MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 783 The earth fairy world is crazy

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

Yi Zheng nodded: "It's really troublesome. There are not many people who cross the tribulation in the human race. Although Xue Tianyan succeeded in crossing the tribulation, she went to the fairy world and is not in this world. But the major races are different. Many of them After all failed, he became a Sanxian.

Sanxian is not as good as a fairy, but far surpasses the eleventh-order human master. Once he makes a move, humans can't stop him! "

At this moment, the door opened, and Wang Mingchen ran in panting: "Sect Master, it's not good, something serious happened!"

Yi Zheng didn't need to ask, and said almost subconsciously: "But the major races have started to attack human masters?"

Wang Mingchen was taken aback: "You know?"

Yi Zheng shook his head: "Of course I don't know, but it's obviously a cover-up to still make an appointment with the absolute difference in strength.

Sneak attacking human masters, or preventing human masters from successfully crossing the catastrophe is the right way. "

Wang Mingchen nodded: "You're right, Jun Wang, the number one expert in the art of war world, was ambushed by an unknown person when he was crossing the robbery, and he failed to cross the robbery, so he has already reincarnated.

The Tongtian Sword Sect was wiped out overnight, and my people brought back news that they were wiped out by a big centipede. Even the top master of Tongtian Sword Sect, Absolute Sword Immortal, couldn't stop the centipede's blow, instantly killing it!

Definitely the Emperor Centipede!

At present, I have received these two news, but I believe that these two masters are definitely not the only ones attacked! "

Yi Zhengdao: "Inevitable, the rise of the human race is too fast, they are afraid.

We shouldn't be the only ones being attacked, right? "

Wang Mingchen nodded again: "The Eternal Empire has been massacred, except for the Eternal King who stepped into the secret realm of Mount Tai to go to the Immortal Realm, almost all members' realms have plummeted and suffered heavy losses.

However, other worlds have not received news of being attacked. "

Yi Zhengdao: "It seems that the so-called major races are not monolithic, they are also internally divided."

Speaking of this, Yi Zheng grinned: "But this is good news for us."

"Good news?" Liu Fei was puzzled.

Yi Zheng hooked Wang Mingchen's head, and then said something in a low voice. Wang Mingchen stared at Yi Zheng: "Sect Master, isn't this too cruel?"

Yi Zheng said: "Really? I've already put it away.

All right, don't stare at me, I'm also working for the welfare of the world.

Besides, I also took the risk of talking about people in the world, so can I do it without any profit? "

Wang Mingchen smiled wryly: "Okay, but you can be prepared. This business is done. If someone comes back from the fairyland, he will definitely be the first to overturn our mountain. I suggest you plan ahead and make more plans. "

Yi Zheng chuckled: "What do you think I'm doing?"

Only then did Wang Mingchen remember that Yi Zheng has long been an enemy of the world, and his enemies are beyond count.

With a wry smile, Wang Mingchen bid farewell and left.

At the same time, the players in the entire Earth Immortal World were blown away.

As more and more masters were attacked, fell, and even a small world was slaughtered, things began to happen frequently, and almost everyone was in danger.

"Crazy, crazy! Those loose immortals are crazy!" Someone yelled in the dead space.

"They are not crazy, they are not killing randomly, they have a purpose." Someone analyzed.

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

"Purpose? What purpose? Isn't it just to kill all threats?" Someone pointed out.

But then someone stood up and denied the other party's idea: "What you said is just a small point, those Sanxian have nowhere to go now.

The first person to cross the tribulation is the strongest in every world, and even the second one will have to work hard for many years to surpass him.

They are an insurmountable powerhouse accumulated from the world's resources.

Their failure to cross the catastrophe means that the world is at risk of being eliminated at any time.

After all, in a world without immortals, once immortals return, who can protect them? "

"So they are the first to attack? Do they want to cut the foundation of the immortal first?" Someone asked.

The other party shook his head: "It's a reason. This can also give up the world of immortals, and the race will not have a second immortal in the short term. There may be a way to deal with an immortal.

They attacked and killed those who crossed the robbery, and all the masters who could succeed in the robbery, the purpose should be to persecute! "

"Persecution?!" People wondered.

The other party said: "That's right, it's persecution!

They want to force those who want to prepare enough to go through the tribulation immediately. If they are not prepared enough, the probability of failure in crossing the tribulation is extremely high.

As long as everyone fails, then everyone is a Sanxian, and there is no threat.

On the contrary, those people are all allies.

Otherwise, the scattered immortals that appear now may not be able to stop the immortals. "

"Aren't they afraid that those Sanxian who were harmed by them will kill them first?" Someone asked.

The other party said: "Of course I'm not afraid, because anyone who becomes a Loose Immortal or rebuilds will face the same problems as them. Their real problem is not the Loose Immortal enemy in front of them, but the future that concerns their entire world, and even the life and death of their entire clan." crisis.

At this time, personal hatred is not important.

Even if there are one or two rebels, they can't resist joining forces, right? "

Listening to the analysis of the player who asked me to talk, there was a dead silence in the dead space.

Everyone smelled the smell of a bigger storm coming...

In fact, the same is true, UU Reading Earth Immortal World is completely crazy.

The Twelve Loose Immortals who failed to cross the Tribulation before did not hide their identities at all. They were divided into twelve groups and encountered any small world, and a city would rush in and kill the eleventh-level peak players inside.

There is no reason, just meet and kill.

For a moment, people were in a state of panic, and the masters of all clans avoided leaving the city one after another, but there were still masters who were found and killed one after another.

The most miserable ones are those who are crossing the catastrophe. Seeing that they are about to succeed, these loose immortals suddenly kill them, and they die on the spot, gnashing their teeth in hatred!

However, the most terrifying thing also happened. More and more people failed to cross the catastrophe, and there were more and more loose immortals. These people finally joined forces with the first batch of loose immortals. They called themselves the guardians of order and publicly Clean up all those who attempt to cross the catastrophe and ascend to immortality!

At this point, it has been half a year.

Under half a year of **** turmoil, there are fewer and fewer eleventh-level Dzogchen masters from various races, and the masters who used to call the wind and rain are all hiding and shivering.

Originally, players such as Daxia and Qianyuan Continent were not attacked, but half a year later, even in Daxia, the players in Qianyuan Continent felt the impending storm.

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

The world outside Daxia and Qianyuan is even more tense.

Baihua Continent is a world where women are the absolute masters of the country, and it is known as the country of daughters. In their world, men and women are reversed.

Women are in charge of politics, while men are in charge of taking care of children.

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