MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3413 Mysterious strong soul

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Although the head of the gods lost the temple of all realms, the temples were set up in the Jiuyang shrine. The head of the gods now controls the shrines.

Qin Yun and the head of the court have not been together for a long time. He has always trusted the head of the court. After all, he has experienced so many at once.

If the president of the court of God truly betrayed, Qin Yun could not think of any motive.

"Because he is in charge of the temples, there are a lot of gods in the temple. This is a very powerful force, so the head of the gods has a very high position in the temple of Jiuyang!"

Heavenly Way, Lingling Road.

If anyone has the best relationship with the President of God, it is Xie Wufeng, the sword god.

The head of the divine court has such a high status in the Jiuyang Temple, mainly because of Xie Wufeng's trust.

Xie Wufeng never doubted the President of God.

Xie Wufeng was arrested before. If it was really the news leaked by the President of the God, would the Lord of God really be so unforgiving?

Seeing Qin Yun musing, Tiandao Faling said, "It may be that I feel wrong! You have to check to know, don't you?"

"You checked his soul, is that all right?"

Qin Yun asked: "With your ability, you shouldn't find anomalies?"

Tiandao Faling shook his head and said, "I really didn't find anything! We checked each other's souls not once or twice. In order to investigate traitors, everyone was very active and cooperated with each other."

"When did you feel this way?"

Qin Yun knew that Tiandao Fa Ling would not have such a feeling for nothing.

"It was from the first time everyone signed a soul contract, and after the traitor.

At that time, we checked the souls of each other, and when I checked the soul of the President of the God, there was a feeling beyond words! "

Tiandao Faling recalled the scene at that time.

"Did you tell anyone else?"

Qin Yun asked.

"No! Without evidence, you can't talk nonsense, just in case?"

Tiandao Faling sighed, "I just have this feeling, and there is no evidence to prove it."

"You call him, I hide in the dark!"

Qin Yun said.

Tiandao Faling nodded, and immediately sent someone to contact the President of the God, saying that there were important matters to discuss.

Qin Yun has been hidden. In order not to be found, he is now deeper.

Tiandao Fa Ling looked around because he couldn't find Qin Yun at all. He released his spiritual power and swept away a few times, but he didn't feel Qin Yun's existence.

Hearing that there was an important matter to discuss, the President of God quickly rushed over! The head of the **** is now middle-aged. His appearance often changes. He was an old man before, but later became a young man, and now a middle-aged man.

However, the outline of the face and the temperament of the body have not changed.

"Elder Temple, is there anything important?"

The head of the divine court laughed.

"It's about Da Shen Ting Tian Cheng! Xiao Xie really does. In this case, you have to win Da Shen Ting Tian Cheng. Isn't that just for you?"

Tiandao Faling laughed.

The senior members of the Jiuyang Temple knew that Xie Wufeng had taken control of the city, and they also believed that Xie Wufeng was for the President of the Gods.

At the Temple of All Realms, the head of the **** worked with Xie Wufeng, and the head of the **** was injured or even nearly died to save Xie Wufeng.

Their feelings can be said to be deep, and they even have a father-son emotion.

Next, Tiandao Faling pretended to talk to the head of the court about the city, and discussed how to keep the city, or whether to give up quickly, so as not to be dragged into the quagmire.

Qin Yun was hiding in the dark. He didn't need to check the spirit of the President of the God. From the moment he saw the President of the God, he concluded that the God in front of him was not the one he was in! He also understands why Tiandao Faling feels indescribable! Qin Yun knows the soul best, and he knows what kind of situation it is.

The soul of the President of the Gods is not a normal soul, or even a naturally formed soul, but a fake soul created by man! Qin Yun's research on the soul is very deep. He knows that there is a slight difference in this kind of soul fluctuation. Even a person with strong mental strength may not be able to perceive it.

The President of God did not betray, but his soul was replaced! The technique is very clever! This clever approach made Qin Yun feel scalp.

Jian Lao had also said before that there were also traitors in the high ranks of the barbarians, but they could not be found.

Qin Yun was most shocked that this soul can actually form a soul contract, and after being branded into the contract's mark, it will not be swallowed by the contract, so it cannot be restrained with the soul contract.

The body of the Lord God is real, but the soul has been copied and replaced, so only the memory of the Lord God can he lurk in the Nine Yang Temple instead of the Lord God! The spirit of the descendants of Shenyang is very strong. They should have a deep research on the soul, but Qin Yun believes that they do not have such a method.

Previously, Xie Wufeng and many others were detained in the South Dungeon. If the descendants of Shenyang had powerful soul art, they would definitely find something from Xie Wufeng's soul.

Or, they can completely replace Xie Wufeng's soul with this method.

Qin Yun can be sure that Xie Wufeng's soul has not been replaced, maybe they will continue to be detained there, maybe they will be replaced in the future! "Not a means of descendants of Shenyang ... but what if there is external help?

The descendants of Shenyang may have learned from where! "

Qin Yun remembered the mysterious power of the seal gods and moons.

On the surface, they are thought to be descendants of Shenyang, but they are not! Qin Yun secretly transmitted a message to the heavenly spirit, asking him to wait and cooperate.

Tian Dao Fa Ling was shocked. When Qin Yun said this, he had determined that there was something wrong with the head of the court! Is the President of God really betrayed?

Although Tiandao Faling had doubts before, it was all a matter of feeling, but now it is definitely true, and he can't accept it.

Qin Yun had come behind the head of the Shenting, but the head of the Shenting did not notice it.

And when Qin Yun reached out his hand, the head of the **** had already noticed something and was surprised.

Qin Yun wanted to reach out and hold the head of the head of the god, but suddenly a blood hole appeared on the head of the head of the god, and a lot of blood spewed out, accompanied by that strange soul! "bad!"

Qin Yun immediately asked Mi Luer to stimulate his spiritual strength. He wanted to use Mi Luer's power! The soul in the head of the god's body rushed out in a hurry, leading to a direct breach of the skull.

The most terrible thing is that this soul split into hundreds or hundreds of parts, turned into small bald heads, and scattered and shot out in all directions. The speed was very fast.

After the split of this soul, there is still a strong penetrating power, which can penetrate and leave the Jiuyang Temple.

If you let the soul escape, the news here will be passed to the descendants of Shenyang, and they will probably guess that Qin Yun is back! With the help of Mi Luer's spiritual power, Qin Yun formed a enchantment to cover the entire temple with a strong spiritual power, blocking the path of those broken souls.