MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 225 I choose you X

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  Chapter 225 I choose you X

  The prisons on the Commonwealth side are obviously not as comfortable as the private prisons on the American side.

  The building is old and damp. Whether it is the activity area or the living area, it is very narrow and depressing. The dim lights cast orange shadows, making people feel like they have come to the medieval Inquisition.

   As a death row inmate.

  Xie Mi has her own independent single room - a single room of almost three square meters.

  There are iron railings outside, the bed leans against the iron railings, and at the end of the bed is a 20cm-wide wooden fence, which covers the sitting toilet inside, so that it can be used to cover the ears and steal the bell when the criminals inside are peeing and humming.

  When the prison guards took Dean over.

   This guy is standing over the toilet, aiming at some of the newspaper portraits pasted up on the wall, in an ancient movement.

  Through the railing, Dean looked at the man who was making glue inside.

  It is different from what I imagined.

The first impression Xie Mi gave was that he was elegant and thin. He was only about 1.6 meters tall, a bit shorter than his brother, and it might be because of his three years in prison. pale.

hard to imagine.

   It's such a thing, you can swing an ax, so frenziedly killing the same kind.


  The prison guard knocked on the iron railing with the baton in his hand, interrupting Xie Mi's release behavior inside, and said unkindly: "Xie Mi, you bastard, don't put your disgusting glue on the toilet!"

  Because of his height, the baffle around the toilet only covered Xie Mi's upper buttocks and waist area, exposing his dark groin and smooth ping pong ball.

   Face warnings from prison guards.

   Not only did Xie Mi not stop, but he twisted his body, his hands were like the wind, speeding up the 'drainage'.

  See it.

  The prison guard looked at Dean in embarrassment: "Dude, it's probably Shaymy's friend outside who sent him a new newspaper, so he made this glue like crazy."

  Dean was puzzled: "Newspaper?"

   Hitting 'Fergie' has something to do with newspapers!

  The newspaper is not a poster of a beautiful woman. It is black or white. Even if a portrait is printed, it looks like a portrait. I guess it is not as attractive as the other inmates in the bathroom.

The prison guard shrugged and explained: "These prisoners have the right to receive letters from outside, but we don't provide them with things like glue to stick letters on the wall, so if they want to do that, they can Make your own glue."

   Dean: "."

  So. This guy, is he actually playing glue?

   It may be that there are outsiders, and the stimulation is even greater.

  Xie Mi's glue-making behavior did not last long.

   A moment.

  Seeing Xie Mi inside, the speed suddenly increased, and at the same time, he grabbed the newspaper on the side and swung it down.

   Shake with two eggs.

   Xie Mi let out a long sigh of relief.

   Take a few big breaths.

  He brought up the previous newspaper again, walked to the shadowed area of ​​the room, pressed it up, and then carefully spread the newspaper on the wall with both hands, over and over again.

   If you look carefully.

  On the wall, there are seven or eight such newspapers, which have been torn into small pieces, so the area they occupy is not too large.

   Until the newspaper is completely adhered to the porcelain board.

  Xie Mi just lifted his pants, and while wiping his glued hands on his body casually, he turned his head and said in a bad tone: "Dude, you have violated my privacy, if."


  His words stopped abruptly.

  Semi looked at Dean next to the prison guard in amazement, and his vision immediately passed Dean, and locked on Corolla who was observing him curiously.

Two jets of hot air came out of his nose, and he rushed from the innermost part of the room to the railing, stretched out his remaining mucus towards Carlo, and screamed nervously, "Woman, a woman who smells like milk woman! Lord, have you heard my prayers day and night! Let her in, and I will tear her to pieces!"

   Corolla was taken aback by Xie Mi's crazy reaction, and subconsciously hid behind Dean.


  The prison guard was enraged by this guy's actions, picked up his baton, and slammed it **** Xie Mi's hands stretched out from the railing.

   Xie Mi yelled after being hit, but his eyes turned to Dean.

  This little boy looks very attractive~

  Dean didn't want to waste too much time here.

  He stopped the prison guard and said politely, "Can we be alone with him for a while?"

  The prison guard gave Xie Mi a vicious look, nodded, turned and walked aside to ensure that the two parties would always stay within their field of vision.

   "Baby, do you look unfamiliar?"

  Xie Mi pressed his face tightly against the railing, twirled his tongue on it, blinked his bloodshot eyes greedily, and fired at Dean very hotly.

   Dean: "."

   What did this guy go through during the three years in prison?

  Dean resisted the urge to shoot Xie Mi directly, and said blankly: "I am the police officer in charge of your case now, and I have brought you good news."

"good news?"

   Hear about cases involving yourself.

   Crazy Shamy, calm down.

  He took a step back a little later, and after formally looking at Dean, he said with interest: "It's still a police officer, a little white-faced police officer. Could it be that my case has turned around?"


  Dean nodded: "We re-investigated all the evidence and found that you had an accomplice at the scene of the crime, so if you can confess the other party, you don't have to die."

   Hear what Dean said.

  Xie Mi did not show the slightest surprise.

  He sneered: "So what if you idiots find out, you will never know who he is, but"

   Xie Mi paused and licked his lips: "If you can stay with me for a night, I don't mind giving you some tips."

   Dean: "."


   This is really shocking!

  He really wants to smash this disgusting thing with one shot!

   See Dean not talking.

   Xie Mi stretched out his finger, wiped it on the railing, pointed to some remaining 'glue' and said:

   "You queen's dogs, don't you often promote chivalry in the media?

  I can tell you that the Queen's Birthday, my good man, is going to be a big news, and if you can lick this stuff off, I can give you a hint too. "

   He tilted his head and looked at Dean: "One side is the queen's honor, and the other side is your own dignity, hahahaha, I'm curious how you would choose!"


  The sound of bullets hitting steel responded.

  Dean put the gun away with a gloomy face, and opened the prison door with the broken keyhole. Under Xie Mi's bewildered gaze, he walked up to him and grinned: "I choose Nima!"


  Fist style is fierce.

  Corolla outside saw the afterimage of Dean's right hand flashing, and Xie Mi's whole body seemed to be hit by a car. His right cheek was sunken, and the whole person flew into the air and hit the toilet behind him heavily.

   There was a loud bang.

  The whole cell was shaken.

  Looking at Shaymy, twitching, hanging on the wooden board that conceals the toilet.

  Dean is still not relieved.

   He grabbed the iron bed, forcibly tore off a hollow steel pipe, and began the brutal beating.

  When the prison guard came back to his senses and rushed into the cell, Xie Mi's whole body was like a ball of dough that had been broken up. He no longer had a human form, only breathing out, not entering.

   Especially that mouth.

  The blood-stained teeth prove how much Dean hates the other party's stinky mouth!

   "Dude, you're in big trouble!"

  The prison guard originally wanted to be fierce, but when he saw the image of Dean holding a steel pipe that was still dripping blood, the words he spit out turned into a low-pitched complaint.


  Dean dropped the **** steel pipe and shrugged: "Don't worry, we'll take care of this, right, Corolla?"

Corolla glanced at Xie Mi's 'meat ball' hanging on the toilet grill with some disgust, and shook her head: "Dean, your methods are too rough, and the other side's lawyer has been watching, unless you can make this incident happen today. The case is resolved, otherwise even I will not be able to get the prison to cooperate with us!"

   If there is no responsibility, the prison will naturally not offend the secret service team just because of a criminal.

   But when the question of liability arises.

  No one will take the initiative to help others take the blame.

   "Time of day?"

  Dean stepped on the blood splattered all over the floor, walked to the wall where Xie Mi was sticking the newspaper, and smiled: "If nothing else happens, we can get it done before we get off work!"

   Corolla walked up to Dean, followed his gaze, looked at the newspaper on the wall, and began to size up.

  The contents of these newspapers are all fragmentary reports, and even the contents are incomplete due to cropping. It is impossible to see the meaning of Xie Mi's fooling them on the wall.

   "Is there a message on this?"

   "Yes!", Dean nodded:

   "But it's not the front, it's the back!

   If I guessed correctly, the content on the back, every newspaper, corresponds to a crime! "

   Hear here.

   Corolla, who has a monstrous IQ, understands it in seconds!

  After Xie Mi was arrested, even though he was sentenced to death, he never confessed to his accomplices.

   If it is said that it was for loyalty at the beginning.

   is definitely not behind.

  Looking at Xie Mi's state, he knew that he hadn't had a good time in the past three years, and he was almost driven crazy.

  What is it that keeps the other party tight-lipped?

   Reminiscent of the previous 'inheritance of crime'.

  Dean guessed that after Xie Mi was imprisoned, his accomplice "apprentice" must have not disappointed him, which made him grit his teeth and was unwilling to take the initiative to confess the accomplice, so as to avoid the death penalty!

   After all, if he spoke up, he would at most convert the death penalty into hundreds of years of prison life, with similar results.

   But the accomplice is alive.

  Then Xie Mi's story and will will be passed down along with the growth of the accomplice!

  In order not to expose his relationship with the accomplice.

   It is naturally impossible for Xie Mi to take the initiative to contact the accomplice.

  So in order to prevent Xie Mi from confessing himself, the accomplice could only find a way to tell Xie Mi: I have been growing, and I have not let you down!

   And this channel.

   It can only be the newspaper in front of you.

  Think of these.

   Corolla looked at Dean with more admiration.

  IQ is not equal to logical reasoning.

  The man in front of me is so strong!


  Seeing the changing expression on Corolla's face, Dean interrupted her thinking.

   Corolla didn't speak, but directly responded to Dean with actions.

She rolled up her sleeves, revealing her slender and pale arms, bent down, picked up the steel pipe that Dean had thrown on the ground, held it with both hands, and let the blood on the steel pipe drip onto her shoes, and she was still humming in pain when she walked. Humming in front of Xie Mi, hold it high.


  One click, two clicks, three clicks.

  The blood thrown out left blood lines on the wall, forming a strange dotted and solid line figure similar to mathematical geometry.

I can tell.

   Corolla has very little strength, but uses the same strength every time, and has strong control.

  Brother prison guard, where have you seen this scene before?

  He tremblingly moved his hand to his waist, afraid that these two lunatics would be jealous, and they would deal with him easily later!

   "I can't do it, I'm too tired!"

   After smashing it more than a dozen times, Xie Mi still hasn't died.

   Corolla gave up.

  She threw the steel pipe aside speechlessly, panted and tore off a button on her clothes, and precisely threw it into the mouth of Xie Mi, who was still breathing and kept vomiting blood.

  When the button hit the liquid, dazzling sparks spewed out from Xie Mi's mouth, forming a 'mouth-swelling firework' with a height of about half a meter.

   Count interest time.

  A strange smell of meat filled the cell.

  As for Xie Mi, his head has already melted into a black and red lump.


   Corolla seemed to smell this smell for the first time, and immediately retched.

  The prison guard, who seemed to have seen the world, looked straight at Xie Mi's head and was still reacting to the 'White Flame Tree', motionless.

  Dean just wanted to compliment him.


  The prison guard brother rolled his eyes, his body hit the ground straight, and he fainted from fright.


  Dean could only carry them out one by one.

   Corolla's buttons are amazing.

  Although a flame-like combustion reaction was formed and a violent high temperature was released, the smoke alarm above the head was not triggered.

   This also saved them from having to face-to-face ink with the higher-ups on the prison side.

  Anyway, people have died in prison.

No matter how.

  The prison side will bear certain responsibilities.

  So whether they like it or not, I can only hope that Dean and Dean can settle the case against Xie Mi as soon as possible, and divert the attention of the opposing defense lawyer, so that they can arrange for Xie Mi's suicide!

  The newspapers Xie Mi posted on the wall were all within three years.

   Get out of jail.

  Dean and Corolla corresponded through the newspaper, and quickly figured out Shaymy's hidden secret.

  Everything is as Dean guessed.

  Every newspaper, corresponding to the region, is a crime report!

  On April 15, 1998, an innocent old man was attacked with stones and died in a corner of the park.

  On June 7, 1998, an innocent teenager was attacked by a masked man with a baseball bat when he was about to go to school, causing him to go into a coma and become a vegetative state.

   Case by case.

  From attacking old people and children at the beginning, to adult women and strong men behind. Weapons range from stones at the beginning to table knives at the end

connect them.

  It is the growth process of a weak personality who turns into a serial murderer.

   This case will be closed tomorrow.

   Thanks for the reward of 10,000 book coins from the book friends of "Brilliant Night", thank you boss!

   Thanks to the book friend 'Pumpkin Head Stupid' for the reward of 1,500 book coins, thank you boss!



  (end of this chapter)

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