assists. The Blazers' current offense on the court is simply not too silky.

Among the substitutes, Connet Lee scored 4 three-pointers and scored 16 points and 3 rebounds tonight, which was the most outstanding performance.

Then there is Yi Jianlian with 10 points, Beverly and Harrell with 9 points, and Zubac with 6 points...

In the first two weeks, the Trail Blazers started with a wave of 7 consecutive victories, showing the strength of the defending champion Dynasty team!

After two weeks of competition, the other 29 teams in the league have both won and lost.

On the 5th, the Raptors visited Chicago and had a big battle with the Bulls. In the end, the Bulls defeated the Raptors at home 103:85, cutting off their winning streak.

On the same day, the Thunder went to the East to play back-to-back games with the Celtics. Although Westbrook played 44 minutes and scored 35 points, 17 rebounds and 12 assists in a super luxurious triple-double, it was still difficult to recover the defeat.

With back-to-back 118:104 away games, the Thunder's winning streak was also broken.

So far, other teams in the league have lost, and the Trail Blazers have begun to lead the standings!

Not only that, in terms of player statistics, Wang Zelin has also begun to familiarize himself with the season slaughter list.

In the first 7 games of the new season, Wang Zelin averaged 33 minutes per game, scoring 38 points, 15.7 rebounds, 4.8 assists, 3.1 blocks and 1 steal.

So scary!

Seeing this terrifying data, everyone couldn't help but look up at the sky, expressing emotion: The entire nba is dominated by the Blazers hot man, and the light that all the stars have just bloomed has once again been completely shrouded by him.

The most regrettable thing is Westbrook, who averaged 30+ triple-doubles in the previous games.

To use the ridicule of the vast number of Tianchao fans: If Shengyu, He Shengliang!

On the 8th, Wang Zelin woke up early and prepared to return to Portland with the team.

Tonight, the Trail Blazers have a back-to-back home game against the Kings, one of the super teams in the Western Conference.

Just as I was about to squat on the plane for a while, a voice message from Ajiali suddenly came on the WeChat of my mobile phone.

"I'm in Portland, I'll pick you up when I get off the plane!"


Listening to the message, Wang Zelin felt dizzy in an instant, without any sleepiness, and hurriedly sent a video to Ajiali.

Oh, by the way, don't ask how Ajiali, a foreigner, has WeChat.

Not only Ajiali, but even the whole Blazers team and the brothers who trained hard in the summer camp have their own WeChat groups. As for the group leader, of course it is Wang Zelin.

There is no way, he was used to WeChat in his previous life, and although foreign mobile phone social software is also very developed, he still doesn't bother to change it.

Therefore, under his influence, some retired celebrities and active players who had a good personal relationship with him also began to use WeChat, and even set off a trend among North American fans.

To a certain extent, Wang Zelin can also be regarded as helping Shenzhen Ma to expand a certain market in North America.

In this regard, Wang Zelin really wanted to say to Shenzhen Ma: "Brother Ma, remember to pay!"

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

The two chatted for a while, and seeing that Wang Zelin was still a little sleepy, Ajiali told him to take a good rest and didn't bother him anymore.

However, after chatting with Ajiali in the morning, Wang Zelin's drowsiness has long gone.

Seeing all the teammates around him wearing blindfolds and lying in their positions, Wang Zelin, who had nothing to do, turned on his mobile phone, and habitually clicked on the official nba website to check the latest breaking news.

It just so happened that the nBa announced the best player of the week for the East and West in the second week of the new season.

In the west, relying on his record and his crazy performance, Wang Zelin successfully defeated Master Wei, who averaged 30+ triple-doubles per game, and was named the best player of the week last week.

This is the first time he has been named Player of the Week this season and the first in his career…

Forget it, he doesn't care about such small honors for a long time. It's worth remembering the best of the month and the best of the week. Forget about the best of the week, he doesn't know how much he will get every season.

In the East, last week's player of the week was won by LeBron James.

Last week, the Cavaliers won all three games. James averaged 36 minutes per game. He was able to get 24.7 points, 9.3 rebounds, 11.3 assists, 1 steal and 0.3 blocks. The shooting rate was 47.4%, and the three-point shooting rate was 25%.

Although the efficiency is a bit lower, James still successfully won the first week of the season honors by relying on the Cavaliers' 5 wins and 1 loss record in the Eastern Conference.

Of course, the small honor of being the best player of the week is not worth mentioning to James. For today's emperor, he is more concerned about bringing back a championship to his hometown Cleveland.

It has to be said that once a person is accompanied by a mobile phone, time can always pass quickly inadvertently.

Wang Zelin felt that he had just swiped for a while, and when he looked up, a flight attendant had already come in and asked them to arrive at Portland International Airport in five minutes.

After getting off the plane and leaving the airport, Wang Zelin found the familiar exotic atmosphere at a glance.

"Honey, do you miss me?"

Ignoring the paparazzi who were secretly filming around, Ajiali jumped into Wang Zelin's arms and said softly.

Wang Zelin looked at Ajiali and stroked her hair with a smile: "Baby, I miss you so much!"

"By the way, you probably haven't eaten breakfast yet, let's go together." Ajiali also said with a smile.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"The last time I had a private kitchen in Chinatown was very good, let's go there."

The two got into a red Lamborghini talking and laughing.

After dinner, Wang Zelin drove to the city with Ajiali again.

When they came to the pedestrian street in the city center, the two started shopping around.

When I see clothing, shoes and hats, and accessories stores, no matter how big or small, I will go in and have a look.

Ajali bought a lot of clothes, shoes and trinkets.

After shopping for a noon, it was almost 3 o'clock before Ajiali decided to let Wang Zelin go.

More than an hour later, after dinner, the two came to the Rose Garden Stadium together. Wang Zelin entered the training mode and began to warm up in advance for tonight's game.

At this time, the Kings players had already arrived at the arena.

When they saw the daughter of their boss and Wang Zelin appearing in the arena talking and laughing all the way, the hearts of countless people were instantly broken.

Ajiali, who graduated from UC Berkeley, not only has a hot and **** figure, but also is different from ordinary sports women.

Ajali has both the glamorous style unique to Indian beauties and the bold sexiness of modern girls, which makes her look outstanding and is also loved by nBa players and fans.

The point is, this is an out-and-out rich woman!

It is no exaggeration to say that since the moment every player of the Kings team joined the Kings team, they have all fantasized about the day when they can embrace a rich woman and a beautiful woman, and save twenty years of struggle!

Although there have been rumors of Wang Zelin and Ajiali's scandal before, and Ajiali has also publicly expressed her love to Wang Zelin at the King's home court many times, but they did not take it seriously.

Last season, because Wang Zelin has been busy defending the team's championship, and he has long been famous, he already has Kendall Jenner, the official girlfriend who made public.

Therefore, although he and Ajiali have had many in-depth exchanges in private, they have finally restrained themselves on the bright side, which also makes the king retain a little illusion about the players.

But with the completion of the Trail Blazers' three consecutive championships, the long-term tension of the Trail Blazers finally relaxed. Not only the teammates, but even Wang Zelin, has been a bit unavoidable in recent times.

After winning the hard-fought victory last night, Wang Zelin still thought that he must guard against arrogance and impetuosity in order to go further.

As a result, Wang Zelin got up early this morning and was invited by a beauty. Wang Zelin immediately left behind his firm belief last night.

No way, in such a huge vanity fair like the nba, successful players will encounter all kinds of temptations all the time.

There must be ascetic players who can resist this great temptation. Kobe and James are such ascetics... But Wang Zelin is definitely not included, because he knows very well that he is a vulgar person who cannot be vulgar.

Therefore, Wang Zelin did it knowing that this kind of behavior would definitely affect the reputation of the outside world.

He admitted that he was indeed drifting.

But then again, he has ruled the league for three full years, so he can't enjoy it?

So, there is the scene that is now heartbreaking for the collective players of the Kings.

I thought that the moon would be the first to be close to the water, but I didn't expect that my back garden was pierced by others.

pain! It hurts so much!

If eyes could kill, Wang Zelin felt that he would be killed at least a thousand or eight hundred times now.

"I said, at least the opposite side is a member of your team. Is it really okay for you to do this?"

Wang Zelin asked with a smile as he got cheap and acted like a good boy.

"Hehe, then you should let go of your hand!"

Ajiali gave her a blank look, and wanted to break free from her embrace, but unexpectedly, Wang Zelin made a sudden effort, and her whole body was pressed even tighter.


In a daze, Wang Zelin seemed to hear the sound of the back molars being bitten off.

Just when he was secretly happy, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.


Looking back, Kendou showed a smile on his face, and walked two steps quickly to Wang Zelin.

She wore a light blue chiffon mesh dress today, and her pure and lustful makeup was very beautiful.


I'm going to die, Brother Cheng, save me!

The sudden appearance of the real girlfriend made Wang Zelin feel cold in an instant.

It's not that he hasn't been annoyed by his various promiscuous behaviors outside the court, but he is just like many prostitutes in the small broken station.

Every time after being unrestrained, he would only say from the bottom of his heart: next time for sure!

Finally, what should come has come.

The Shura field still erupted!

Mr. Wang's brain is down...

the other side.

Seeing the person coming, Ajiali froze for a moment, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

I thought that Wang Zelin chose to ignore the paparazzi and take her out on the road. He must have broken up with his ex and finally chose himself. But looking at the situation, it seems that the two haven't separated yet, so wouldn't he be a mistress?

Ajiali was about to ask questions, but when she looked up and saw the smile on Kendou's face, and then thought of the happiness with Wang Zelin this morning, she felt inexplicably upset.

She also thought that her father was also very talkative in private, and when it seemed that successful men were all alike, she suddenly felt relieved.

Men are unmarried, women are unmarried, what's the matter?

As the daughter of a billionaire, she, Ajiali Ranadive, doesn't think she can't win over others.

So, Ajiali suddenly smiled, stretched out her white and tender little hand, and hugged Wang Zelin.

Sure enough, seeing Ajiali hugging her boyfriend's hand, Kendou's smile froze, and she was about to shake off her hand and question Wang Zelin.

But before she could react, Ajiali greeted first: "Husband, this younger sister is so beautiful, don't you plan to introduce me?"

"Who do you say is the younger sister? Obviously you are the third party..."

Kendou's smile disappeared instantly, and he asked immediately.

At this moment, she didn't even realize that she had subconsciously ignored the fact that Wang Zelin stepped on two boats, and turned to anger at Ajiali's provocation.

The corners of Ajiali's mouth curled up slightly, and her voice began to cheer up: "After all, I'm three years older than you, so it's not too much to call you younger sister."

"Don't go too far, Wang Mingming is my boyfriend, and if you come first, then you should be my sister, and I should be my sister!" Ken Dou's expression became more serious.

Now she was too lazy to think about whether Wang Zelin cheated or not, the most urgent thing to do was to prevent this alluring **** from stepping on her head.

After hearing Kendou's words, Ajiali nodded her head and said "hmm".

Then she called out to Kendou obediently: "Sister!"

Kendou was about to burst into anger, but seeing Ajiali's well-behaved and sensible appearance, she insisted on suppressing her anger.

You must not get angry, at least not right now, this Indian female cousin probably expects her to get angry immediately.

If she quarreled with Wang and left in a fit of anger, she would definitely be taken advantage of by the other party, and she would never let him succeed.

Pretending to be cute and sensible, who wouldn't?

Besides, as a member of the Kardashian family, although Kendou has always looked down on the vulgar methods of her sisters, thinking that her sisters act too low, but growing up in such a family environment, Kendou has been obsessed with her boyfriend's behavior since she was a child. Her tolerance for stepping on two boats is actually much stronger than that of ordinary women.

What's more, the Kardashian sisters have always had a fine tradition of relying on well-known male stars to attract traffic and then feedback themselves.

At this stage, the Blazers started the game with seven consecutive victories, and they played relatively easily without any real challenges. Now the Blazers have become the biggest favorites to win the championship in the new season.

And her boyfriend has proven his dominance in the past three years, and it will be the same in the new season. Wang Zelin is still the hottest star in the NBA!

"younger sister!"

After weighing the interests, Kendou quickly calmed down, smiled and nodded to Ajiali.

Immediately afterwards, he and she also put their arms around Wang Zelin's other hand, and looked at Wang Zelin with a smile on their faces.

It's just that although she was smiling, it was a bit fake.

who I am? where am i what am i doing

Just as Wang Zelin, who was caught between the two, came back to his senses, his brain shut down again, and his CPU almost burned out on the spot.


In a daze, he heard the sound of the molars being bitten off from around him again.

But this time it was no longer a single person, but the voice of a group of people!

Chapter 996 still hasn't been released, so I guess we'll have to wait two days. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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