MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 238 The scene reappears! (Monthly ticket plus update!)

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  Chapter 238 The scene reappears! (Monthly ticket plus update!)

  Under the warm orange light.

  A pink room is imprinted in sight.

  The little girl's room is decorated very warmly.

  The deceased couple must love their daughter very much.

  Unfortunately, the messy **** footprints on the floor made this warm and ominous.

   Full of sheets piled up by dolls, blood-stained.

  A sweet-looking little girl with blond hair, wearing clean clothes, with a calm expression, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was in a sweet dream, and the years are quiet.


   This little girl, who was only six or seven years old at most, also died.

  A bullet pierced her forehead.

  Splattered brains and blood, in the shape of a fan, covered one side of the bedside table, like plum blossoms in full bloom, conveying to Dean what happened here a few hours ago:

  The murderer grabbed the little girl by the bedside and pointed the gun at her forehead.


  Holtz saw the sweet little girl in the 'sleeping position' again, and still couldn't help sighing:

   "The clothes and blood on her body were all cleaned up.

  The murderer used several different weapons to brutally kill her parents and grandmother, but after killing the little girl, he helped her change into clean clothes and tidy up the possibly unsightly remains.

   Just like treating your beloved Barbie doll.

  The murderer hated the little girl's family extremely, but showed special tenderness to her.

   The only thing I can think of.

   is the murderer, an extreme pedophile. "

   Dean didn't speak.

  He walked to the bedside table, squatted down, and looked under the bed.

  A dragging mark, presenting the eyelid.

  Combined with the scene he saw briefly before, a picture immediately appeared in his mind:

  The murderer broke into the door suddenly, killed the old lady first, and then killed the hostess.

  The hostess hurriedly let her daughter escape upstairs, and stayed to fight the murderer, but was brutally killed by the murderer in the bathroom.

  The helpless little girl hid under the bed tremblingly.

   This may be the safest place she can think of.

   But this is a massacre, not a play.

  The poor little girl was finally dragged out by the murderer and shot in the head.

  Holtz is still on the sidelines, expressing his views:

   “Similar cases have happened before.

  A **** takes a fancy to the son of the neighbor who just moved in.

  At the beginning, he just approached and photographed secretly, and later evolved into peeping. After being discovered by the male owner, he was arrested and expelled from the community.

  After the **** was released on bail, he thought it was the boy’s family who had robbed his beloved, so he directly and brutally killed the boy’s family, and finally hugged the boy, surrounded by the police, and set fire to the house.

  This case is very similar to that case! "

   "But a **** wouldn't treat his target so roughly!"

Dean picked up the little girl, with nails full of dust, joints and blood, and pointed to the bottom of the bed: "The murderer dragged her out of the bed very forcefully, shot her to death, this is not the way to treat a loved one. way of things."

   "Then what do you think are the characteristics of the murderer in this case?"

  Although Holz felt that what Dean said made sense, he hadn't been slapped in the face by Dean for a while, so he couldn't help but ask back.


   "There is a detailed and well-planned criminal plan, and even thought of a way to get rid of the crime!"

  Dean snapped his fingers: "Holtz, you overlooked a very important thing!"


   "Reaction time of the dead!"

  Dean took off his gloves, patted Holz on the shoulder, and said in a training tone:

  "The murder weapons found so far include knives, guns, and broken iron frames, and except for the hostess, no one else showed signs of resistance, and except for the little girl, the rest were murdered!

  Have you considered the reaction time of other people when the murderer kills one person? "

  Holtz suddenly realized.


   This is a very important detail, but because he has no experience of murder, he subconsciously ignores it.

  The old lady was stabbed four or five times.

   No matter how sharp the dagger is.

  Open the door, throw down, poke, pull out

   This process will take at least ten seconds.

  In the face of emergencies, ordinary people, unless Xiaobai has never seen any scenes, otherwise this time is enough for them to react.

  The same is true for the male host.

  He was shot at least seventeen times.

  No empty gun marks around.

  Even if the shooter is an experienced shooter with a slight recoil of the pistol, it is difficult to finish all the bullets in a short time before chasing and killing the hostess and the little girl.

  So it must be when the old lady was stabbed, another murderer shot at the hostess, and when the hostess took her daughter and wanted to run away, the murderer who stabbed the old lady to death took the opportunity to catch up.

Without any choice.

  The hostess stopped the murderer and let her daughter escape, but she died in the bathroom.

  Sort these things out.

  Holtz sighed in admiration: "I understand, Dean, the murderer, at least two people!"

  Dean shook his finger: "Wrong, it's three!"

   While observing the **** footprints on the ground, he explained:

   "Actually, the pedophilia you inferred before should be correct.

   But among the three, only one is a pedophile!

  The other two, one is hostile to the old lady and the hostess of the house, and the last is hostile to the male host, which can reasonably explain the current scene! "

  Dean paused, walked to the corridor outside, and took out a cigarette.

  Holtz, full of curiosity, took off his gloves with keen eyesight, took out a lighter from his pocket, and graciously helped Dean light it: "Dean, keep talking!"


  Dean took a deep breath of the cigarette, squinted his eyes in the smoke, as if his soul traveled back to the time of the crime, and witnessed the tragedy with his own eyes:

   "Among the three, the one who stabbed the old lady to death must be the leader.

  He killed the old lady first, cutting off the partner's retreat.

  The accomplices after that, whether they like it or not, can only attack their own goals.

I said.

  The objects of their hatred are different.

   This also led to the death of the three adults in a very cruel way.

   As for the little girl."

  Dean sighed: "Her age is a bit embarrassing. She already remembers things, but she doesn't have a mature enough mind, which leads to a waste of the escape time my mother procrastinated with her life.

  For confidentiality.

  The other two killers, ignoring the pedophiles among them, shot the little girl dead.

Among the three, the **** should be the weakest, and he didn't even have the guts to do anything during the whole process. Therefore, facing the threat of his accomplices, he could only watch the little girl being killed, and finally helped her change into clothes and cleaned up the house with heartache. Death! "

   Hear Dean's narration.

  Holtz was still puzzled: "If this is the case, why did the other two murderers call them pedophiles?"

  Bringing such a waste, wouldn't it increase the probability of exposure?

   "Have you forgotten the characteristics of a pedophile?"

  Dean knocked on the little girl's door: "When I entered the door, I didn't find any signs of external damage to the door, so it should be the old lady who opened the door on her own initiative!"


  After hearing this, Holz gave himself a little melancholy and lit a cigarette.

  This approach is actually against the rules.

  But now he needs to use nicotine to relieve his inner loss.

**** it.

  I actually forgot this!

  One of the characteristics of a **** is most likely to be an acquaintance, a neighbor, and the like!

  Even if they are not acquaintances.

  After the **** targets the target, he will also find a way to make himself an acquaintance of the target's family, so as to satisfy his desire conveniently!

   And because of peeping.

  So this kind of pervert often also knows the target's family situation very well, so that he can avoid the embarrassing situation of being exposed!

   This should be the reason why the other two murderers recruited the **** deduced by Dean to join!

   This also allowed Holz, again, again, again, to see Dean's rigorous logic and control over details!

   When being hit more.

   I got used to it.

  That's why Holz's melancholy and loss came quickly and disappeared quickly.

  He looked at Dean, who was quietly blowing smoke rings: "In this case, wouldn't it be easy to gain something if we investigate the neighbors around the deceased's family?"

  Dean nodded, then shook his head: "There must be gains, but the result may disappoint you."

   Holz: "???"


   Dean understands every word he says!

   But the combination made him feel that his IQ was not bad, and it was not enough in front of Dean.

   Holz, who had just adjusted his mood, became depressed again.

  The self-confidence I had re-cultivated after being away from Dean for a while, and staying with Dean for a while, has almost disappeared.

  He stammered and said, "I don't understand."

  Dean carefully packed his ashes and cigarette butts, put them in his pocket, and explained with some disappointment: "As I said before, these criminals have two characteristics!"

  After getting in touch with people with high IQs like Corolla and Little Mike, it’s no fun to be crushed by a smart guy like Holz.

   "Two features."

  Holtz lowered his head and whispered, remembering what Dean said before.

   Two features.

  One is 'Multiple'!

  One is 'has a detailed and well-planned criminal plan, and even thought out a way to get rid of the crime'!

  'Multiple people', Dean has already analyzed it.

  The second

Holz thought of the three criminals with different 'targets' that Dean said before, took a breath, and suddenly realized: "Dean, you mean, the reason why the three criminals did not clean up the scene is because they From the beginning, after the police found them, they planned to charge all the crimes to themselves?"

  Dean nodded in relief.

  Holtz is not very stupid, but a bit wise.

   "There is no such thing as a perfect crime.

  Because no matter how the criminals deal with the traces, they will leave clues.

  The difference is whether the police can find these traces!

  But when the trial has mechanical rules and procedures.

   Then there is the perfect crime in the world! "

   Said it before.

  In the United States, in order to ensure the "fairness" of the trial, on the surface, there are strict requirements on the handling process of the case, the chain of evidence, etc.

Under normal circumstances.

   This can indeed reduce the occurrence of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases and safeguard the basic "rights" of citizens.

   But what if several people plead guilty to one case at the same time?

To know.

  The criminal pleaded guilty, but it doesn't mean the case is closed.

  Because during the trial process, if a lot of doubts arise, then even if it is clear that the person being judged has a problem, but in order to maintain the "fairness" of the judiciary, the final result will become innocent.

   That's bullshit.

  This is why, there are often criminal lawyers here, who know that their defender's criminal evidence is solid, and still have the confidence to win the defense!

  Because they all know a fact: there is no perfect crime in the world, but if they can find loopholes and questioning points in the legal process, then it is possible to have a perfect defense!

Thinking of that result, Holz couldn't help but look at the sweet little girl 'sleeping' on the bed, and couldn't bear it: "Dean, could it be that you are thinking too much? , it's too unfair!"

   "Don't worry, these tricks are useless to me!"

  Dean smiled lightly and walked downstairs.

  Leave Holz and others to collect the body.

   Dean wandered around the victim's house after he was out the door.

  In this community, the distance between the houses is not too close, the public facilities are dilapidated, and the street lights in disrepair are everywhere, and the occupancy rate is not high.

   This is also the reason why no neighbors called the police immediately after the gunshots.

  Because there are probably not many people living in the surrounding area.

  Besides, this kind of place is often mixed with fish and dragons, and the law and order will not be very good. When the residents hear gunshots, the first reaction is to pretend to be a turtle, and turn off the lights to avoid attracting attention, so as not to bring safety hazards to themselves and their families.

  So, the range of suspected pedophiles is not hard to find!

   Walk around in a circle.

  Dean stopped downstairs in the little girl's room, looked at the attic window of a two-story cottage opposite, and then shifted his gaze to the yard of that house, narrowing his eyes slightly.

found it!

   Reasonably connect the details one by one, and avoid the IQ violation of the protagonist, and describe the case, it takes a lot of brain cells



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion