MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

It was because the things that were remembered in my heart were finally put down, and Lin Mu slept in a dark, and slept until the next morning.

The biggest advantage of being expelled from humanity is probably that you don't need to work on time and you don't feel any abnormality. Even if you don't eat, you fall asleep and your body doesn't protest.

The forest climbed up in the morning, took a look at the curtains and found that they were still outside.

Perhaps it is not safe to say that Nie Shen is alone outside the yard, so he has been with him.

Lin Mu glanced at the milk tea that was bathed in Japan and was not ready to get up. He turned over and went out to wash.

The little ginseng licked the door of the washroom, and the little blush fluttered. The big round eyes twirled on the forest for a while, and the forest was staring at the scalp.

The towel in the handle of the forest was washed and hung up. He turned to look at him and asked helplessly: "What are you looking at?"

"I listened to Qin Chuan and said that you and the toffee." The little ginseng finished, wrinkled his nose. "It seems that there has been no change."


What kind of colored waste are you full of? ?

"I read books with Qin Chuan. The book said that after that, the skill will rise and rise in the same place!" After the small ginseng finished, he was very disappointed to see the forest. "There is no change in the forest."

The forest dried his hands and looked blank: "...What book?"

"The Double Retreat of Rebirth and Immortality." Xiaomeng replied.


Lin Mu patted the head of the small ginseng.

"Look at the bad things that are written by humans."

"...Oh." The little ginseng and Lin Mu looked at each other for a while. They nodded a little. "Today's breakfast is a sauerkraut meat fan and a soy milk fritter!"

The forest was pulled into the kitchen by the little ginseng and found that today's breakfast was quite rich.

He took the fan pack and two siu mai in the bowl and put a cup of soy milk: "How is it so much today?"

"Because there are guests." Little ginseng also took a new bowl, each one, and took a cup of soy milk, followed by the forest and walked out of the house, the mouth of the milky milk, "that is Nie Shen Yeah, although he looks at our eyes a little weird, but he listens to the words of Emperor Hugh."

Lin Mu heard the words, reminding: "Don't go too close to him - for the time being."

The little ginseng looked up at the forest: "Why?"

"Don't you say that he looks at your eyes a little weird?" Lin said. "He probably doesn't understand why you didn't kill me, or I didn't kill you."

The little ginseng stayed: "No... No, he is very obedient."

Lin Wood opened the courtyard door and heard the small ginseng say this. He looked at him with a slight head: "He was the monster who came out of the wilderness. When you ran out of the mountain, it was not because many wild monsters ran to the original. Did you live in the mountains? He is the culprit."

The little ginseng was stunned. He stupidly followed the forest and went out of the yard. The silly hand-to-hand breakfast was given to Nie Shen, and he saw Lin Mu and Emperor Hugh greeted him, and he went to Nie Shen. Sitting on a small bench.

Lin Mu asked Nie Shen: "Where are you going to live?"

Nie Shengang picked up a soft, hot buns and was observing the stuff. After listening to Lin Mu’s question, his eyes looked at the small yard of the forest.

He has nothing to do with the house.

He also has no place to call home, and he lives everywhere.

Since everything is the same, of course, the closer to the emperor, the better.

Lin Mu looked at him with his gaze and paused: "You can't get in."

Nie Shen then regained his sight.

He also understood that they could not remove the circle because of him.

The pilgrimage is so easy to use, as long as it is a little deeper than the human body, it will be burned to ashes. If it is not safe, it is a very safe protection.

Even the illusion of the nine-tailed fox and the layered stack are not comparable.

"I am just outside." Nie Shen said, "You don't feel relieved that I will go out."

Lin Mu listened to him saying that he was silent for a while and felt that it was also.

Although it is very disturbing to leave Nie Shen outside the yard, it is better than he disappears under his own eyes.

When Nie Shen saw that Lin Mu had no objection, he looked at him and learned the way of the forest. He opened the buns and took a bite slowly. He paused and took another sip.

The little ginseng sat next to him and saw him eating a few steamed buns, and went to the simmering wheat. He couldn’t help but say: "You can eat it directly."

Nie Shen heard the words, nodded to him and took a bite to burn wheat.

Little ginseng asked: "Is it delicious?"

Nie Shen gave a low voice and seriously finished eating the breakfast in the bowl.

Maybe no one believes.

He has lived for more than 800 years and rarely eats this kind of food.

When you think about it, when you feel hungry, you always choose to eat the monster you hit.

Most of the monsters in the Great Wilderness are like this - and Nie Shen himself has not lived in the city of regular monsters.

It turns out that ordinary humans and monsters usually eat these things.

good to eat.

It is much more delicious than those monsters.

The little ginseng held his face and looked at Nie Shen for a while. He reached out and took the empty bowl and cup of him and Lin Mu, and returned to the house.

Emperor Xiu took a look at the back of the small ginseng, sitting in the woods and fluttering, said: "That is a good boy."

Lin Mu nodded and handed a piece of paper to Nie Shen to wipe his hand.

He understood what Emperor Hugh was referring to. He had just reminded the little ginseng to be careful when he was careful about Nie Shen. He did not know how to hide it. The emperor and Nie Shen outside the yard should hear it clearly.

However, the small ginseng did not choose to alienate Nie Shen.

Do not believe in others, choose to look with your own eyes.

Although it is a relatively stupid and easy to lose, but stupid is also stupid and cute.

Nie Shen is not so popular, and he has no feelings about the actions of the small ginseng.

After he learned the sound of the forest, he wiped his hands and left it for a while. He turned his head slightly and asked Lin: "How do you do good things?"

After asking him to pause, he asked: "What is good?"

Lin Mu was asked by him, turned his head and looked at the emperor.

Emperor Hugh followed him on the line of sight and sighed slightly.

It is much more difficult to teach a monster who already has a complete logical chain than to teach a baby who knows nothing.

Lin Mu thought about it and replied: "If you are good, there are a lot of things. Small, such as helping grandmothers cross the road, giving way to the bus and helping the passers-by, just like you sent the teacher Tan to the hospital, although you The starting point is awkward, but it is also a good thing."

Nie Shen slightly browed his brows and didn't seem to understand too much.

Lin Mu said: "Large good things, such as large donations, earthquake relief, saving lives, preventing casualties from saving the world, in general, the more people are saved, the better."

After saying this, the forest itself is not a little sure.

After all, the world he sees today is different from the world he saw when he was an ordinary human.

In the world he knows now, there are all kinds of causes and effects, and he can't figure out the number, and there are some messy things.

It is very biased to define one thing with good and evil.

What's more, it's not uncommon to have a good deed to do bad things, not to mention some of the others.

Lin Musi came to think and simply said: "It is definitely a good thing to stop mass casualties anyway."

Nie Shen listened to him saying something and nodded: "I understand."

Lin Mu turned to look at him, a little bit sure that Nie Shen understood something, but thought about what he had just said, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

So he was too lazy to think about it, thinking that Nie Shen is already under surveillance anyway, and he is not going to do anything in the Central Plains.

Linmu looked down at the time and said, "I am going to work. I heard that Xuan Jing said that you should be arranged to go to the street to do it?"

Nie Shenqi nodded, as Xiaoneng said, he said that Lin Mu and Di Xiu were quite obedient.

After staying with Di Xiu for a day and two nights, Nie Shen only felt that his mind had never been so clear.

The resentment and the insatiable question that has been raging in my heart disappeared without a trace, and the body was Shutai.

The forest simply went to work with Nie Shen. Before going, he went to the upstairs to hold the toffee. He took a sip and was stunned by the nine tails.

After the forest left, Yan Xuanjing turned over and changed back to the human form. He touched the phone to search for a circle, then got up and left the small yard.

When Nie Shen watched Lin Mu passing through the village entrance, he was shouted by the uncle's daughter-in-law. He said that this morning, several old hens had a lot of eggs, so that when he came home at night, he would go back and eat.

Lin Mu was pleased with the sound, and sang a song with Nie on the subway.

Nie Shen once sat in this kind of transportation, sitting in the forest next to him, observing the human beings in the carriage.

He didn't come to the Central Plains for a long time. He discovered the forest soon after he arrived, and then he was caught by the shackles, so that he didn't have much time to observe what the Central Plains looked like.

Nie Shen even saw a personal class sleeping directly in the seat, and did not have any precautions against the surrounding human beings.

He felt a little discomfort with such an environment that was too peaceful.

Lin Mu looked at him: "What happened?"

"It's weird." Nie Shen replied.

Lin Mu looked at this unpredictable car and the plain morning: "It's normal, what's weird?"

Nie Shen looked at Lin Mu with a stunned look, paused, shook his head, and did not speak.

He has never experienced such a peaceful environment, but the forest did not feel that there was anything unusual.

The sight of being too strange or even deformed in his eyes is quite common in the forest and in the eyes of these humans.

Nie Shen was silent behind the forest, watching the forest walk out of the subway station and bought a few bags of small snacks, each of which was divided into one.

"How do you seem to have eaten this." Lin Mu smiled at him. "You can try it. Maybe you will like the Central Plains."

Nie Shen heard the words, took over the small snacks that Lin Mu handed him, looked at it and turned to buy the steamed dumplings. He learned how the forest had just opened the package and just saw it next to the steamed dumplings. The boss of the stall said: "The young man should pay attention to his body!"

Nie Shen looked at the past and found that the fat boss smiled at him with a smile.

He didn't speak.

Lin Wood took over the words of the proprietress and said, "When you work overtime."

The proprietress moved her to a steamed dumpling and said: "Young people don't want to fight like this. If they don't have enough money, they will use it in the hospital."

"No way." Lin Mu took over the steamed dumplings, thanked the boss, and walked with Nie Shen in the direction of the office, while walking, said, "Zhongyuan is not completely peaceful, but generally speaking, it is quite good. ”

Nie deep eats the spicy strips and says: "Because they don't know that you are a half demon."

"Do they know what is the relationship?" Linmu is a bit strange. "When someone else gives you goodwill, you can accept it with peace of mind. You don't have to think about why you get this kindness. It's so tired." ”

Nie Shen has never heard such a statement, and he has been stunned for a while.

Lin Mu continued: "And ah, I heard Xuan Jing said that there are a lot of monsters in the wilderness that want to attract you, but you have never revealed how you want to communicate, that is, killing, so they have no This idea is over."

Nie Shen’s face was stunned, his lips twitched twice, and he made a few sighs: “...really?”

"I lied to you to do something." Linmu opened the door of the office and said hello to the **** and Wugui who were already inside. He said, "Yugui must also want you to recruit you to do good deeds, otherwise he Why are you a Qingqiu lord, why do you have to make a two-year agreement with you?"

This is of course to let Nie Shen be able to keep a clear sense of reason and turn back to do things well.

Although the power of the monsters in the wilderness is hard to say, no matter what the odds are, no matter how bullish or weak, regardless of private enmity, they manage trade circulation and territorial integrity, and occasionally do things that expand the territory, referred to as snoring.

In general, being in the power of monsters, as long as they participate in the trade production chain, even a weak tree demon who will only basking in the sun and trying to bear fruit will be sheltered in the absence of revenge.

But if you simply enter the city of monsters and do nothing in it - whether you can't find things to do or be lazy, then shelter and peace will not fall on their heads.

The working monster will be protected, not working, or strong enough, or waiting to be thrown out by other monsters.

A city is so big, there are so many divisions of labor, and the job opportunities are rushed by countless people, but they are rushed out.

Unless you have a skill because of your racial talent or you are very strong, it is quite difficult to get a foothold in the city.

Unfortunately, when Nie Shen entered the monster city pool before, he did not understand these things in depth. He only saw that the weak monsters could live safely, which made them understand a lot of injustice.

But there is nothing wrong with it.

Racial discrimination is indeed there. After all, most of the monsters have no special production talents. The half demon is not to mention, and the ability is inherently lame.

There are new monsters entering the city. The first goal to look for is that this is not strong, and there are no special monsters and half demons.

Lin Mu gave Nie Shen the work station next to him, so that he would sit here, and took out a Kindle from the drawer, searched for good deeds, and then handed it to Nie Shen.

Because I can't give you any examples at a time, it's best to ask for more examples on the all-encompassing network.

Maybe you can give Nie a little inspiration.

Dahei and Wu returned to watch Nie Shen holding a Kindle and sitting there reading a book to eat steamed dumplings, but not too surprised.

When Zhaigui asked them to explain the situation yesterday, they were already prepared. The nine-tailed fox means the sky, and it is a simple matter to tame a monster.

Let them temporarily receive a monster, simply.

This kind of thing has not been done before.

It was a **** look at the forest, and found that the whole person of the forest was like a spring breeze, and asked: "What good things have you encountered? Lin Xiaomu?"

Wu Gui heard this, looked up at the forest, and had a beard: "Peach blossoms are open."

A **** one: "After the opening of Xuanjing?"

Wu Guiwen said, brow a pick: "Will else?"

The forest is much more surprised than the big black.

He looked at them slyly and hesitated and asked, "What do you mean? You all know?"

"You are so scented by a fox, it must be with the nine-tailed fox every day." Dahei said, "And apart from you, I have never seen anyone who dared to raise the nine-tailed fox as a dog." Being bitten."

Dahe said that Lin Mu first smelled the smell of his body and smelled it for a long time without smelling other than shower gel.

However, Dahei said that the nine-tailed fox was a dog, and Lin suddenly remembered the good things done before the big black.

He turned over the old account: "You don't say I forgot, I took you to my house before, you don't mean that toffee is a dog!"

The **** neck shrunk, and then stretched out again, and it was justified: "Yu Xuanjing kept me secret! He said that there is no need to tell you, and he said that he will leave soon!"


The forest has recorded **** and toffee on a small book.

I flipped a sweet strategy on the Internet and was looking for Acacia seeds in the flower and bird market. I was going to buy it back and plant a pot to give it to the forest. There was a cool and bleak wind behind the feeling of Xuanjing.

晏玄景: "?"

The author has something to say: Baby, I went up to cultivate the list, but at the end of the tail may be smashed down.

I also want nutrient solution! Just click into the article home page and the irrigation is wide!

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