MTL - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World-Chapter 33 Second order

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Just as Rong Xiaobao and Zhao Jia sat together in the suspension car to the college, the golden orc who spent 200,000 custom-made energy stone carvings on the star network went online.

The first thing that the Golden Eagle Orc was on the line was naturally to go to the time craftsman’s house to see his custom progress. When he saw the number that was beating under the name of “Customized Shooting”, he naturally clicked in and wanted to Speaking.

——Call the buyer who spent 200,000 to grab the order, come and return it!

- Return and return! This will result in a maximum loss of the subscription fee, so don't be deceived by the liar owner to 200,000!

- No one should buy anything at this liar home. Is the owner all mentally handicapped?

When I saw the third article, the face of the Golden Eagle orc was darkened. Is this especially saying that he is a mentally handicapped buyer with 200,000? This is simply not tolerable.

The Golden Eagle orc anger continued to look down, and then saw the self-proclaimed "proven witness" message, that is, the original buyer who spent 100 stars to buy the owner of the first item, in addition to the message, the Golden Eagle orc still looks It was the test image that he sent out for proof.

The Golden Eagle Orc looked at the tester with zero data, and the eyebrows twitched a bit, angrily opening the live broadcast of the buyer exchange area.

When a handsome and flamboyant face appeared in the live video, the beasts who watched the lively in the exchange area immediately took out.

- 200,000 custom buyers have appeared! Fast, fast return! Don't be fooled by the owner!

- Hey, the big head is coming, look at the big head!

- Oops, this blond hair is so handsome!

The golden orc twitched the lower corner of his mouth and said, "You are all quiet. Listen to me. I don’t care about that money. I don’t care about 200,000 stars. I have to see if this shop owner is It’s not a liar. If you really deceive me, send me an energy stone with no energy. I definitely want to get him to live on the star network!”

At the same time, I was staring at a small witness of this small spot and found that things did not develop in the direction he expected. He thought that 200,000 was not a small amount. If you know that the owner is a liar, even if it is only a little doubtful, The normal person's reaction is definitely to return.

And once this first photographed the buyer's return, there will be more people who believe that the owner is a liar, and the thing sold is just ordinary carving and carving.

Even if the owner can produce evidence, there will be doubts. When the owner is in a sophistry, the price of the owner will not go up in a short period of time, and there is no way to start the order.

At least during this time, he will be able to profit from it.

However, he did not expect that the person who made the order was actually broadcast live in the exchange area!

That attitude seems to have to see for yourself whether the owner is a liar.

How can this be done! So a testimony is a gloomy message.

Witness: Are you a fool? I know that the liar is still giving money, and the money is more supportive? Look at your age is not big, this money is not earned by yourself, so throw it to a liar in vain, do your parents know?

The young golden eagle orc sharp eagle eyes shrink, proudly said, "Don't be there, seeing is believing! You can control where my money comes from! I live here and open, waiting online all day. The buyer gave me the delivery, and you all followed it with a big look. It’s a good testimony. If it’s a liar, I have him good-looking! He can shrink him behind the star network!”

Before the time of the craftsman's house, because the raccoon cat attracted a lot of buyers, this handsome Golden Eagle orc opened a live broadcast, and made sure that online scammers were identified, which attracted more people to join in the fun.

At this time, a housekeeper has already packaged the goods and sent it out. The express delivery business of the empire is very developed. The handsome and rich gold vulture orcs waited for a long time and received the parcel.

"Come here, come over and see me open the parcel!" The golden orc animal said with a parcel in his hand, put his hand on the smart lock, opened the parcel, and revealed the golden stone energy stone inside.

At first glance, all the orcs who watched the Internet stunned and unconsciously turned their heads and glanced at the Golden Eagle orcs. Regardless of whether the engraving enabled the power inside, the golden eagle was straightforward and proud. In terms of fearless temperament, it is very similar to this big head!

However, after marveling at the styling, someone laughed.

- Haha, I have never seen other structures of energy stone carving. What is under the golden claws? Attachment?

- Isn't energy stone carving only the animal shape itself? The shop owner added a pine branch, is it afraid that it is not good?

- This shape is really beautiful, I like the pine branches!

- Haha, so you are handsome and handsome, you still bought a good-looking ornament!

The golden orc holding the stone, blinking slightly, did not pay attention to the people on the star network, he only looked at the stone carefully.

This style he really likes.

After watching the styling, the orcs who watched the live broadcast online also found other problems.

- Didn't you find out that this piece of sculpture has no feeling of energy overflowing at all?

This sentence immediately gave the nervous witness to the spirit and looked at it seriously.

This gold carving is obviously different from the carving of the last raccoon cat. The three-dimensional video of a raccoon cat on the owner, the orcs can feel the power of overflowing across the screen, but this golden eagle does not feel a little overflowing power. .

So, the second hair of this shop owner is really fake? !

Can they also think that the owner did move on the video of the previous item?

- The owner is really a liar, angry!

- Hey, Bai Hao has 200,000 stars.

A golden vulture orc turned his head and just saw the comments in the exchange area, and some of them were not calm. I like the shape is true, but the primary purpose of buying energy stone is to treat mania!

So, the Golden Eagle orc grasped the angry side of the stone and turned out the energy tester, saying, "If the data displayed by this tester is zero, I definitely want the owner to look good. It doesn't matter if there is no product description. I want to hire a lawyer. , kill him!"

Then, the Golden Eagle Energy Stone was put in by his indignation, and the data on the portable tester immediately jumped, and it stopped at the data "100%".

Suddenly, all the online orcs were silent, staring at the incredible tester on the side of the Golden Eagle.

The activation rate of this energy stone can be so bad in the case of extra spare pine branches!

After a long silence, the angry and ruthless witnesses gave a bad message.

Witnesses: Impossible, master sculptors are not necessarily able to engrave 100% of the rate of energy stone, how can this liar shop owner? This big head, you should not be the owner of the bar? Are you discussing with the owner?

A golden orc who was excited after the shock, when I saw this sentence, I suddenly became angry. "Take your eggs! The 200,000 engraving of Lao Tzu is too cost-effective!"

As he said, the Golden Eagle orc took the sculpture out of the tester and carefully placed it on the table.

Do you know what the orcs need most when they first become adults?

In order to treat the mania that gradually enters estrus, you need to find the energy stone that is most suitable for you. Otherwise, even the beasts you like are not close. And this golden vulture orc, what is missing is this.

All the people watching the live broadcast still have no idea, which one is right.

At this time, people who have said that the shape is good-looking have come out.

——Shuai handsome golden eagle brother, can you enlarge your carving to give us a look?

The beautiful Golden Eagle orcs nodded. In addition to the live broadcast, the energy stone was enlarged a lot, and the 3D HD was announced in the buyer exchange area.

Under the three-dimensional image, this golden orc is attached. "The shopkeeper's craft is really amazing. I took back the question of the owner. I sincerely apologize, the next time the owner re-orders, ten times the price. I also buy it."

However, no one cares about the local language of the Golden Eagle orcs.

- If I am not mistaken, is there a signature under the pine branch?

--"Time"? The name of the owner!

- Come, compare the three videos, I smell the truth!

- Hey, don't stink, the truth is coming!

Seeing the video of the owner’s first raccoon cat, the video provided by the witness, and the video of the Golden Eagle Energy Stone, they were compared and displayed in a clear way. In the video of the witness, there is no signature of the owner, obviously Someone has a heart to imitate!

Moreover, after this enlargement, it can be seen that the signature of the owner is small, but it is actually three layers of hollow sculptures, and it is difficult to imitate it.

- This skill is simply! What is the gods of the shopkeeper!

Knowing the so-called witnesses who are not able to make dirty water, the first buyer of this store is going to rush out.

At the same time, I saw the greasy gold-carving orc, screaming, "What the **** of the witness, you give me listen, I can't kill you!"

The star network is in full swing. Here, the little leopard has entered the classroom. Sitting in the back row, quietly listening to the professors speaking various theories of perception, and then holding an electrostatic ball in thick claws in the way the professor said, training Control of perception.

Perception into the electrostatic ball creates a visible line-like structure, and inside the electrostatic ball is a very large labyrinth. The trainer needs to pull the line of perception into the maze and look for an exit in the maze.

In this lesson, while listening to the professor's lectures, the singer Leopard who was training was only one-third of the way.

Until the middle of the class, the little leopard finally opened the star network slowly, and checked the delivery of the goods. How to say it was the first order.

When Rongming confirmed that the customized work had been delivered and received a custom fee of 200,000 yuan, he turned to the number flashing under the "customized shot" and skillfully opened it.

——I want to solemnly apologize to the owner of the big road, we misunderstood the owner is big, sorry. (numerous animal-shaped paw prints)

——The shop owner is too lazy to have lazy blessings. Of course, I have to say that strength is the best. (wise face)

- You said, are the shop owners too lazy to take a look? (poor)

- All are slandered into scammers, the owner has not come, this time the next order will be opened, or want to ask for a wave of pre-sale, wait for a long time. (eager face)

Rong Xiaobaozi:...

who am I? where am I? What do you guys mean, how can I not understand?

Also, how do you say that I am lazy, obviously just received the order!

He also carved out overnight and shipped it the next day!

The little leopard of the circle circle looked down a little bit of the message. After seeing countless messages and the live recording screen of the Golden Eagle Orc, I finally figured out that when he was not there, he was defiled into a liar. Or, it was super cheap to buy the buyer of his first work, but fortunately his work perfectly countered the person who was smeared by the letter...

When Rong Ming was in the eyes of the little leopard, this is easy to handle.

The thick paws waved on the interface and searched a famous lawyer on the star network.

After a brief exchange, Rong Ming gave all the speech videos of this person, as well as the conversation records with him, all of them to the lawyer. Although he received limited education, his past life still understood the law, even if the law of the empire was different.

In this case, if the evidence is sufficient, he will be compensated for the high mental damages and the loss of reputation rights in minutes, plus an apology.

After doing a good job of this, Rong Xiaobao licked his paws and opened the "customized shoot" to the goods, and was again shot by the second.

- The owner is big, I am a blue peacock, please!

- Hey, I am a leopard, the speed of the hand is actually no better than!

——In fact, I would like to know what the blue peacock carved into at the owner’s conference...

When Rong Ming looked at the image of the blue peacock, the main color of the blue, the fine and beautiful feathers, the tail feathers that seemed to be colorful neon after the screen was opened.

Rong Xiaobao Leopard claws hold the chin, this seems a bit difficult...

Stone is estimated to be difficult to find...

Read The Duke's Passion