MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1255: Ask Tianchen service! Death trap!

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Asked the day to be silent.

Next, he did not look at Yangdingtian, but looked down at the baby in his arms who had already fallen asleep.

Before, I asked Tian to be close to the child. It was because she was the daughter of Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian was the only compatriot of the earth.

But now, with his baby in his arms, he has a feeling of holding a granddaughter.

That's right, even though he knows that this baby has little to do with his daughter. However, Yangdingtian is his own cheap son-in-law, and his daughter is his granddaughter, which sounds like there is nothing wrong with it.

Go back to Earth, return to Earth, and reunite with his wife and daughter.

This thought, like a weed, spreads in his heart.

Nothing is dead, and he has no attachments in the chaotic world.

Suddenly, ask Tiandao: "Yangdingtian, can you ask me why you are also hostile to the **** of chaos?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The Temple of the Soul has chosen you as evil. The God of Chaos has chosen me as justice. However, in their hands, justice and evil can be exchanged. According to the original plan, wait until the next generation. After the army of the kings destroyed the human kingdom, they will all become completely fossils. The entire human kingdom will survive two million people. After a hundred years, I will replace your position and become the new devil. Become a new devil."

Asked the sky to tremble.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, the so-called justice and evil are the front and back of their palms."

Asked the day to be quiet, said: "The original. You have been very awake. I have seen everything."

Yang Dingtian nodded. Actually, he has already learned a lot about the secrets of this world, but he can’t say it now.

Ask Tiandao: "Are you sure that you really have more than 20%?"

"Yeah." Yangding nodded.

Asked the heavens and pity to kiss the baby's head in the arms, greedily sniffing the smell of milk on her body.

"Well, I promise you." Asked the day slowly: "I surrendered. You will have the final say."

Then, ask the sky suddenly: "But you remember, I am not surrendering you, I surrendered to the baby in my arms."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you for your father-in-law."

Ask Tiandao: "So, the outside generation of the Naga army, what are you going to do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "How much is there?"

"Nine thousand eight." Asked Heaven.

Yangding Tianyi, it looks like a paving cover, tens of thousands of miles. I did not expect that it was less than 10,000.

Ask Tiandao: "Although there are less than 10,000. But they are the most elite near-middle-level, even a second-generation Naga. It eliminates the entire human kingdom and does not need three days."

Yes, nearly 10,000 top generations of Naga, more than half of the Naga's cultivation, are equivalent to the devil's West Gate. Reach a near half god.

So I can imagine. How terrible this power is.

Destroy the entire human kingdom, kill every creature, and say more in three days. In fact, it really swells and doesn't even need it for a long time.

The human kingdom does not even have a little bit of power to fight back.

Yangding Tiandao: "The father-in-law is much smarter than me. There should be a way."

Ask Tiandao: "Now this group of Naga has two things. The first one is my dark empire, and the second is the ruins of the old Naga Empire."

Yangdingtian nodded.

Ask Tiandao: "So, this group of naga will be divided into two parts. Some of them will go to occupy the ruins of the old Naga Empire, because there is a strong energy. The other part will all enter the dark empire."

It should be like this.

Naga is a very utilitarian, direct species.

Before occupying the dark empire and the ruins of the old Naga Empire, they would never waste time on the ground.

Ask Tiandao: "You and Naga alone, frost, lead half of the Naga army, go to the ruins of the old Naga Empire. Where to kill them all, is there a way?"

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and thought for a while. There are ways, there are even two ways.

"Don't tell me, you know it." Ask Tiandao: "Then the remaining half of the Naga army will be handed over to me."

Going to the ruins of the old Naga Empire, Yang Dingtian has the means to kill the thousands of later generations of Naga. Moreover, there are two ways.

The first way is the Medusa trap!

Yangdingtian only needs to return the two eye gems to the Medusa trap.

Of course, the original two eyes are on the huge statue of Medusa. After Yang Dingtian took out the eye jewel stone, the statue collapsed completely and the entire space was completely abandoned.

But Yang Dingtian knows that the statue actually has no effect, just a bracket. All the energy comes from these two gems.

If, brighten the two gems, return to the original position.

Then, will the Medusa trap be restored immediately?

And this group of later generations of Naga is extremely adored by Queen Medusa. Once you see the image of Queen Medusa, it will fly quickly.

At that time, then the moth will be fired, and every energy will be swallowed up.

Of course, there may be exceptions.

Because, this group of later generations of Naga is not a true demigod Naga, but it is also a Naga.

Perhaps the Medusa trap does not engulf them and destroy them.

If that is the case, there is only one way to kill these thousands of near-decent gods, Naga.

That is, detonating the remains of the remaining Naga Empire.

Although the ruins of the old Naga Empire, only one quarter left. But once detonated, energy is still enough to destroy the human kingdom many times.

Of course, if it is a big explosion like the last time, although the energy is big enough, it is too scattered. The big bang of several hours will divide the enormous energy into tens of thousands of releases. In this way, the energy of a single explosion is too small.

Yangdingtian wants to find a way to ruin the entire old Naga Empire. It exploded in an instant.

in this way. The energy of the moment should be able to kill thousands of nearly half-natural gods Naga.

However, Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost, it is difficult to save lives in this big bang.

Unless, Naga creams don't go. The two share life. Even if the sun is burning, the sun will not die, as long as the Naga frost does not die, Yangdingtian will not die.

Therefore, it is highly probable that Yang Dingtian will kill thousands of generations of Naga.

However, ask the sky here? Although he has the highest control power of the Dark Empire, his cultivation is too low.

"Your father-in-law, are you sure you can kill thousands of future generations of Naga?" Yangding Tiandao.

Ask Tiandao: "Worry about yourself."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, the gem of the Yuanjia Naga eyes on the coffin can melt the dark matter. Have you brought it?"

Asked the day nodded and said: "It's easy to get your hand."

Asked the day to carefully open the baby's small hand, took out the Yuan Shi Naga eye jewel inside. Yang Dingtian is speechless, such an important thing, asks the day to let his daughter catch and play.

Asked the day to gently throw, Yang Dingtian caught the Yuanjia Naga eyes gem. Then take out a small space ring. Place this eye gem in the small space ring.

"The father-in-law, then I will ask you here." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, you go." Ask Tiandao.


Yangdingtian once again flew out of the dark empire.

At this time, all the descendants of the Naga army are still tens of thousands of meters of the Naga prototype.

However, Yangdingtian understands why they are doing this at this time. They are afraid of the three Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian. Within a hundred meters of diameter, you can easily kill near half gods.

Therefore, their huge prototype of a few hundred meters exceeds the radius of death, and they are not afraid of the three Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian.

"Talk about it?" Moro was the leader.

"Talk about it." Yangding Tiandao: "I am willing to use the ruins of the old Naga Empire. In exchange for the lives of my family."

Moro shouted: "But you and Naga are still dying."

Yangdingtian raised the fossil liquid in his hand and said: "I am too strong with the frost, you are afraid of us, and ask God more afraid of us."

With a bang, the sea snake, Naga, was too king, and the figure directly condensed into a human appearance.

This is a rare old-fashioned appearance.

In fact, in the New Naga Empire, the ages of the first generation of the next generation, Naga, are similar. They all have endless years, so they can all be young.

So why are there old people?

The reason is very simple. The life of Naga is extremely long, and their appearance is accompanied by their state of mind.

The old heart, the appearance is naturally old Of course, those new Naga who will give birth to their offspring will also appear older. If their children gave birth to future generations, their appearance would be a little old.

So even though she is almost a year old, the Queen Lancome who is not married is still like a girl.

And this Moro, in front of him, is already the old man. Of course, more is because the heart is old.

In front of this, Moro, must be half white, old. But the face is still like a creamy, white and fat.

His lips are even coated with Zhu.

The white eyebrows are very thick, like a sword. But a pair of eyes, deep and narrow.

In short, this is a scary face.

He was wearing a white robes, and even his nails were trimmed.

He is elegant in movement, his eyes are sullen, his mouth is smiling, his expression is cold.

"Let's go, take us to the ruins of the old Naga Empire." Moro said: "The Upper Nine, follow me to the old ruins. The Lower Nine, enter the Dark Empire and control everything."

"Yes!" All the later generations of Naga shouted.

Then, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, will lead in front and fly toward the southeastern waters.

"No, the solitary frost left." Moro shouted.

Naga screamed beautifully, then nodded.

Moro shouted: "If there is anything, you can say two words, because this is a farewell."

Yang Dingtian did not speak, but gently hugged her, then put a small space on the ring and put it on her finger.

"Hey..." After Yang Tiantian loosened the frost, he used the fastest speed to fly toward the southeastern seas, and took the next generation of Naga army into the trap of death!


Note: There is one more, thank you. (To be continued~^~)

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