MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1223: Hard bow! Enter the soul hall!

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"You are the only lover of my life, and this will never change." Naga Frost said: "Our Naga, always from beginning to end, is always dedicated and loyal to feelings."

In the Yangdingtian brain, the words of the demon king suddenly sounded. Naga’s forever monopoly and loyalty to the partner is not false, but it is because of sharing life, sharing energy, and having no feelings.

Naga Frost continued: "So we will definitely meet, but not now. The devil is right. If it is now, the energy loss to me is too great."

Yangding Tiandao: "My cultivation has reached the limit that my Xuanmai can reach, and it is no longer possible."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, it is true. If you continue to devour the mysterious words, the sea can not be accommodated, only all of them will sink into the abyss of the universe. But that is still your energy, When your talent breaks through, that is, when you and I meet, these energies will still come out and become our shared energy!"

Yangding Tiandao: "That is, I continue to desperately devour energy, inventory in the depths of the universe of the sea? When the energy inventory is not much different from yours, then cross-match, so that the loss to you is the least?"

Naga Frost said: "No, I will wait until I succeed in breaking through the demigods." £, we will make a cross. In that case, my soul and body imprint have entered the realm of demigod. Even though I will meet you after that, my The energy will still be lost a lot, and the repair will be a lot of retrogression, even when it is not. But at least my soul and body imprint have reached the half god."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the difference?"

Naga Frost said: "As long as I have reached the half-god, the semi-god realm will be in my body, my sea of ​​breath, my soul will leave a mark. Then even if you meet with you, lose most of the energy. I swallow Any energy can make up for it. Returning to the demigod, even the most common mysteriousness of the human kingdom can be. But if I am now with you, my cultivation will be much worse. Then, I will break through the demigod. The realm may take a long time, until that time. The ruins of the old Naga Empire may have vanished. Losing the energy of this density, I will never be able to break through the gods in other places."

Yangdingtian understands!

Breaking the holy level requires energy density.

Breaking the gods also requires energy density.

The human kingdom lost this density hundreds of years ago, so it is impossible to reach the holy level when it is cultivated normally in the human kingdom.

The ruins of the old Naga Empire are the only energy environment that can break through the demigod!

Naga Frost is going to devour every second, trying to break through the gods in the shortest possible time. Because it will be wiped out at any time. After a delay of one or two days, you may lose the opportunity to break through the gods forever. Once it is now in harmony with Yangdingtian, it is not a day or two, but it has been a long time.

Yang Dingtian stood in the perspective of Naga, she did race with the ruins of the old Naga Empire, racing against time.

Once the ruins are completely destroyed before breaking through the gods, she will lose her chance forever.

This time, she went to help Yang Tiantian to destroy the devil. Before and after, I lost half a month.

This is for Naga. It is completely a pain in the cone.

Therefore, she is so coveted about the energy in the body of the demon.

However, Yang Dingtian can understand her greed for energy, and she is willing to believe that she does not kill the demon king in order to count the devil, in order to get the energy of the devil. He also believes. Let Yang Dingtian possess the energy of the devil is true, although she can't find a way to do it.


After consuming the evil spirits, she left without a trace and left herself to the devil to win. This is really unforgivable!

Even when it comes to heaven. It has not come back.

Yang Dingtian thought about one side from beginning to end, or couldn’t pass his inner heart.

Moreover, once they meet with Naga, Naga is sharing life, sharing everything, and can never be stripped.

At this time, Yangdingtian can't do it.

Yangding Tiandao: "To tell the truth, before I met with you, it was very urgent. Because, I want to destroy the devil. But now that the devil is dead, I am no longer urgent about this matter."

Naga changed his face: "What do you mean? You have no pursuit for energy, you have no cultivation?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, no pursuit. I used to be strong and huge. Especially when I fled from the Yin and Yang dynasties, especially when I want to compete for the city of Yunxiao. But after that, I am right. It has become very weak. The devil is dead, and it makes no sense to become stronger. Even in my life, I may not be able to do it with people."

Naga Frost suddenly sneered: "What about Queen Medusa from the Temple of the Soul?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I feel faintly, I don't need to do it before I can."

"Innocent, ridiculous." Naga frosted.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, I have already decided, you go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire alone. I want to return to the human kingdom and look for the way to the Temple of the Soul."

Naga Frost's eyes narrowed and coldly said: "You mean, not only let me go to the ruins alone. Moreover, I have to stay in the ruins forever, I can never leave, and I can't enter the human kingdom even. Even if It was the ruins of the Naga Empire that were destroyed, and I was also trapped in that space forever."

When she said this, Naga’s voice was extremely cold, and her beautiful light became dangerous. She stared at Yangdingtian and waited for his answer.

Yangdingtian nodded: "Nothing wrong!"

In an instant, Naga slowly transformed, from a beautiful woman to a horrible Naga, saying, "Yangdingtian, do you want to imprison me forever?"

Yangding Tiandao: "No, not that I want to imprison you for life, but you are imprisoning yourself forever. In the ruins of the old Naga Empire, you are the only one. In the human kingdom, you are still the only one, except you, all life. They are all ants. So, what is the difference between the ruins of the old Naga Empire and the human kingdom?"

Naga's gaze became more and more dangerous, and the thorns behind the neck were erected one by one.

"Yangdingtian, you want to imprison me." Naga said in one sentence: "If you can do it. You even want to kill me, lest I harm your family, right?"

When I said this, Naga was full of murderousness.

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "You look at me high, because you are worried that others will harm yourself, you have to take life. I am not so bullish. You are so cow, because Medusa is the second demigod, so You are going to kill her."

Naga sneered: "If you can do it? Don't you want to kill me? To be honest, Yangdingtian!"

"You think too much." Yang Dingtian said coldly: "I want to imprison you, but I don't want to kill you."

The figure of Naga Frost is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it becomes a dragon-shaped behemoth with a few hundred meters.

"Yangdingtian. Do you like to reason with people?" Suddenly, Naga sneered and sneered.

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, when you can't beat people, you can only tell people reason."

Naga Frost said: "But we Naga never makes sense. Everything you said just said is very good, but it makes no sense. In the human kingdom, you don't want to go back. Do you think I will let you go? ”

Yangding Tiandeng smiled and said: "In my opinion. I am not very useful to you."

Naga Frost said: "You are my only companion, for you. Your family, your human kingdom is everything for you. But for me, for now, you are everything to me, I How could I let you go? I won't kill your family. But I can hold you in your side."

Yangding Tiandao: "Because you are worried about estrus, you can't take damage."

Naga Frost sneered: "Whatever you say, anyway, you no longer trust me anymore. Anyway, you have already tore your face. I will take you away. Can you resist?"

Yang Dingtian's face changed, and he suddenly flashed away.

Naga screamed a big mouth and slammed it.

In an instant, Yangdingtian was completely uncontrolled and was directly inhaled by her.

Naga Frost said coldly: "Humans just like 唧唧歪歪, as if there is anything like it, my dear husband, you can't be excused, we like to go straight, I have been forbearing you for a long time. It is."

"And, no matter what you believe, don't believe it, what I said to you is true!"

After all, Naga slammed into the energy channel. At the moment of leaving, the Naga tail slammed and smashed the crystal that opened the energy channel directly!

Because the Queen of Poisons can also enter the ruins of the old Naga Empire through this crystal ball.

Naga Frost, do not want the third person to enter the ruins.


In the energy channel, extremely fast shuttle.

It seems that it has been a long time, and it seems to be only a few minutes.

The extremely fast shuttle is over, which is not space technology, but energy shuttle! Still use extreme speed in exchange for long-distance arrival time.

Naga Frost rushed out of the energy channel and flew into the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

My energy, the ruins of my old Naga Empire.

It's all mine, it's mine!

Yangdingtian, for you, I have delayed the engulfment for half a month. Perhaps, because of this half a month, I can't break through the gods.

I have sacrificed so much for you, what do you want? What do you want to do?

It’s the best now, it’s best to tear it off.

I don't have to be careful anymore, no longer have to be warm, I think about what to do. Even, I don't need to think about your feelings, you don't need to become a vulgar human woman.

I don't have to please you anymore, I won't please you anymore.

Then, Naga Frost slammed into the energy crystal of the ruins of the old Naga Empire, and for a minute, she began to look for the next energy cave.

After only half an hour, she found it.

Then, start to enjoy the solidified crystalline crystal.

Still the best energy, or the most energy.

Naga greedily and obsessively swallowed hundreds of thousands of times of energy, and in the sun-top sky of Naga's belly, whether it is willing or not, the powerful mysterious energy is constantly flowing into his sea of ​​breath. .

Naga Frost tore the face and directly overlord the bow.


East from the grasslands, under the ruined pyramid.

Under the trial of the Bright Parliament, Queen Haixin was sentenced to dozens of major crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and so on.

originally. This kind of sinful situation will definitely be executed.

However, because she is the daughter of the ancient sea snake queen, to a large extent, the Queen of the Sea Snake died for the sun, which offset the death penalty of Haixin.

and so. Queen of the Sea Heart was sentenced to imprisonment for life!

That's right, it's life!

And her energy prison is built under the pyramids of the grasslands in the east, and is built by the Queen of Poison, the innocent, the mermaid queen, and the four great sanctuaries.

Moreover, her body energy. All are imprisoned.

Therefore, she is forever and ever, and she cannot escape.

No matter how unwilling, no matter how ambitious, the Queen of the Seas is imprisoned.

This pyramid was once her palace.

However, she was at the top of the pyramid at the time. At this time, it is within the prison of the pyramid.

Queen of Poison. Personally escorted her into the energy prison.

"Every month, I will come to see you once."

Sea heart. It is her only relative.

The Queen of the Seas nodded, and the four poisonous people, the energy prison, closed layer by layer.

Then, the Queen of Poisons left last.

Suddenly, Queen Haixin said: "Sister. Remember to marry Yangding, and give birth to a sea snake Naga."

When she arrived at this time, she still did not give up and still wanted to revitalize the Haizu.

The Queen of Poison Shake shook her head: "It is impossible, Yang Dingtian can't pass the level of the heart."

Queen Haixin said: "I have heard about the cracks in Naga and Yangdingtian. She and Yangdingtian are impossible."

The things of Naga and Yangdingtian, even Haixin know. It seems that the Devil did not say this before.

The Queen of Poison Shake still shook her head: "Do not worry, the sisters of the Snakes, I will take good care of it. I will let the race continue, but only an ordinary race."

Then, the Queen of Poisons left.

The Queen of the Sea Heart shook her head in prison. Her sister has always been like this, and she has no ambitions. But why not, why should she be framed and replaced next day?

However, no matter what the sea heart is not willing, she can't do anything.

She can only be imprisoned under this pyramid for the rest of her life.

Unfortunately, she does not know the White Snake, otherwise it will be speechless.

Bai Suzhen was crushed under the Leifeng Pagoda. And her sea heart is pressed under the pyramid.


In this way, day after day, January and January.

Yangdingtian has never returned, and the Queen of Poison and the Lingbi have already gone to the ruins of the ancient Sea Snake Empire.

In the hall of the magical capital, the poisonous sand saw the fragments of the crystal ball.

They knew that Yangdingtian was taken to the ruins of the old Naga Empire by Naga Frost.

But they can only find it here, because there is no space technology, the crystal ball is also smashed, they can not go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

So, Queen of Poison chose to wait here.

Fortunately, Naga Frost just walked away and would not hurt Yangdingtian.


The poisonous sand waited in the hall of the ancient sea snake empire, so it was impossible to visit the Queen of the Sea Heart.

In the first two or three months, the poisonous sand came on time.

Then, it never appeared again.

In the years of imprisonment, the Queen of the Sea Heart is almost crazy.

Therefore, every time poisonous came to visit, it was her most anticipated moment.

Although the poisonous sand came, the two would not say anything. Even if I can talk, most of them are the sneer of the Queen of the Sea.

However, this is almost the only happy moment for Queen of the Heart.

However, the Queen of Poison has never come again.

Day after day, January and January are imprisoned.

The Queen of the Sea Heart is really going crazy, completely mad.

It’s really endless suffering. I knew it was so good that it’s better to let Yang Dingtian kill himself.

In this torment, the Queen of the Sea can only desperately let herself fall asleep.

However, even if she is a snake human, she can't sleep all day long.

In this way, I have been asleep, and every day seems to be half-awake.

Suddenly, one day!

She vaguely felt that she had been smashed out of prison by a powerful force.

Then, in a space, constantly shuttle, shuttle, shuttle, shuttle...

Throughout the process, she is still half-awake, not knowing whether it is real or illusory.

In this way, I have been flying indefinitely When it was over, she found that she was not in prison.

That's right, here is not the energy prison under the pyramid.

It's a broken temple!

Yes, it’s so shabby that there is no history of breaking the temple.

Maybe thousands of years, maybe longer.

There may be only one such a temple, that is... the Temple of Soul!

That's right, leaving the temple!


Note: I have been conceiving today to conceive the rest of the content.

Now, I have almost conceived it.

Of course, today, this is even more, sorry, thank you! (To be continued.)

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