MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 134

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"-So, that is to say, Xiao Zhenping, your identity is still exposed?"

"'Sure enough', what does it mean." Matsuda Jinping raised his eyes to look at Hagihara Kenji, "And the most troublesome thing should be the exposure of Zhufu's identity."

Hagihara Kenji decisively skipped the topic and said naturally, "It's still in the plan anyway."

"So you're sure you have a plan behind my back." Matsuda Jinping was not surprised.

Hagihara Kenji rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, it'll be fine after that~"

"It's too obvious to change the subject." Matsuda Jinping didn't care that his friends had something to hide from him, he scratched his hair: "Forget it, just notify me in time."

"It's too good to talk, Xiaojinping." Hagihara Kenji smiled and explained: "Because if you don't know it, you will cooperate more ideally."

Kenji Hagihara doesn't need to explain lines like "It's not that I don't trust you", they know each other too well, and it's completely unnecessary. Matsuda Jinpei didn't bother to care about this, he waved his hand, and followed his friends to put himself into their mysterious plan.

After Matsuda Jinhei returned to the room, Hagihara Kenji naturally contacted Zhufu Jingguang. They have long anticipated the current possibility, so it is not particularly urgent now, and even Matsuda Jinping's technology is not used at all.

Zhu Fu Jingguang said calmly across the phone: [With Ley's character, he will not immediately showdown with the police, but will have some contact with me in the near future. 】

【You really guessed it right, Hagihara. ] Zhu Fu Jingguang chuckled softly: [According to the plan, the two of us will test each other after that. The FBI uses my identity as a handle to ask us to exchange information here? 】

"Yeah, I don't trust the FBI." Hagihara Kenji also smiled: "The undercover lady of the CIA has been squeezed very hard. Why should we give up the information that we worked so hard to find undercover?"

Once you have a handle, you will only let it go again and again. For Hagihara Kenji, nothing is more important than their lives, and the threat of identity exposure must not fall into the hands of outsiders for too long.

If it weren't for this, Hagihara Kenji, who didn't care so much about things, wouldn't have calculated so much at all.

Hagihara Kenji whispered: "Get ready, Scotland will be exposed soon."

Zhu Fu Jingguang's tone was the same as usual: [Well - I always feel that I will be beaten by zero. 】

"Well, I'll try my best to stop you?" Hagihara Kenji didn't think it was a big deal.

[Haha, then I will tell zero that these are all your plans? Do you think Matsuda will beat you with zero? 】

"—It's not like killing the donkey by removing the mill! It's too much!"

【It was Hagihara that you started first, right? 】

The two chatted for a while, then stopped at the same time, and both of them couldn't help laughing: "Well, it will probably become busy later."

[There is no way... After all, it cannot be known by zero for the time being, otherwise he will definitely think of another way. 】Zhu Fu Jingguang said: 【It is clear that this method is the most beneficial and most convenient. 】

[If Scotland is exposed for other reasons, will it affect Bourbon, who is now partnered with Scotland? It is better to expose according to the settings in the plan. 】

[First expose Scotland's identity and cooperate with the FBI, after giving some dispensable information. Scotland's identity is discovered by Bourbon, and maybe there will be a wave of backstabs by the FBI, and then Scotland will die - well, it's better to throw the pot to the FBI and take the opportunity to get some interest compensation from the FBI? 】Zhu Fu Jingguang thoughtful: 【Is there any friction between you and the FBI? How do I feel like you are targeting them. 】

"Ah—maybe I dreamed that Zero was bullied by the FBI?" Hagihara Kenji said jokingly.

【yes? 】

The barrage revealed a lot of spoilers, such as 5-4=0, and the setting of Xiaojianggu was later bullied by the FBI and others, the slightly angry Hagihara Kenji bent his eyes: "But compared to this, I think Xiaozhufu you Your mental state is very dangerous, isn't it?"


"Xiao Zhenping told me that he suspects that you are the kind of person who will point the gun directly at yourself because of your identity exposure~"


"Even if it's for zero- take care of yourself a little, paranoid Hiro-kun?"

There was no silence on the other side of the phone this time, and Zhu Fu Jingguang's tone still couldn't tell much of a problem, he just smiled and asked: "I don't seem to have done anything dangerous in front of you, right? 】

"I will not hesitate to agree to my death plan, it is already a proof." Hagihara Kenji said.

[Haha, I know, after all, I still want to see zero and Matsuda jointly beat you up. 】

"...You're revenge! Why haven't you forgotten this meme! Xiaojinping will never beat me! Absolutely-um, probably." Hagihara Kenji thought about these dangerous plans of his own, and would be beaten by Xiaojinping After the possibility of it, the tone suddenly became pitiful: "Wow, you must save me when it falls!"

【puff. ] Zhu Fu Jingguang laughed: [I try my best? 】

"It's a must!" After saying this, Hagihara Kenji said, "Then I'll hang up."

【okay. 】

After hanging up the phone, Hagihara Kenji rubbed his face, rubbed off his slightly serious expression, and said to himself, "I have to go to work tomorrow...Wow, I feel like I've been busy again recently!"

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinpei, who work normally at the Metropolitan Police Department, find it difficult to find out what the free-spirited Kyoko Zhufu and Rei Kutani did when they went to work during the day.

Recently, Poirot's shift schedule has rarely seen the valley zero, Enomoto Azusa explained that Mr. Amuro has something to do at home recently and has to be away for a while, so she is the only one who has come to work recently.

Poirot was originally only Azusa Enomoto, and it was not the peak season for the service industry recently, so Azusa Enomoto was completely busy. Amuro Toru also explained that after returning, he could arrange a little more shifts as compensation, and since Enomoto Azusa was a good talker, he easily agreed.

Matsuda Jinping bit the lollipop, turned to Hagihara Kenji and asked, "Your plan?"

Hagihara Kenji looked innocent: "I can't arrange their work."

Matsuda Jinhei glanced at him suspiciously, and then looked away after seeing the chill behind Hagihara Kenji.

Recently, there has been a lot of cooperation with the search class. Matsuda Jinping was the first to pick Date Air. If he can partner with Date Air, he will never change anyone else. He really can't stand those idiots not only not being able to keep up with him, but also not being obedient and cooperating.

"It's not that bad, right?" Idahang said, "They're just not used to it for the time being. After a few more visits, they'll realize how to cooperate with you."

"I don't have the patience to lead one by one." Matsuda Jinping said lazily.

"You are really arrogant." Idahang said this, but there was no malice in his tone, just a little helpless, "Is this attitude towards the newcomers on your side too? I have heard you scold your subordinates more than once. cry."

"Crying? Why don't I know." Matsuda Jinping said bluntly: "And if I can't even bear the truth of what I say, isn't the psychology too fragile?"

Date Air shook his head. What Matsuda Jinhei said might sound a little harsh, but what he said was not wrong.

Police is indeed a job that requires a relatively strong ability to withstand pressure.

This time, Matsuda Jinping was arranged to come over, but he went to the scene only to find that it was a false alarm. Matsuda Jinping was not in a hurry to go back. After Air Date answered the phone, Matsuda Jinping asked, "Is there another job?"

"Well, it's relatively close to where I am now, so I just went over there." Idahang explained and asked, "Let Fujiki take you back or go together?"

"Let's go together." Matsuda Jinping yawned and opened the door of the passenger seat.

Looking at this scene, Idahang suddenly said: "Do you know?"

Matsuda Jinping: "Huh?"

"There is a ranking vote in the bureau, and you are ranked first." Idahang said with a smile.

Matsuda Jinping replied lazily, "What?"

"The most suitable man in the passenger seat - this list." Date Hang said.

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Matsuda Jinping: "Are you all boring?"

Date Hang said again: "Besides this, there are actually other things. You are on the list a lot. Do you want me to tell you? For example, I want to-"

"Farewell, I'm not interested." Matsuda Jinhei interrupted Date Air's words immediately.

Date Air looked a little regretful.

However, after Date Air drove the police car to the scene, Matsuda Jinhei was a little surprised—and not so surprised to see a few familiar people at the scene.

Hagihara Kenji, who should be on vacation today, took the initiative to greet him. After saying hello to Date Air, he naturally put his arm on Matsuda Jinping's shoulder, and at the same time whispered in Matsuda Jinping's ear: " Live broadcast."

Matsuda Jinping glanced at him, did not refuse, and quietly opened the live broadcast.

【Small formation level! ! You heartless man! ! 】

【Xiao Zhenping, you still remember us! ! Do you know that placing play is the most excessive QAQ! 】

[Wuwuwu Xiao Zhenping, you finally remembered your account number! 】

[hagi—Look at Xiao Zhenping, he is too much! 】

A bunch of speeches accusing grievances immediately appeared on the barrage, and Matsuda Jin just pretended that he didn't see it, and never admitted that he actually forgot that he had a live broadcast system.

Hagihara Kenji blinked in the direction of the camera, and then briefly explained the situation at the scene: "Simply put, no one died, it was an attempted murder, and during the process of your coming, I have already solved it~"

Today, I was on a field mission. First, I was a false alarm. This time, it was solved in advance. Matsuda Jinping, who had been running outside all day, was silent for a while.

But Matsuda Jinpei noticed that the expressions of other people at the scene were not quite right, especially the man who was kneeling on the ground who was probably a prisoner and looked very frightened. The person he was afraid looked like... Matsuda Jinpei glanced at it. My friend: "What did you do?"

Hagihara Kenji blinked innocently.

Edogawa Conan's expression also seemed to be a little frightened. Hagihara Kenji couldn't seem to be cute, so he explained: "...Maybe, a little...exaggerated?"

"You don't look like a little bit." Matsuda Jinping said.

What did this guy Hagi do to make the little detective look like this?

This expression is a bit like... When he injured his hand some time ago, Sato mentioned that Hagihara doubted the state of life after solving the case by reasoning?

Read The Duke's Passion