MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The forest woke up in the morning and found that he was sleeping in a quilt and became a spring roll.

No wonder that I dreamt that I was shut down in the dark house last night, so that I should not call the earth every day.

Lin was lying in bed for a while, and when the alarm clock rang, he slowly rolled and rolled himself out of the spring rolls and rolled out of bed.

I changed my clothes and folded the little quilt. Lin Mu remembered that the dog that ran up to sleep with him last night was not in bed.

He turned his head and glanced at the kennel and found that the kennel was empty.

The woods smashed, and the bed was packed up and went downstairs. I saw the dog squatting in the open door, and there was a sweet smell in the kitchen.

The forest took a deep breath and only felt a little confused. The brain suddenly woke up a lot. The probe looked into the kitchen and found that the rice cooker was in the heat preservation mode. I opened it and found that it was a pot of millet porridge. Two thin ginsengs are placed.

This millet is bought in the mall by the forest. I have done porridge several times, but it is far less so fragrant today.

It seems that the fragrance should be the pilgrimage inside.

The forest covered the lid and turned it out of the kitchen. When he walked to the door of the house, he saw the ginseng doll waving a small shovel.

"Good morning." The forest greeted the toffee and the little ginseng.

The little ginseng found out that he was coming, raised his head and showed a sweet smile, and said hello to the milk: "Good morning in the forest!"

The dog just shook his ears and didn't look at him.

The woods licked the dog, crouched down. He touched his head.

The dog still ignored it, even shook his head and shook his hand.

These trees finally noticed that it was wrong.

His dog seems to be tempering with him.

- But I can still sleep sweetly last night!

Lin Mu took back his hand and looked at the dog lying on the side with a dignified look. He began to seriously think about what he was doing wrong.

It shouldn't be the case with the **** back, Lin Mu thought, after all, the toffee suddenly became close to him after the **** went away, and the **** also said that the toffee is willing to be his own dog - although the original is not this But the general meaning is like this.

The pigeons and the old hens that were made yesterday, the toffee also tasted very fragrant.

What the **** is wrong.

The forest frowned slightly, thinking for a long time and did not come up with a name.

Can't you just sleep in the middle of the night and get rid of the toffee?


Oh grass.

Lin Mu thought of the pigeons and the old hen that the toffee had eaten fragrant yesterday, and decided to get another one today to give it a meal.

After making the decision, Lin Mu turned to look at the diligent little ginseng and asked: "Is the porridge in the pot cooked?"

"Yeah, I used to see you used before." Little ginseng nodded, his voice soft and sweet, "so you can sleep for a while."

A glimpse of the forest, the heart is like a tiny thing gently punctured, warm emotions flowing out, sweet and numb, crawling all over the body.

He slowly returned to his heart and licked two faces that he did not consciously smile. He nodded: "Well, I am going to have breakfast."

The millet porridge with the ginseng has a bit of extra sweet taste. After drinking a whole bowl, I feel that there is no place in the whole body that is uncomfortable. It is like taking a bath and taking a bath and then sleeping. Energetic, even the vision in front of me has become clearer.

The forest has not eaten ordinary ginseng, but he can also be sure that ordinary ginseng certainly does not have this effect.

It’s just that the ginseng is so powerful. It’s really worthwhile to cook the whole tree. It’s really worthwhile to cure all the diseases and return to youth and prolong life. It’s no wonder that ginseng dolls have to hide everywhere.

Lin Mu put the rest of the porridge on the dog. When he saw that the time was still early, he took the **** to the yard and turned it over with the ginseng doll.

He told the little ginseng yesterday that he was going to plant a dish in the yard and got a very positive response. The ginseng doll was very happy to have something to do with it.

The woods waved their heads, and when they slammed their thin soil, they were easily turned over like sand.

He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the little ginseng: "Are you loose?"

"Yeah, I am good at loosening the soil. I used to help those grassy uncles in the mountains." The little ginseng finished, twisted and licked his little apron and whispered, " Lin Mu, can I plant some elixir here?"

"Pear medicine?" Lin Mu asked, "What medicine?"

"There are a lot of monsters coming out of the mountains recently. There are always conflicts. Several old trees I know are hurt. I want to get some medicine for them..." The ginseng doll said, I don’t know where to pull out a few small bags. , bulging, "I have collected a lot of kinds for hundreds of years."

The forest looked at the seeds and simply did not grow vegetables. Together with the small ginseng, they planted the seeds and buried them.

The dog finished eating today's breakfast, watching the big and small ones in the yard busy, thinking about it, he returned the pot to the kitchen and threw it into the sink.

Lin Mu’s morning class was almost late, and when he entered the office, he was stunned in his chair.

Hearing the movement of the forest, he turned his head and glanced at him. He snorted and said hello, then he took back his sight and then dazed.

Lin Mu sat down in his seat and looked at the **** that was obviously out of the state. He hesitated, and asked: "What happened? It seems that you are not very happy."

"Yeah." Big black nodded. "The old lady left last night."

Lin Mu heard his words, and Neander said: "Sorry."

"Do you apologize?" Big Black has some doubts.

"Last night, you are not at my house..."

"No, I went to see her after coming out of you. I saw one before she was taken away by the ghosts." Dahei said, unconsciously smashed his hand. "She walked very peacefully."

Big black is used by the body.

When I went, the old lady’s soul was sitting on the sofa peacefully. The body was blind in the bed, and there was no sadness and no joy. Obviously, she stopped breathing naturally in her sleep.

There was no one else in the room, everyone slept late at night, and the old lady was on the sofa in the room, waiting quietly.

This time, I waited for the **** that came in through the window. The two looked at each other for a while, and the **** scratched their heads and changed back to the prototype.

The old lady passed the last day, and her mood was peaceful and quiet. She was only slightly surprised when she saw the big change in front of her eyes. Then she smiled lovingly and waved at the big black.

"She said... I felt kind when I saw my human form. I told the people in the nursing home that if I went, I would let in." Dahei said with a smirk, "Why can I go there all the time." ”

The **** whispered for a while, the sadness in my heart did not know when it disappeared, and the old lady who thought of leaving was full of those beautiful and gentle memories.

"Hey, it’s a pleasure to talk to you." The sullen gloom on the **** face disappeared and he recovered the vibrant appearance, complaining, "If you say it to the old turtle, he is sure." I have to read some of the principles."

In fact, the trees that did not bother the big blacks looked at Dahei’s state of recovery and said: “The old man’s theory should also be heard.”

"Yes, yes, I understand everything." Big black scorpion, "From today on, I am not going to have any entanglements with humans, and the old turtle can't read me."

When his voice just fell, he heard someone knocking at the door.

Lin Mu went to open the door and found that the door was a woman. She was very charming and charming. When she saw him, he licked it and then smiled. Even the voice was filled with the sweetness of the person: "The young man is coming." ?"

"Yes, hello." Lin Mu said hesitant after a moment, always felt that the other side had a smell that made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

He paused and nodded. He didn't know how to distinguish monsters and humans. He didn't know how to distinguish the kind of breath. He only thought that this woman knew that he was new, about a monster.

He let the door open: "You come in."

"I won't go in. The director in your office doesn't like humans very much." The woman finished, looked at the **** in the office and said, "I will come to win the letter."

Linmu couldn't figure it out and had to turn his head to look at the big black.

Dahe had already seen it. When she saw the woman at the door, her face smiled slightly, her face stretched out, and she took out a box from the drawer and gave it to the woman.

The woman did not mind, a charming smile, took the box and turned away.

Lin Mumu sent her away and turned to ask Big Black: "Is that a personal class?"

"Yeah." Big black nodded. "She has to come every month. When she comes back, if you are there, give her the box in this drawer."

Lin looked at the lacquered wooden box: "What is this?"

"The fruit of scribbled, after eating, people will become charming and charming in a period of time, hooking people to a certain standard." Big black said and rolled his eyes. "The woman is with a monster, know that there is After such a thing, it will be awkward, but there will be one plant under the grass, and the fruit will be more expensive. How can ordinary monsters get it?"

"These fruits...?" Lin looked at the boxes.

"Hey, that monster is dead. These fruits are exchanged for him. Please, let us give it to the woman." After the **** said, he snorted and made it unhappy for a long time. "The monster talks to humans." Love is like this. The monster has a long life and the perception of time is completely different from that of human beings. The whole life of human beings is also a period of love for the monsters. When the love period is over, the objects are dead. Most monsters will be remembered for hundreds of years. Even a lifetime, can it be human? How much better."

"I want to say, big courage to contact with human beings, but also in-depth interactions and even monsters in love, are warriors."

Dahe concluded that he was very fortunate that he did not fall in love with human beings.

The woods only listened a little embarrassedly, and couldn’t help but ponder their own biological parents all day long.

He rarely seldom explores his own life, and he doesn't even think about it.

Because there is no such thing as Dad is for him. Anyway, his mother has gone, and he has lived alone, and he has lived very well.

Just mentioning that humans and monsters fall in love, it is always inevitable to think of some.

Lin Mu spent a whole day. When he went back, he simply bought a finished roast chicken in the supermarket. When he got home, he directly stuffed the toffee and the small ginseng into the building. Under the watchful eyes of a dog, he went upstairs and went upstairs. That is his mother's studio.

Before the trees were found out of the attic, the notebooks and folders that were not flipped through were lying quietly on the desk.

The forest opened the folder.

Inside are some of the information that my mother used to dig in the wild, photos and materials of some rare plants, hand-painted reference pictures, and photos of my mother's muddy dirt in the wild.

The woods were roughly flipped through and stopped in one of the photos.

The photo is probably in the mountains. His mother is holding a huge tree with huge roots. The face is full of mud, and the equipment on the back is all a layer of earth. Unusually happy, but also revealed a neat eight teeth, two eyes sparkling, the excitement visible to the naked eye.

The forest glanced at the tree. Because there was no filming, the forest could not see what the tree was.

But it is not the tree that attracts the trees, but a virtual shadow on the other side in this photo.

The phantom squats on one of the exposed branches, the other leg hangs casually, wearing a robes embroidered with some golden leaves, and a black hair with a black hair band. Tied up, holding a black round thing in his hand, it seems to be looking at the woman next to the mud.

Lin Mu looked at the things he was holding in his hand and always felt very familiar.

The shadow is too thin, some can't see clearly, the forest frowns and tries to look carefully, watching it, the phantom gradually solidifies.

Lin realized that the person recorded by the camera was not human.

He glanced at the half-slap-sized black toy in the hands of the man suspected of being a monster, jerked his head up and looked at a fruit in the bookcase that was carefully preserved in the box.

The appearance of this fruit is not known, and it has been kept well by his mother, so that the forest thinks that this is a fruit-shaped decoration.

Lin Mu stunned for a while, turned to look at the face in the photo, always feel very familiar.

He took the mirror out of the drawer and rubbed his face in the mirror.


The forest was covered with a mirror and turned to look at the album left by his mother.

I have been read through the forest for countless times in the album, in the many single photos of his mother, the sudden emergence of another male figure. 2k novel reading network

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