MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 114

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【wow! I want to hear Xiao Zhenping meow too! 】

【Hagi Eternal God! I'm not jealous anymore about his casual rua with my husband! Let the cat meow out and ooh! 】

【I can! I can! Xiao Zhenping, please! Just meow! 】

[hagi, I will teach you! Move your tail! The cat will soften when you touch it! At that time, it will still make a rumble sound! 】

It's great that Hagi can't see the danmaku. Matsuda Jinping swept through the barrage, lying lazily in front of Hagihara Kenji's desk, letting Hagihara Kenji hold his hand on his front paws, completely ignoring his plans.

On the way back, Hagihara Kenji told Officer Takahashi about the cat and the reason was the same. Just picked up a cat and wanted to find its owner.

After that, Kenji Hagihara didn't give Matsuda Jinhei a chance to escape, and held the cat in his arms firmly until he arrived at the office. Kenji Hagihara said with a smile that he was worried that the cat would jump out of the window because he was afraid. The group of stupid colleagues all cooperated to close the doors and windows.

At this time, Kenji Hagihara let go, and Jinping Matsuda didn't bother to move. He was lying in front of Kenji Hagihara's desk, listening to this guy talking to himself.

Although—Hagi did not misunderstand what he was thinking.

Matsuda Jinping himself can't see his current shape, just as the barrage commented, Matsuda Jinping is now a medium to small black curly cat.

It's not the highly characteristic German Rex, but more of a Selkek Rex. The whole person—the whole cat is furry. After burying the hand, almost half of the hand will sink into the black furry. Even the abdomen is black, and the inner part of the ear looks like a gradient of pink.

Moreover, compared with the typical Selkek curly-haired cat with a large body and a heavy skeleton, the Matsuda cat looks more vigorous and petite. In front of Hagihara Kenji, who is much taller than the average height of Japanese men, the latter is more prominent. .

It can only be said that it is more like a Selkirk Rex, but what kind of cat it is, maybe only the system knows.

The Metropolitan Police Department is so big, and usually any gossip will spread quickly, not to mention that Hagihara Kenji himself is quite a well-known figure in the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, it is still working hours, so it is more obvious that only the colleagues in the same office as him.

Maybe it was because he was worried about scaring the cat. Except for a few colleagues who were next to Hagihara Ken, these colleagues didn't get too close, but sat at their desks, but their eyes kept drifting this way.

After hearing Kenji Hagihara's words, the room instantly became quiet, and everyone held their breath at this moment, looking at the black cat in front of Kenji Hagihara's table with expectant eyes.

At this moment, under the anticipation of the barrage and colleagues—the black kitten suddenly opened its mouth!

'Are you going to call? Are you calling? ! ’

‘Are you going to meow meow! ’

【Ah, ah, is Xiao Zhenping going to call! 】

【My brain is ready! I will never forget what happened today! 】

However, the next second, the black cat yawned and closed its mouth lazily.

The room that had been holding its breath silently suddenly heard a sigh in unison.

At this time, Kojima pulled something out from under the table, and under everyone's attention, he ran to Hagihara Kenji.

"I want to try this!" Kojima said, Hagihara Kenji only noticed what Kojima was holding at this time, and his expression was a little surprised.

Kojima carefully put the thing in his hand on the cat's face, and the cat gave him a vigilant look in the process, but unexpectedly kept the original posture and did not move.

After hanging up the sunglasses, Kojima took two steps back, and his eyes lit up: "I said it's not an illusion! It really looks like Officer Matsuda!"

This sentence attracted the attention of colleagues in the office who had been paying attention to this side intentionally or not.

I saw that the cat was wearing the same sunglasses as Matsuda, which was obviously one size larger, with the black curly hair and an indescribable feeling of domineering and wild...

"It really looks like Matsuda!"

"Why do you suddenly feel a sense of threat that Matsuda is behind you? Is it an illusion?"

"No, no, the cat is so cute, why do you want the face of a stinky man!"

Hagihara Kenji's focus was elsewhere: "Are these sunglasses...?"

Kojima touched the back of his head and said with a smile, "Because I always thought Matsuda-senpai was very handsome, I wanted to try to imitate it. As a result, it was obviously not in the same style as Matsuda-senpai, so I kept putting it on."

"But even cats can wear sunglasses, so why can't I? Is it because of aura?"

Nagao complained, "Is it because of the face?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, Matsuda's face really can't deny it..."

"Yeah, that guy Matsuda may have other problems, but his face can't be blamed."

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Matsuda Jinping: I really thank you for liking my face!

Hagihara Kenji turned his face slightly and tried his best to hold back his smile.

The sunglasses were still too big for the cat, and they only hung up for a while before they fell on the table, but they obviously listened to what Kojima said just now.

"Damn, bad, being brainwashed by you Kojima... I suddenly feel that Matsuda is not so annoying..."

"Fortunately, Matsuda-kun isn't here today... how should I say it, after entering the first generation... I'm still a little excited?"

"—Calm down! Cats are cats, and people are people!"

"If you think about it carefully, Matsuda's personality is actually a bit cute...? If you substitute it into a cat."

"Although Officer Matsuda seems to have a bad temper, it seems reasonable suddenly if you substitute it for Mao Mao..."

"Although Matsuda-kun often frys his hair, but if you substitute a cat..."

Hagihara Kenji was shaking all over, and his face was almost flushed with laughter.

After a field trip in the morning, it was almost time for a lunch break, so after the time was up, the people who were still sitting in their seats flocked to Matsuda Cat Cat.

Matsuda Cat: "…"

Matsuda Catmao took a few steps back vigilantly.

"Really, can't you meow?"

"It really looks like Matsuda... If I substitute Matsuda..."

"Please - this is the wish of my life!"

"Don't be so loud, it will scare the cats! Don't get too close. Come and try to come with me." The colleague coughed lightly, and squatted half-squatting in front of Matsuda's cats, solemnly - "Meow~" sounded.

Matsuda cat froze.

The room fell silent again, but they were clearly aware of what the colleague was doing.

As we all know, generally with humans, it is never a cat that meows.

When Matsuda Catmao reacted, the sound of "meow" came one after another in the room.

The only cat present was Matsuda Jinping, who was a fake cat: "..."

It seems that the cat's brain has been shut down, and even the hair can't be blown up.

Knowing the identity of the cat, Hagihara Kenji, who couldn't say anything, covered his mouth and almost didn't hold back his laughter.

At this time, Kenji Hagihara suddenly noticed a slight clicking sound coming from the door. He looked up and saw several female police officers from the traffic department looking at the picture in the room in shock.

After hearing that Hagihara Kenji brought a cat back, of course there will be many police girls who are curious and want to come and take a look at the lunch break - but they never expected that they would see such a wonderful scene when they opened the door. .

A group of men in suits in the room were surrounded by a black kitten, as if they were doing some weird ritual, or squatting or bending over, making strange cat meows one after another.

The expressions of several policewomen were particularly complicated, and they closed the door silently. At this moment, Hagihara Kenji looked at Kojima with a kind of pity, and decided not to remind Kojima about the interesting policewoman he saw at the door just now.

Ah, Xiao Zhenping looked like he couldn't take it anymore, and Hagihara Kenji coughed lightly: "He should be too unfamiliar with the current environment and rather scared, so he wouldn't call him."

"You're going to scare him around like this, maybe it'll be better for him to get used to it?"

Through Hagihara Kenji's explanation, the colleagues in the room all seemed a little regretful, but they still obeyed the suggestion and left the room three by one.

-and many more? Officer Takahashi, when did you sneak in! Hagihara Kenji laughed in his heart.

After there was only one person and one cat left in the room, Hagihara Kenji couldn't hold it in anymore, he lay on the table and covered his stomach: "It was so funny just now... Xiaojinping, you don't know your expression hahaha!"

After watching the cat look at him fiercely, Hagihara Kenji immediately raised his hand in a gesture of surrender: "I don't laugh anymore, I don't laugh anymore—"

The half-long-haired police officer didn't show a slightly worried expression until the person had finished walking: "But Xiao Zhenping, are you really all right?"

"You only denied the possibility of cat monsters last night, but today you've become a complete cat... Is this another accident?"

Something flashed in Hagihara Kenji's drooping eyes. He looked at the black cat's eyes of the same color, but his tone became more and more low: "Didn't I ask you what the price was before?"

"Cats have nine lives. You must have become what you are now to save us..."

Matsuda Jinping was full of question marks just after being stimulated by those stupid colleagues. Didn't he just explain to Hagihara yesterday—

Then he watched Hagihara Kenji's expression getting lower and lower, and his tone became more and more sad: "If you count it like this, you and I twice, Jingguang once, Date monitor four times... Counting--the last life. If you and me, it happens to be nine lives..."

"The difference between yesterday and're going to be there did you stop anyone's death? Is that why you're so weak?"

What Hagihara Kenji said was getting weirder and weirder, but it seemed like there was some kind of logic in the weirdness—you mean, do you have such a big brain... Wait, his brain is so big!

But they said he's not a cat!

"You always step on the accelerator like this, don't you think I'll be worried? At least you should talk to me before you step on the accelerator... I never know what you paid for..."

Matsuda Cat Cat clapped his paws in front of Hagihara Kenji in a panic, trying to attract the attention of his friends who were trapped in his own world, but no matter what, Hagihara Kenji didn't look up.

Matsuda Cat Cat was a little panicked, he jumped on Hagihara Kenji's lap and tried to explain anxiously: "Meow!"

Probably limited by the cat's body shape, this cat doesn't look very old, and even with its meow, there is a sense of childishness belonging to a small milk cat, which is completely different from the aura that comes with its appearance.

Then he stood on Hagihara Kenji's lap, raised his head and saw the expression of Hagihara Kenji, whose face was covered by his hair.

Matsuda Cat: "…"

Hagihara Kenji, who should have been low, had a smug smile on his lips: "Ah, you called."

Matsuda Cat: "..."

The Matsuda cat froze instantly: "Meow!!"

Hagihara Kenji covered his face in the next second: "Ow-!!"

Read The Duke's Passion