MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 6 Beauty teacher

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"A fifteen-year-old prince who failed to reach the four-fold body of the martial arts must join the army to the frontier!" The queen behind the frost, his eyes staring at Qin Yun, screamed: "Qin Yun, what are you still standing? Didn't hear What about the palace?"

Qin Yun calmly stood next to the red carpet, surrounded by people like nothing, heard the Queen's question, he smiled slightly, said: "I am really sorry! I have entered the military body four, do not have to go! You are starting now, hurry up!"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked and made a commotion!

Everyone knows that Qin Yun became a waste residue five years ago.

In the past few days, he broke through to the military's three-fold situation and wounded Qin Tianyi. When this incident came out, he shocked the entire city.

Now, only ten days apart, he has broken through to the military body!

The speed of this practice is incredible!

"Lie evade joining the army, this is a felony!"

The Queen didn't believe Qin Yun's words at all. In her cold eyes, she appeared murderous, and said coldly: "Come and let me stand in!"

"I have just cultivated the inner yuan, and it is already a four-armed warrior!"

Qin Yun spread his palms and forced a sparkling smog from his palm.

The internal gas overflows like fluorescence, which is a distinct feature after condensing the inner element, but it seems to be weak because the internal gas is thin.

Qin Yun has only one Yang Lingmai, and he can actually enter the military body at the age of fifteen!

Everyone was full of horror and doubts and talked about it.

The empress's face changed slightly, and the voice was a little shocked. He said: "If you want to escape from the army, you must use what secret method to make the internal gas overflow. Please ask the teachers of Hualingwuyuan to come over, they are in the southern part of the square. Let them identify and identify."

Seeing that Qin Yun is going to join the army, as long as he buys the people in the army, he can secretly kill him, but this happens at the moment, which makes her unacceptable.

A guard rushed to the southern district of the square to ask the teacher of Hualingwuyuan to come over.

Qin Yun is very calm, because he can condense the inner yuan, it is indeed the martial arts quadruple, he is not worried at all.

"Queen Empress... The teachers at Hualingwuyuan are very busy. They are not available, let you move over." The guard came over and whispered.

The Queen’s eyes were picking up, and they were secretly angry, but they couldn’t say anything. The Hualing martial arts were very strong and they were not afraid of their imperial power.

"We are going to pass!" said the emperor with a blank expression.

"Alright, I will sign up and enter the Hualing martial arts!" Qin Yun smiled slightly, and his heart is also looking forward to entering the life after the Hualing Armed Forces.

The Queen heard this and was even more anxious.

If Qin Yun enters the Hualing Armed Forces and will make a difference in the future, it will be a big hidden danger for her.


The southern part of the Palace Square has many people and long queues.

The people who came to register here are all famous children, handsome men and beautiful women, all wearing luxurious clothes, and their faces are full of the arrogance of the aristocratic children.

When Qin Yunyi came here, he saw Qin Tianyi with a swollen face like a pig.

The Queen also saw Qin Tianyi, his face suddenly became very cold, and it was an anger in his heart.

Her youngest son Qin Tianyi's talent is not bad, but Qin Yun this piece of waste fan swollen half of the face, but also was snatched away 15 aura, and now has become a laughing stock in the palace.

What made her most angry was that Qin Yun really broke through to the martial arts. It must have been because of eating a lot of aura, only to break through, and fifteen tablets of aura, which was taken from her son, is undoubtedly her son helped Qin Yun!

Yuan Yuying is also here, wearing a gorgeous blue dress. When she is young, she is very charming. She was talking and laughing. When Qin Yun came, she looked a little changed and did not dare to go to see Qin Yun. .

Before ten days ago, she said with certainty that Qin Yun could not break through and let him give Apocalypse to Qin Tianyi. But now, Qin Yun has broken through to the martial arts, which is like a slap in the face. !

A guard came over and whispered to the Queen: "They said that Qin Yun would line up. If he really entered the military, he would be eligible to enter the Hualing Armed Forces."

After Qin Yun heard it, he quickly walked over.

Ten teachers came to recruit students. The more noticeable is a long-haired shawl and a female teacher in white clothes.

The female teacher is very beautiful, but her face is cold and it seems to be a very strict teacher.

Taizi Taishi is also a woman. Qin Yun prefers teachers to be women, so she goes to the team where the female teacher is enrolled.

The veterans also rushed in.

As soon as they learned that Qin Yun had cultivated the inner yuan, he rushed all the way.

Qin Yun saw the group of veterans coming, and his heart was angry and vowed that if they were strong in the future, they would surely let the group of people pay a painful price.

The empress and the general ministers were all dignified and walked to the female teacher, waiting for the result.

The female teacher will conduct a simple assessment of the students enrolled.

Although she was surrounded by people, she was not affected, and she did not marry the high-ranking ministers.

After a while, I immediately went to Qin Yun for an interview. He has come to the front and took a look at the beautiful teacher.

Her face is crystal clear, her skin is like a fat jade, her face is beautiful and beautiful, she is cold and serious when she is serious, and her cold and arrogant temperament is natural. The breeze comes from the wind, the hair is moving, the glamorous and beautiful, but also the soft and elegant.

Qin Yun couldn’t help but see God. Among the beautiful people he has seen, only the Taishi can compete with it!

On the female teacher's desk is a sign with her name and introduction.

"Yang Shiyue, twenty-three years old, born with six veins, the Wu body is nine-fold, the outstanding students of the Tian Xuanwu Academy!"

Seeing the introduction of the beautiful teacher, Qin Yun’s heart is even more shocked!

When she was in her twenties, she was very serious in the military! If you go up again, you can step into another big realm - Wudaojing!

By then, you can truly touch the martial arts avenue!

You must know that in the dynasty of the Tianqin Empire, the incomparable generals and veterans are old and old, but they are also arrogant.

There is also the Tianxuan Academy, which is a more terrible college than the Hualing Academy. It is full of mysterious colors and only accepts talented people.

Yang Shiyue was very young when he was a young man. He even came to be a teacher, which is very confusing.

"Next person!"

Finally, Qin Yun is the turn.

The empresses and veterans, as well as the people of all major families, immediately began to spirit.

Whether Qin Yun is truly four-dimensional, will soon have a clear result.

Yang Shiyue whispered: "Qin Yun?"

Qin Yun said in a humble way: "I am Qin Yun! I have cultivated the inner yuan. It is a four-armed warrior in the military body. I want to enter the Hualing martial arts to practice the martial arts, and ask Yang to give more guidance!"

Yang Shiyue had heard about Qin Yun’s affairs, and he was very curious as to whether he really achieved the four-fold situation.