MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 236

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Chapter 236

In fact, after taming the dark night, he was connected with the only beast **** consciousness between heaven and earth.

But this kind of communication is immediacy, only contains the present and the future, and does not include the memory of the past.

So I can't see what the dark night has experienced, and naturally I don't know those old things.

This time, the door riots, the dark night is facing the impact of this, so it was extremely fierce and seriously injured. It is a thousand years, it is not willing to disappear, simply blending with the owner's soul and living in another situation.

In this way, Qi Shen is inherited all the memory of the night.

Chu Yuyun thought of this point, so he would withdraw the holy snow lotus and release the poison of the fire. Zhang mouth said a bunch of things and his jealousy, and completely angered him.

Because the soul is long and painful, the emotions are slightly ups and downs and are rejected. Chu Yuyun is deliberately angry with him, just to verify what he thinks.

And now, the answer is clear.

The sinking is suffering with great pain. The pulling of the soul is more unbearable than the pain of any *, but the pain can not withstand the suffocation and suffocation of the waves in the chest. Sultry.

Chu Yuyun is savvy, cold, cruel, and unscrupulous for the purpose. Shen Shen knows very well what kind of person he is, but he still has such a slight expectation that he does not even know what he is expecting, but now that the expectation has been shattered, there is not much left.

In order to verify whether he had the mark of life in the dark night, Chu Yuyun could scare those scars out without hesitation, and he would not care what kind of rebellion he would encounter after his mood disorder.

Yes, his life and death are related to him.

I thought of this sentence, the pain in the heart that was gripped was like the pain of the soul tearing. The madness of the general desire to ruin everything swelled rapidly, rushing out of the rational cage, like a face The behemoth, the claws of the teeth, but in fact it is a bluff.

In the end, Chu Yuyun did not look down on the end. He helped him and asked: "Where is the plastic soul grass?"

He couldn’t hear his voice, but he was burning because of his touch. He vigorously opened it, his face was pale and blue, and his voice was hoarse and dark: "Go out!"

Chu Yuyun has a slight meal. In fact, he still has some incomprehensibility. Even if he inherits the memory of the dark night, he should not resent him.

The night only appeared twice in total, once in the battle of the broken wall, he and it broke through the wall, and finally opportunistically drove it back to the demon world; the second time in the demon world, he and Jun ink were chased by the night Kill, then Xie Qianxi shot and rescued.

It is true that these two times can find many problems. For example, Chu Yunyun did not suppress the poison of the fire at that time, so it is obvious that the dark night is that Shen Yun and Ling Mu are one person.

But why bother to play with people? Shen Yun only had himself at that time. Ling Mu was just a matter of life and death with Jun Mo. There was nothing wrong with it. How could it be resentful to this point?

Chu Yunyun took his mind, or first went to find the soul of the grass.

It’s so painful to sink, and he’s not comfortable in his heart.

Fortunately, Chu Yunyun has a strong memory and knows how to put things in a few places. There is a ban on the top, but the strange thing is that he opened it when he touched those bans.

This time, Chu Yunyun has some mixed tastes.

When I was still a beast, I was afraid that others would be ignorant, and I was harassed by something that was hurt. So I opened the entire ban on the Mei Palace. This is the imprint of the soul, and I changed it. The body is still effective.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuyun thought slightly, and then turned to see the man who was slightly shaking, the coldness between the eyebrows faded a lot.

Sinking is an idiot, but in the past, if he could be misled, he could not reach that point.

Who is more scum than anyone else, neither of them is qualified to pursue this issue.

Chu Yuyun found the plastic soul grass, and quickly took it to Shen.

With this **** of cohesive soul, the tears on the soul are obviously relieved, but he is sinned, his face is white as frost paper, his throat is closed, and the long eyelashes are trembled. The fragility made him like a lost child, curled up in the chilly body, guarding the helplessness of the extremely insecure, building a high wall in a wolf, but only shackling himself in a tragic abyss in.

Chu Yuyun helped him to the bed, and he fell asleep, but he was also extremely uneasy. Chu Yuyun looked at the thin sweat between his forehead and wanted to find a hot towel to wipe him.

Just got up and the wrist was held. Chu Yuyun was slightly coveted, watching his slender fingers clench his wrist like a hoop.

People are still in a coma, but the strength is so great that people can't break free.

Chu Yuyun sighed slightly and whispered: "I am going to give you a towel to wipe the sweat."

No one responded to him. The sinking was just tightening the eyebrows. The thin lips seemed to be translucent, and they were so tight that people couldn’t help but wonder if they would see red blood.

Chu Yuyun did not leave, sitting on the edge of the bed.

He still had some repairs in his body. He simply applied a technique, took a dry towel, carefully wiped his sweat, and quietly stayed with him.

This stay is a whole day and night.

Shen Shen has not been awake, Chu Yuyun actually leaned on the bed and followed sleep.

It seems to be asleep, but it seems to be awake.

Chu Yuyun knows that this is a dream, but it is ridiculous because it is known.

How do people in their dreams think they are dreaming?

Is this all awake or a dream? How to get it right?

Chu Yuyun looked at the vast open space in front of him, but his heart was not as empty and empty as before.

He seemed to be looking for someone, and it was not long before a child in a dark purple dress appeared in front of him.

As he appeared, the empty space in front of him had a miraculous color, just as the sun rose, the light forced back the fog, and the whole space was completely renewed.

Chu Yuyun's mood is good, but the face is cold.

The children in front of them are exquisitely white, and a pair of beautiful scorpions are like blooming violets. The envy and attachment are undisguised.

Chu Yuyun knows very well that this is a stagnation, even if it is reduced so much, even the temperament is different, but he knows that this is him.

The young man’s sinking is very naive, because he is full of joy and sound, and his voice is soft and soft. The words that are said to bloom at the beginning are like the delicate petals of the beginning, with a sweet scent of trepidation: “You are here, I have done my homework. It’s over.”

Chu Yuyun's eyebrows are a little more gentle: "Can you understand something?"

If you want to say something, you can think of what you want, and bend your eyes and say, "There are some."

Chu Yuyun can't understand his careful thoughts. In fact, this should be tolerant. This child seems to have been waiting for him, waiting alone, because he saw a long-term relationship, so he sown a little lie, no harm.

However, Chu Yuyun has a cold face.