MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 781 receive

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

"You are authentic?" Crocodile Dragon God glared.

Wang Mingchen shook his head: "We have fulfilled the contract, why are we not authentic?"

"You dug people!" Crocodile Dragon God roared.

"What does this have to do with us? They did it voluntarily." Wang Mingchen responded indifferently.

"But there is no one on my mountain!" Crocodile Dragon God continued to roar.

Wang Mingchen spread his hands: "What does this have to do with us? It's not that there is no one left on our mountain."

Crocodile Dragon God roared: "Don't circle me around, I don't have anyone, you know? I don't have anyone on the mountain, from now on I have to eat my own **** food, you know?"

"What does this have to do with us?" Wang Mingchen replied with one sentence throughout.

The crocodile dragon **** knew it was their problem, but he was powerless to refute it...

Wang Mingchen took the opportunity to ask: "Brother Elong, you want to break the contract and renege on your debt?"

"Break the contract? That's right!" Crocodile Dragon God clapped his hands, tore up the contract and ate it, then laughed and said, "Now there is no contract, what else can we not make?"

Wang Mingchen's expression darkened and he said, "This is not good."

"Not good, why is it bad? I'll break the contract, what's the matter with me!" Crocodile Dragon said proudly: "I've stepped into the middle of the thirteenth step now, and your rabbit is only at the eleventh step, right?

What can you do to me? "

Wang Mingchen sighed: "I came this time, actually, there is another purpose, and that is to let you bring people back, after all, they are brothers from the top of the mountain, if you don't nod, we can't accept them rashly.

But since you broke the contract, the alliance and brothers will no longer exist. "

Crocodile Dragon God was dumbfounded: "What? Give me back the man?"

Wang Mingchen nodded: "Yes, our suzerain is benevolent, and originally planned to pay it back.

But if you tore up the contract, no matter how benevolent our suzerain is, we will not be able to repay you. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a shame that my suzerain is easy to bully? "

The crocodile dragon was stunned: "No... wait a minute... that...


Why didn't you say it before? "

Wang Mingchen sighed and said: "You have been shirking responsibility, and this matter is not our responsibility, of course I have to explain it clearly. After the explanation is clear, I will tell you the solution.

It's not my fault..."

Crocodile Dragon God is not stupid, hearing this, he always felt that he fell into the pit again, and then said angrily: "Wang Mingchen, although what you said is reasonable, but I'm sure, I fell into the pit again!

You are the ones who want to trick me in this way! right? "

Wang Mingchen sighed and said, "No, actually, if you pay back the money and we release him, isn't that pretty good? The problem is that you broke the contract..."

"I..." Crocodile Dragon God found that he was speechless again.

But God Crocodile Dragon rolled his eyes, since he couldn't explain the reasoning clearly, he might as well just ignore it: "Wang Mingchen, think about it, you're cheating twenty-six divine beasts!

Can your Kunlun bear the anger of the twenty-six beasts? "

He originally thought that Wang Mingchen would give in, but Wang Mingchen still looked at him unmoved: "Are you going to use force?"

"Of course!" Crocodile Dragon God said without hesitation.

Wang Mingchen sighed and said, "Then we will have to wait for you in Kunlun. Welcome everyone."

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

"Are you so unafraid of death?" Crocodile Dragon God asked.

Wang Mingchen said: "I have nothing to be afraid of death, it doesn't matter if I lose all my level.

But if you think about it, if you kill me, it will be a formal war with my Confucian Kingdom.

At that time, my suzerain will definitely bring all the strength of Kunlun to avenge me. "

"I'm not afraid, we have twenty-six beasts!" Crocodile Dragon said divinely.

Wang Mingchen looked at him like a fool: "Do you think that others will tear up contracts like you?

Continue with the travel contract, we will drive their people back, and everyone will be happy, will they attack Kunlun with you?

In fact, if you dare to kill me, we will put the other twenty-five people back.

At that time, do you believe that they will kill Crocodile Dragon Mountain with us? "

Crocodile Dragon God was dumbfounded, if the rabbit really did this, then he would die.

Wang Mingchen pulled away Crocodile Dragon God's claws, then patted Crocodile Dragon God on the shoulder and said, "I really don't blame me for this matter. If you don't tear up the contract, we can still talk about it."

The Crocodile Dragon God felt aggrieved and said, "What else can we talk about? I'm gone. Where can I make money and pay you back?"

Wang Mingchen shook his head: "Don't forget, we are partners. There is no one here, but there are people on other hills..."

Crocodile Dragon God's eyes gradually brightened: "Wang Ming...Brother Wang, what do you say?"

Wang Mingchen sighed and said: "Don't talk much, it's useless if you talk, you have torn up the contract.

I went to the other beasts, if they don't tear up, you will know how happy we are to cooperate with them. "

Then Wang Mingchen turned around and left.

Crocodile Dragon God looked at Wang Mingchen's back and was anxious: "Brother Wang, wait, wait! Give me another chance?"

Wang Mingchen glanced at him: "Brother Evil Dragon, it's not impossible for you to want opportunities, but the rest depends on your performance."

"What performance?" Crocodile Dragon God asked.

Wang Mingchen said: "Everyone is brothers, you don't want your brothers to follow in your footsteps, do you? Help me persuade them, everyone take a step back, we accept your people, if you break the contract, you will break the contract, and we agree up.

Let's continue to cooperate, work together towards a better tomorrow, and make a fortune together, how about it? "

Crocodile Dragon God hesitated slightly. UU reading

Wang Mingchen turned around and left: "If you hesitate, forget it."

"Other things, I agree!" Crocodile Dragon God finally agreed.

He wasn't afraid of being alone, but mainly because he was afraid that the other beasts would reach an agreement with the rabbit and then kill him.

After all, his geographical location is too bad. After the rabbit joins forces with other beasts, they will form a big alliance. He still understands the reason why others cannot sleep peacefully in a couch.

"Since brother agrees, let's record a video, so that I can show other beasts to prove that you are one of us, so as not to cause problems in the future." Wang Mingchen took out the copy stone.

Crocodile Dragon God stared at the photocopy stone in a daze: "I...what am I talking about?"

Wang Mingchen said: "You just need to say, I am the Crocodile Dragon God, and I am a brother, so you can make a fortune with me and the Kingdom of Confucianism."

Crocodile Dragon God did so, although his expression was stiff and uncomfortable, but he spoke fluently.

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

Wang Mingchen put away the copy stone, took his leave and left.

Looking at Wang Mingchen's back, God Crocodile Dragon always felt that he fell into the pit again, but he couldn't get out.

Next, Wang Mingchen went to the hilltops of other mythical beasts, and when he met a fool, he would take out the trick of persuading the crocodile dragon god. The rabbit reached an agreement, and those reckless people were also afraid of being encircled and suppressed, so they bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, and honestly joined the Confucian God Kingdom camp.

When meeting someone who is smarter, Wang Mingchen doesn't talk nonsense, and directly shows the photocopy stone to the other party, and the other party will reach a very conscious reconciliation.

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