MTL - No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village-Chapter 787 i am a good rabbit

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

Queen Chiba's heart sank.

The rabbit came over with its little hands behind its back, muttering: "Lease 100 billion top-quality spirit stones from Dujietai;

Ordinary Transcending Tribulation VIPs need to pay for one sub-artifact, one hundred sets of eleventh-level divine items, one thousand sets of epic sets, and ten thousand sets of legendary sets! Not even one accessory is missing.

If you want to open the Super Transcending Tribulation VIP, you need to pay one billion players to join my Confucianism God Kingdom, even if there is one less.

Don't look at me, the suzerain has clearly marked the price, no one is deceiving. "

Hearing this, Queen Qianye's face was pitch-black, and she had only one thought in her mind: "This is a robbery!"

Yi Zhengdao: "Oh, by the way, we will only hold this event for one month, and we will stop it after one month. After all, I am very busy."

Queen Chiba was silent.

At this moment, Hong Jinglei came over: "Sovereign, you caught a centipede, what are you doing?"

Yi Zheng glanced at the big centipede, the big centipede cautiously accompanied the smiling face, and Yi Zheng also smiled.

Yi Zheng walked over, and my centipede's big claw said: "Oh, how can such a noble Sanxian be able to catch it?

Here you go! "

Hong Jinglei hasn't recovered from it yet: "Sovereign, he broke into our territory without authorization, and even attacked me."

Yi Zheng glared at him: "So it's a guest, what's wrong with you? Just treat it as a warm-up. Well, let's send this former friend out if there's nothing else to do..."

Hong Jinglei was dumbfounded, if it wasn't for the fact that the bunny in front of him looked exactly like his suzerain, he would have suspected that it was a fake.

When did their patriarch become so talkative?

The centipede was also stunned. I had long heard that the rabbit was ruthless.

But the rabbit in front of him is too easy to talk to, right?

The centipede felt as if he was about to fall into a pit, so he couldn't help but said, "Boss Rabbit, I was wrong this time.

My skill is not as good as others and I was arrested. I am convinced. How much ransom do you think I should pay?

I give money. "

Yi Zheng said with a displeased face: "What are you talking about?

What do you call money?

I said, you are a guest from afar!

We Confucian God Kingdom are all kind and good people, we are kind, we are warm and hospitable, and we never make things difficult for anyone.

Although you somewhat violated the rules, of course I choose to forgive you!

It's okay, just go if you want, I won't stop you. "

After finishing speaking, the rabbit grinned and bared its teeth, revealing its white teeth gleaming coldly in the sun, and the centipede's thousands of paws were sweating from the joints of the centipede's thousands of claws.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters, he firmly believes in this!

Especially the rabbit in front of him, this guy has never done human affairs since the beginning of the game!

Slaughtering cities and villages, robbing players, and looting warehouses is all it takes to dig graves.

Such a bastard, suddenly so easy to talk about, he felt terrified from the bottom of his heart.

The centipede cried: "Boss Rabbit, I know what I did wrong this time, why don't you punish me, I promise to fully cooperate with you. Tell me the ransom, and I'll collect it for you!"

Yi Zheng's smile became a little stiff, he felt depressed, he wanted to let the other party go from the bottom of his heart.

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

But why is the other party not on the road?

The rabbit and the centipede looked at each other for a long time, and finally the rabbit said, "Are you sure you must pay the ransom?"

The centipede was moved to tears, the rabbit finally spoke normally, no longer teasing him, no longer yin and yang him!

So the centipede nodded desperately: "Yes, I must hand it in!"

"Are you sure you want to hand it in?" Rabbit confirmed again.

The centipede nodded: "I definitely want to hand it in!"

The rabbit said helplessly, "How much money do you have on you? Give it all to me, and then you can leave."

When the centipede heard this, he became anxious immediately: "Brother, how much money do I have? I am also a loose fairy, and I am very valuable. In this way, wait for me for a while, and I will ask my people to collect money immediately. You can tell me how much money you have. , I'll come up to you."

Yi Zheng was pulling his big ears so depressed, he just wanted this guy to get out of here.

Why is this guy thinking about paying?

Yi Zheng took a deep breath and said, "Forget that I've convinced you, so how about it, go and collect 100 billion top-quality spirit stones, and you can leave."

Upon hearing this, the centipede burst into a big laugh, tears were about to fall, and the plot finally got back on track.

Yi Zheng saw the happy look of this guy, and immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, I don't want 100 billion, and a player with 100 million will be sent over, and you can go."

The centipede was taken aback, but it wasn't the first time the rabbit had caught people and blackmailed many players, so he nodded immediately: "No problem, arrange!"

The centipede ran to the side to send a message, and ran back after a while: "Boss Rabbit, my people have already made arrangements, and they will be in place tomorrow at the soonest."

"That's it, then you can go." Yi Zheng said.

When the centipede heard this, he was anxious: "How can I go?

I understand the rules. Kidnap, don't let people go if they don't see the money, tear up the ticket if they play tricks.

Don't worry, you don't need to look at me, I promise not to run away! "

Yi Zheng's ears were almost torn off, and he realized why the centipede in front of him was so awkward?

Yi Zheng didn't have time to talk to him, he waved his hand and said, "You can do whatever you want.

Hong Jinglei, you send him out, wherever he likes to go. "

Hong Jinglei nodded, and then said to the centipede, "Let's go?"

The centipede thanked you repeatedly, and promised again and again, and walked away in three steps, and you could hear him and Hong Jinglei saying in the distance: "Red Jinglei, don't worry, UU Reading I will never run away. You don't have to test me.

I'm not afraid! "

Hong Jinglei said: "Boss said you can go!"

"I'm not leaving! You don't want to cheat me, I know what you think, don't you just want me to make a mistake, and then cheat a big one? Or find a reason to kill me several times?


If the money is not in place, I will not leave!

I know what you are like, and you are doing it secretly, but you are very trustworthy. "

Red Thunder: "..."

Yi Zheng wiped his nose and muttered, "Damn it, when did I get such a good reputation?"

Then he looked at Queen Qianye behind him: "Sister, have you thought about it?"

Queen Chiba said: "I will rent it!"

Yi Zhengdao: "In that case, let's pay."

Queen Qianye shook her head: "I don't pay Lingshi, I pay my people, the eight billion people of Baihua Kingdom!"

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【Don't even think about running out of Novice Village】【】

Yi Zheng was stunned: " much?"

"Eight billion!" Queen Chiba said firmly.

Yi Zheng took a deep breath and said, "This... this... your price is higher than what I offered."

Queen Qianye sighed: "I've seen it along the way, and the players who took refuge in you at the beginning are all doing well here.

Everyone has their place.

Those who want to practice can brush with wild monsters.

Those who don't want to practice can do business and spend the rest of their lives in peace.

There is no war, no exploitation, and everyone eats and drinks well. I think this place is very good.

Read The Duke's Passion