MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It is a pity that I can only think about it. Now, in this case, Chu Yuyun should be the one who was slayed and cried.

For a full two months, Chu Xiaoyun’s little white flower passed through the darkness and was completely self-escaped.

I don't want to face my own mind, I don't want to face the possible future, I don't want to go back and confirm the cruel fact that 'Mo Jiuyi doesn't like myself.'

If there is no deep interference, Chu Yunyun will always hide such a mind, sneak up like it, ignorantly secretly love, no, and absolutely no courage to puncture this layer of window paper.

But... 晏 ruined everything.

The lingering of five nights, the ripening love of Chu Yuyun was completely ripened, and it became a big tree in the sky, rooted in the heart, opened branches and leaves, and finally spread all the blood. In this case, it suddenly became like a dream. When you wake up, everything is a bubble.

How do you face this fifteen-year-old boy? It’s really all the glory to almost collapse.

Chu Yuyun: "00, you see my psychological analysis is right."

Zero: "I don't understand."

Chu Yuyun: "Well, you are a really pure little white flower."


Chu Yuyun took a bit of emotion and began to play.

"Father..." His voice trembled, only to say that the two words seemed to be tough, and the pain of the heart being pulled made him unable to breathe. "Do you really... let me go?" ?"

Mo Jiuyi sat on the edge of the bed, but the distance between the two was not close, because Chu Yuyun was hiding in the corner of the wall. It seemed that he couldn’t stand it even if he was close to him. This gesture made him look awkward and his voice contained Some loneliness: "I will not interfere with your decision."

Chu Yuyun looked up, the moonlight was bright, but his face seemed to be paler than that of Haoyue, but the scorpion was dark, and it was full of despair and resentment. The voice also slammed a lot: "You just want to drive me away." Are you just tired of me, you just have trouble with me! You just want to get rid of me!"

He screamed and made Mo Jiu's brow wrinkled. His thin lips were slightly sloppy, and the cold tone dropped a few degrees because of a little anger: "What are you talking about?"

Chu Yuyun couldn't manage it. He stared at him. The huge loss caught his heart. The boneless despair merged into the blood and made him tremble slightly: "If you don't want to raise me, why should you save me? Why? Would you bring me back? If you don’t want to be responsible, let me die..."

"Stop!" Mo Jiuzhen interrupted his words, his voice was cold, "Don't say this yourself."

Chu Yuyun looked at his cold look and looked at the appearance of his own bone marrow. He only felt that his heart was like a knife. He collapsed: "I don't want you to save me. I would rather you didn't adopt me..."

Mo Jiuqi suddenly got up, silver-white robes towed to the ground, the smooth arc is like the ice water in the 10,000-year-old pool, the cool infiltration: "I don't want me to save you... Who do you want? Shen Shen!" The last three The word, he suddenly lowered the tone, and the sudden burst of power almost made the surrounding air into a tight.

Chu Yuyun couldn't detect it. He heard the name and only felt that the crushed heart was once again hit hard: he sank everything, but he also saw everything.

I saw the hopeless love that I could not get through my life.

Chu Yuyun looked at him without fear, suddenly raised his lips and struck a bright smile: "Yes, if Uncle Shu saved me, how good!"

The voice is falling, and the tight atmosphere is like falling into a hail. Even the breath is thin and cold.

Mo Jiuyan stared at him with an eye.

Chu Yuyun slammed his head, and self-abuse generally refused to remove.

Zero: "qaq"

Chu Yuyun took time to return to him: "What happened?"

Zero: "Good abuse..."

Chu Yuyun: "It’s not good for a while, remember to blink your eyes."


Chu Yunyun: "^_^"

The Millennium Peak is located in a very high place. It is almost close to the sky, so the moonlight here is much brighter than other places, but it is brighter, and the night like the ink will not dissipate. The engulfing of this beautiful silvery white is like the dark madness of the inner mentality.

The two were so stagnant, and after Chu Yuyun slowly became red-eyed, Mo Jiuyi finally sighed, and he sighed the pressure of the frost, and the cold and indifferent voice slammed the thick, helpless, he He was hoarse and asked: "Why is it sinking?"

why it's not me.

Chu Yuyun’s lips trembled sharply. He paused for a long time and said: “...I don’t know.”

Mo Jiu 韶眸 黯 黯: "It is also." Like a person has never had a reason.

In just two sentences, everyone has the meaning of not saying anything, but unfortunately no one has completely broken it.

Mo Jiuyi restored the cold and cold appearance. He turned slowly, and the hair of the ink was blown up by the breeze. He set off a moving arc... but it was a pity that it was like a cloud in the sky, illusory, unable to grasp, unable to grasp. Farther away.

Chu Yuyun looked at it, and finally couldn’t hold back the pain of the heart and the despair of the top: "... Father."

Mo Jiuyi carried his back and his voice was low: "You can rest assured that you like to sink, I will fulfill you, and if I am there, he will not bear you."

His fascinating words completely angered Chu Yunyun. He got out of bed, and stepped on the clothes because he was too anxious. The whole person stunned, but he quickly stabilized his body and pulled it. Lived the arms of Mo Jiuyi.

Mo Jiuyi stopped.

There is a crazy scarlet color in Chu’s thorough voice: "Why should I meet you?"

Mo Jiuyi looked at his face and stared blankly at him.

Chu Yuyun seems to be unable to bear it anymore, completely collapsed: "Mo Jiuyi, I don't want you to be my father, I never want to..."

"Chu Yunyun," Mo Jiu turned and turned, his slender fingers pinched his chin, and the scorpion condensed: "You have no trouble!"

Chu Yuyun was so motionless that he looked at him stiffly.

Mo Jiuyi seems to be really angry. His voice is as cold as ice scum: "You like to sink, I will fulfill you; you want to leave, I will not stop you; if you lack something, even if you take it away, the whole millennium Everything about the peak, what do you want for what you want! But what qualification do you have to say that I should not save you? What qualifications do you have to say that I am not worthy of being your father!"

Throughout the night, Chu Yuyun had not dropped a tear on the edge of the collapse. After hearing this, the desperation could no longer be suppressed.

Since he is destined to be unable to meet in his life, what is his good scruples? Since this is the last screening, what else can he fear?

The tears of the big drops fell, and the voice of Chu Yunyun collapsed to the extreme: "If you don't save me, if you don't treat me so well, if you don't meet you, I will... I won't fall in love with you. ”

When he said this, Mo Jiuyi’s eyes flashed an unspeakable mistake.

After a long silence, his voice shook a little: "What do you say?"

Chu Yuyun couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

Mo Jiu stunned, and then he looked at Chu Yuyun, almost cautiously asked: "Xiaoyun, you just said... Who are you in love with?"

Chu Yuyun screamed hard: "I know that I am wrong, I know that I am wrong, but I like you... Father, I like you!"

Mo Jiuyi’s whole person is stiff: “But you are so sullen...”

"He became your appearance! I thought it was you, I thought you..." It was too embarrassing, and Chu Yunyun couldn't say it anymore.

It’s incredible that Mo Jiuyi’s nephew has always been calm and calm: “Xiaoyun...”

Chu Yuyun said everything, the state of mind is completely lost: "You don't have to hate me, I will leave, I know myself... oh..." I didn't finish talking, Mo Jiu slammed his lips. .

Followed by a crazy spurt of long drive straight into, like the gray grass lost a whole winter of the dead grass suddenly hit the flames of the original, burning in an instant, the infinite spread of the attitude is almost impossible to parry.

Chu Yuyun: "Hey, there is no white acting, this boring arrogance is really strong!"


Chu Yuyun: "Close your eyes and close your eyes, hurry."

Zero: ==

Chu Yuyun applauded: "It’s an obedient baby."

Unfortunately, the baby is closed and the baby can't hear.

Before and when he was jealous, Chu Yuyun had been suppressing and not kissing, but this time and arrogance were so scrupulous.

One of the things that Mo Jiuzhen did was enough. Secondly, the feelings of this outbreak should have been hot.

Thinking carefully about the psychology of Xiaobaihua, this kind of loss is recovered, this kind of Jedi is alive, this kind of great joy that I thought desperate and suddenly slammed the gospel, how could it be suppressed?

Of course, Chu Yuyun still dare not put too open, really play a lot of Mo Jiuyi will find stupid.

However, this is not only good, Mo Jiuyi will play very well, gave birth to a pattern of abstinence, but kissed the group, the means of swearing and the jealousy of the small goods are comparable.

In order to put on the tenderness, Chu Yuyun did not deliberately endure it.

In fact, Chu Yuyun has a number of hearts, Mo Jiuyi will not do it for the time being. After all, he is still too small. This guy is playing the love of the holy, how can he not take care of this?

Sure enough, after Chu Yuyunshe, Mo Jiuyi stopped, but the slender fingers still wandered around his back.

Chu Yuyun understands you, and is willing to continue to accompany him to act: "Father... I..." His voice is small, it seems to be still uneasy, and the sense of weightlessness in the clouds makes him always unable to feel at ease.

Mo Jiuyi’s voice is very light: “I thought you really liked sinking. I thought you didn’t have me in my heart... I have been sleeping day and night for the past two months, thinking about holding you forever on the Millennium Peak. I can't bear to see you lost and sad..."

Chu Yuyun was surprised: "No, no, father, I like you, I..."

"I know it now." Mo Jiuyi kissed him, softly, "Xiaoyun, I like you too."

This voice is really his|Mom is good, Chu Yuyun’s heart tickles, and the place where he rested has raised his head again. It’s just that he’s not only addicted, but he still wants to break into it.

Fortunately, Mo Jiuyi is very understanding, and he kisses and changes his taste. His hands are also very skillful, and once again, Chu Yuyun is cool.

It must be said that ‘arrogance’ is a good lover before the sick.

Chu Xiaoyun did not expect that this day will be three years. In the past three years, he has lived a body and mind.

Shao Yuejian practiced more and more smoothly, and his cultivation was also increasing day by day. In three years, his body faded from the young boy's youth and gradually developed the **** contour of his previous life.

Chu Yuyun's self-request is extremely high, and the body of this thing, as long as the heart, can basically be artificially controlled.

Although rationally considered, the thin and slim body is better than the other, but Chu Yuyun is not willing to grieve.

The performance will be won, and it’s too stupid to make yourself into the grain. Don’t even mention that you really want to get rid of Mo Jiuyi. It’s just not enough to rely on the face and body.

In the past three years, Mo Jiuyi really liked him to the top of his heart, saying that it is not an exaggeration.

It is not necessary to mention the cost of wearing and wearing, all of which are the best; not to mention the practice, but he personally instructed, now only 18-year-old Chu Yuyun is estimated to be able to single out the elite of the devil; more terrible It is the love that is so thick that it can't be opened. The sweet people are soft and soft. If you change your personal, I am afraid that I will fall in love for a long time. I don’t know why this evening.

However, Chu Yuyun has always been very rational, because he really understands the person he created.

Chu Yuyun: "I think the time is almost out, Mo Jiuyi should have to close the net."

Zero: "Do you have the confidence to let him fall in love with you?"

Chu Yuyun: "Look at what he wants to use."

Looking at them for three years of love, they quickly questioned themselves: "If it is not the avatar, I really want to think that he likes you."

After all, if you don't like it, how can you take it to the point? It's hard to imagine.

Chu Yuyun smiled and said: "Wait."

As Chu Yuyun guessed, the change occurred three days later.

Mo Jiuyi brought back a lonely boy.

What is the familiarity of this scene?

Six years ago, Chu Yunyun was brought back like this.

Chu Yuyun did not think about this trick, but when he saw the appearance of the boy, the heart stunned.

Md, how did this guy come out!

Zero: "This is..."

Chu Yuyun felt a little tricky: "In a sense, this is my son."

Read The Mage of Eternity