MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 219 Advent to the Commonwealth

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  Chapter 219 Second Coming to the Commonwealth

   As a young man.

  Easy to get angry.

  So the first thing to do on vacation is to go to the fire.

after get off work.

  Dean came to some high-end places, relying on his handsome face and tall figure, he easily got the contact information of five or six young women, and then asked them to come to his rental house to play flying chess.

   A night of exciting chess games.

  First day of vacation.

   In the cashmere blanket hall lying all over the floor, the phone rang in a hurry.

  Dean, who had just closed his eyes for less than an hour, pushed away the three hands and four legs that were pressing on him, picked up the phone, and found that it was his mother's call, and quickly connected the phone.

   "Hey, Mom, good morning."

   "Dean, you haven't come back for more than ten days. I hope you have time to help me and have a good talk with your elder brother. I think he has lost his direction in life."

  Heard Sheila talking about Big Brother Baker.

  Dean showed helplessness on his face.

  Life is just a few decades.

  Ever since my eldest brother worked part-time on a cruise ship last time and discovered a shortcut in life, he has been obsessed with that rich woman, even if he was taken back to the farm by his grandfather and hung up for education.

  The family is unlucky.

  Considering that I am going to the Commonwealth of Nations.

Dean then said: "It's okay, mom, let's do it, I have some things and need to go to the Commonwealth for a while, or if I take my brother to see the world of flowers, he won't be entangled with those old women. "

  Eating soft rice is a shortcut in life.

   But Big Brother Baker, shouldn't be looking for an old woman who is nearly fifty.

  Sheila is worried that her eldest son will have no offspring in the future, which is why she is so entangled. Otherwise, she would not be too involved in the self-choice of her adult children.

   Hear Dean's promise.

  She breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, see you tonight, Dean."

   "See you tonight, Mom~"

hang up the phone.

  Dean glanced at the mess, lying on the ground in the bright spring, yawned, and went back into the wine pond and meat forest, hugging left and right, enjoying the beauty of youth.


   Dean wakes up energetically.

  He woke up those female chess players who were still sleeping like dead pigs, paid a taxi fare of one hundred dollars each, and sent them away from his rental house who were still reluctant to part.

  Accompanied by the spirit, energy and spirit are infinitely close to the peak of the human body.

  This makes Dean, who wants to be a good man, often worry about his physical reaction like a human Teddy, and worry about whether Neil, who is weak and weak, will be able to fulfill her duties as a wife in the future.

  If I marry Neil in the future.

  For her safety and health, wouldn’t she be forced to eat takeaway frequently in the future?

  Dean shook his head helplessly.

  Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been in a dilemma.

   If you are sorry for your mother-in-law, you will be sorry for your big brother.

  This.. is a philosophical question worth pondering.

  Easy cleaning of yesterday's mess.

   Dean glanced at the time, picked up his phone, and contacted Karp, who hadn't been in touch for a while.

  Karp was introduced by Anthony to his Krav Kravrt teacher.

  Of course, after getting along for a while, Karp and Dean finally both believed that Krav Maga was more technical and not suitable for the powerful and powerful Dean, so they recommended Gu Muay Thai to him.

   But the two got along well before.

  Karp's identity is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

  So when Dean wanted to ask about his teacher's situation, he immediately thought of Karp.

  As for why he didn’t go to Amon, who has cooperated many times and has become the director of the NSA, it was because Dean subconsciously didn’t want to involve too much with Amon, who had changed his identity.

  People's hearts are changeable.

  Dean prefers to get along with Karp, a middle-aged man with a wife and children. This kind of person has weaknesses and is easier to handle, and he will not easily do things that cause people to be misunderstood.

  The phone is connected.

   Karp seemed to have just finished training and was out of breath: "Wow, isn't this our Los Angeles star, Inspector Dean, good afternoon, buddy, you haven't been to the boxing gym for some days."

   "Karp, I have led the team recently, and the time is very tight, but if you have time now, we can have a drink and have a small gathering."

   Karp should be very optimistic about Dean's future.

  So I went to the appointment without hesitation.

   Be still.

  In the country folk song with a slow rhythm, Dean put down his wine glass, wiped his mouth, and pretended to be unintentional: "Karp, I need to take a two-week vacation recently, and I am going to play in the Commonwealth. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

   "That place is good, as for the place to pay attention to"

  Garp glanced at Dean's handsome appearance and smiled badly: "Do you know which industrial chain is the most developed in Europe?"

   "Dude, the way you look at me makes me feel a little uncomfortable, and I'm going to travel, not to make money. If you look at me like a duck again, I'll crush your balls!"

  Dean knew the answer, but in order to guide Garp's topic, he still pretended to be angry.

  Karp watched Dean clenched his sandbag-sized fist, and quickly raised his hands in surrender:

   "Well, human trafficking.

   Every year in places like the Commonwealth of Nations and Gaul Wuji, many foreign tourists disappear. There are young and beautiful girls and handsome guys.

   These are recognized industrial chains in the underground world, and there are many big names on the bright side participating in them, so they are very courageous, even the children of some rich people dare to do it.

   If you don't want to get in trouble, stay out of trouble.

  I guess Anthony, would never want to use his connections, and finally find you on a chain in some rich woman's kennel.

   This is too cheap. "

   "So much trouble?"

   "It's that troublesome!"

Karp took a sip of his drink and said with a light smile, "You know, before I retired, I had a colleague who was an old-fashioned agent with double S authority, but my daughter and her classmates went there to play, just got on the plane, The information appeared on the online auction list.

  It's ridiculous, because my colleague is a priest on the surface.

   Instead, he made his daughter a high-priced prey and target.

  That group of people has a very complete source of information and identification.

  The nationality, age, gender, occupation, and even family composition of the goods will lead to differences in auction prices. "

   "What happened to your colleague's daughter in the end?"

   "We, a group of old guys, cleaned up the small gang responsible for the attack, but also alarmed the people behind them. We could only escape through a special channel with our colleague's daughter.


   I retired early because of that action.

   As for my colleague's daughter"

  Karp drank the wine in the glass with complicated eyes:

   "The group is going to let her act as a pure nun for the big shots to enjoy.

  To control her for training.

  The bastards, overdosed her on drugs and did a lot of **** things.

   When we found a colleague's daughter.

  Although she was saved, her body and mind had irreversible sequelae. "

  Reality is not about making movies.

  Karp and the others, as elite employees of the American Federation and special units, faced darkness and could only rely on the strength of a small group to retaliate reluctantly, but they also ruined their future because of this.

  If only normal people had to deal with this.

   This life is basically waiting for a reboot.

   Absolutely no second result.

  Dean snapped his fingers at the bartender, asked for the bottle, helped Rapp refill the amber drink, and said with a smile, "Well, after hearing what you said, I have to protect myself when I'm away from home."

Garp punched Dean on the shoulder: "Those people are not stupid, and they won't touch public officials easily, otherwise the world would have been messed up. In fact, if you are really in trouble, you can contact Anthony's office." Katz school."

  He glanced at Dean, and said seriously: "As long as you can get the approval of this school, then in the Commonwealth, as long as you don't provoke those dignitaries, you can basically walk sideways."

  Hearing the information he wanted to hear, Dean was shocked.

He curiously said: "Actually, Mentor Anthony told me about this school, but he is busy with a personal matter now, so he didn't tell me the contact information of this school, Karp, do you know, this time in the past, I happened to I want to accumulate some contacts by the way."

   "It's no secret. The headquarters of the Akaz School is located in London. On the surface, they are a private college, but they only recruit recommended students. You just go to the door and report Anthony's name."


   Garp told Dean the location of the academy.

   As a former 'secret agent', this guy really knew the information Dean wanted.

  Remember the address.

   Dean accompanied Garp, drank a few more glasses, and chatted about some secret and vague missions that Garp had experienced before sending him back to the fighting gym.


  Dean drove to his mother's house.

  The atmosphere at home is a bit weird.

  Little sister Sinclair, wrapped in a small blanket, curled up on the sofa, watching the basic love animation of a mouse and a blue cat on TV, without the spirit of the past.

  The younger brother Thompson had a bitter face, and under the supervision of his elder brother Baker, he carried out some introductory training for freehand fitness.

  Big brother Baker seemed to be staring at Thompson all the time, but in fact, his eyes peeked at his mobile phone from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone to call or send him a text message.

  The only normal person may be Mom Sheila.

   She hummed Italian folk tunes and was busy in the kitchen, preparing a big dinner for the family.

  As a strong woman who brings up four children alone.

  The encounter between Sinclair and Baker didn't have much impact on her, and she was very calm.

   "Dean, you're back!"

   When Thompson saw Dean, he rushed up as if seeing a savior, and wanted to give Dean a hug, and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of the "real man training" of the big brother Baker!

  Dean pushed him away with one hand in disgust: "Thompson, get out, you stink of sweat all over your body."

  Baker disagreed: "Dean, this is masculinity. If you say this, it will damage Thompson's confidence in insisting on becoming stronger!"

   "If you become stronger, then you will find a fifty-year-old rich woman like you?"

  Dean hated iron for being weak and contemptuously said:

   "Brother, you are so nervous about your phone, do you still want to contact that woman?

  Give up, to her, you are nothing more than a sensual physical doll.

  In this world, for rich people, beautiful women and handsome men are the most indispensable resources, and you have no competitiveness! "

  Baker's lips twitched twice, and he sat down on the carpet slumpedly, without saying a word.

  It depends on the situation.

   He also seems to be emotional.

  This is bloody.

  Dean was speechless about this.

  This is actually a disadvantage of growing up children in single-parent families.

  Because of lack of some love.

  Children who grow up in this kind of family environment often have some special hobbies in their future mate selection.

   Their old Li’s house is okay, and the atmosphere is okay.

  So Dean and others were not greatly affected by the loss of their father. At most, it was to protect themselves. From childhood to adulthood, they were more violent and independent.

  Many families, the atmosphere is terrible.

   This has also caused many new generations in the United States to have various defects in personality, which has caused many problems at the social level, resulting in the fact that law and order have always been poor.

   It is unreliable to complete these two in line.

  Dean took a small cake, walked up to Sinclair, pinched her listless little face, and said softly, "Are you feeling better?"

"I can't die, even if my mother won't let me eat this or cook that, I'm almost bored to death!", Sinclair snatched the cake from Dean's hand, lifted the lid, and didn't have to. He gnawed on the knife and fork fiercely, turning himself into a pretty face.

  See this look.

   Dean breathed a sigh of relief.

  He was actually more worried that Sinclair would have psychological problems because of the previous incident.

   Now it seems that I am completely worrying too much.

   After eating.

  Dean found his eldest brother and said that he was going to take him to the Commonwealth for a walk.

  Baker didn't know that Dean had warned the rich woman he had been thinking about all the time. He made more than a dozen phone calls in a row, and finally gave up after being scolded and humiliated by the rich woman.

  He rejected Dean's request, packed his bags all night, and was going to find his second uncle, and return to the junk-picking duo in the storage world!

the next day.

   After contacting Neil, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, Dean arrived at the airport in his mother's car and got on the plane to the Commonwealth.

   The moment Dean boarded the plane.

  In a seemingly inconspicuous private house in the Commonwealth of Nations, the keyboard is noisy.

  The selected photos one by one appeared on the printer at the side, and then they were taken away and taken away from this room.


  A man wearing thick glasses stopped typing on the keyboard.

  He hovered his mouse over a handsome man's photo and personal information page, looked at the upper left corner of the other's identity information, a special logo, and his pupils shrunk.

   "Is this a student of Achaz College?"

  The man quickly sent the above information about the man named Dean to a special email address, and he was relieved when he received an "OK" reply there, before returning to work.

  Dean didn't know that he was being targeted.

   Get off the plane.

  Nile, who came to pick him up, swooped on him regardless of the people around him, and hugged him: "God, I'm so glad I returned to Mommy's place early."

  Dean chuckled: "Think of me that much?"

   "Think!" Neil hung on Dean, looked into Dean's eyes, and said seriously: "Every minute, every second, I miss you!"

  Dean's eyes flashed softly, and he was about to say something, but he caught a glimpse of a frail figure from the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

   It was her!

   Good night~



  (end of this chapter)

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