MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1288: The end of the good (the end of the book)

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Chaos Lingyan, powerful to the extreme, can make Yangdingtian promote the false gods, and then completely control the whole world.

However, he abandoned it and walked away from the well of Chaos.

Returning to the temple of the soul, the door to the temple of the soul is still closed.

But when Yangdingtian walked to the door, the door to the soul hall automatically opened.

Yangdingtian walked out of the soul hall and left the heavenly red sea.

And away from the soul hall, disappeared.

However, Yang Dingtian knows that this door to the Temple of the Soul will open for himself at any time.

Because, although he did not swallow the chaos, but it has become the new owner of the Temple of the Soul.


A few days later, all the ethnic representatives of the chaotic world gathered in the hall of the sky.

The Grand Priest Association, the non-language, the demon fox, the mermaid, the semi-human, the snake, the x association, and the Guangming Parliament, all gathered together.

These were originally members of the Last Day Council.

But not only these people, but also the new Naga representative led by the Queen of the New Naga Empire Lancome.

Also, the holy Shura representing the Nether Empire.

In short, this resolution covers all races currently known in the chaotic world.

Yang Dingtian chose to open this big resolution in the Great Hall of the Cangwu.

However, he did not sit on the dark throne, but placed a chair on the huge steps!

Below, hundreds of people are densely packed. From all races.

Yangding Tiandao: "First of all, I announced that the crisis of the soul hall, the end of the crisis, officially lifted!"

When the words came out, hundreds of people below, violently excited.

"Long live……"

"Long live……"

People of different races. Embrace each other and celebrate this great moment.

This terrible darkness is finally over.

Yangding Tiandao: "The Queen of Medusa in the world of slaughtering has been eliminated, and the black hand behind the crisis of extinction, the false **** from the temple of the soul, also... died!"

Everyone was silent and waiting for Yang Dingtian’s next speech.

"This crisis of extinction, as well as the battle of the world once every two hundred years. It happened under the control of the Temple of the Soul." Yangding Tiandao: "From the Temple of the Soul, the left hand controls the Tiandao League, the right hand Control the demon road. Every two hundred years, once a world war. Every two thousand years, a thorough massacre, let civilization restart."

Below, still silent. Although this answer is very shocking. But this kind of concept has been talked about more than once before Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian continued: "The master of the Soul Temple, the controller of the whole world. The false **** of the chaotic world is my mentor, the writer of the killing sword sword, the illusory man!"

When this was said, everyone was completely shocked, like a thunder.

Especially the demon fox. There are also Lancome women and others.

For many people, nothing is a saint, it is a savior.

Today, it has become the behind-the-scenes of the entire world massacre, the world's biggest devil. A pseudo-god that manipulates the destiny of the entire world.

Almost everyone can't accept it.

Yang Dingtian continued: "But... he never changed. Everything he did was to save the world!"

When the words came out, everyone was even more shocked.

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, he is to save the world. Because martial arts has become our absolute mainstream for tens of thousands of years. Every day, there are countless human beings, countless demon foxes, practicing martial arts, engulfing mystery. Every time you swallow a sigh of scent, you will release a greedy desire and hope. Finally, this greed will become the inflammation of the world!"

Of course, the so-called world inflammation is actually chaotic inflammation, and Yang Dingtian deliberately fades the name.

Yang Dingtian palm slammed a stroke.

Suddenly, a huge picture of influence appeared on the wall of the temple.

Tens of thousands of miles of world inflammation, in the deep world of the well.

The terrible world of inflammation, only a few thousand miles away from the wellhead. Moreover, constantly moving, spreading, and at any time may come out of the wellhead.

Yangding Tiandao: "Once, the inflammation of the world emerges from the wellhead, which means that we are engulfing the energy of the chaotic world, exceeding the limit. Then... the big Nirvana will break out!"

All races in the field, all changed.

Yangding Tiandao; "At present, the world's inflammation is only 3,800 miles away from the wellhead. According to this speed, the great Nirvana will come in a hundred years! The vain vain, in order to save the world, has to be every two hundred years, A world war. Every two thousand years, a massacre, in exchange for the world's lingering. So, no matter how his means are cruel, he is a great savior."

At this point, everyone is no longer able to make any sound.

The final truth of this world, heavy and cold, makes people unable to breathe.

Yangding Tiandao: "Where does the energy of our chaotic world come from? All come from the sun."

At this time, the great priest of the new Naga empire said: "The esteemed Lord Yang Dingtian, the energy is divided into yin and yang, the sun can only provide positive energy, and the yin energy, from where?"

"It is still coming from the sun." Yangding Tiandao: "Yin, just the opposite of Yang."

Yangdingtian continued: "But the energy of the sun will gradually deplete. And with the constant destruction of the chaotic world, it can absorb, and the amount of solar energy that is transformed is getting smaller and smaller. So, when humans devour energy every day, Exceeding the daily supply of the sun, surpassing the daily transformation of the chaotic world, it will surpass the load of the chaotic world, and the inflammation of the world will continue to rise. Therefore, it is necessary to save the world for two hundred years. A war of extinction, a massacre every two thousand years. It is to reduce the number of human beings who devour energy, just to give the chaotic world a chance to breathe."

In the entire hall of the vast sky, completely silent.

The voice of the previous victory disappeared without a trace.

Yangding Tiandao: "Before Medusa launched the massacre, the inflammation of the world, only a few feet away from the wellhead. Maybe three or five days later, the big Nirvana will erupt. So Medusa opened the killing and slaughtered this Most people in the world."

Yang Dingtian continued: "But later, I saved more than 300 million people, and all the martial arts essences are among the 300 million people who survived. So, the current world well is still about to overflow! Then I went to kill Medusa, entered the Temple of Departure, and tried to fight with the Lord of Nothing, for the final battle!"

At this time, the fox priest said: "Yang Dingtian, this is the case, then...the savior is nothing but the sinister, why is it dead?"

Her meaning is very clear. Yang Dingtian should be far from his opponent, and the emptiness of the phobia is horrible, but it is just.

Yangding Tiandao: "The Savior has no fluttering lord, it is self-sufficient! Because in the past 10,000 years, in order to let the world survive, he has to manipulate the world every two hundred years and raise the butcher knife. But he is not a god, but People. So the heart is already riddled with holes. I have long wanted to die and want to be free. So, for thousands of years, he has been looking for the successor of the Savior. Before I asked God, he also found seven But all failed, they all died. Asking God, also failed. And I, the only person who met with the savior, no one, I have inherited his clothes and his legacy!"

Everyone has a look.

Then, the first person took the lead, followed by everyone, all bowed down.

"See you. The Savior!"

Yangdingtian did not stop, but still sat in the chair, saying: "The vain sorrow, let me inherit the position of the savior and the false god, and give me the energy of God, so that I can control the whole world. I It is necessary to inherit his will, continue to save the world, and prevent the occurrence of the Great Nirvana. He wants me to fight the world every two hundred years, and once every two thousand years, the massacre will restart the civilization."

At this time, the various races lying on the ground are already crying.

Yangding Tiandao: "But the first thing he wants me to do first is to kill the 300 million people who survived. Including the vast majority of races, only two million survived, and it became the kind of fire that civilization restarted. Only in this way. The fire of the world's inflammation will continue to fall away from the wellhead."

At this time, more and more leaders, beheading the ground, expressed their willingness to self-discipline.

Among them, a considerable number of demon foxes, as well as high-level members of the Guangming Parliament, are willing to self-discipline.

Yang Dingtian believes that this is true, especially to the East Nirvana, the fox priest, and even the dark wanderers led by the bamboo, are pure, not afraid of death.

They are willing to take the lead in sacrifice and complete the continuation of chaotic civilization.

Yangdingtian looked at the crowd and said: "I, I promised the request of the vain and vain, I inherited his position. However, I refused the position of the false god, I refused the energy of almost God. I refused, slaughter The will of the remaining 300 million people. I said, I can be a new savior, but... everything, in my way!"

So the peaks and turns, the following ethnic groups have looked up, looking at Yang Dingtian shocked.

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't want to be a **** in the land, to control the fate of all of you, even to stop the end of the world. I am willing to work with you to do everything possible to save the chaotic world!"

Yangdingtian stood up and slowly said: "Savior, what a great word. But I don't like it because it is unequal and high. There is never a savior in this world. Everything depends on us. Self! If there is a savior, then all of us are saviors, and the souls of the entire chaotic world are saviors!"

Yang Dingtian walked down the steps and walked into the crowd, saying: "Please ask..."

Hundreds of various ethnic leaders have risen.

"I don't want to use the Holocaust, forcibly restart the civilization, forcibly let the chaotic world linger, I don't want to manipulate the fate of all of you. I just want to, with you, at most, just lead you and find a new path, you can let The civilization of the whole world continues and prevents the destruction of the world!"

"What road? What? I don't know, I am also confused! Maybe it is spiritual energy, maybe energy civilization, or returning to the chaotic world? Or other roads, etc... I am this People, talents are limited, only perseverance and will, it is still quite good. We need to go through this path. It may take thousands of years, maybe thousands of years..., the possibility of failure will be very big..."

"But, what about it? At least, those roads are chosen by us, even if it is a failure. Even if it is dead, it is our own choice. I will die with everyone!"

"So, would you like to ask if you would like to go with me and go to a road where all the civilizations have never been, and there is no way to go through? The demigod Naga is not going through. It is more than the Naga. The powerful eighth era of human civilization has not been passed. Whether we are wisdom or energy cultivation, we are all different from them. Can we get through? Only God knows!"

"You, are you willing to go with me, the most difficult civilization to survive?" Yang Dingtian shouted!

Suddenly, representatives of all races present. All of them kneel down.

"I want to follow the order, the Savior is savior. Long live the long live..."

Yangding Tiandao: "I announced that the Last Council will be changed to the Salvation Council, the new Naga race, the undead race, and the Shura race. When the Lord Ghost Emperor can show up, he will become one of the leaders of my parliament. ”

"I want to follow the order." The ghosts asked the sky. Borrow the mouth of the holy Shura, and worship it.

Yangding Tiandao: "The first order I issued the Salvation Council, before we find a new road, implement a comprehensive ban! All martial arts cheats, Xuanzhu reels. All collected, centralized storage. All martial arts members, Unless you are approved by the Salvation Council, you should not swallow and improve your cultivation."

"Follow the order!"

Yang Dingtian sighed: "From now on, the world will be different. From now on, martial arts civilization will no longer be the mainstream of society. Construction and development, invention and exploration are the core of the world's civilization! From today, It is called the first year of salvation!"

This day, the history of the chaotic world is defined as the greatest day, the history is called the resolution of the Great Hall!


After the resolution of the Great Hall of the Sky was opened.

It took more than a hundred days, the Salvation Council, and finally drafted a chaotic world salvation bill of more than 100,000 words!

The above clearly states what can be done and what can't be done.

Clearly stated, the division of the territory of the chaotic world, as well as the development of construction, invented and explored these two world themes.

Then, hundreds of millions of humans who survived returned to the human kingdom.

The Dark Empire exists as the headquarters of the Salvation Council.

The first thing the Salvation Council did was to identify and select books from the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures and the High Ritual Association and the X Association. Then classify and classify energy civilization, spiritual strength, spar civilization, gas sea space science, chaotic essence and so on.

A variety of subject knowledge, spread in an instant, instantly became the fire of knowledge.

Countless schools have been built up like mushrooms.

The subjects in the school are more than one year.

The martial arts discipline still exists. But the core is just the inner exploration of the air and sea space. Instead of practicing martial arts every day.

At the beginning of Yangding, I wanted to completely ban the martial arts. However, I later felt that although the martial arts civilization led to the great end of the chaotic world, it could not be ruined because it was a kind of civilization.

So, wait until you really find the way to save the world, especially when the secrets of the air and sea space are thoroughly mastered and understood. The sea of ​​the martial arts can be connected with the chaotic world and become part of the energy cycle of the chaotic world. By then, the martial arts civilization may be able to reopen a part.

However, before finding a new road, it is absolutely taboo to swallow. Once found, immediately executed, never tolerated.


In the year after the resolution of the Great Hall of the Cangwu, Yang Dingtian rescued the Oriental Ice Ling.

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling is completely out of the door, the second door is not a step, every day at home, learning the piano, painting and calligraphy. Either accompanying the parents, and Yangdingtian.

Moreover, she left three sons and two daughters for Yangdingtian.

In the same year, with the consent of Huang Yu and Yun Jun slave, use the Spiritual Surgery to return the two to their identity.

The solitary phoenix dance, once again completely appeared in front of Yangdingtian.

She is still the wife of Yang Dingtian, but many times she lives with her father. And she and Yang Dingtian have a son and a daughter, all the love is poured into the children, not willing to regenerate.

Instead, Yunjun slaves moved into the valley of Yunxiaocheng, lived with Yangdingtian, and gave birth to a daughter the following year. In the second year, she gave birth to another daughter.

Ling Dance, also live in the Yunxiao City Valley. However, there is no marriage, as if it is a home.

Although there is a deviant relationship with Yang Dingtian, it has not given birth to future generations.

The same is true of the emperor's release, she is also the door. The second door is not a step. Although she did not get married, she lived with Yangdingtian almost all the time.

But because of her physical reasons, she also has no offspring for life.

The most remarkable thing is the solitary frost. After understanding the final secret of the world, she seems to lose interest in the engulfment of energy in an instant, without consuming any energy, but forcibly turning to the study of spiritual energy.

On the ninth day after the resolution of the Cangwu Hall, Ximen Ningning officially visited the Dark Empire and lived with Yangdingtian.

then. She became the instructor of the spiritual energy civilization. And in the future, he became one of the leaders of spiritual energy research.

However, because of her physical reasons, she and Yang Dingtian have not given birth to future generations!

Although the spirits are the body of Shura, they cannot give birth to their children in their early years. However, the final problem was successfully solved, and a son and a daughter were born for Yangding.

The once spirit rabbit, because there is no way to die. Say goodbye to Yangdingtian, and since then. No traces.


Time has passed year after year.

The entire human kingdom has become more and more prosperous.

Countless prosperous cities, beautiful villages and towns, have risen like mushrooms.

After more than ten years.

Construction and exploration have become the mainstream of the chaotic world.

The entire chaotic world ushered in the first explosion of knowledge.

Salvation Council. Finally solved the problem of the marriage between the demon fox and the human being, the birth of the offspring, and solved the problem of how the fox family survived in the human energy field. Moreover, what was born is just ordinary descendants. Not a demigod.

Next, the second problem to be solved is the mermaid and the fox family, which is almost terrible.

Because the Salvation Council feels that apart from the New Naga Empire, the terrible lifespan of these two races will pose a great threat to the chaotic world, and after years of not practicing martial arts, thousands of years have become painful and suffering. .

As time went by, knowledge exploded more and more.

The problems of the world are solved one after another.

This world has finally shown a more advanced side than the eighth era. That is, the sea is full of rivers.

Although they are the same type of text, various disciplines have developed in parallel. Unlike the eighth century human civilization, energy civilization dominates the world.

In the new chaotic world, spiritual energy, spar civilization, and world essence are the three major disciplines.

Especially the spar civilization has completely become the foundation of the whole world.

Spar trains, spar ships, etc., emerge in an endless stream. Lighting, communication, calculations, etc., all inseparable from spar.

Of course, the whole world is not all beautiful.

Because, in addition to the first two decades, Yang Dingtian and his salvation parliament often show up and govern the whole world.

Twenty years later, Yang Dingtian and his partner gradually faded out and gradually became semi-reclusive. Let the world run on its own, just secretly grasp the general direction, so that the track of development will not deviate.

Thirty years, forty years later!

Yang Dingtian's elders, the East Nirvana, Qin Wanqiu and others, died in succession.

The Salvation Council still exists. But it has become a very detached sacred organization, and will not directly participate in the rule of the whole world.

The rulers of the entire world have become the empire and the kingdom.

Xizhou has become three countries. Qin Huaiyu’s son, Qin Zheng, ruled most of Xizhou’s region and established the Qin Empire. It is the realization of his grandfather's wild vision decades ago.

Yang Dingtian’s daughter, Yang Ning, lived up to expectations, and established the Tianfeng Kingdom in the southwestern mainland, becoming the first queen.

Yang Yichen, the son of Yangdingtian, ruled the hometown of Chaoyang City and the land of chaos, but he never established a country, but is still called Yunxiao City.

As for Zhongzhou, it is large and small, divided into seven or eight countries.

Yang Dingtian and Lingxiao’s son Yang Zhong, with the support of his mother’s coffin, unified Nanmanzhou and Nanzhongzhou, and established the Black Empire!

The woman of Wu Mozhi is not far behind, let his son Yangshuo rule the land of the extreme south, the Ning and the Xue tribe, and established the Great Southern Empire.

Yang Dian, the eldest son of Yang Dingtian, has always been with his parents.

But in the end. Du Gu Feng Wu saw the son of Ling Ling, the son of Wu Mozhi, the daughter of Ning Luoer, went out to rule a region.

She was also unwilling to be lonely. After asking for the consent of the Oriental Ice Ling, she sent Yangshuo to Dongzhou. Accumulate reputation from the middle.

When other countries set up their countries, Yangshuo finally established the Great Yang Empire with the encouragement of his mother.

The reason for taking this national number is very simple, because he wants to announce to the world that he is the eldest son of Yangdingtian, he can inherit the father's clothes.

Among the women, the most powerful, I am afraid that it is Ji Ya.

Currently. Although she is not the speaker of the Xiaoxitian United Parliament, she has been in charge of the speaker for most of the time.

Not only that, with her help, most of the new foxes have entered the eastern grasslands. And his son Yang Ning has become the leader of this area. I know that when the time is ripe, the East is afraid that it will be established.

In just a few decades, the population of the human kingdom. Once again, it broke through 2 billion, which has surpassed the peak before the war.

The whole world. It has been divided into dozens of empire, kingdom. Six of these countries are ruled by the children of Yangdingtian.

These dozens of countries, each country, are offering the same spiritual totem, that is, Yangdingtian.

Almost every country's currency. Badges, etc., have the head of Yangdingtian. However, this does not prevent these countries from fighting each other and rubbing. Even war.

At the beginning, I was cautious, and the battle between the countries was just a small fight. Only fear that Yang Dingtian and the Salvation Council will be angry and interfere. However, it was later discovered that the Savior Yang Dingtian and the Salvation Council did not care about the disputes between countries.

As a result, countries began to fight. Playing more and more.

However, as long as you cross the bottom line, you will definitely find the heavy blow of the Salvation Council.

Moreover, the slamming from Yangdingtian is a disaster in any country in the world that no emperor can afford.

Moreover, the first person who was hit hard was Yang Dang, the eldest son of Yang Dingtian.

He glared at the eldest son of Yangdingtian. After unifying the entire Dongzhou, and some parts of the ice and snow, he was still unsatisfied. He led the army to invade the Dazhong Empire belonging to Zhu Mingyu.

Because he is the eldest son of Yangding, the invaded country monarch generally does not dare to take too fierce means against Yangshuo. As a result, Yangshuo is completely like a broken bamboo.

Although he did not dare to let his army break through the taboos, he cultivated the Xuanqi martial arts. However, when he invaded North Zhongzhou, his army slaughtered more than hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Under the wrath of the Salvation Council, Yangshuo went to the throne and spit out most of the annexed territory. His son, Yang Yun, became the second emperor of the Dayang Empire.

If it is not Yang's wife, Yang Dingtian's foster daughter Yangshuo pleads, Yangshuo will even be imprisoned to the Dark Empire and spend the rest of his life.

In addition to the rulers of the six countries, the remaining children of Yangdingtian are engaged in various jobs. Some are teachers, some are researchers, and some are just just owners.

Always accompanying Yang Dingtian, he and his demon, the son of Yang Yi (the descendants of the demigod).

He didn't even get married, he always accompanied his father and became the only messenger of Yangdingtian.

Thirty years after the resolution of the Great Hall of the Cangwu, Yangdingtian has not made any public appearances. Every time there is a major event, Yang Yi replaces him.

Yangdingtian is definitely not for the sake of force, but can dilute its existence and let the world develop freely. He and the Salvation Council are only responsible for mastering the highest direction.

At that time, when Wu Mozhi, Lingbi, Du Gu Feng and so on, let his son go out to establish an empire and become the head of a country, he could have stopped it. If he is the kind of person who is famous, he will definitely stop it. He is actually not willing to see his children become emperors, or kings.

However, he did not stop it after all, letting nature develop. Although, after several generations, his children may fight each other for conflicts in the country.

Moreover, Yang Yi did not practice martial arts for life. But his men have the most powerful martial arts.

It is composed of the former demon fox family, the dark wanderer, the mermaid warrior, the snake warrior, etc., all of which are mastered by the masters. The name of this army is called the Dark Patrol.

This team of less than a thousand people. It is the highest force of the chaotic world. The only mission is to kill any martial artist.

Anyone who dares to break through the ban and practice martial arts, no matter where you are? I do not care who you are? Will be killed!

Indifferent to Yang Yi. Become the most suitable commander of this team.

Fifty years after the resolution of the Great Hall of the Cangwu, 50 years after the New Era, the affairs of the entire Salvation Council were actually handled by Yang Yi.

Yang Yi has become the chaotic world and the highest secret manager of dozens of state forces.

Moreover, he did a good job, even better than Yangdingtian.

Among the many children, his character is most like the sun. But it is smarter than Yangdingtian!


In addition, Zhu Qingzhu, who has been missing for decades, did not find it after all, and did not know the trace.

Eighty years after the resolution of the Great Hall of the Clan, it is the new era of eighty years.

Yang Dingtian comprehended the high-order large space technique. Instead of using the chaos, he used the spacecraft to create a high-order space door. The plane coordinates directly to the Earth.

Then he will successfully ask the day. Return to the earth.

However, it is the day of losing all the mysterious energy.

Because, if it is the time of the heyday, the energy needed to transmit to the earth is more than 10,000 times, which is the spaceship of the spaceship.

And the most important thing is there. That is the dark dragon in the sea at Yangding.

After the new era, Yangdingtian never did any cultivation, and even no manual martial arts.

And this dark dragon will always sleep in the abyss of the sea and the universe.

For decades, hundreds of years. For thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, for the Dark Dragon, it is just a concept.

Moreover, with the deepening of Yang Diantian's research on the world, the **** of chaos and the deepening of the study of the fallen dragon.

He found that although the Dark Dragon is synonymous with greed, and once fully grown, it is likely to become a new **** of chaos and become a new fallen dragon.

However, this is not entirely a disaster, but rather a rebirth of the world.

Of course, this is something more complicated.

Yangdingtian is only just studying one limb and half claw!


Earth, AD, September 13, 2014!

In the ninth year after Yang Dingtian crossed the chaotic world, he asked 33 years after the sky crossed the chaotic world.

Ask God, oh no, it should be called Li Lian now, suddenly appeared in the big jungle, this is where he disappeared.

"I am back, for more than 30 years, I am finally back..."

First, I burst into tears and then kissed the earth.

Ask the day and start walking on the big campus.

As a result, he found that the big campus seems to have not changed much compared with thirty years ago.

The house, still the house, is still a dense forest, still the unnamed lake.

He suddenly felt a cold, it will not be more than 30 years, and there is no development in our country.

After losing all the repairs, the most simple patriotic feelings suddenly came to my heart.

But soon he was relieved, because after leaving the dense woods, the main road to the school was immediately full of traffic, and the car was more than a hundred times more than 30 years ago.

After the school, I asked the day to stay.

This, so many high-rise buildings, so prosperous, do we not catch up with the United States and the emperor?

Then, after asking Tian to walk on the street for a while, I saw a chu, and he knew that this was the place to manage things.

He immediately went in.

The people and police inside warmly received him.

"Comrade, may you check Hsu Xiuying and Li Bijun, where do you live?" asked Tiandao.

"Yes, but there will be a lot of names, you need your identification, who are you?" People, police.

"My name is Li Lian, I am their husband and father." Asked Tiandao: "I had problems in my mind before, so I lost it. Now I have recovered my mind, but I can't remember where my family is."

The police and the police looked at the sky and immediately went to soak a cup of hot tea. "Mr. Lao, you will wait a minute, I will help you check..."

Ten minutes later, the people and police said: "Sir, do you think this is your wife and daughter?"

Asking the sky on the computer screen, seeing the old wife, and the still beautiful daughter's photo, suddenly burst into tears, nodded desperately, almost unable to stand.

"Mr. Don't be excited. Don't be excited. I will inform your wife and daughter immediately and let them pick you up." The policeman and the police quickly asked to sit down and then immediately called, and Xu Xiuying’s household registration was in this. In the area controlled by Chu.

The phone was quickly connected, and there was a good woman voice. About thirty years old.

"Hello, are you Ms. Li Bijun?" Min, police.

"Yes, I am." Li Bijun said: "Who are you? What is it? Yang is away, don't watch TV, finish the homework and watch TV! Oh, sorry, I am not talking to you again!"

"I am sending a chu. Is Li Lian your father? He is lost. Please take him home..." People and police. There is also some doubt in his heart. Why is there no Li Lian’s name on the family’s account book?

"Li Lian? My father..." Li Bijun over there, suddenly stayed, and the coffee in his hand fell directly on the ground.

On the other side of the phone, there was a voice of a middle-aged woman, saying: "Bijun, the baby watches TV when watching TV. Why do you have such a big temper, but also drop the cup..."

"Hey. Hey, Ms. Li, are you listening?" Min, police.

Li Bijun over there burst into tears and then trembled: "I... I will come right away!"


Half an hour later, an Audi tt stopped in front of the chu.

Beautiful and beautiful Li Bijun, there is a woman with white hair. Come down from the car.

At first glance, I saw the question.

Sixty-year-old Xu Xiuying, with a tremor in his body, suddenly swayed and almost passed out.

Asked the sky to rush immediately. Hold her tightly in her arms.

"Brother, brother, I am not dreaming, I am not dreaming..."

Xu Xiuying, constantly shaking. She called her husband and called her brother.

"Not a dream, I am back, I am back, I will not be separated from you again in the future..." Asking the heart of the day, as if to completely blow up the general, fully take the cloth to the heart of happiness.

Although the wife in the arms is old, the white hair is green and the beauty is no longer.

But in his eyes, it is more beautiful than the unparalleled emptiness.

"Dad..." Li Bijun trembled, because she had never seen her father, just seen it in black and white photos.

Asked Tiandeng to hold Li Bijun in his arms.

At this point, the people and the police came over: "Reunion is good, reunion is good, so take the old gentleman home. Of course, if you have time tomorrow, you will have trouble making a record."


Ask the day to return home!

Li Bijun did not enter the door, but instead entered the elevator again.

Ask Tiandao: "Daughter, what happened?"

Li Bijun said: "Your grandson is still in his grandparents' home, I will pick it up, Dad, you will go home first!"

grandson? Yang away?

When asked about the day, it’s a tremor. Shouldn’t it be the son of Bijun and Yangdingtian?

After ten minutes!

When I saw my grandson, I decided that the first time, this is the son of Yangdingtian. The eyebrows are very similar to the Yangding innocence.

He couldn't say that he was angry or happy. This bastard, for the first time, deviated from her daughter and won the bid.

He burned himself through, and even let his daughter get pregnant.

Now I ask some questions about why Li Bijun has not found any more objects, because he has a child in Yangdingtian.

And together, there are Yang Dingtian’s parents.

After Yang Dingtian completely disappeared, the two old men did not want to live, but the children in the belly of Li Bijun became their new hope.

As a result, the second old man sold all the family wealth and moved to the capital.

Therefore, after the birth of Yang, he became the darling of the two families. He was not favored by the three old people, and Li Bijun was somewhat uncontrollable.

Of course, despite the children, the second old is still very open, and has been persuading Li Bijun to find it again.

Li Bijun has always been perfunctory, and he has no choice but to respond, but he has always been alone.

It is not entirely that she and Yang Dingtian are so deep, but because she is not a person who is not jealous, otherwise she will not fall in love with students.

Since you have a child, that person will be alone. She teaches, translates, plays games, takes children, lives with gusto, and does not seem to need a man.

Moreover, after her father’s disappearance, her mother was alone and had lived for half a lifetime.

So, in these years, she has been alone.


Asking Tian to hold his grandson in his arms, it hurts and hurts.

Yang Dingtian’s parents, as well as Xu Xiuying and Li Bijun, were just chatting and not asking where he had been in the past few years.

When asked, Tian suddenly raised his head and said to Yang Dingtian’s parents: "The two relatives, Xiaojun, Yangdingtian did not die."

When the words came out, Yang Dingtian’s parents suddenly became completely shocked. After a good time, they recovered their minds and the body began to tremble.

"Li, Big Brother Li, this, is this true?" Yang father trembled.

Li Bijun’s tears came out at once.

Asked the day and nodded: "Yes, he is not dead. We have been together all these years."

Yang father said: "Then, then he won't come back? You are all back, he is still not coming back?"

Ask Tiandao: "He is there, there are important and important things, so it will take some time to come back!"

Yang Mudao: "Xiaotian, he, can he really come back?"

"Yes, sure!" asked Tiandao.


In the evening, ask Tian and his wife, and his grandson to sleep in bed.

Before going to sleep, after Li Bijun's room, she found that she was playing games.

"Xiaojun, very late, go to bed early." Ask Tiandao.

"Yeah." Li Bijun said.

This is the online game that she and Yangdingtian are in love with. It is almost out of service now. She is private and service.

Suddenly, Li Bijun said: "Dad, Yang Dingtian is in a different world, not very powerful?"

Asked about the weather.

Li Bijun said: "The two of you are suddenly disappearing, completely disappeared, completely breaking our existing cognition, so we can only describe it by crossing..."

I was so surprised that I felt that my daughter was very amazing.

Then, I asked the day and nodded. "Yangdingtian is very It is much more powerful than your father, so he can't walk away. It is completely the world leader and sleeve!"

Li Bijun said: "That's good, I don't want to love him. He, if the world is inseparable from him, when the son is older, he can actually take me to that world. So, we Still can be together."

When asked Tianton, I was completely shocked. His daughter, the brain hole is really big.

Li Bijun grinned and then continued to play in the game, recalling the good times of Yangdingtian.

(End of the book)


Note: The finale is finally over, more than 10,000 words, written now!

This ending is still pretty, thank you!

There is also a postscript about the new book, as well as the experience of the book, etc., and it will come out in a few days.

thank you all! (To be continued...)