MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3434 Leverage in September

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Which **** moon is going to be arranged by the **** moon little magic spirit.

Qin Yun asked her where to go, she didn't say, but she said very mysteriously, you knew right away and asked so much.

In fact, which **** moon to go to is nothing to Qin Yun, after all, the goddess Jiuyang is familiar with him.

He just wanted to know in advance, with a little preparation, brewing in his heart a bit obedient.

Because each Jiuyang goddess is different, and because it hasn't been seen for so long ... In an instant, he reached the core of another **** moon, which is very cold here! The moment he arrived, he knew who was here! Ice star! He didn't see the ice star, but he was very sure it was the ice star.

"Sister Ice Star!"

Qin Yun shouted softly.

Soon, the coldness of the inner core of the God Moon gradually disappeared, but an intoxicating warmth.


Bingxing suddenly appeared behind Qin Yun.

Qin Yun turned his head and saw this beautiful beauty like an iceberg, her eyes looking at him tenderly.

Bingxing stepped on the jade legs, flew to Qin Yun in the blink of an eye, and then kissed him.

At this moment, the ice star instantly became intoxicated and gentle! She usually looks indifferent, but it is also the most depressing emotion.

Qin Yun melted the heart of Bingxing, and the melting ice star turned into tenderness and warmth, embracing sweethearts sweetly.

Ice Star is always rare, but her affection is strong.

Even Shenyue Xiaofaling was surprised. She didn't expect that this cold, jade-like woman, without emotion, could be so obsessed and intoxicated after being emotional.

Shen Xiang was also unknowingly aware of the Four Shenyangs.

"You will succeed!"

Bingxing softly said, although it was still a little bit cold, the passion in the beautiful eyes seemed to drown Qin Yun.


Qin Yun was very reluctant and was teleported away by Shenyue Xiaoling.

The next step is to come to the moon core of Yuexi! Seeing Yue Xi, Qin Yun was somewhat restrained.

Yuexi and Ice Star have exactly the same appearance, and are also iceberg beauties. When sitting together, the cold and proud temperament is almost the same.

However, Yue Xi has a sunny and bold side! Especially now, like Ice Star, after seeing Qin Yun, she smiled and kissed directly.

"Xiao Xi, gone for many years!"

Qin Yun caressed her face.

"In your mind, Sister Ice Star is better than me!"

Yue Xi smiled playfully.

"all good!"

Qin Yun grinned.

"Well, we will fight with you later! Let's begin to perceive the Four Gods!"

Yue Xi also knows that time is very urgent, otherwise she really has to chat with Qin Yun more.

The night princess, now a goddess of the moon, now has only one mission, to protect Qin Yun.

Qin Yun and Yue Xi sat on the blanket, and then faced with their palms facing each other, began to consolidate the Sun and Moon Heart Sutra, and the souls merged together ... Soon, another Shenyue established a connection with the Four Shenyangs, and then Yue Xi himself Go to the final step.

This is true of all other nine goddesses. After establishing a connection between her **** moon and the four **** gods.

Then it is through this mother yang, and then to perceive the Shenyang that it belongs to, so that you can borrow the power of Shenyang from the gods and moons of the heavens! Leaving from Yue Xi, then come to Yue Tian! Yuetian, Yuexi and Ice Star, they all have the same appearance.

But Yue Tian is a kind of sweeter. In Qin Yun's eyes, she is a little fairy, and she can also practice strange patterns.

This sticky goblin has been the creator of the Heavenly Palace for many years, and now I haven't seen Qin Yun for many years.

After seeing Qin Yun, he talked about a lot of things, sometimes he was coquettish, sometimes he was like a charming and sweet girl.

Qin Yun feels owed to Yuetian, because of the nine goddesses, he and Yuetian spend the shortest time together, but she has a deep feeling for herself.

When sending away from Yuetian, he decided to accompany Yuetian in the future.

The next thing is to come to Yueyou, Qin Yun met her not long ago, and now he just talked about the meeting with Yuwai Tianren.

"Nine **** moons are one, and now I can feel that **** moons have become a lot stronger!"

Yue You laughed: "As long as Jiu Shenyue can connect with the core of Jiu Shenyang and the deepest multiple spatial channels can pass through, we can provide you with the most powerful power in the ancient wasteland!"

Yue You has passed through Qin Yun to perceive the four Shenyangs, and then began to enter the steps of opening multiple spatial channels.

"Tough work for you!"

Qin Yun kissed Yueyue forehead.

"As long as it can help you complete the great cause, it will be worth the hard work, even if it is everything you give us!"

Yue You smiled gently: "Go, wait for your return!"

Qin Yun went to Yang Shiyue next.

Every time I see this sister Yang, Qin Yun always has a very warm feeling, especially when she sees her smile and feels her affection, it will make him deeply infatuated.

The two have deep feelings, and without saying a word, they can know each other's thoughts by their eyes.

When Qin Yun left, she didn't say much, because she firmly believed that this man must succeed! Liu Yueyan has long been waiting for Qin Yun.

This glorious, dreamy and beautiful fairy is the easiest.

She knew that Qin Yun was going to the core of Shenyang, and to fight the strongest enemy, but in her opinion, it was just a trivial matter.

She admires Qin Yun very much. In her eyes, Qin Yunqiang is invincible, and nothing in front of him is nothing.

"Remember to use Jiuyang to destroy the scriptures and destroy those guys!"

Liu Qinyan reminded softly before Qin Yun left, afraid that Qin Yun would not use this trick.

Because she had suffered so much in order to get this wonderful achievement! The last Jiuyang goddess is the head of the eldest sister Xiao Yuemei! She is really the eldest sister of Goddess Jiuyang! However, she is also the youngest girl among the nine goddesses. She is a younger sister whenever she is.

Although Yue Xi is ranked first, everyone calls her Xiao Xi, but she is much more stable than Xiao Yuemei.

Xiao Yuemei and Xiao Yuelan are the elder sisters, but they are also the most irritable.

Sometimes it's very similar to Qin Yun. If you don't agree with each other, you'll have to fight a lot, and a shot is like killing the gods and destroying the world.

"I'm actually the last ... I'm obviously the first sister!"

Xiao Yuemei flattened her mouth and was full of resentment against Shenyue Xiaofa, "Brother, wait for Shenyue Xiaofa to become a spiritual person. You will help me to bully her! She is targeting me!"

Qin Yun grinned and pinched Xiao Yuemei's pretty face full of resentment.

"Little girl, don't you want me?

Why are you looking like this? "

Qin Yun rubbed her face.

"Think, I want to go with you to the core of Shenyang! I want to fight with you!"

Xiao Yuemei really wanted to fight with Qin Yun. "This time, it may be your last battle. After you fight, you will be invincible. You will not be able to fight with you again!"

"how come?

We can also fight together to bully the **** moon little magic spirit! "

Qin Yun laughed.

"You two troublemakers, start thinking about bullying me now?

I'm not a man, I'll see what you do! "

The voice of Shenyue Xiaofaling was delicate.