MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 119

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Matsuda Jinping casually put the half-wet towel aside, and put down the cotton swab and consciously put a Band-Aid on the valley zero: "So what are you doing here at night?"

After the fluffy curly hair was soaked in water, a few strands of bangs stuck to Matsuda Jinping's face, and the ends were still dripping with water, and the water droplets fell on the clothes to bring out a deeper color.

"Come here to make sure you're still alive?" Ling Gu Ling stared at Matsuda Jinping for a while, and then said after seeing that Matsuda Jinping had goosebumps all over himself.

Matsuda Jinping sneered: "Whether I am alive or not is another matter, but I think you should die tonight."

Matsuda Jinping squeezed his fists, obviously both of them are in their thirties, but not only can't see the faces, but also have this style of bickering when they meet, which makes their mental age look like You have to swipe a zero forward.

However, when Kenji Hagihara thought he was going to come out to persuade him, Rei Furuya changed the subject himself: "Just to confirm the situation, and by the way, do something that an 'intelligence officer' should do."

"Does your 'intelligence' mean going to the police's house and throwing himself into the net?" If it weren't for the handcuffs, Matsuda Jinping really wanted to kill his relatives in a righteous manner.

Ignoring Matsuda Jinpei's words, Kyogu Ling closed the medicine box, stood up and said, "Since it's all right, then I'll go back first."

After saying that, Rei Yutani left here just as he did just now, and he also took the detonator that Hagihara Kenji had put away with him.

Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji glanced at each other, and the curly-haired officer looked puzzled: "So what is he doing here?"

Hagihara Kenji pondered for a moment: "Team up with me to scratch the board?"

"Then the first day of your team formation, you should scrap it and replace it with a new one." Matsuda Jinhei said casually, carrying a towel and intending to return to his room, but Hagihara Kenji remembered something and suddenly said: "Little Furuya , seems to be interested in you—I mean, the cat array?"

Matsuda Jinhei glanced at him, and Hagihara Kenji continued: "I just want to say... How likely do you think it is that Xiaojiangya can't tell if there is anyone in the bathroom?"

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Hagihara Kenji: "And after you came out, Komoguya never mentioned the cat again."

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Hagihara Kenji: "And—"

Matsuda Jinping: "Okay, shut up."

The curly-haired officer said, "A normal person wouldn't think of such a magical thing anyway."

Hagihara Kenji: "Then do you think Kokaya is a normal person?"

Matsuda Jinping: "Are you cursing?"

Hagihara Kenji: "—You clearly know that I don't mean it!"

The corner of Hagihara Kenji's mouth turned down, and he pointed to the heated bento on the dining table that he hadn't touched: "Do you want to eat it? I haven't touched it yet."

"Not too hungry." Matsuda Jinping's eyes stayed on the table for a second, then blinked: "Ah, one serving."

Hagihara Kenji also paused: "Well, one serving."

There were obviously two people, but there was only one heated bento for humans on the table.

The two looked at each other, and Matsuda Jinping suddenly said, "I sincerely hope that Jiang Gu is a normal person."

"...I always feel that Komatsugu won't be happy that you pay attention to him so much." Hagihara Kenji sighed: "So, is it back to normal? Would you like to explain the situation to your poor Mr. Yotamane before going to bed?"

"Your young tamer has been offline, please call again later." With that, Matsuda Jinping closed the door ruthlessly.

Hagihara Kenji: "..."

Hagihara Kenji said to himself: "I have reason to suspect that your cat instinct has not been completely offline."

Hagihara Kenji sighed and seasoned the shredded chicken breast that belonged to the cat with a little black pepper and salt, and he didn't intend to waste it at all—then he ate a few cat hairs.

The half-long-haired police officer was depressed for two seconds, and suddenly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the other two at the same time, reminding Anshitou to remember to get vaccinated.

Cats don't necessarily have problems, but if you get a rabies vaccine, you can still pay in advance to be bitten by cats and dogs in the future! Not a bad thing anyway.

After sending the text message, Kenji Hagihara packed up and returned to his room.

He understood the hint of his young taming, and he is not sure if he can say it now, and he will wait until next time.

Hagihara Kenji's patience is very good, the big deal is to continue to wait.

On the other hand, when Zhu Fu Jingguang found Jiang Gu Ling, he noticed that the blond man was looking for some information on his mobile phone.

If it was someone else in the organization, Zhu Fu Jingguang might find a way to take a peek, but if it was Jianggu Zero, Zhu Fu Jingguang just smiled: "What are you looking at?"

And Gu Ling did not hide the idea at all, and turned the direction of the mobile phone screen to Zhu Fu Jingguang.

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the screen with a puzzled expression: "The Cat Demon Anecdote... When did you become interested in this kind of anecdote?"

Falling Valley Zero said vaguely: "Suddenly a little interested."

Zhu Fu Jingguang sat on the sofa and asked curiously, "Is it because of being scratched by a cat? Speaking of which, remember to make an appointment at the hospital tomorrow."

"Did that guy send it to you too?" Jiang Gu Ling's expression was a little depressed.

"Yeah, he also reminded me that it's better for you to do a full body check. After all, you don't sleep at night, you look for someone in the middle of the night from time to time, and you should be careful about baldness - something like that?"

"...That bastard." Rei Furuya narrowed his eyes, not at all doubting whether these words came from Kenji Hagihara, or just the selfishness of his dear tame.

Zhu Fu Jingguang rolled his eyes, and then began to talk about the business: "The doctor was transferred by the police, have you dealt with the fact that the bomb didn't explode?"

"Well, it's pretending to be a problem with the organization, and it happened after I left. I didn't touch the bomb during the process, so I basically wouldn't suspect me." Jiang Gu Ling replied.

The two briefly talked about things related to the organization, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed. If it is not necessary, the two people do not often exchange too detailed information.

Sometimes ignorance is the best protection. If you know too much, sometimes when you are tempted, you will react inappropriately.

"But what are you going to do about Ley?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked suddenly.

"I thought about revealing his identity directly." Rei Fukugu said smoothly.

Although it sounds ridiculous to kill each other between undercover agents, in fact, even if they are undercover agents, they are not from the same institution or country.

If necessary, the valley zero doesn't mind sacrificing an FBI to make himself climb higher.

"But he was involved in too many things, especially that Kudo Shinichi, who must not be noticed by the organization."

Pulling out one Akai Shuichi, also pulled out the CIA's Kiel, the Kudo family, and Miyano Shiho, who is now known as Haibara Ai.

Before Matsuda Jinping's information, Furuya went to confirm it, but unfortunately he didn't have the DNA information of Miyano Shiho, so he couldn't compare it with Haibara Ai.

But Edogawa Conan's blood and hair follicles are easy to find, so a comparison with Kudo Shinichi... With that similar face, Fukutani Zero basically confirmed the accuracy of the information that Matsuda Jinping said.

"That child, are you going to protect her? Witness protection of the public security or something." Zhu Fu Jingguang was referring to the shrunken Miyano Shiho.

"Will it be rejected?" Yagu Ling didn't answer directly, but her voice seemed a bit dull: "...She looks quite happy now."

"Eh? Haven't you thought about kidnapping people directly?" Zhu Fu Jingguang teased.

Falling Valley Zero: "—that's kidnapping!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled and said: "Anyway, the illegal operation is not one or two times, and it is not bad this time."

"Hiro, you clearly know what I mean!" Jianggu Ling was even more depressed, "That child is the only one she still-"

"Sorry, sorry, I won't tease you anymore." Zhu Fu Jingguang stopped talking about this matter, and his cat's eyes curled up: "So for now, you just need to keep your current performance."

"Even if Akai is exposed to fake death afterwards, no one will suspect you. You will have the opportunity to mock Gin again when you do."

Bourbon's ability in the mouth of gin has always been affirmed, but the wind has always been very bad. After all, Bourbon is really good at yin and yang insinuations.

"Since it's probably all confirmed now, your current job is to investigate Shirley instead of investigating Akai Shuichi... According to Gin, Shirley appeared once before, and it was within the Tokyo area."

"So, there is no need to leave for the time being, you can continue to stay here."

After saying this, Zhu Fu Jingguang repeated the first question and said, "So why are you suddenly interested in things like monsters?"

It is rare for Jianggu Ling to hide anything in front of Zhu Fu Jingguang, and this time is the same.

The blond half-blood handed the phone to Zhu Fu Jingguang and let Zhu Fu Jingguang see it for himself.

Just now, Zhu Fu Jingguang just glanced at it, but this time he saw it clearly and read it out softly.

"…Cats have psychic abilities and stare at corners, the air, or outside doors for no apparent reason."

"Cats have the ability to predict human death... It is reported that..."

"...It is said that cats have nine lives, they can turn auspiciousness into good luck, and they can survive disasters..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was a little puzzled: "Aren't these scientifically proven? For example, when you stare at a place, it's just because the cat is sensitive and notices something that humans don't notice."

"Death is predicted because human beings physically emit a special smell when they are about to die... As for the nine lives, is it nonsense?"

Jiang Gu Ling nodded: "I originally thought so too."

Zhu Fu Jingguang tilted his head and looked at Jianggu Ling gently, waiting for an answer.

Furuya Rei then said hesitantly, "When you were at the police academy... Do you remember what that guy Matsuda once said to Hagihara?"

Obviously no information was revealed, but Zhu Fu Jingguang immediately reacted: "...You mean 'death in his hands'?"

Jiang Gu zero nodded: "Also... Doesn't Matsuda have the habit of staring at one place...?"

The smile on Zhu Fu Jingguang's face froze, and he stared blankly at Jianggu Ling.

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