MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 169

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After "Ma Zhizi" appeared, the follow-up was much simpler.

Hagihara Kenji's simple explanation for this plan is to rely on "public opinion". How to do it in detail, and more detailed is the so-called "selling out".

You see, "Ma Zhizi" is just a 15- or 6-year-old girl who believed in the police, gave the police face, and really showed her face!

The operation in the hotel can be 100% sure that the child is the real Mazhizi - even if it is not, the technique is enough to make people feel that she is Mazhizi herself.

The results of it? Not only did you fail to protect her information, but so many enemies appeared to capture her? It was obvious that the identity was well hidden for the first three years, but as soon as he appeared, he was hunted down?

Eh? You ask this should be the work of our police? But they are hackers! A group of people ran to protect each other, is it to expose her identity or protect her?

Look at you, you can't even protect Ma Zhizi's information - when she was alone, and only "Zero Group" (to be precise, Jianggu Ling) knew her identity, she hid her safely for three years, and no one exposed her. Her information - so now it's a matter of who's revealing the information, is it clear?

Or is it that your senior management deliberately revealed Ma Zhizi's information? He's just a high school-age kid! Do you still want to use her for what? ! Are all the enemies in black clothes sent by you? !

What? Your high-level executives didn't do it on purpose. In other words, the information was exposed without even your knowledge, right?

You can't even keep the identity of a Ma Zhizi. Ma Zhizi is still a hacker, and she didn't realize it herself—then you still plan to integrate all the undercover identities? Do you have the ability to protect the undercover identity of these countries combined? ! Even Ma Zhizi dare not say that he has this ability!

Such a dangerous thing can happen to a hemp, so how can we trust you to protect the information of other undercover agents?

Our police finally asked Ma Zhizi to come out, but after hesitating for so long, they chose to believe it, and this is the result!

If Ma Zhizi hadn't found out in time and ran away, then Ma Zhizi would have been captured by now!

And she believed that our police came out! Now how do you ask us to explain to Ma Zhizi? A little girl, who was originally timid, was so frightened now, what would she do if she didn't dare to leave the door?

Moreover, she was originally a child and was still within the protection scope of the law. Not only did she not use her talent to do bad things, but she also worked diligently to help the police. Now that she does this, what if the children don't believe in the police?

After that, how can our public security ask this poor kid who was frightened to continue to help as foreign aid?

- Of course, it is impossible to directly talk to the high-level people, but the central idea is the above paragraph. Afterwards, he went back and forth to emphasize the two points of "Ma Zhizi is in danger and information is exposed" and "how do you protect your undercover identity".

And Ma Zhizi's willingness to show up to reveal the real information has itself occupied the right to speak - but the identity of a minor and a woman makes people instinctively despise her. They were amazed at her talent, but they believed that they would definitely have a chance to control Ma Zhizi in the future.

After all, she's just an underage girl.

Therefore, they will not be in a hurry for the moment. Rather than forcing them, the high-level people will be more willing to slowly pull people to their side.

The police can do this, so surely they can too, can't they?

So the next time is also buffered out.

If the hemp branches are a little older, more mature, or change the gender. The higher-ups will only be more vigilant and begin to wonder if this is a design.

As it happens, Ma Zhizi was an underage high school student—the cheek that was injured and scratched at the time was enough to make sure that this face was by no means easy.

So this will create the illusion of the above, thinking that sooner or later, he can find Ma Zhizi himself through this appearance information, and it is even less likely to be anxious.

After that, as long as Ma Zhizi said that she did not believe in the police, she could refuse to continue to help the police for a long time, then the top management could no longer contact Ma Zhizi herself through the public security (Jiang Gu Ling).

Later, the public security side will go out to appease Ma Zhizi's appearance. Not only will the Ma Zhizi thing be pushed back, but the integration of the undercover list will also be suspended.

The higher-ups may not care that the undercover identities are found out at all—but they too have to make the appearance of "they're going to rethink" after what happened when the information about Ma Zhizi was revealed.

Face engineering, everyone understands it.

And the above is the work after Jiang Gu Ling and the police. As for the timid and pitiful "Ms. Ma Zhizi" who was threatened? Just shiver and stop contacting anyone!

Anyway, Matsuda Jinping can help Jiang Gu in private, as long as he doesn't help the police in public.

And although the public security is very curious about the identity of Ma Zhizi, but the high-level forced request, coupled with the unintentional disclosure of Ma Zhizi's identity as a minor jk, accidentally caused the public security (mainly the zero group) to rebel against Heart.

So this public opinion war can be played for a long time. Next time, I will ask Miss Ma Zhizi to appear? That's double the difficulty.

In short, these have nothing to do with the current Matsuda Jinping. He didn't even listen to Hagihara Kenji's plan at all. He only knew that he needed to show his face and run away.

Matsuda Jinpei, who had completed the "escape", took off the oversized sweater directly, then grabbed the wig on his head and pulled it out. As a result, not only did he not pull off the wig, but his scalp also hurt himself.

"Hey..." Matsuda Jinping wrinkled his face and touched the position of his scalp, but he couldn't reach his hand at all, so he couldn't help but mutter: "How many hairpins did that guy clip for me?"

After Fukutani Zero and Kazami Yuya finished talking about the situation, and after Kazami Yuya left, they returned to the safe house and saw Matsuda Jinping who was pulling his hair indiscriminately. He glanced at the sweater that was thrown on the ground, and then looked at Matsuda Jinping, who was still wearing a sleeveless lining, and sighed: "Sit and don't move, I will help you remove it."

Matsuda Jinhei can solve it by himself, but because of unseen and unskilled relationships, he will always accidentally scratch the scalp, and he does not refuse to be helped by someone.

"Speaking of which, what about Hagi and Jingguang?" Matsuda Jinping sat cross-legged and asked Rei Furutani.

Jiang Gu Ling's hands were also very clever. First, he briefly combed the wig, and then began to remove the black hairpins little by little on the premise of not pulling the scalp.

Hagihara Kenji didn't know how to do it. The card was issued and hidden very well. Even if someone touched his head in this situation, he might not be able to notice that so many clips were hidden underneath.

"Hiro Yi Rongcheng, I'm going to work. If it's Hagihara, it's almost time to come over."

Hagihara was worried that there would be an accident, so in fact, he was always an innocent passerby around.

In the original plan, there is another option, that is, if Matsuda Jinhei can't escape, then he will directly change into a cat, and then he can escape directly when he finds Hagihara.

However, when the time comes, you will have to pity Kazami Yuya's worldview, or Matsuda Jinping needs to think of a way in advance to get rid of Kazami and let him run away.

Because... the wish force system does not support changing Kazejian Yu into a cat, and the other party's popularity is not as good as that of another successful cat, Belmod and his successful dog.

Popularity is such a delicate thing that using an assist system is a must.

Once Matsuda Jinhei got on the motorcycle, Hagihara Kenji had nothing to worry about, so he simply stayed at the scene and was a passerby who was frightened and called the police—yes, Hagihara was also in a disguised state.

Who told him and Matsuda Jinpei to always walk together, if someone with big brains contacts Matsuda or Maeda, either one is very dangerous.

Hagihara Kenji stayed on the scene, maybe he could talk a little bit.

During the conversation, Jiang Gu Ling also almost removed the clip, he clapped his hands: "Okay, go and remove your makeup."

Matsuda Jinping scratched his instantly relaxed scalp, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Thanks."

After the makeup was completely removed, Matsuda Jinhei no longer looked like a girl, or at most a tomboy, even if he changed the wig, and finally returned to his youthful appearance.

Matsuda Jinping's cheeks dripped with water, the wound that had dried up opened again because of his actions just now, and the blood was diluted with water and fell down.

This kind of shape finally does not have such a strong sense of disobedience, and Jianggu Ling also relaxed a little: "If you don't change it back, I will really be unable to control it."

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyes: "What?"

Ling Gu Ling calmly said: "The urge to send myself and Hagihara in."

Matsuda Jinping: "...Pfft!"

Matsuda Jinping couldn't help laughing: "Okay? If you want, I can help you achieve it."

"Forget it, you've already handcuffed me once, thank you, that's an experience I'll never forget." Jiang Guling pulled out his own set of clothes: "When can you change back? Is this set okay?"

"Come on." Matsuda Jinping calculated the time: "There are about two hours left."

"It's almost time for Poirot to get off work... Then let Hiro come directly?"

Ling Gu hung the white shirt in his hand on the sofa, then picked up the sweater on the ground, and planned to destroy it with the motorcycle.

Matsuda Jinping put on his clothes, lest the clothes that still fit on his body would be tight when he changed back. He leaned on the sofa and looked at the extremely skilled Yang Gu Ling, and suddenly said, "You have changed quite a bit. of."

Falling Valley Zero: "Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Matsuda Jinping gave an example: "At least if I threw my clothes around at the police academy, you would never pick them up for me. You would only frown and call my name for me to deal with."

Drop to zero: "…"

Zero Valley: "Although you're right, I always think it's weird to say this now."

And at this time, a voice came from the headset that had been quiet as if it didn't exist, it was Zhu Fu Jingguang: [Um, did you forget that this is actually always on? 】

Hagihara Kenji's voice also sounded at the right time: [Actually, I arrived at the door five minutes ago. 】

He said solemnly: [But I always feel that I should not interrupt the atmosphere. 】

"..." Matsuda Jinping had blue veins on his head: "Get in here, Hagihara Kenji—!"