MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 236 The new case of Miemen

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  After listening to Dean's explanation, the young man was particularly unwilling!

  In fact, in the passage of the black clinic, there are organs such as gasoline.

  As long as the mechanism is detonated at that time.

  The narrow passage will turn into a sea of ​​flames, and ignite together with the wooden acupuncture hall above, in exchange for enough time to evacuate.

  Damn on this.

  The police came too suddenly.

   This also caused the doctor who was still in the basement to be reluctant to hide the money he had hidden in the secret compartment of the acupuncture parlor, so he took his assistant and ran away from another direction.

   But this move made him and Annie miserable!

  The only thing I'm lucky about now is that the one who caught up is probably the police, not the Viper gang.

   Jingle ~

   Accompanied by a crisp sound.

  The young man dropped the military stab in his hand and made a gesture of surrender: "I plead guilty, but the woman behind me is just a victim who was involved. I hope you don't hurt her!"

  Dean laughed:

   "Dude, you got one thing wrong.

  Just now you ambushed me with the idea of ​​killing me with one blow.

  Now that you drop your weapon, you want me to let you go?

   Even if I agree.

  The gun in my hand also refuses to agree!

  How about you give me a reason to let you go? "

"What do you want?"


  Dean's tone was indifferent: "For some reason, I didn't intend to kill you, but I'm small-minded and I can't suffer. If you can't make me feel better again, I'd better die here."

   Hear what Dean said.

  Despair flashed in the youth's eyes!

  I met a black policeman!

  He is an orphan. Fortunately, he was adopted by his master and given a surname. If he asks for money, his life is in the palm of his hand.

   Unless you name your master!

   This thought.

  Youth has just risen, but he is depressed again.

  Being a man must have a conscience!

  Master's kindness to me is as great as a mountain!

  He didn't want to drag Master into the water because of his own affairs!

  Think here.

  The young man's eyes flashed with death, his breathing rate changed, and when he raised his head again, the veins on his forehead were already popping up: "Death!"

   stared at his feet.

   Between the two of them, the distance of three or four meters is fleeting.

   Between the surging fist wind.

   There was a tragic cry that never came back, echoing endlessly!

   "Is this begging for death?"

  Dean was a little surprised.

   This is a stick.

   All of this seems to happen extremely quickly, but people cannot teleport. Even an ordinary old policeman is enough to pull the trigger when the opponent rushes over.

   Not to mention him.

   But Dean didn't really want to kill each other.

  He was just looking for an excuse to touch the foundation of the forces behind this kid.

Without any choice.

Dean put his gun back into the holster, and at the moment when the wind of the fist rushed to kill, he raised his right knee and hit the young man's abdomen, and pushed him into the air with skill, while his right hand clasped the young man's back like an eagle's claw. The pillar pressed his whole body against the cold and damp wall of the pipe.

   The spine was charged.

  The young man stuck to the wall of the half-empty tube, and found out in horror that if he tried to struggle and exert strength, his back seemed to be torn apart, and he could not move at all, nor could he exert any strength.

  This person is so scary!

   Wait until the kid stops struggling.

  Dean just put him down, grabbed the other person's hair and lifted him up, and a few big mouths swung him up: "What the **** is your name?"

  This is not only to express anger, but also to remind young people: I don’t want to kill you!

  Young people have a single-minded brain.

  Even though he was dizzy from being dumped, he still glared at Dean, gritting his teeth without saying a word.

   Dean: "."

  I hate communicating with single-minded people.

   "Looking at you, you are still not convinced!"

  Dean raised his hand, ready to give him a full face.

at this time.

  The sound of crawling came from the ground.

  Dean looked down, but it was a girl looking a little miserable, wriggling towards this side with difficulty in the damp and cold aisle.

  She tried to raise her head, revealing her swollen eyes, and said in a weak voice: "Stop beating, Mr. Police Officer, please stop beating, what do you want to ask, just ask me, I know everything about Jin."

  Seeing her miserable like this, she shivered from the cold.

Dean brushed the hair of this young man named Jin, threw him to the girl's side, and walked down the stage, saying: "You have to thank you for not killing those three police officers before, otherwise you are dead now, tell me now, name !"

  Jin was slapped a few times by Dean, and he was a little dizzy.

  He spat out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth, gently hugged the girl in his arms, lowered his head and said, "Jin Dahai."

   "Who is your master?"

   Jin Dahai looked at the girl in his arms apologetically, raised his head, and said in a firm tone: "There is no master, I killed all the members of the Viper Gang by myself, if you want to arrest, just... eh~"

   "Jin Dashan! Jin Dashan of the Hong Gang!"

  Annie in Jin Dahai's arms covered Jin Dahai's mouth, and shouted with the loudest voice she could make now!

very good!

   It turned out to be a member of the Hong Gang!

   The corners of Dean's mouth turned up.

   Then it will be fine.


  I know the answer I want.

  Dean took out his detective certificate: "Jin Dahai, you are suspected of killing eight people, and you are arrested now!"

   Finished speaking.

   A piece of stuff was thrown under Jin Dahai and the two of them.

   Jin Dahai breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although Annie finally involved her master.

  However, survival is a human instinct.

  I don't blame her.

  After self-hypnosis, Licking Dog stretched out his hand, ready to handcuff the handcuffs that Dean threw over, and handcuffed himself, but the touch from his fingers made him startled.

  Jin Dahai took advantage of the light of the searchlight thrown aside to see the shape of the thing in his hand, and was stunned.

This is?

  After finishing the arrest declaration, the panel vibrated, and after gaining 1,200 experience points, Dean said in a happy mood: "This is a morphine injection, which can relieve pain. Get out after the shot."


  Jin Dahai was both shocked and delighted at the moment, and his mind was buzzing. He didn't understand why the man in front of him released him after arresting him!

   "There is no reason, you just need to help me and tell that Jin Dashan a word!"

   "What words?"

   "My territory, I have the final say. Next time he finds the wrong person to intercede, don't blame me for not giving him face. In addition, let him compensate my injured buddy within three days!"

   Finished speaking.

   Dean turns and leaves.

  He came here this time, one is for experience points, and the other is to find out who is behind this golden sea.

  Both of these are available.

   It's all right.

   As for killing Jin Dahai?

   Dean would not do this kind of stupid thing that not only provokes the enemy for no reason, but also offends the people who put pressure on the old Hunter. The key point is not beneficial.

the next day.

  A middle-aged Chinese man came to Dean on his own initiative and surrendered himself.

  He took the initiative to explain how and why he killed a group of Viper Gang members, and he also brought Jin Dahai's 'poisonous stinger', and everything went surprisingly fast.

at the same time.

A humble Chinese foundation, in the name of donation, provided medical subsidies to the previously injured police officers, donated a full US$1.5 million to the Fourth Squadron of the Murder Division, and donated a total of US$1.5 million to the Central Branch 500,000 US dollars, and named surname This is because of Dean's reason, this money was donated.

  Money must be shared by everyone.

  Dean is now worth tens of millions, and he doesn't care about these.

  But Master Jin Dahai's attitude made him very comfortable.

  Because of the 'donation'.

  Next two days.

  The entire No. 4 Squadron, the two teams, the atmosphere is very high.

  Dean is also in this small circle, gaining more intangible prestige.

  Especially the Central Branch.

  Because the members of Hawke's team are snarky, all the patrolmen know that because their team is close to Dean, this time they can get a big bonus, and they are secretly envious.

   It can be expected.

   Later once Dean needs help.

   This group of people will be happy to rush forward, and I only hope that Dean will remember them when something good happens in the future.

  Happy time is always short.

  The end of April.

  Off hours.

  Dean stretched his waist, threw the same invitation into the drawer, and prepared to leave work.

   This is an invitation from Jin Dashan's master, Jin Dashan.

  The content of the invitation is probably that they don’t know each other, want to make friends with him, and even have a little relationship through Grandpa Dean and relatives of his father’s generation.

   This is actually not surprising.

  There are only so many old Chinese living in Meilijian, and the circle is so big, it is easy to get involved with it.

   But it's none of Dean's business.

   For these gangs.

  He has less energy to reach out and maintain a relationship right now.

At least

  I have to wait for him to become the captain before considering these things.

  Today is Thompson's birthday.

Just when Dean was thinking about what birthday gift to buy for Thompson, Daisy knocked on the window of the cubicle and stuck out her head: "Dean, your landline seems to be broken, just give me a call, let me Check your email!"

   "The landline is broken?"

   Dean picked up his landline suspiciously, his pupils shrank!

  I saw that the plug-in line of the landline is a virtual connection, and at the same time, there is a note under it!

   Someone came here when he was not here!

  Dean didn't take care of the mail, and carefully checked the surroundings. After making sure that the guy who hid the note didn't plant a bomb in his office by the way, he put on his gloves and opened the note:

   You asked me to investigate Meng En, and found nothing unusual.

  I left some small things at his home and office.

   If there is any unexpected discovery, you will be notified immediately.

  A piece of information is attached:

  The Lucifer Game Organization sent a commissioner to Los Angeles.

  They seem to have discovered a new high-IQ criminal and are ready to take it in.

at last!

   You should really prepare a private mailbox!

  Signed: V!

   After reading it, Dean's expression changed slightly.

   It turned out to be An Bei!

   It is estimated that Anbei was worried that his phone was tapped and his mailbox was not safe, so he sent the information through a note.

   This guy has information channels from the dark world, and now he has mixed into the "Lucifer Game Organization", and the accuracy of the information is very high!

   "On Lucifer's side, what is the purpose of attracting criminals all the time?"

   The doubts in Dean's heart appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

  As long as you don't mess with yourself.

  Do what you love!

  He opened the mailbox and found that it was actually an email sent by the FBI yesterday:

   Agent Dean.

  Now there is a tricky case and I need your assistance.

   If you wish, please contact Agent Chesston at XXXX.

  We will send a temporary secondment application to the police department.

   If you decline.

  Then before the arrival of new branch members, there will be special cases in the Los Angeles area in the future, which will be directly transferred to you.

  This is your obligation as a special employee!

Please reply! —

  FBI Secret Service Dispatch Team.

   After reading the email, Dean suddenly realized.

  Cheston in the email is Dean's 'acquaintance'.

  The two first met when Dean was handling the first case, and there were some conflicts between them, which led Lawrence to directly give Cheston a few big blows.

  Cheston at that time was still a rookie student of the FBI.


  Cheston was assigned to the FBI's Los Angeles Operations Branch.

   This guy has matured a lot.

   Also on the list is the thigh of a senior detective as a partner.


  That partner was shot by Dean.

after that.

   It is the counterfeit banknote case involving some terrorist forces in the Middle East not long ago.

  Cheston was lucky.

   During the investigation of the two, only one thigh was left when the companion was blown up.

   He survived again.

  Lawrence had talked to Dean about this before.

Now it seems.

  The tricky case mentioned in the email is the counterfeit banknote case.

  Counterfeit money case is not easy.

  Dean deliberately asked the FBI to take over, how could he do it again now?

   "I'd rather have that high-intelligence criminal that An Bei mentioned get hit by me, and I don't want to have a bomb under my car one day!"

  Dean shook his head and directly passed this option.

  So he replied to the other party with the second option.

   One more identity, one more choice.

  Unless it's difficult.

   Otherwise, Dean doesn't want to give up easily, his status as a field special employee within the FBI.

   And he's missing a case right now.

  After solving the murder case of Jin Dahai, Dean was short of 2200 experience points, so he could be promoted to level 20, and the final strength attribute was also raised to 15 points.

By the time.

The    panel will change.

   Dean is looking forward to this!

   Thompson's birthday was made very solemn by his mother Sheila.

  Because it was his sixteenth birthday.

  This is related to Dean's father, or the generation of great-grandfather.

   At that time.

  16 years old means you are an adult.

  So the members of the family, when they reach the age of sixteen, will make it more formal, and this last habit has also been passed down to the younger generations.

  Baker, Dean is so.

   Thompson, too.

  Sheila still can't forget Dean's father, and is going to pass on the tradition he left behind.

   This time, Thompson was finally willing to bring his little girlfriend here.

  The little girl is a very pure blond-haired American girl, dressed very maturely, and generally this kind of girl prefers to date the baseball and basketball team members of the school.

   I don’t know how Thompson got it.

  The family banquet is over.

   Thompson pulled Dean and walked aside: "Dean, did you forget something?"

   "I didn't forget, the gift I gave you is in the car!"

   As he spoke, Dean smiled and handed Thompson his car keys.

   Thompson widened his eyes, ecstatic: "Dean, are you going to give me your car?"

  That is a valuable modified Hummer. It looks like a land armored vehicle parked in the yard. If you drive it to the school, you will definitely become the most beautiful boy in the whole school!

  Dean rolled his eyes: "Dude, don't think about it, I just lent it to you to pretend to be tough, after all, you have to send your little girlfriend back."

   Thompson nodded disappointedly: "Well, what's your gift then?"

   "A box of small threaded umbrellas."

  Dean raised his eyebrows: "But if you dare to use it in my car, I will strip you naked and hang you at the gate of your school!"


   Thompson, who had just shown excitement, froze again.

  He also wants to try, how is the shock resistance of Dean's car.

   Thompson said weakly: "Then can I come back tomorrow?"

   "If you have the bullets to stand up to mom's horsewhip and your little girlfriend's father, feel free."

   Thompson: "."

  Dean's vehicle is not difficult to drive.

  Thompson walked around briefly, and then drove out of the community with his equally excited little girlfriend.

  Second brother's car earned him a lot of face in front of his girlfriend.

  He felt that he had the opportunity to experience the gift from Dean before sending his girlfriend home, and try to appreciate the natural happiness of the world.

  This kind of exciting and exciting thought made him speed up the car.

   But soon.

  Poor Thompson just experienced something that will be hard to forget in his whole life.

  It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

  Dean and his younger sister, Sinclair, are playing a small game of grouping guns.

  My mother, Sheila, watched the soap opera with a smile while acting as the referee.

  Since Sinclair started practicing guns.

  Every time Dean comes back, she will take her second brother to learn how to become a master of marksmanship.


  Dean's cell phone rings.

  He put down the bullet in his hand, picked up the phone, and connected the call: "Hawk, what's wrong?"

  Hawk seems to be driving, "Dean, the police officer on duty in the bureau, just received a call from the XX community. A murder case was discovered, and the caller claimed to be your brother."


   Dean was shocked!

  He quietly glanced at his mother and Sinclair who were not paying attention, and said lightly: "Got it, I'll come right over!"

   "Is there a case?"

  Sheila frowned and looked at Dean.

Dean nodded with a relaxed expression: "Yes, Mom, I found out about a new case, I have to go and have a look now, by the way, Thompson and his little girlfriend actually went to my rental house today, don't wait tonight him."

  Sheila rolled her eyes: "If Thompson gets me a grandchild, I'll consider asking you for child support, I swear, Dean!"

   Sinclair was also a little jealous: "Dean, you are too kind to Thompson, much better than me!"

   Dean: "."

  I have paid too much for this family~

   He decided.

   When you meet Thompson, let him know what will happen if you let your brother take the blame!

  Driving my mother's car.

  Nine forty in the evening.

  Dean came to the place Hawke told.

   Get off the bus.

  He saw a drenched figure soaked in red 'liquid', sitting alone on a lawn stone, lost his mind.

  Thank you for the reward of 10,000 book coins from the "Brilliant Night" book friend, thank you boss!

  Thanks to the book friend '20191020065143941' for the reward of 500 book coins, thank you boss!

  Thank you for the reward from the book friends of '200 yuan for a pack of spicy strips', thank you boss!

Good night.

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