MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

This means of simultaneously blasting the rear of the warring parties did not do anything other than Nie Shen.

The forest was silent for a long time, and if nothing happened, the chopsticks in his hand were opened and he said, "Let's eat first."

Dahei and Wu think about it and think so.

I can’t go back now to take Nie Shen’s back. The three monsters they were present did not have a footstep to catch up with Nie Shen.

Although Nie Shen is a semi-demon, it is completely different from Lin Mu’s half-way monk, and the half demon who survived from that environment, the other is not to say that the ability to run is absolutely first-class.

What's more, Nie Shen's blood itself is also quite suitable for running. After all, it is a race that can fully integrate himself into the air. From the point of view of the road, there are really few monsters that can be compared with Nie Shen.

Anyway, they are not able to catch up.

Dahei and Wu returned to think this way. They also put down the map in their hands, opened the chopsticks, and started eating lunch.

Worried that there is not much worry, if Nie Shen really made something mad, before he made things, he must have lost his ability to use under the ban.


Although it is said that the things that Nie Shen is doing now are not small.

But what does it have to do with them?

They are just a group of weak, helpless little chickens.

This kind of thing should be handed over to the nine-tailed fox who is hand-eye-eyed.

Lin Mu also did not dare to say that Nie Shen had been thrown to his father by the blame - especially Wu Guihe and Dahei did not know who his father was.

He put a chopsticks and put it in a bowl. He looked at Wu Guihe and Dahei. He took a sip of his mouth and looked at Wu Guihe and Dahei. He was still determined to ask: "Is this a good thing?" ”

Big black looked up: "What?"

"It's Nie Shenqian's thing." Lin Mu said, "The ban does not trigger, is that he did not kill?"

Wu returned to eat a bite of lettuce and listened to Lin Mu’s saying. He pondered it and said: “It’s also a good thing. After all, it’s a ceasefire. You have to know that the weapons in human hands are really big and hurt.” Come, I remember that Guigui said that staying in Nie in the Central Plains is to let him do good deeds..."

Big black heard the words, turned his head and glanced at the trees.

Lin Mu also looked at him for a while, and he thought about the topic of closing his eyes when he was just packing lunch. He knew that it was Nie Shen’s inspiration for his next touch on his mouth, and he immediately looked at it as if nothing had happened.

Wu returned to see this and looked at it again. He blinked: "Do you know what?"

"I don't know." Big black took the lunch box and blocked his face. He said mixedly, "Nie Shen sat here one morning and didn't say anything, who knows what he wants!"

"That is." Lin Mu positively nodded.

Nie Shen, who is able to keep up with this snake skin circuit.

Lin Mu even dare to pack the ticket, Yan Xuanjing may not be able to keep up with Nie Shen's thinking. After all, how Xuan Jingjing is a normal monster, although he is also straight, but it is absolutely different from Nie Shen!

"It’s not good to talk about it, it’s not good to let him go outside." Lin asked in a sneak peek, "Is there any way to call him back?"

"No," Wu replied slowly. "For this kind of monster that is half-worked, we generally only monitor but not restrict freedom, because we can't limit it."

The woods were disappointed with the "oh" and bowed their heads.

He is really worried about Nie Shen’s famous earth-shattering hall – after all, strictly speaking, what he did is really a good thing.

They had lunch for lunch, and when the trees went out to throw garbage, they called the home outside the office.

The little ginseng picked up the phone and heard Linmu looking for the emperor to take a break. He took the microphone and ran to the yard, lifted the chubby little hand and knocked the tree twice.

"The emperor came out to pick up the phone! The forest came back!"

Qinchuan, who hung on the sun on the emperor's branches, disappointed and retracted his eyes. He turned over and allowed himself to be evenly heated.

Lin Mu raised the matter of Nie Shen at the end of the phone and felt a little anxious.

"Is there any way to say that you can call Nie Shen back..." Lin asked.

"Wood wood, don't call the name of the returning home, you must call the predecessor or the uncle." Di Xiu corrected.


Lin Mu thought about the image of each time he appeared, and he couldn’t find a response after a while.

He skipped the topic and said: "The thing of Nie Shen..."

"No." The emperor replied, "but he will always come back."

Lin Mu listened to the emperor’s remarks, and he was relieved: "What about the things he did?"

"Well..." Emperor Hugh card shell.

Speak the truth.

This kind of operation did not appear in the imagination of Di Xiu.

In accordance with normal thinking, Nie Shen, the first demon who first entered the Central Plains to try to do good deeds, will support the grandmother to cross the road to help the neighbors to repair the wall.

It’s big and big, but it’s a good act to save a few lives from accidents.

- Who the mother can think of Nie Shenyi to step up to the sky, ran to the place where people fight, the simple and neat operation directly makes people lose the means of war in the physical sense.

This road is too wide.

Humans should really give Nie Shen an award.

Emperor Xiu has some troubles.

From his point of view, Nie Shen’s work is actually quite good.

Regardless of the means, the result is perfect, and the Nie Shen has not caused any casualties.

But he also knows that from the perspective of human beings, it is not so beautiful. After all, human beings have absolute fear and doubt about this abnormal power.

As long as no one stands up and says that he is responsible for this matter, human beings will not be willing to give up.

There is nothing wrong with Nie Shen’s doing this, but he can’t fully praise him. He can’t deny him either.

It is even more difficult to find a personal class to top the tank. In case it is not good for humans to sell them, and Nie Shen himself does not look weaker than him, if he knows that the weak human beings have put his things on his head. I will definitely be upset.


Emperor sighed angrily and felt that it was too difficult to bring a child.

He thought about it, and when he looked up, he took the flower cultivation manual and took a look back.

It became.

Just use this little fox to top the tank.

When Xuanjing Jing came back, he was turned into a body by the emperor. After he had not had time to ask a sentence, he was taken to the side by the emperor.

The nine-tailed fox is full of question marks.

Emperor Hugh’s command: “The tail, the tail receives a receipt.”

Yan Xuanjing obsessed with the nine tails, and looked at the surrounding scene suddenly changed into a white world, bright and wide, even the light was saved.

The emperor took a good camera and directed the toffee to pose, and found an English-language statement directly searched from ○ degrees. He recited himself as a narration and finally recited the name of the organization. For a while, I closed my eyes and said a noname, and gave the non-existent organization a theme of "heroes everywhere" and finished the film with satisfaction.

Yan Xuanjing feels that the question mark has spread from his head to the whole body. He walked over and probed the screen on the front of the emperor and asked, "What is this?"

Emperor Xiu sighed softly and replied: "Carry the children."

晏玄景: "???"

Emperor Xiu explained a little about what Nie Shen had done, and turned around with the little ginseng to slap the video.

Yan Xuanjing was on the side and heard the little ginseng whispering over there: "When Nie Shen comes back, he can show him the movies of those superheroes."

"Yeah." Emperor Hugh nodded and thought it was fine.

“Does humans say something?” Di Xiu thought for a while, knocking on his head, after two seconds, his face was blank. “Education is more conducive to the growth of children.”

晏玄景: "..."

God and his mua are entertaining.

It’s terrible for a novice dad to bring a child.

In particular, there is also a ginseng essence that does not understand anything but also blends.

Fortunately, the forest was raised by the mother.

However, Xuan Jingjing thought about it, but still did not speak.

Because he also couldn't think of how Nie Shen's operation would be better. After tasted this sweetness, Nie Shen will certainly go to the second and third times.

It is useless to stop him, and Xuan Jing is very clear.

Because the merits of harvesting after the completion of the matter are real and solid, with Nie Shen’s thinking, he only thinks that he has done nothing wrong. He did not hurt anyone and gained merit. That is, even the heavens and the earth have indicated that he is doing the right thing. How can someone say that he is wrong?

As for whether human beings will have panic or other emotions, or if they have broken the life of the military and fire merchants, they have nothing to do with him.

Since it is clear that it will happen the second time of the second time, it is not as good as directly fabricating an organization, specifically responsible for giving Nie deep back pot.

The agreement with Zigui is just two hundred years. If under the action of Nie Shen, the Central Plains can be peaceful for two hundred years, and it is quite good to think about it.

As for the fact that this organization is not a person but a dog in front of the camera, when Nie Shen has blasted several times, no one will have any doubts.

With such a thought, I feel that the logic is very smooth and smooth, and it is perfect.

I even think that human beings should give Nie Shen an award.

After all, this tiny explosion by Nie Shen can bring peace and development to the entire Central Plains for two hundred years!

The more I think, the more I think that the feasibility of this matter is quite high, so I no longer have to ask. I turned around and moved to an empty pot. I took a small book of the flower planting guidebook and carefully selected the appropriate soil. I planted the seeds of Acacia and looked at the appropriate temperature. I was ready to move the pots to the glass room to raise them.

Little ginseng is hard to see 晏玄景 manipulated potted plants, could not help but come over and took a look, full face question mark: "Gallows, what kind of red beans do you do?"

Yan Xuanjing looked at him with a slight look and said: "This is Acacia."


The little ginseng almost wrote, and he carefully licked the seeds that Xuan Jingjing just threw, and he believed in your evil.

"This is red beans," he said. "The kind of red bean paste that can be done."

"Acacia is highly toxic, and it is generally not sold in the human market." The small ginseng held a small face and sighed in the old-fashioned autumn. "You are cheated by the toffee!"

Yan Xuanjing looked at the little ginseng with a stunned face for a while, and crushed the remaining seeds in his face.

The author has something to say: First! Want nutrient solution!啾咪=3=

By the way, give the baby Amway our crane crane's hilarious sand glyph!

"Give him his heart, give me money" by: Qianfeng Yihe


For the man who is so stupid, handsome and scum, the ** male lord Yu Yu, instead of letting him be deceived by green tea, cheating on the feelings, Tao Yanan feels: let go of the man, let me come!

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