MTL - Nightmare Attack-Chapter 1

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   "Madam, is it convenient to repeat what you just said?"



   "...Yes, but please... please don't tell anyone, especially my husband and my daughter!"

   "I understand, then... can I start now?"

   "It all starts with a phone call.

   The call was from my sister. It was the night three days ago.

   She was in a strange state at the time, her teeth trembled, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat little by little.

   I asked her if she was not feeling well, but she didn't answer, but kept repeating a dream she had recently. "


   "Yes, it's a dream.

   She said that she often dreamed of waking up at night, leaving the bed, walking down the stairs from the attic where she lived, and finally stopped in front of the basement.

   is very real, very real, so real...not like a dream. "

   "But your sister still uses a dream to describe it, why?"

   "Because... there is no basement in her house!

   What's more terrifying is that when facing the strange door, she actually had the urge to open it. "

"The results of it?"

   "She disappeared, the night she called me."

   "So, you found me today because you want to..."

   "Doctor Jiang!"

   " said."

   "I also dreamed of a door, just yesterday."


   Turning off the recording pen in his hand, the small room fell silent.

   Jiangcheng sat at the desk, his eyes drooping, and a copy of Rongcheng’s evening paper was on the desk.

"Notice of missing person: Hu Yan, female, 47 years old, height 160, rectangular face, fair skin, recently lost her mental state late at night on the 13th, wearing light pink silk pajamas when she lost Insider..."

   glanced over the contact information, and there was a photo printed a little to the left of the missing person notice. The photo showed a woman who was a little older.

   is also the woman who came to him yesterday and left the recording.

   Jiangcheng has no habit of reading newspapers. The newspapers were brought by the police, about an hour ago.

   According to clues, they knew that Hu Yan had been here the day before his disappearance.

   He truthfully stated Hu Yan's mental state and the story she brought.

   will get Hu Yan's permission, and the recording will be handed over.

   Two police officers, one male and one female, left with the recording after finishing the transcript. Among them, the female police officer with neat ponytails couldn't help but look back at Jiang Cheng a few more times.

   This man who is similar to her seems to be too calm, whether he is being questioned or telling the incredible story.

   politely got up, and after seeing off, Jiang Cheng sat back in his place.

   The crisp keyboard hits sounded from time to time, and everything was proceeding normally and orderly.

   The night is getting darker, and the neon lights in the distance light up little by little.

   Jiangcheng glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, stood up, walked to the studio door, first closed the outside glass door, then closed the inside door, and then locked it.

   After doing this, he took the time to make a cup of coffee for himself.

   holding the coffee cup, walked to the sofa and sat down.

  The sofa is prepared for the customers who came to his studio. Yesterday's Ms. Hu Yan and the two police officers from an hour ago had all sat here.

   The originally shiny sofa skin has become grey and dark, and there are wrinkles on the armrests.

   Jiangcheng reached out into the gap between the armrest and the sofa, and took out a voice recorder in a familiar manner.

   The indicator light for turning on was on, and after slightly flicking the index finger for a few times, the voice of the police officer began to be heard.

   followed by his own voice.

   Jiangcheng sipped coffee while listening.

  After drinking a cup of coffee, the conversation between the police officer and him ended, until he sat up on the sofa, there was no special expression on his face.

   Hang the coffee cup washed with water upside down on the drying rack, dry his hands, and walk to the desk.

   picked up the recorder while passing by the sofa.

   Business hasn't been good recently, and the previous recording was of this woman named Hu Yan. Jiang Cheng was very impressed by her.

   The story she tells is certainly bizarre, but for Jiang Cheng, who has been in contact with a considerable number of patients with mild to moderate delusions, he is more concerned about the integrity of the story.

   In his opinion, it is different from ordinary patients who exaggerate a certain difference result and hope to get the attention of others, and then blur or even ignore the details.

   Hu Yan's description is relatively complete, and the details are handled in place. In Hu Yan's own dream, she even remembered stepping on her daughter's plush slippers when she was walking down the stairs.

   The visit of the police also brought some new information to Jiangcheng.

   In their exchanges, they have implicitly mentioned that they suspect that Ms. Hu Yan’s disappearance is related to a relative. In Hu Yan’s story, her sister disappeared before her.

   As confirmed by the two phases, the disappearance of sister Hu Yan should be credible.

  Furthermore, it was the missing person notice posted by Hu Yan's family, saying that Hu Yan was wearing only pajamas when he left home late at night, or a thin silk pajama.

   In the late autumn, Jiang Cheng relied on her knowledge of the parties to feel that she did not seem to be someone who would do such a stupid thing.

   Combined with Hu Yan's bizarre disappearance and the sister who disappeared before her, Jiang Cheng felt that this matter was not that simple.



   In order to save brain cells to deal with the business that may come to the door tomorrow, as well as the collagen on his face, after applying a facial mask, Jiang Cheng fell asleep in a hurry.

  His studio is divided into upper and lower floors. The first floor is used to receive customers, and the upper attic naturally becomes his living space.

   It was about 30 square meters, but he was partitioned into two The living room came up along the narrow stairs, and the bedroom came up again.

   There is no bed in the bedroom, only a thin mattress on the floor.

   At this moment, Jiang Cheng was lying in the center of the mattress, pulling the quilt to his chin, sleeping meticulously.

   didn't know how long he slept, Jiang Cheng on the mattress suddenly opened his eyes, he stared straight at the ceiling, his eyes gradually dissipated, and after a while, he suddenly shrank into a gap.

   upper body left the mattress, he sat up slowly.

what happened......?

   He has a clear mind and can feel the feedback from every part of his body, but he can't control this body alone.

   A strange feeling of heart palpitations gushes from the bottom of my heart, like... something has been opened.

   First his left leg left the mattress, and then his right leg. He stood up, acting stiff mechanically.

  While his brain was still thinking wildly, his body began to be autonomous again.


  Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.

   One step, two steps...

   He walked towards the bedroom door like a walking dead.

   Then there is the living room.

   Finally, he walked down the wooden stairs step by step.

   The old stairs should have been creaking and making no sound.

   is not just the stairs, Jiang Cheng has never heard any sound after waking up.

   The night seems to be dead.

   Eyeballs are rolling within a limited range, the current situation is undoubtedly weird and dangerous.

   After the night, the familiar environment became stranger.

  As the last foot fell, he saw a door standing in front of him.

   a pure black fan.

   The door embedded in the wall.