MTL - Nightmare Attack-Chapter 8

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   "Could it be the girl who was abused?" The pure girl analyzed: "The girl died of abuse, and her grievances couldn't be digested and she became a ghost. It was her who killed the middle-aged man in the early morning."

   At present, the analysis of the pure girl is reasonable.

   "This may be the case, but we still need some evidence," the strong man after coming out of the bathroom was much weaker, and he could even see the fine cold sweat on his forehead.

   Jiangcheng knew that he was not as calm as he seemed.

   "Let's go eat first," someone suggested.

   The cooking was left to the fat man alone, and the pure girl went to help wash the vegetables.

   It didn't take long for a fragrant meal to be ready. Even in such an environment, everyone still ate up the meal without any leftovers. One can imagine the fat man's craftsmanship.

   "Are you a chef?" The brawny man took a sip of the hot soup, and even the big face that looked at the fat man was pleasing to the eye.

   "No," the fat man scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "I just run around and have done all kinds of work, so I can do everything."

   "What do you all do? It's fate for everyone to gather here," the strong man put down the bowl, his eyes softened a lot, "My name is Fan Li and I am a bodyguard."

   "I...My name is Xie Yu, I work in an insurance company," the male clerk whispered.

   "My name is Chen Xiaomeng, I am studying at university, majoring in law," Qing Chun Nu introduced herself.

It’s the turn of the woman with a mole on her lips. I thought she would dismiss it, but the slow voice sounded, "You can just call me Sister Nuan. I’m older than you, professional... "She smiled vaguely, "I'm selling goods."

   Everyone looked at her with inexplicable gazes. The aura that this woman showed was definitely not an ordinary trader, and what she meant by "goods" might also have much to say.

   But no one was entangled in this issue. They all looked at Jiang Cheng, and everyone was more curious about him than the woman who claimed to be Sister Nuan.

   Jiangcheng straightened his upper body and said sternly: "My name is Hao Shuai, and I am a male model."

   "Are you a model?" Innocent girl is a little disbelieved, "Are you in a film and television company?"

   Jiangcheng turned his head slowly, and glanced at her with seemingly profound eyes, "I work night shift on KTV."

   Everyone stared at him with a surprised look, but no one commented. Everyone has the right to choose their own profession, not to mention that they think Jiang Cheng really has such physical conditions.

   The day in the world they are in seems to be particularly short-lived. After a few people chatted a few more words, the sky turned dark again.

   The brawny man walked to the window and looked out, then walked back and said, "It's not raining, it's really dark."

   As he said, half an hour later, night fell again.

   A few people sat around the fireplace in the living room, while they were warming the fire, they analyzed the clues they had so far.

   For safety's sake, they moved some of the firewood from the warehouse to the living room during the day, so that they would not wait until the firewood was not enough at night to get it.

   Fatty sits closest to the firewood, and at this time he throws a stick in from time to time.

   The fire was very hot, and everyone’s faces were glowing red.

   Chen Xiaomeng still insists on his previous views, thinking that other members of the family abused the girl, which eventually led to the tragic death of the girl. The ghost in this villa is a girl from a family of four.

   She seems obsessed with this point of view. Every time she talks about this, her emotions become agitated, which is very different from her previous gentle appearance.

   Associated with her major in law, Jiang Cheng thought this might be a girl with a story.

   After a few rounds of discussion, there is no new progress, but someone yawned. It seems that Jiang Cheng was not the only one who didn't sleep well last night.

   Fan Li stood up, moved his slightly numb legs, and suggested: "Go to sleep first."

   His proposal was quickly responded to.

   As the middle-aged man died on the first floor for unknown reasons, everyone decided to sleep on the second floor tonight.

   Xie Yu whispered whether everyone could live together so that it would be safe, but before the voice was over, Sister Nuan denied it. She said that she might miss something.

   Xie Yu's eyes widened in fear, but after all, no one asked Sister Nuan what she meant by her mouth.

   Having said that, everyone still avoided the girl’s bedroom in a tacit understanding.

   intends to be divided into two groups, one group sleeping in the boy's bedroom and the other sleeping in the master bedroom.

   Sister Nuan and Chen Xiaomeng are both women, so they naturally want to live together. They chose the master bedroom on the second floor, where the host and hostess live. They slept here last night.

   Fatty had to live in the same room with Jiang Cheng, so Jiang Cheng and Fatty went into the boy's bedroom together.

   Next are Fan Li and Xie Yu. It can be seen that they both want to live in Sister Nuan's room. After all, those two are more experienced, and the probability of surviving with them is higher.

   After discussing with Chen Xiaomeng, Sister Nuan still chose Fan Li. After the three of them entered the room, they closed the door.

   Only Xie Yu was left alone in the corridor.

   A yin wind blew, causing him to hug himself tightly unconsciously, and a piece of goose bumps exploded on his arm.

   He trot all the way to the door of the bedroom where Jiang Cheng was, UU reading www. knocked on the door quickly.

   bang bang bang!

   "It's me, open the door!"

   Jiangcheng inspected the room slowly, and replied indifferently: "Aren't you going to throw me into the bathroom by yourself before? Go live next door by yourself."

   Xie Yu stared at the door next door with a gap. The door quivered with the breeze, as if something would rush out the next moment.

   That is the girl's bedroom.

   Xie Yu was so scared that he turned around crying and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, I was wrong! I shouldn't have said that, please forgive me!"

  After checking all the rooms, Jiang Cheng sat down in peace, unscrewed a new bottle of mineral water, took a shallow sip, and asked the door frivolously, "What do you call me?"

   "Hao Shuai! Hao Shuai!"

   Jiangcheng narrowed his eyes comfortably.

   "Hao Shuai! Hao Shuai!"

   Xie Yu shouted: "No, you are my handsome guy!"

   "Handsome guy! Handsome guy!"

   Fatty: "..."

   "Hoo—" Jiang Cheng sighed in satisfaction, then waved his hand, beckoning the fat man behind the door to open the door.

  As soon as the door opened, Xie Yu rushed in like a gust of wind, and then closed the door with a "bang".

   With the affair just now, Xie Yu didn't dare to make it out of the air, and honestly shrank in the corner of the bedroom, fearing that Jiang Cheng would be annoyed and throw him away.

   "You," Jiang Cheng raised his chin, facing Xie Yu, "Go to bed."

   "Me, bed?" Xie Yu showed an incredible expression.

   This is a single bedroom, and the bed is an ordinary single bed, which means that only one of the three of them can sleep in the bed.

   The other two either hit the floor or squeeze the sofa.