MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 4 Results after 1 year of fitness

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The wild boar boss looked at the big rabbit that knocked him into the air, his eyes full of incredulity: "Nima, you are a wild boar and I am a wild boar?!"

In the end, the wild boar surrendered after being completely defeated in power.

"Little ones, ride it!" Yi Zheng rode on the boar king and greeted the little bunnies.

With the increase of attribute points, the bodies of the little rabbits are also changing. One by one, the whole body is covered with strong muscles, and walking on two legs is not a problem at all.

But riding a wild boar is a bit difficult.

But it was difficult for Yi Zheng. Yi Zheng pulled the snake king, put it on the wild boar king's neck, pulled the snake king with his hands, and then shouted to the little rabbits, "Little door, this is called the rein!"

The Snake King said in his heart, "You are the reins, and your whole family is the reins!"

Soon, it was not the rabbits that ran on the Qingqing Grassland, but a group of big wild boars. The rabbits practiced riding skills on the wild boars.

The cute big bunnies have more ways to exercise.

But obviously, Yi Zheng was not satisfied. He was afraid that the exercise method would be exhausted and affect the improvement of his attributes, so after three months, he set his sights on the level 6 gopher area again!

The reason why the gophers are level 6 is that they attack monsters in groups, and if one hits, a group will come. At the same time, they have copper skin and iron bones and their tails are like steel whips.

High attack, high defense, group nature, and two bosses!

This is definitely a little nightmare for the novice village.

But today...


"What sound?" The Gopher King looked into the distance.

I saw a cloud of smoke rising up, and then a group of big wild boars stood in a row, rushing over with their heads lowered.

"Are the wild boars crazy?" The Gopher King muttered.

The Gopher Queen exclaimed, "No, there is something on the back of the wild boar!"

"Is there nothing, is that a mass of white hair?"

The next moment, countless pairs of blood-colored eyes lit up, and the rabbits crawling on the back of the wild boar straightened their backs. At this moment, what they saw was not a white hair ball, but each of them was not very big, but the muscles all over the body. The sturdy rabbit!

" a rabbit?!" The two gopher bosses were dumbfounded at the same time.

At this moment, a white figure on a big wild boar rose into the air, and after a beautiful somersault, it knelt down in front of the two of them with a bang.

What surprised the two of them was that this was really a rabbit they were familiar with. It was not big, bigger than their hall. It was fluffy, chubby, with big eyes and a carrot in his hand.

It's completely different from those bunny monsters who ride on wild boars, with Gada meat all over their body and a sturdy face.

Yi Zheng is also very depressed about this. Other rabbits are getting stronger as they get fitter. Their muscles grow like they have eaten protein, and their height reminders are also growing rapidly. Now they can walk on two legs, and their paws As flexible as a human hand.

Looking at him again, although his claws are also very flexible, not only did he not grow bigger after exercising, but he became a size smaller. He didn't grow any muscles at all, and his hair still grew, which made him look like a ball from a distance. It's a ball!

Looking at the expressions of the two hamsters in front of him, Yi Zheng knew that he was underestimated.

He didn't talk nonsense either, leaning on the carrot: "Hello, nunchucks."

"What nunchucks?" The two gopher kings were a little confused...

The next moment, the two guys understood, they were pressed to the ground by the brutal rabbit, and then skillfully tied their tails together, grabbed one and shouted to the other rabbits as they ran. : "Little ones, do you understand? This is a nunchuck!"

The gophers wailed in the sky: "System, don't worry about this pervert, this is something that a rabbit can do?!"

With the mount, the reins, and the nunchaku, Yi Zheng didn't relax, and he set his sights on the level 7 wolves again.

The wolves never dreamed that one day, a rabbit would bind their necks with a snake, ride on their backs, and wave two gophers, telling themselves: "Come on!"

However, it is the 8th-level tortoises who are more collapsed. They can't run fast, but their defense is the strongest in the novice village. At the same time, each tortoise weighs as much as 150 pounds!

They originally walked leisurely by the river, basking in the sun, but after a rumble, they found that there were rabbits all around.

"Fat Rabbit, what are you doing?" The tortoise king, who weighed as much as 300 pounds and looked like a small car, roared at the rabbits.

The next moment, he realized that he had grown taller.

Looking down, I saw a rabbit lifted him up and shouted to the other rabbits, "Little ones, two tortoises add a stick, they bite both ends, it's a barbell!"

"Rabbit, you are going too far!" The tortoise king roared.

Then the rabbit threw a carrot on the opposite side, and a large rock blew up on the spot.

The rabbit asked the tortoise, "What did you say?"

The tortoise smiled: "Please call me Barbell."

Then it was the 9th-level bear that suffered. There were not many bears, but they were still gathered to tug-of-war with the rabbit every day.

It's just that the plucked snakes were very unhappy!

In the end, it was the tiger of Hushan who suffered, but there was only one tiger, and he was the king of the novice village, and the final boss!

However, Yi Zheng searched all over Hushan and couldn't find the legendary king of the novice village. He was very depressed about this.

He didn't know that when he was looking for the Tiger King, a big cat was hiding in a cave, secretly looking at the rabbit's back, trembling: "System, you agreed that I am the king of Novice Village. , but what's going on with this rabbit? It's too fierce..."

So far, the rabbits have officially become the No. 1 bullies in the novice village, fitness madmen, and training in different patterns every day.

Even Yi Zheng taught the rabbits the boxing and yoga he learned in the gym as a new training program.

A year later, Yi Zheng's attributes became like this.

Name: Rabbit King

gender: male

Category: Rabbit

Level: Small Boss

Age: 1 year old [life expectancy of 1 year]

Level: Level 1

Life: 16000 points [Physical*200]

Mana: 12000 points [mental power * 100]

Constitution: 80 points

Strength: 80 points

Agility: 80 points

Mental strength: 120 points

Attack Power: 400 points [Strength*5]

Armor: 160 points [Physical*2]

Magic Resistance: 240 points [Mental Power*2]

Skills: Carrot Strike, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com jumped up and smashed the enemy in a small area with the weapon carrot, causing 1200 damage and consuming 30 mana.

Boss Skill: Carrot attack, summon carrots out of thin air, throw them out and smash people, causing a small explosion, causing 2400 damage and consuming 60 mana.

You can also eat it yourself, and immediately recover 1200 HP and 600 mana.

Summon Rabbit: Instantly summon 3 rabbit guards to assist in combat. The Rabbit Guard's stats are half of your personal stats.

Summon Rabbits: Can summon all rabbits to gather, but can only be used in non-combat state.

Command the group of rabbits: The group of rabbits is connected to your spirit, and you can command the group of rabbits to fight through your thoughts.

Experience sharing: You share half of the experience points gained by the rabbits.

Take another look at my little rabbit brothers, all of them have grown to 1.6 meters in height, the muscles on the arms are twisted, the abdominal muscles are ups and downs, playing with snakes in one hand, throwing chickens in the other, looking at people without looking straight, scarlet eyes Exudes a strong gangster atmosphere.

There is no way, this year, they have been fighting and robbing everywhere, they have developed this kind of character.

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