MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

In the face of a crying little girl, Nie Shen was unmoved.

There was no fluctuation on his face, and he repeatedly asked: "You know Feng Feng, what is your relationship with her?"

Lin Mu looked at the little girl and looked at Nie Shen again. He said, "You can touch your hand."

Nie Shen heard the words, slightly biased the line of sight.

"It hurts." Lin Mu reminded.

Nie Shen seems to be somewhat puzzled, but still slightly loosened some strength: "What does she have to do with pain?"

"In case she is a human being valued by Feng Feng?" Lin Mu said, picking up the mobile phone and shaking it in front of the little girl, simply asked on the phone, "Hello?"

The phone was silent for two seconds, but there was a response: "Hello."

It is a woman, the voice is very peaceful and clear, it only makes people feel very comfortable.

The little girl twitched and stopped.

Lin Mu glanced at Nie Shen and asked: "We are not malicious. May I ask Miss Chen..."

"I am Feng Feng." The opposite is unexpectedly simple, just straight to the point, "You looking for me?"

Lin Mu and Nie Shen had a meal.

Lin Mu looked at the word "mother" on the remarks, and looked at the little girl who was sucking his nose and tears. He hesitated for a moment and said, "I look... Miss Chen should be a personal class?"

"This is not your business." Yan Feng said at the other end of the phone. "Who are you?"

Linmu looked up and looked at Nie Shen and asked: "First confirm, you... are you coming out of Mengze and writing the phoenix into the record?"

The phone was silent for a long time, only softly said: "It is me."

"That's great." Lin Mu slightly relieved. "Do you still remember the child? If his memory is not wrong, the name should be Nie Shen."

The sound of the forest tree just fell, and there was a chaotic sound of a bell ringing at the end of the phone. It seems that something was knocked down.

The voice of Yan Feng, with a few trembles, carefully asked: "Is that child still there?"

"Yes." Lin Mu said, simply handed the phone to Nie Shen.

When Nie Shen got the phone for a while, he lifted the phone to the side of his ear, and his eyebrows were slightly twisted. He didn’t say anything for a while.

Lin Mu looked at his like an enemies but was a little overwhelmed. He decided to leave some space for Nie Shen and turned to push the little girl out of here.

The little girl is not crying, but still sobbing.

She walked forward and said with a faded cry: "That is my cell phone."

"Nie Shen will come back later," Lin said. He carefully looked at the little girl again and again, some strange. "You don't look like a monster."

The courage is so small, or the civil servant who belongs to the human side. When he sees a monster, he sees a cat like a mouse. He goes to the mountains where the monsters gather, and depends on human-developed machines to explore.

How to look is an ordinary human.

The little girl twitched and muttered: "My father is human."

"Half demon?" Lin Shuyi, "How could the half demon be discovered?"

The little girl clung tightly on her backpack: "I want to grow old with my dad, so my mother took the blood of my monster for a while, and got it back when Dad left."

Lin Mu heard the words and nodded.

He did hear that there was such an operation, but it was really difficult to do, and it took a long time and quite fine control.

"This way." Lin Mu nodded, a little envious, "It's good."

The little girl was a bit strange when he said this. He turned to look at the trees, and his eyes were reddish. He said, "What is so good?"

"Can be with my father and mother," Lin said.

If his father didn't have an accident, he should also want to do so.

Otherwise, letting my mother grow old is too lonely.

While thinking about it, Lin was looking for the trees that had been opened before the little ginseng had taken him.

The little girl followed him, carefully looking at his eyes, looking down at the road, and carefully looking at his eyes, groaning and asking: "Is your father and mother not there? Is that Nie Shen also?"

Lin Mu smiled at her and did not answer.

The little girl bowed her head and looked at the road in front of her eyes. She was silent for a while, and she said, "In fact, I know you, and I called my mother because I heard you mention it."

A forest meal.

"Mom said, you are a very good big monster. When she was an egg, she was stolen from the nest by other monsters. Later, the monsters started to fight. She fell into the dream and the eggshell was broken. She was born with a congenital deficiency. She saved her and gave her a place to live so that she can grow up."

Lin Mu listened quietly, and listened to the little girl whispered: "That Nie Shen... is a jealous child, is he not doing well?"

"I don't know exactly why, maybe you can ask him yourself - or ask your mother what happened in the first place." Lin Mu said.

The little girl responded and stopped talking.

Yan Feng often told her about the things in Mengzeli in the past, but she always kept a deep eye on the great wilderness outside of Mengze.

She always tells her daughter that she must be careful and careful when she encounters a monster. If she encounters a monster from the wilderness, she will escape from the usage treasure.

In the eyes of the little girl, her mother is almost omnipotent.

It is because of the omnipotent mother's repeated ears, she will be so scared in front of the monster.

But my mother always talks about the gentle and kindly big monster.

In the heart of the little girl, it is an extremely perfect fairy tale image.

Gentle, magnificent, powerful, and pinned all her illusions about beauty.

Now this beautiful fantasy child appears in front of her eyes, and it seems that the situation is not good.

It’s dead, she knows.

The embarrassing child is a half demon, whether it is in the wilderness or not, probably not much better.

She looked down at the ground, thinking about the situation of the semi-demon that the predecessors occasionally mentioned, remembering the mother's repeated mention of beware monsters, and remembering that Lin Mu and Nie Shenli had of course said that the monsters were eating monsters, and they felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Mu only felt that the little girl was silent, and she did not go too far.

He managed to find a few trees. After asking about the situation, he put a lot of files on it.

What happened in the mountains, apart from the mountain gods, but also the vegetation in the mountains.

Lin Mu listened to an old peach tree and complained to him: "The fog is too heavy recently. Although the monster came a lot after the monster came, the fog is so heavy that it is really not suitable for us to grow..."

The trees touched the branches of the old peach trees. At noon, the branches were still a layer of wet water.

The old peach tree is still complaining: "He can't understand our speech. Can you tell us about the forest? Don't do it at least between noon and night. I feel like I can't make fruit next year. ""

"Good." Lin Mu nodded.

"But don't blame him. After he came, some monsters in the mountains said that they were haunted at night, and they couldn't figure out the truth. They didn't dare to make trouble." The old peach tree said, shaking the water of a tree, old-fashioned "You have to praise him at this point."

The forest side should be on the side, while the little girl is covered by the falling drops of water.

The little girl whispered a thank you.

The old peach tree stopped shaking, and his huge roots smelled a few familiar flavors, reminding him: "The nine-tailed fox in your house is coming."

The forest snorted, and the files on the handles were collected, and they turned around and found the figure of Xuanjing in a mist.

His black robes cut through the white mist and walked slowly.

The little girl was alert to a slightly different character in this appearance.

She turned to ask Lin: "Who is that?"

"Well..." Lin Mu thought about the vocabulary and replied, "Family."

The little girl said: "Hey?"

Lin Mu said: "Boyfriend."

The little girl's face was red, and she lowered her head to not speak.

Lin Mu looked at Xuan Xuan came over, some doubts: "How come you?"

"There is a letter from the Great Wilderness." He Xuanjing replied, his eyes flickering past the little girl and raised the letter in his hand. "I heard that you are looking for a mountain god."

Lin Mu first nodded and asked: "Who did you listen to?"

"Wait." When Xuanjing didn't answer the forest, he looked around and turned to follow the breath to find the mountain god.

- In fact, he knew this from a small ginseng.

But it’s not that the forest has something to look for.

Instead, he was sunbathing on the roof, and the small ginseng rushed into the yard with a short short leg and yelled out in a hurry: "The forest is dating a human girl in the mountains!"

It is said that this is a small daisy in the mountains to tell him.

The little daisies were heard from the rhododendrons.

The azalea was brought up by a camellia.

Xuan Xuan did not think that the real performance of this matter is much. He asked himself if he knew the forest well, but he was very clear that the forest would not do the lame.

However, Xuanjing is still coming, for some kind of unspeakable acidity.

Lin Mu looked thoughtfully at the back of Xuan Jingjing, raised his hand and patted the old peach tree, and asked: "Are you quietly talking about what is going on in the back?"

The old peach tree shook the branches: "I heard the little guys say that you are lame, the nine-tailed fox came over to rape... whatever."


How are you so gossip trees?

It is the sun is not good or the dew is not good.

The little girl looked at Yan Xuanjing and went away. She relaxed and whispered, "What did he do?"

"Looking for the mountain god." Lin Mu replied, "Mountain God knows more about the things in the mountains, but I don't like to appear in front of people, I can't find them."

When Xuanjing came back with the mountain god, he subconsciously took Lin Shu to his side and separated him from the little girl with the mountain god. The unpleasantness in his heart finally disappeared.

Lin Mu looked at the mountain **** and found that he was fascinated and did not wake up, and even staggered when he walked.

Lin Mu pulled the sleeves of Xuan Jing: "What is this?"

"I haven't seen the sun in the past few days." He Xuanjing replied.

In the sunless weather, the mountain gods will be less spiritual.

"I am fine."

When Lin Mu looked at the mountain god, he stumbled over the files and pens in his hands. He was so drunk and waved his hand. He said with great pride: "The problem is not big! Stabilize!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole **** slammed into the ground and snorted and slept.

晏玄景: "..."

Little girl: "..."

"?" Lin Mu picked up the things that fell on the ground and took the mud, turned to look at the fox, "I feel unstable?"

Yan Xuanjing licked his eyelids and raised his hand into the mist.

The surrounding fog suddenly snarled and roared, just like the ebb tide under the fast-release lens. The fog that covered the dozens of hills of Qingyao Mountain gradually receded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sun is re-spreading in the mountains and forests, and the trees can almost hear the joyful cheers of the trees.

Nie Shen squatted on the mobile phone and was smashed out of the fog by Yu Xuanjing.

The fox retracted his hand slowly and was quite satisfied with the new tricks learned from Zigui.

Nie Shen seems to have some unresponsiveness.

He squatted for a while, handed the phone to the little girl, looked at the three people who sat in a half circle, hesitated, went up and added the missing side.

The mountain **** struggled to wake up and looked at the front of the eyes. For two seconds, he clap his hands: "You can make a table of mahjong."

"We are not coming to play cards." Lin Mu is also quite awkward. Xuan Jing said that the mountain gods are good, and he spoke first. "We will do regular research."

The mountain **** returned to God and patted his head. He took the files and pens in the other hand and began to recall.

Lin Mu looked at the little girl who was checking the situation with the mountain god. He moved to the side of Xuanjing, and made a small voice in his ear to explain what Nie Shen thought of something.

Lin Mu said: "We just contacted Feng Feng."

Nie Shen sat in a daze and heard that they mentioned themselves in the conversation, and then slowly returned to look at the sights and trees.

"Yu Feng asked me to meet in two days." Nie Shen said.

"Where to see?"

"It's here." Nie Shen said, closing his mouth again, his eyes falling on the little girl, frowning slightly, trying to think of something from her.

When the mountain gods check with the little girl, the sky has gradually darkened.

The efficiency of the mountain **** lining is very high. Even if it is mentioned that it is going to the scene to see it, the mountain **** can also take her to the place where she arrives instantly, and then use the instrument to check it. Basically, it is eight.

This kind of research was originally planned to be completed in one to two weeks, and now it is over for a whole day, which makes people feel unreal.

The little girl looked at the file in her hand and scratched her head, feeling that she could sneak a fake for herself.

Several non-humans sent the little girl to the city, reminding him: "Yu Feng will come over in two days."

"Oh? Good."

The little girl nodded and looked at Nie Shen behind them. He hesitated for a while, or a bite, pulled a small pendant from the bag and strode to Nie Shen. .

Nie Shen subconsciously stepped back two steps, and then felt that this retreat was quite shameful, so he stopped.

The little girl gave the pendant to him and said with a sullen voice: "Give it to you."

Nie Shen took over the pendant, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the little girl turn around and ran away.

Lin Mu glanced at the action of the little girl, no fluctuations, just looked down and looked at the pendant Nie Shen in his hand, went up and told him to open the button of this pendant.

Nie Shen nodded and followed the forest back to the yard. He stayed outside the yard, looked at the pendant in his hand, hesitated for a while, or opened the button and opened the little book.

A huge picture suddenly unfolded before his eyes.

Both the water and the sky are the colors of the blue sky. The sun falls on the water mist and stuns a few huge colors of sunlight. The vegetation is faintly visible. The bottom of the pool is quietly burning with some bright red flames that should not be allowed with water.

There are also cranes and egrets standing on the edge of the swamp, and many waterfowls are parked in the reeds by the water, and their heads are buried in the wings of the quiet rest.

Yan Feng spread his wings and wiped the sky above the water, becoming the most beautiful color in this dreamlike jade.

On the edge of Daze, closer, the reeds and shallow shrubs flourished, and there was a broken ferry there.

There was a figure standing on the ferry.

She has long hair like a waterfall, draped in white mist, and looks up at the phoenix that wiped the sky, and her face is blurred, almost blending with this picturesque dream.

Nie Shenyu looked at this picture and started to stay until the left hand of the forest, a puppet cat, a small fox in his right hand, and a dragon hanging on his head, he just closed the pendant.

Lin Mu told Nie Shen about the grievances of Emperor House and told him about his father and Zigui. By the way, he also called the phone of Emperor House and told him.

晏 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫 毫

Qin Chuan angrily raised his tail: "What is the stir! Have you learned the language well!"

"Shut up." He returned to his paw from the forest head and turned his head to look at Nie Shen.

Nie Shen recalled for a while: "I found him."

"He? Take the initiative to find you?"

Nie Shen nodded. "When I came back from Kunlun, I heard someone asking me if I wanted to see the Emperor and said that he could help me. Then I followed the guide and found the Emperor House."

To be precise, it is the power and grievance of the Emperor House.

晏 掐 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己

When Emperor Hugh saw it, he said: "He is looking for something and finds that there is no big land, so he wants to come to the Central Plains."

"When you look for the Emperor of the Emperor, he must have hated the Emperor's House." The lazy fluffy big tail succumbed to the mobile phone in the forest, "kill you, he is the deity."

The Emperor’s house at the end of the phone was very calm: "You helped me blow him up."

Zigui itself is also planning this, but if it is resentful, it is almost equivalent to the half of the Imperial House.

This concept is different.

"Blow it up, too." Zigui said, "But he is gone, the cause and effect will count on your head, can you stand up?"


At the end of the phone, the Emperor’s House looked at the last body that had just arrived, and then felt that when he was at the top of his peak, he could almost only call it the demon power and the crumbling spirit of the chicken. He only felt that he was black and never thought about it. This kind of thing happened to move the stone and smash your own feet.

Your mother.

The top can't stand it, and it can't be beaten.

The Emperor House took a deep breath and opened his own mobile photo album with a solemn expression.

It seems that only a small video threatens to return to the bodyguard to barely maintain life safety.

The author has something to say: Zigui:? [dirty words.jpg]

Thank you baby for fishing me!

Today, my aunt let me slow down, first come to a long and top, and tomorrow I will come to double _(:3∠)_

I also want nutrient solution! Thick and long is worth the nutrient solution! Demi! 2k novel reading network

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