MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3426 Ancestor

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Qin Yun is still not sure whether the Cosmic Spirit in front of him is an avatar or something, but he is very familiar with that breath, especially the soul fluctuation that he encountered not long ago.

The deity of the cosmic spiritual spirit has been merged with the avatar of Jiuyang magical spirit and is now a mere alien, but still has the independent consciousness of the cosmic spiritual spirit.

He is no longer the original cosmic spirit, and various thoughts are bound to change greatly and may become more dangerous.

Qin Yun had been playing well with the Red Lotus Sage, and the sudden emergence of this cosmic spirit also made Qin Yun frightened! What worries him more is that this cosmic spirit can certainly recognize him as Qin Yun. The descendants of Shenyang have not known that Qin Yun has returned. If the cosmic spirit speaks out, it will be bad for Qin Yun! The handsome face of the Red Lotus Saint appeared fear at this moment, because the spirit of the cosmic spirit was very strong, which can be said to be the same as the heavenly mother of all realms! He thought it might be the enemy's helper! "Honglian, you are not his opponent!"

The Cosmic Spirit was suspended in the air, watching the direction where Qin Yun was.

Although Qin Yun is invisible, the cosmic spirit can see him! "You ... are you?"

The Red Lotus Emperor was surprised, but the old man knew him.

And calling him like this shows that it is very likely that he is an old generation among the descendants of Shenyang! "It doesn't matter who I am! You just need to know that it was sent by the Mother of Heaven to help you!"

Facing Qin Yun, Cosmic Law Spirit did not dare to take it lightly and said, "Hong Lian, stare beside you, don't let that guy run away!"

In the eyes of the Red Lotus Saint, the mysterious old man who suddenly appeared was stronger than the Heavenly Mother of All Realms! The Red Lotus Emperor was very confident before, thinking that he could defeat the enemy by seeing the enemy.

The Emperor of Heaven Realm invited an old man with such a powerful strength, which is enough to show how strong the enemy is! "Senior, can you see that guy?

Who is he?

Is it a barbarian? "

Asked the Red Lotus.

"His name is Qin Yun. Have you heard of it?"

The Cosmic Spirit asked.

Qin Yun?

The Red Lotus Emperor was shocked! He certainly knew that although Qin Yun had disappeared for many years, his name was mentioned among the high-ranking descendants of Shenyang from time to time! This is the former king of the heavens and gods! Soon, the Red Lotus Saint wanted to understand a series of recent events, why they always suffer! It turned out that Qin Yun was back, and has been hiding in the dark, and hides a powerful force to hide them! "Qin Yun, don't hide!"

The cosmic spirit looked at Qin Yun who was invisible, smiled coldly, and then faced Qin Yun with his palm.

The palm of the universe magic spirit suddenly turned into a transparent crystal, and then a strong light shot out and hit Qin Yun instantly.

Qin Yun immediately dodged. I thought I could avoid it easily, but I didn't expect that this straight and fast light suddenly turned out very strangely! Qin Yun, who had fled to avoid in the distance, was hit by this strange light. Somehow, his body suddenly became very heavy.

This is a strange power, he has never been exposed to it! This power is not violent, and it makes it difficult for him to detect where the power is in the body.

He just felt that his body was very heavy and it was very difficult to raise his hands. The most terrible thing was that his consciousness began to blur, and what he saw now appeared several layers of ghosting.

Qin Yun immediately determined that this was a very strong mental force attack. Fortunately, he had already reserved Mi Luer's spiritual force, and immediately called it to clear the spiritual force of the universe's spiritual spirit.

At the same time, the cosmic magic spirit has rushed up with a knife and cut it down severely! Qin Yun yelled openly, and performed the Tian Shi Xiao Tian Yin, accompanied by the super strong spiritual power waves! This roar was extremely terrifying, and the Red Lotus Saint watching from a distance was shocked and pale, dizzy! And the cosmic spirit that attacked Qin Yun was rushed out by this wave of spiritual Yulibo! Mi Lu'er's spiritual power is terrible. If it was only Qin Yun's own spiritual power, it would not release such power at all.

Even the cosmic spirit was terrified because he underestimated the strength of Qin Yun's soul! He first attacked and confused Qin Yun's soul, and then a weapon destroyed Qin Yun's body. The idea was very good, but none worked.

Cosmic magic spirit looked at Qin Yun for a few seconds, then immediately put away the knife, turned and flew to the Red Lotus Saint.

"let's go!"

The Cosmic Spirit grasped the Red Lotus Emperor and left at the fastest speed. It looks like he is running away! "This guy is smart!"

Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief, then went on to find people and ghosts.

The previous battle frightened people and ghosts away. Otherwise, he will soon encounter one, and now he can only search for it again.

... "Senior, can't you beat Qin Yun?"

The Red Lotus Saint is still afraid in his heart, but he has faced Qin Yun twice, but the other party has not used real powerful power, otherwise he can destroy his physical body.

"You can fight, but you don't have to fight hard with him!"

Cosmic Law Spirit Road: "Even if Qin Yun is back, he can't change anything! Just let him live and let him watch how the heavens and the desert are fallen!"

"Have he ever been the master of the gods?"

Honglian Saint whispered: "He is too strong. How can a human being be so powerful?

Is he really human? "

"Of course he is a human! But he is not an ordinary person. He has lived for many years and his soul has undergone many reincarnations. Everything he has experienced is richer than us.

Unfortunately, he can't use it for us! "

Cosmic law inspired.

"Senior, who are you?

Where are we going now?

Did we just leave Qin Yun alone? "

Lord Honglian is worried.

"Rest assured, Qin Yun can't set off any storms! Don't deal with him during this time, lest he fight back ... Don't be too naive to think that you will never perish, Qin Yun can do it! The most important thing is that we have to enter the sacred sky in the center of the Holy Land, we must gather our forces to rush in and understand the situation inside! "

Cosmic spiritual spirit.

"You haven't told me who you are!"

The Red Lotus Lord asked.

"I am your ancestor! I created you, and you should call me the ancestor of Shenyang!"

The cosmic spirit smiled: "Let's go, let's go find the Mother of Heaven!"

... Qin Yun has found a human ghost and asked Xuan Qingning to communicate with the human ghost, and soon contacted the emperor ghost! The emperor ghost is going to be in the holy land of Jiuyang. He asked Qin Yun to stay in place, and he would come over and meet Qin Yun immediately.

The people and ghosts of today are really difficult to find once they are hidden, because they are a special state of soul.

When needed, their souls can instantly transform into powerful bodies!