MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 222 This man in front of me understands me! (everyone Lantern Festival

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  Chapter 222 The man in front of me understands me! (Happy Lantern Festival everyone))

  Led by Agent Melvin, Dean and Corolla took the elevator and came to an eerie underground area with granite stones on both sides.

   "A long time ago, this place was a religious correctional facility. After it was remodeled, we stored some murder evidence and temporarily parked corpses here for autopsy."

  Detective Melvin introduced the two while leading the way.

  After walking for about seven or eight minutes, the three of them finally came to a brightly lit hall after passing through several doors blocked by access control.

  The hall is not big.

  At the edge, there are some tables, chairs, and snack cabinets, which look like a temporary rest area for employees.

  A man and a woman are sitting on the sofa, talking and laughing.

  The man has a handsome face and a refined temperament, a bit like a scholar.

The woman is average in length, but she has a familiar temperament unique to young women. Her legs are crossed, revealing her breath-taking black silk. A lot of color.

   See Dean and the others come over.

  The two stood up quickly: "Agent Melvin!"

Melvin waved his hand and introduced to both parties: "Nicole, Fanny, these two are members of the secret service team, this one is called Corolla, the person in charge, and the other one is their companion. Next, what do they have? Please cooperate as much as you can!"

   "Okay, Agent Melvin!"

   Melfin is an old fritter.

   Complete your own tasks.

  He nodded to the two of Dean, Ma Liu turned and left.

   As for the purpose of the two of Dean coming here?

Feel sorry.

   As long as his weekly salary is in place, he never interferes with his own business.

  Agent Melfin leaves.

  Dean took a step forward and took over the leadership of the scene: "Hello, you can call me Dean. The purpose of our coming here is about a murder case three years ago. This is the situation of that case!"

  Melfin should let this man and woman breathe.

  So after the two took the file bag from Dean, they didn't open it.

Among them, a man named Nico glanced suspiciously at Corolla, who looked only eleven or twelve years old, and said in a strangely polite tone: "Mr. Dean, you are talking about the case of the ax murderer, right? Fanny and I were in charge of conducting an autopsy on the deceased, but other people were responsible for the on-site inspection."

  Hearing this, Dean frowned slightly: "Where are they?"

   "One fell ill and died, and the other, the person in charge, is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has not appeared outside for some days."

All right.

  Dean recalled that the reason why this case was re-focused was because the person in charge of the case had problems with him, so the murderer's lawyer seized the opportunity and applied for a postponement of the execution of the murderer, Xie Mi.

In this case

  Dean leaned his upper body forward slightly, looking down at Nico in front of him, "Understood, please show us this case, all the evidence and case reports you have sealed!"

  Nicole showed embarrassment on his face: "This is very troublesome, we"


Dean picked up his index finger, put it to his mouth, and interrupted the little boy's words: "I'm not very patient, so please put away the hostility that you thought was well hidden, put your tail between your legs, and be obedient! As for I don't care about your unprofessional and perfunctory performance in this case!"

   They're clearly here to reopen and investigate the case.

  So Nicole and Fanny, who has been silent all this time, will instinctively hostile to the arrival of Dean and Corolla, thinking that they came here to find fault with themselves!

  This is human nature.

  But Dean is unwilling to waste time on this kind of thing.

Nicole was told directly by Dean, blood was flushed on his elegant face, his chest heaved violently, and he was a little angry from embarrassment. After being pulled down by his companion Fanny, he took a deep breath and nodded: "I know." Already!"

   Finished speaking.

  He threw off his companion's sleeve and walked into the deep passage.

   "Sorry, staying underground for a long time and dealing with corpses has made people in our department have a weird temper." Fanny, who hadn't spoken all the time, lightly pulled her hair and smiled at Dean.

   "It's okay, just don't consume my patience."

  Dean glanced at Fanny who was full of charm in front of him, and a habitual smile appeared on his face: "While your companion is going to get the evidence, can you tell me about the situation of the case at that time?"

"no problem!"

  Fanny smiled lightly: "I am very impressed with the case of the ax murderer!"

turn out to be.

  Three years ago, Fanny was just a rookie in the industry.

  The person who took her at that time was none other than Nicole the boy.

   So for this case.

   Fanny was very impressed.

  She took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. After taking a deep breath, she spoke about what she remembered:

three years ago.

  The victim’s neighbor went to the victim’s house to return tools, but happened to see Xie Mi cleaning the female victim’s lower body through the window outside the villa.

  He was terrified and called the police immediately.

  Although Xie Mi was alarmed by the arrival of the police, he was still arrested and got all the stolen goods.

  The traces of the scene are still well preserved.

  The lower body of the hostess contained the genetic material of the murderer Xie Mi.

  So this case was solved very easily.

  After that, the murderer, Xie Mi, also admitted and described his crime in detail, saying that he did not know the victim's family, and that he committed the crime at random, looking for excitement.

  If the deceased was not a well-known lawyer, Xie Mi, the murderer, would not be qualified to be called an ax murderer at all.

   This is just a way for the police to appease those rich people: You see, the murderer is so cruel, he is called an ax murderer, but we caught him immediately!

   So you don't have to think we're wasting taxpayers money!

   All this, value for money!

Speaking of this, Fanny couldn't help laughing: "At that time, the effect of the police's publicity was not bad, and even received a verbal commendation from the Queen. Those of us who participated also gained a lot of benefits, so Nicole expressed his gratitude to the police. You will be unhappy when you come."

  Dean said speechlessly: "So, you didn't pay attention to the detection of the scene?"

  Fanny exhaled a puff of smoke and chuckled: "At least everything is in line with the process!"

All right.

  Dean now knew why the second criminal was obviously hidden in this case, but these people didn't notice it.

   It's not that they are unprofessional.

  It's just human nature.

  When two people are talking.

  Baby-faced Nicole also pushed a cart and returned to the hall.

When he saw his colleague Fanny talking to Dean, anger flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Mr. Dean, I have brought everything. In order to ensure that the evidence is not contaminated, you need to go to a special room to restart it." !"

   "Lead the way!"

   Dean said lightly.

  Nicole snorted coldly, and said to Fanny: "Fanny, these things are very heavy, can you push them for me?"

  Fanny glanced at Dean apologetically, turned her back to Dean, bent down, made a charming bow, and helped push the cart up.

  The way to transfer places.

Corolla, who had been observing silently, walked up to Dean and smiled unnaturally: "I'm sure that the estrogen in this female monkey named Fanny has already exploded. Along the way, she has been Release the 'surname' hint at you."

   "In nature, females have always been active in the face of high-quality opposite sex."

   Dean is not surprised.

  If he dumped his big brother and ran around the border of London, it is estimated that the woman who wants to sleep with him can fill the Thames River, and it will not be the turn of Fanny, whose private life is chaotic, to take advantage of it.

   There are not a lot of men who give and work.

  Ordinary women can’t cultivate the smell that Fanny has on her~

   Corolla pouted.

  This man is really narcissistic.

   "Well, actually, I don't understand why you can maintain emotions and carry out continuous language communication with these monkeys who seem to have not fully evolved."

   She muttered a few words.

  Dean smiled and said nothing.

  He doesn't like that kind of loneliness that is superior, and prefers the kind that sees through everything, but I just don't say it, and when you provoke me, I will suddenly show the secret coolness of slapping my face with sharp teeth.

   In human terms, I like to pretend.

  Special room.

  Dean and the others put on their white coats, put on gloves and gloves, and began to unpack the evidence on the cart.

   This step.

  Dean does not rely on human hands, he does everything by himself.

   There are actually not many evidences: dozens of close-up photos of the crime scene, four or five **** clothes, an ax with dark brown blood and dry flesh, and genetic material extracted from some victims

  Nicole, the reason why he was tired before was just because he didn't want to see Dean, Fanny, who was occupied with a lot of time when he was sleeping.

   For this hormone-driven, no-fuss guy.

  Dean really can't afford more attention.

  He first spread out the photos one by one on a large platform in the room.

  These photos are numbered. According to the number, you can roughly form the room layout of the crime scene in your mind.

  The content in the photo mainly includes the hall of the villa and the corridor leading from the hall to the underground parking garage.

  The hostess of the villa died tragically in the hall.

is also like this.

  The neighbor of the victim happened to see the scene where the murderer Xie Mi was cleaning up the body, and called the police, so that the burglary murder case was solved at the speed of light.

   And at the junction of the hall and corridor.

   There are long bloodstains and dragging marks.

   At the end of the traces, there is the male master whose hands and feet were bound and finally strangled to death.

  There were many traces of blood sticking to his body, his eyes widened, and he leaned against the wall helplessly and angrily. His already cloudy eyes stared at the camera, impacting the hearts of those who saw the photos.

  In Dean's mind, based on the photos, he quickly formed the crime scene at that time:

  The murderer's first crime should be in the living room.

After the other party **** the owner and the couple, he insulted the hostess in front of her husband, and then brutally killed the other party with an axe, and then dragged the hostess to the corridor, and first hit the hostess twice with the axe. Then it was changed to a rope and strangled the other party to death.

  The reason why Dean speculates that the other party hit the male host twice with an axe before killing him. The reason is that the traces formed by the two bloodstains on the male host's chest are similar to the halo caused by the gushing of spring water.

  This kind of situation is often caused by blood flowing violently and suddenly rushing out of the body surface.

  If it is not covered by clothing.

  At that time, the blood from these two wounds might even splash directly onto the opposite wall.

  After reading the photos.

  Dean knocked on the table, looked at Nico who stood aside and watched coldly: "When you saw these photos, didn't you have any doubts at the time?"

   This is someone else's territory after all.

  For the convenience of subsequent actions.

   Dean is ready to **** and **** this immature jerk.

When Nico heard what Dean said, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he snorted coldly: "Although no fingerprints were found on the axe, the female victim's body contained the genetic material of the murderer Xie Mi, and there were witnesses at the same time. This case is simple." Understand, what do you want us to doubt?"


   Dean holds up a finger:

  "The criminal's basic criminal psychology, subjectively, generally chooses to kill the more threatening target first, and then deal with others.

  But in this case, it was reversed.

  After the murderer killed the hostess, he dragged the hostess to the corridor, and then killed him, which was superfluous. "

   "Perverted thoughts are different from ordinary people!" Nico immediately fought back with words!


  Dean didn't care, and raised two fingers:

  "The murderer had an ax in his hand, and when he dealt with the female victim, he was clean and neat. When the ax fell on the male master, it was soft, like a child cringing to chop down.

   After that, I gave up using the ax and chose to use a more troublesome rope.

  This is also very unreasonable! "

  Nicole’s eyes were even more disdainful: “Using an ax to kill a person and strangling a person to death with a rope will bring different stimulation to the murderer’s senses. It’s not in line with common sense!”

   "Then you will get used to the strong stimulation of Ferrari and switch to a child's tricycle?" Dean asked back.

  The tragic situation of the female victim shows that the murderer is extremely tyrannical in his heart, longing for the excitement of blood and flesh splashing, enjoying the pleasure of splitting flesh and blood with an axe, and it is impossible for him to like strangling others to death with a rope.

  Because in this case, he can only stand behind the victim or exert his strength on the side, and there is no way to directly see the victim's helpless eyes!

   "This", Nico still insisted: "You are not a criminal, how do you know what he thinks!"

   "Because of the third point!"

  Dean held up three fingers, looked at Nicole who was stubborn, and said lightly:

  "All crimes will not be so intense at the beginning, there will definitely be a process from shallow to deep in the middle, and this process relies on their inner desire for stimulation.

  I have read the profile of the murderer Xie Mi.

  He has no previous criminal record.

  This kind of situation cannot happen to a person who kills so decisively and brutally.

   Can only illustrate.

   You just caught each other this time!

  When you caught the murderer, the murderer was cleaning up traces of the scene, and no fingerprints of the murderer or anyone were found on the axe.

  This is actually a very difficult thing.

  Because it takes a lot of effort to swing an axe, and in the splash of blood, even if the murderer wears gloves, he will definitely leave blood-stained marks on the wooden handle of the axe!


  Dean looked at Nico, whose face turned pale little by little under his words, and stopped speaking.

   Let alone.

  This guy can have this reaction, which means that the other party understands what he said.

  Fanny on the side, seeing Dean's sudden betrayal, couldn't help but say: "Mr. Dean, unless what?"

  "Unless the murderer held the front end when committing the crime, although it is more laborious to use, it will not leave indentations on the ax due to the pressure of the lever.

   This is a very troublesome thing.

  Because the ax is taken away directly, it is more worry-free and labor-saving, which means that the murderer did not intend to take the ax away from the beginning!

   That guy, prepare to provoke the police! "

  Nic finished speaking in one breath, let out a long breath, looked at Dean, and said solemnly:

   "I understand what you mean.

This kind of criminal has been controlled by the anti-social personality that constantly yearns for stronger criminal stimulation in his heart. It is indeed impossible to choose to strangle the male victim with a rope, nor will he leave two unstable axes on the male victim. print!

  So in this murder case, there should have been an accomplice present! "

  In Nico’s words, unknowingly, he has already used the honorific title for Dean!


Dean slapped Nicole: "Well, I have to admit, your calm attitude made me admire you, and your level is good. I didn't realize this before, but Xie Mi was arrested too quickly. Under the pressure of public opinion and higher authorities, you are all rushing through the process and ignoring these details."

this moment.

   The beast taming skill on Dean is activated instinctively.

  After suppressing Nico, he immediately gave him the steps, and directly poured honey into Nico's mouth, even boasting and explaining, let the other party gnaw on the bone, and had a good time.

   Sure enough, I heard what Dean said.

  Nico, who was still full of hostility towards Dean's arrival, was moved and guilt flashed in his eyes, and he was about to say something.

  Dean continued: "Man, my mouth is a little dry, you can continue to analyze, for example, who do you think the accomplice could be?"

  Nic didn't realize that Dean was domesticating himself.

   Hear what Dean said.

  Seeing that the other person is looking at him with encouraging eyes.

  Nico thought it was Dean's chance to show himself, and to restore the face he had lost in front of the two women, he analyzed obediently:

   "The accomplice must be someone close to Xie Mi, maybe his relative, or his friend. This guy is teaching another accomplice **** and commit crimes!"

   The scene of the crime was clarified, and there were two murderers.

  Normal people can clearly understand from the traces left on the scene that the two axes on the male host's body were made by a second person, and they behaved very clumsily.

  So, this crime is actually a crime inherited from another newcomer by a criminal!

  Dean slapped his hands again: "You are right, Nico, you are indeed very good, keep talking."

   Get encouraged.

  Nicole only felt warm in his heart.

this moment.

  What about Fanny, what about being jealous, what about being upset about being slapped in the face, all went to hell.

  At this moment, the British blood in Nicole broke out.

  The man in front of me understands me!

   Thanks to the book friend '777 Wufeng 777' for the five hundred book coins reward, thank you boss!

   Thanks to the book friend '20221221200429831' for the reward, thank you boss!

Good night.



  (end of this chapter)

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