MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-Chapter 7 : Miles trip, encounter

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For the last time, Yangdingtian looked at the place where the East was destroyed by the ash, and then rushed to the east. His speed is very fast, much faster than on the earth, and his body seems to be light and floating. He feels that he is many times stronger in strength than he was on Earth.

Although he only passed the enlightenment period in this world, because the marrow was cut to the third floor, the body seemed to have a wind flowing smoothly. If it is on Earth, he has long broken all the world records.

Two hours later, Yangdingtian has ran out nearly a hundred miles. Of course, he can be faster, but the faster he runs, the faster his energy is consumed, so he must master a balance.

After more than ten hours, Yangdingtian has ran more than 500 miles, and did not feel much tired. The world’s martial arts is really too strong. Yangdingtian is only able to run five times a day after the enlightenment period. More than a hundred miles without tires, of course, he did not know that the biggest credit of this is the third layer of washing.

But after a dozen hours, the sky was heavy, the wind was blowing, and it was blowing in the opposite direction of Yangdingtian, which made him difficult to move, and the energy was extremely accelerated, so he had to dig a cave in the snow to hide. Waiting for the past of the snow.

This hiding has been hiding for three days.

Three days later, the weather was fine, and the sky was blue and washed like water. The two suns were like the gemstones, and the reflections on the snow made it almost impossible to see.

Yang Dingtian came out from the deep snow. Fortunately, he was the body of Jiuyang. Otherwise, he was afraid that he had been buried in the snow for more than ten meters and he was suffocated and died.

It is also strange to say that after washing the marrow, the oxygen required for Yangdingtian's breathing is actually much less. He can hold his breath for nearly twenty minutes, and a small amount of oxygen can make him survive for a long time.

It’s hard to wait until the weather is fine. Yangdingtian runs fast to the east, and runs with his eyes closed, because it’s snowy and glaring here, and here I’m thinking that Snowfield doesn’t worry about running and hitting anything.

Yangdingtian luck is good, this time it was enough for three days.

In these three days, Yangding Tianyang topped the sky and ran for more than a thousand miles. But after three days, the university winds came again, so Yangdingtian had to dig a cave again to hide.

This hiding, full of hiding for seven days, this time the wind and snow is more crazy than the last time.

On the seventh day, when I climbed out of the cave, I was weak and weak, and I felt cold because my body was once again consumed, so Yangdingtian dug out the only flame pill from the ear. Eat it.

Suddenly, a heat violently blasted from the body, flowing in the muscles of the whole body, the warmth of the ocean could not be said to be comfortable, and a thick and powerful force gradually came out. Yangdingtian seemed to feel that his limbs became strong and powerful. stand up.

With this energy, Yangdingtian forced his eyes to run wildly toward the east.

Run, run, run...

Under the illumination of two suns, a black spot moves quickly on a snowy white snow.

This time, the old days of Gu Yang’s top, almost enough for nine days. In fact, the fifth day began to be gloomy, and Yangdingtian was still worried that it would snow. The result was only less than three hours, and the dark clouds dispersed.

In these nine days, Yangdingtian ran more than three thousand miles. There is still a thousand miles or so, you can run out of this **** Wanli Glacier.

Just when he was going to run through the tens of thousands of miles, Tiangong was not beautiful, and Yangdingtian encountered the strongest storm in history, almost directly blowing him out. Yangdingtian had to dig another cave to hide.

Fortunately, the blizzard was so fierce that it was relatively quick, and after two days, the snow stopped and the weather cleared. However, after climbing out of the cave, the energy in the Yangdingtian body is running low, and the remaining more than a thousand miles must rely entirely on willpower.

Four days later, Yangdingtian ran for a thousand miles, but the energy of the flame pill was completely exhausted. Yangdingtian does not have any food to eat. It can only eat ice and snow. The body is weak every day. It turns from running to walking. Finally, the body is completely numb, and the eyes are gradually unable to see things. As long as you lie down, you will never stand up again. .

Just as he was about to collapse completely, he saw the first big tree and rushed to the sky with the big trees.

He suddenly burst into tears and rushed to the last strength.


After a full month, he finally ran over 5,700 miles and left the **** Wanli Glacier. There is finally something that is not white in his vision.

He finally ate something. Despite the super-difficult, bitter and sturdy tree seeds, he ate dozens of them and ate his entire tongue and mouth completely numb.

After eating, Meimei slept, and Yang Dingtian continued to go east after getting up. The more eastward, the denser the trees, the more dense the forest. There are super trees in the big forest, each of which is tens of meters apart, so it is not difficult to walk between the big forests.

Yangdingtian fantasizes about the animals in the forest. He can finally eat meat.

However, he was disappointed! There is no animal in this huge forest, not only a beast, but also a half bird.

This should not be the case. When studying this world knowledge, Yangdingtian knows that there are many beasts in this cold wood forest. The Maori barbarians outside the forest often go hunting in the forest, but now there is no life in the forest. Thousands of miles of forest, dead silence, Yang Dingtian almost collapsed.

However, Yangdingtian still improved the food. Instead of eating the bitter and spicy tree seeds, it was replaced by another odorless starchy tree.

Five days later, Yangdingtian walked out of the forest and saw the rolling hills. It’s not easy. He finally saw the mountain. All the way to thousands of miles is Wanli Pingchuan, and soon he will arrive at the Maori barbarians. He can finally see humans.

Sure enough, two days after he walked out of the forest, he saw the first house, a sturdy cabin, and he rushed in ecstasy. But there is nothing inside, wood furniture is still there, but it is covered with thick dust, without any food or clothes.

But at that time, Yang Dingtian was not depressed at the time, because it was probably the hunter's hut. The hunter left, and no one lived normally.

But then the second wooden house that Yang Dingtian encountered, the third and the fourth, all lived without people.

Finally, Yangdingtian found a very densely populated village with dozens of wooden houses, but no one lived without exception. The furniture inside was neatly covered with thick dust.

Moreover, Yangdingtian still did not find an animal, even a flying bird.

And the more you went to the east, the more and more villages passed, and even passed two or three market towns. There were big houses built with stones, but there was still no one living, and no living animals were found.

What happened here? Why didn't you see any life?

At the end of the day, the heart of Yangdingtian is getting colder and colder and getting darker. It has been more than a month since the glaciers came out. This month he walked more than 3,000 miles and saw countless houses and towns that could not be remembered, but no human beings, no birds and flesh.

Thousands of miles of bitter cold near the glacier, there should be hundreds of thousands of Maori barbarians and countless birds and beasts, but now it seems to disappear completely in this world.

In Master's words, this place should be a very cold-resistant Maori race. They are good at using axe and are born strong warriors.

Invisible humans can also explain that perhaps the living environment is difficult and their entire race has been relocated, but if there is no bird walking, only the endless trees are not normal.

Yangdingtian knows that going to the east is the sea, and even Yangdingtian still smells the taste of the sea from the wind.

Before Yang Dingtian still feared that he did not go fast enough, but then Yang Dingtian became more and more afraid to go. He was afraid that he would go to the seashore all the time. He still couldn’t see a human being, and he could not see a bird walking. He really didn't know what to do?

In the end, Yangdingtian went slower and slower. In the end, he only walked a dozen miles a day, and then he just found a room to rest, as if he was afraid to come to the beach.

At this time, Yangdingtian still eats tree seeds because there is nothing else to eat. The body is still naked, because not to mention clothes, even the animal skin can not find one. The leaves are there, but the trees here don’t know what is going on. The leaves of each kind of trees are hard and sharp. They are not suitable for wearing on the body, and they don’t see half-personal shadows at all. Yangdingtian is not afraid of cold, so It doesn't matter if you are naked.

Inside the wooden house, Yangdingtian was lying on a wooden bed. He felt a fear. He felt that his will and fighting spirit were weak. He felt that he was gradually depressed and lazy.

In the snow and ice, he is always on the verge of danger, except that there is nothing in the snow and white. At that time, the fighting spirit of Yangdingtian is very strong. Now there are trees and houses, but no one and no animals let Yang Dingtian feel the fear and the weakening of fighting spirit.

What happened? What if I don’t have one person at the beach? Then he couldn’t even hear the Yin and Yang dynasty, let alone how to reach the Yin and Yang dynasty.

I couldn't sleep in bed. The boundless loneliness attacked the heart of Yangdingtian, and filled his heart with endless gray. This kind of day has been for several months. Now Yangdingtian is completely like a wild man, beard. Long and chaotic, long and chaotic hair.

Suddenly! Yang Dingtian heard a sound, like the sound of animal hoofs hitting the snow.

He slammed up from the bed and glared his ears in disbelief, lest it was an illusion.

Not an illusion, not an illusion!

Really not an illusion! The voice was getting louder and louder and louder, as if it were a horseshoe sound. In the end, I even heard the voice of people talking and drinking.

An ecstasy! Yangding suddenly jumped from the wooden house and rushed out!

A few hundred meters ahead, a huge team rushed.

It is a human being, and there are horses. The horses that look like the earth are only a lot bigger than the horses of the earth, and there is a one-horn on the head.

There are hundreds of people, each wearing a gorgeous suede coat with gorgeous weapons.

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