MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Lin Mu looked at the plastic bag and looked at the large fluffy hair that blocked the window. He didn't understand what happened.

The action of the toffee licking out was too fast, and the forest had not reacted. The squint was completely obscured by the large mass of hair.

The window of the room was just one. After being blocked by a large group of fluffy velvet, I could not see the outside.

The idea of ​​Lin Mu from "too suddenly bigger" to "what is going on outside" to "the pots outside the window and the yard are not broken", and finally messy together became a reality.

- Toffee does not seem to be an ordinary dog.

Not in the ordinary sense, opened a smart dog.

Lin Mu squatted in a plastic bag, opened his mouth and closed it.

No wonder the milk candy is so smart.

I don’t want to talk about anything, I can understand the meaning of his words, and even when he is in a bad mood, he will go to the mountains to dig mints and come back to clear the fire.

Mint must also be rooted, complete and complete, with no scars.

It seems that the human nature does not pass this level.

Lin Mu felt that this was not his fault.

He also thought that the smart dogs were so smart.

After all, brushing online video, especially smart animal videos are not without.

Since there are so many smart dogs in the world, they can't be one of them.

Lin Mu feels that his logic is perfect and there is nothing wrong with it.

So at this moment, he looked at the large mass of hair blocking the window, took a deep breath, glanced at the wind that was blown up by the toffee and blew the house, and tied the plastic bag. I found out the phone.

In addition to the one that appeared in the toffee, the Hajj has not burned so violently.

Lin Muton paused, and thoughtfully looked at the hairballs blocking the window.

In this way, if his dog is not an ordinary dog, the devils who burned the last pilgrimage are most likely to follow the toffee.

At that time, the toffee was still hurt, it looked very horrible, but the injury recovered quickly, and there was no sign of anything wrong in the back. The forest naturally did not look too much.

If you think about it, the choice of toffee to stay at home may be a bit of a reward.

- At least this time, the behavior of the toffee jumping out at the moment when the fire wall of the Hajj was broken from the outside was absolutely for the purpose of protecting him.

Lin Mu thought so, the heart was very moved, do not know how the strength of the toffee, so I found out that the phone dialed the phone of the Imperial House, ready to let them not come over.

Lin Mu’s strength to the Emperor’s house is not much. He hasn’t played with the monsters in the past. When he taught him before Xuanjing, he did not take it seriously.

Anyway, don't let the Emperor House, who is now a wounded person, come across the risk.

The forest presses the dial button.

Yan Xuanjing stood in the yard, blocking the breath of the room, and watched the human figure standing far away from the fire wall.

Although it is a human figure, in the eyes of Xuan Xuan Jing, it is already a powerful opponent that allows him to deal with the body.

Can easily break the enchanting magic of his subordinates, but also with his own strength to open the wall of the pilgrimage - the light is based on these two points, it is enough to make Yan Xuanjing nervous.

He looked at the strange big monster and found that the other side had a thick blood that could be smelled without careful observation. It was even more glimpsed that countless causes and effects were entangled in him.

Wu Xuanjing lived for five hundred years, and it is almost unseen for such a huge cause and effect.

Even if it is a monster that has been ruined in his memory in the past few years, the cause and effect are not as good as one of the monsters in front of him.

Yan Xuanjing didn't even dare to decide what the monster was doing.

The first time he saw this situation - the monster's good fortune and the shackles each occupied half of the country, entangled with mountains and clouds, and he was shrouded in it. The bright merits and the dark fierceness were almost together. The sky and the sun and the moon are covered.

Why is there such a situation? I don’t understand it.

But this does not prevent him from showing his alert and attention to this monster.

The nine-tailed fox demon, naturally the most powerful combat force on the body, the sharp teeth and even the tail and hair are extremely advantageous weapons.

Yan Xuanjing watched the big monster who smiled and shook in front of his eyes. He blinked and chopped a piece of jade under his claws.

Of course, this time is to rescue the soldiers.

- Old fox! The decision is you!

When Xuan Jingjing just broke the jade, he heard a strange sound from the monster outside the yard.

The opposite monster laughed and put his hand in his pocket.

The nine-tailed fox suddenly raised its alert and was tight, watching the other person pull out a mobile phone from his pocket.

晏玄景: "?"

The Emperor House connected the phone and heard the sound of the forest.

"Emperor House, you don't come first." Lin Mu's voice sounded very serious. "I seem to have a small problem on this side."

Because of the great vigilance, I was very concerned about a little bit of wind and grass, and I listened to the sounds of the back and the opposite monster’s mobile phone in less than one second. The whole fox was kneeling in the same place. .

The Emperor’s house looked up at the nine-tailed fox ball that he could hold. He couldn’t help but sneer a few more times. He said to the phone: “No problem, I am at your door.”

Lin Muyi: "Ah?"

"Your family still has such good things as pilgrimage." Emperor House looked at the pilgrimage that had been burning on his body and thought about it. He said, "It's good, come out."

Lin Shu stunned for two seconds, slammed, hang up the phone, climbed onto the bed and gently pulled the hair that came in through the window, and shouted a candy: "The toffee is fine, that is the person I know... No, Monster!"

Yan Xuanjing felt that his tail hair had been smashed. Hearing that Lin Mu said this, hesitated to look at the monster that was called "The Emperor House" by the forest for a while. After thinking about it, he changed back to the familiar familiarity of the forest. appearance.

But when the forest ran down and prepared to rush out of the yard to open the door, a tail wrapped around the foot of the forest, saying nothing would let the forest go one step further.

Lin Mu was helplessly surrounded by his own dog, separated by a fire wall, what is outside is not clear.

"That is the monster I know - he is not malicious."

And he also brought my father over.

Lin Mu tried to pull his feet out of the **** of the toffee tail, and temporarily dug some of the pilgrimages, first put the emperor's house in.

But Xuan Xuan did not release him.

He certainly recognized the face of the Teutah human form at this time.

When Zigui once showed him several times, Yan Xuanjing was reminded by the forest, and naturally he thought about it.

But look at the cause and effect of the Emperor House, and Xuan Jing is stupid enough to release him.

Don't say that the Emperor House is now bloody, close to the forest, the unstable half-devil, what if it is affected?

Outside the Emperor House, I heard the sound of the forest trees screaming and talking to Xuan Jing.

He also recognized the cockroach of the nine-tailed fox - his previous guess was correct, the son of his old friend.

It was a character of honesty and sensibility. The Emperor’s house had a cigarette, and it was really a good thing that he did not follow any of his aunts.

At least the Emperor House was very satisfied with the fact that he did not hesitate to rush out to protect the forest.

He can see that there are still many unhealed dark injuries left on this little nine-tailed fox. It is indeed very valuable to be able to rush out at this time.

The Imperial House quietly smoked a cigarette outside, and heard that there was no progress in it. He screamed: "Don't stop, or you look at the forest and look at my cause and effect."

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The woods were snorted and looked down at his dog. They found that the very sweet and very quiet toffee showed a look of anger.

Although it is quite rare to see the anger from a dog's face, the forest is just looking out.

Probably know that toffee is worried about him.

Lin Mu Xia. Body, touched the head of the toffee: "I'm sorry."

Yan Xuanjing angrily shakes off the hand that falls on his head, and lifts his foot and walks out of the forest.

Lin Mu touched his nose and felt that he had not pursued what he had been cheated. The toffee was actually born before him.

However, it seems that it is his fault.

Toffee is worried that he is angry.

The wood walked out of the house behind the toffee.

The location of the Teiya Station is a bit far from the small yard of the Lin Mujia.

Probably because Hajj is still a threat to him.

Lin Mu ran over and greeted the Emperor House, and his eyes ran to his back to take a look.

Emperor House looked at him like this, a little funny: "What are you looking for?"

"Find my dad," Lin said.

"Oh." The Imperial House simply sneaked out the emperor who had heard the footsteps of the forest and hid in his pocket, and threw it to the forest. "Oh, your father."

Lin Mu took the little wooden man in a hurry and held him for a while, and looked at the Emperor’s house with some helplessness.

The Emperor’s house snorted and picked up the feet of the emperor’s feet and shook it: “Don’t pretend to die.”

Emperor Hugh hugged the fingers of Emperor House and panicked and turned to look at his son.

Lin Mu looked at the shoddy human figure puppet, carefully took him, touched the pitted place on his body, and whispered, "Is it painful?"

The little wooden man sat in the palm of his hand and heard him ask him. He stayed for two seconds and shook his head.

Lin Mu heard the words, let go of his heart: "That's great!"

He is somewhat prepared for this situation, not that it is not a human form, and the problem is not big.

Just be alive.

It’s good to meet.

You can have a beginning, and you will definitely get better later.

"You can't enter the house of the Imperial House?" Linmu looked back at the pilgrimage that was gradually extinguished and said, "I have dug up the pilgrimage?"

"No, it's good to have a pilgrimage." The Emperor House waved his hand and took out a few bags of elixir seeds from his pocket. "Give me some elixir, your father can go in, but because of some relationship He still has to go with me when something happens."

When this happens, it is natural to find the news, and to go up the cause and effect.

Emperor Xi is not indispensable. Without his words, the Emperor House can't find the soul and wreckage of Emperor Xiu.

"His resentment is very weak. There is nothing wrong with it recently. I will find a place to digest the elixir. Your father and son will meet first." After the emperor’s house, he looked at the emperor’s rest in the palm of his hand. Slightly chuckled.

Then the gaze turned to the nine-tailed fox who had been watching him coldly and faintly.

Lin Mu looked at him with his gaze, bent down and squatted, licking the head of a dog and introducing: "This is a toffee."

"It's a good boy," said Emperor House.

Emperor Xiu sat in the palm of the hand and thought of the behavior of Xuanjingjing. He felt very good and nodded in agreement. Both arms were lifted up on the chest, and the little seals applauded.

"What is the name of the toffee you gave him?" asked the house.

The woods showed a little funny smile, licking the dog's hair: "Yes, because it suits him well."

"What's the big name?" The Emperor's house also squats. Come and talk to Xuanjing, and say, "Is this breath the scorpion of Zigui? What is the big name?"

Still fascinated after the fascination of Xuanjingjing, it was a stalemate.

A glimpse of the forest, there is no point to understand what the meaning of the Emperor House: "What?"

"The big name." Emperor House said, "The nine-tailed fox is different from the wild monsters and has names."

The forest tree was heavy, and the dog was licking a mane.

He looked down at the toffee and looked at the Emperor's House again. He whispered: "Gallows... isn't it a dog?"

Emperor House: "?"

"?" Emperor Hugh's little seals paused and turned to look at their own homes.

"What dog?" The Imperial House is incredible. I think it is a bit of a problem with the big scorpion - or is it a problem when you return to him. "Do you raise the nine-tailed fox as a dog?! The lord will also be a future general of the Qingqiu country. Are you a dog? He didn't bite you?"

The smile on the forest face gradually disappeared.

Yan Xuanjing was stunned by the forest, and he looked at the Imperial House with a face.

This hatred is less than the king of the country.

You wait.

The author has something to say: Toffee: The neck skin of the fate is caught. 2k novel reading network