MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 87

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Matsuda Jinpei only knew where he was going when he got into the police car of the search section.

"Amusement park? What's the specific situation?" Matsuda Jinping sat in the passenger seat and asked Sato Miwako who was driving.

The intersection between them is basically the occasional overlap in the case. Because of Matsuda Jinping's character, Sato Mikazu was a little unhappy with Matsuda Jinping at first, but even so, it cannot be denied that Matsuda Jinping's professionalism in business.

Sato Mikako confirmed after several cooperation in handling the case that even if Matsuda Jin was transferred to the search section, he would be able to get started easily without any accident, even several times better than most of her colleagues.

He is good-looking, has excellent professional ability, and has strong force value, and he has no bad habits. Apart from character, there seems to be no flaws. Although I may not have much awareness, Matsuda Jinping is still very popular in the Metropolitan Police Department.

The reason why this police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department is driving Matsuda Jinhei is most likely because Sato Miwako and Takagi Shibu have recently been in love, causing other colleagues to spare no effort to separate the two of them from getting along. As a result, Matsuda Jinping was also pulled on this time, and the two of them were directly arranged together.

Sato Miwako has always been a businessman, and Matsuda Jinping was also arranged to partner with Sato in his previous life. The two of them are obvious to each other's ability, so they both accept it well.

Sato Mikako didn't hesitate, and explained directly: "That's it, the amusement park began to receive threatening letters a month ago, and they began to think it was just a prank."

"But the pranks became more and more extreme, and even foreshadowed the crime. The person in charge of the amusement park remembered that a similar case seemed to have occurred about ten years ago, and immediately called the police."

"Because I just received a call from the police, I can't tell if it's just a prank or a real crime. The pre-criminal letter didn't mention the bomb, just in case, so I asked you to go to the scene together."

"I see." Matsuda Jinhei asked again, "What happened ten years ago?"

Sato Miwako: "Now they are looking for files from ten years ago in the archives."

Sato Miwako said helplessly: "Because it's too long ago, and there is only a rough deadline about ten years ago, maybe eleven or nine years ago, now there are only text files, I can only hope they find it soon."

"Huh?" Mr. Hacker, who is often exposed to high technology, couldn't help but spit out: "Don't you usually organize it? Whether it's according to the time or the key words of the case, just make a directory and read it directly?"

"You ask me about this kind of thing? File organization is a big project, and it's been done this way for decades - those files are covered in dust, and I'm not sure if they will be taken out and used again." Mikazu Sato rolled his eyes. : "Don't say it, the Metropolitan Police Department and most companies are still using faxes!"

All the equipment is the latest technology of the police, Matsuda Jinping was choked.

However, Matsuda Jinhei said it was not unreasonable, Sato Miwako agreed: "After this case is over, I will apply to Police Officer Meguro."

Matsuda array shifted his gaze and leaned against the window: "嘁."

Sato Miwako is also unhappy: "It's no use complaining to me now."

After about ten minutes of silence, Matsuda Jinpei asked, "So, the criminal is most likely to take revenge on the amusement park, right?"

Mikazu Sato didn't expect Matsuda Jinping to speak up, and nodded before nodding, "Yeah."

Matsuda Jinping: "Then if you are a criminal and you want to take revenge on the amusement park, what will you do?"

Sato Miwako's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

Matsuda Jinping said lazily: "I mean, an amusement park is a public place. If it were me, if I wanted to make the amusement park unstoppable, I would choose the most conspicuous facilities."

"It's a position that can't be immediately covered up by the authorities and can cause chaos in the event of an accident."

"Like a roller coaster." The curly-haired police officer propped his chin and uttered words that shocked Mikako Sato: "It's also like,"

"-Ferris wheel."

While speaking, they had already arrived at the scene.

Sato Mikako immediately arranged for the inspection of the facility that Matsuda Jinhei mentioned just now, while Matsuda Jinhei took the toolbox and strode in the direction of the Ferris wheel without saying a word.

The short-haired female police officer subconsciously followed Matsuda Jinping's footsteps and asked, "Do you think it's a Ferris wheel?"

"Ah." Matsuda Jinhe explained: "If a facility like a roller coaster is inspected every day, it is difficult to directly touch the facilities and tracks."

"I heard from you just now that the person in charge of the amusement park was just a prank at first, but there are stricter inspection equipment, so it is more difficult to directly act."

"The speed of the roller coaster is fast enough, and every time you get on the car, a staff member will make sure to check whether the passenger is wearing a seat belt, which is also a confirmation channel. If a bomb is installed or something, the staff can quickly detect the problem. ."

"So you'd better arrange for someone to check the control room. If the roller coaster is out of control and the rider is frightened or injured, it is also a means of retaliation."

"But I'm not responsible for this." Matsuda Jinping glanced in the direction of Sato Miwako with his eyes behind his sunglasses.

Sato Miwako agreed with his conjecture, immediately notified his subordinates to check, and then said, "I understand what you mean."

"It takes about ten minutes for the Ferris wheel to rotate once, and unlike facilities such as roller coasters that do not allow backpacks because of seat belts, the staff will not flip the backpacks of tourists who are Ferris wheels."

"Once you sit on it, the criminals have ten minutes to do whatever they want on it. Whether it's hiding bombs or any other means, it's not easy to be discovered."

And the Ferris wheel is different from other facilities, and it is impossible for the staff to remember how many guests are on each cockpit. As long as it is not discovered at the first time, even if there is surveillance, and there are so many guests sitting in that cockpit all day, the prisoner will not be directly suspected even if he does not deliberately disguise.

If the criminals really chose the Ferris wheel, then the morning has already passed, and it is also the afternoon with the largest passenger flow.

"The only luck is that since he only has ten minutes, his method of hiding the bomb should be relatively rough..." Matsuda Jinping opened the live broadcast room, and in the barrage of greetings, he explained to Sato Miwako at the same time. The live broadcast room said: "Now it is only necessary to determine whether there is a bomb installed on the Ferris wheel."

Matsuda Jinping adjusted the camera to the Ferris wheel cockpit not far in front of him. As each cockpit moved down, he changed the position so that the audience opposite the camera could help him confirm.

Matsuda Jinhei: "Has it been mentioned in the notice letter?"

Sato Miwako obviously thought of the consequences if the Ferris wheel exploded, and shook her head with an ugly face: "No, it only mentioned the crime notice, but there is no secret code or prompt on how to do it."

The short-haired female police officer frowned and said, "But in this case, how should we determine which cockpit on the Ferris wheel has the bomb installed?"

Of course Mikazu Sato hopes that there are no bombs at all, but Matsuda Jinping's guess is reasonable, but the possibility of bombs is more likely.

"If the police are arranged to check one by one, the criminal should soon notice that the person in charge of the amusement park has called the police, and once he detonates the bomb immediately—"

Probably the other party's cooperation in several cases was perfect enough, and now Matsuda Jinping's attitude is too calm, making Sato Mikako unable to help believe the other party's judgment and actions.

"This kind of thing?" In the end, the curly-haired police officer who looked quite reliable actually twitched the corner of his mouth. After a cockpit turned in front of him, he strode up, and smiled at Sato Mikazuko and said, "Try your luck. Bar."

Sato Miwako: "What?! Wait-!"

From a perspective she couldn't see, the barrage was now screaming.

【Number seven! ! Something's wrong with No. 7! ! 】

[The screws on the seat over there are a little loose! 】

[Grass is a Ferris wheel! Did that **** break out of jail? ! 】

[Sato, Matsuda, Ferris wheel, look back and me...]

【Xiao Zhenping, hurry down! Let's change the bomb! cry! 】

[This is Xiao Zhenping's burial ground...]

"...Can you stop saying such ominous words." Matsuda Jinping looked at the barrage with some amusing: "I'm not dead yet."

[Woohoo, you are okay, I am not far from death ... save me ...]

Matsuda Jinping sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a screwdriver to disassemble the seat, took out a bomb from the inside without any accident, and opened the shell of the bomb, Matsuda Jinping mocked: "Oh, this level of The bomb can be defused in three minutes."

Matsuda Jinping performed simple peripheral operations with one hand, called Sato Miwako, and said in a panicked and worried tone: "Good luck, I just found the bomb."

Sato Miwako: "What?!"

Matsuda Jinping: "I just stopped the front and rear tourists from getting into the cockpit. Even if a bomb of this level explodes, it will not hurt the tourists who are separated by a cockpit. Oh, it is not a shock."

At this moment, the phone was snatched away, and it was Hagihara Kenji's voice: "What do you mean by that?! Are you using the bomb explosion as a premise!"

Matsuda Jinping was stunned for a while, and the curly-haired officer blinked: "No, it's just a matter of mouth... Forget it, why did you come here?"

Hagihara Kenji didn't want to chat with Matsuda Jinpei at all, and his tone was eager: "Now dismantle the bomb and get out of here!"

Matsuda Jinping: "It's not your turn to remind me of this kind of thing."

However, just when Matsuda Jinping started to defuse the bomb, Sato Miwako's voice sounded a little trembling: "Not good... I still attract the attention of the prisoner..."

Even though Hagihara Kenji subconsciously covered her phone, Matsuda Jinhei heard Sato Miwako's words. She said, "If the Ferris wheel bomb hadn't exploded, he would have detonated the bomb hidden in another place..."

Matsuda Jinping's bomb disposal stopped, and his tone was a bit unpleasant: "...The thoughts of these criminals really overlap?"

This was the case in my last life, the bomber didn't have time to escape in this life, and the new criminal also thinks like this.

Hagihara Kenji's face was extremely bad: "Matsuda! It's not certain whether that bomb exists or not, you hurry up and take it down!"

With a pale face, Sato Mikazu agreed, "That's it! Officer Matsuda, come down quickly!"

【Ah ah ah Xiao Zhenping! 】

【Grass ah ah ah! 】

[Small array flat? ! 】

"Since it has been determined that the police found the bomb, that is to say, he will detonate the bomb during this turn." Matsuda Jinping was very calm, he glanced at his current height: "According to the criminal's psychology, he It will detonate about the distance from the highest point to the three o'clock position."

And now, Matsuda Jinhei is about to reach the highest point, and the cockpit is turning downward.

Matsuda Jinping turned off the phone and raised the corner of his mouth at the barrage: "There are still more than ten seconds."

"Sorry for frightening you." The curly-haired officer quickly opened the window on the other side of the Ferris wheel's cockpit—it would be more appropriate to smash it than to open it.

"But next, I still have to ask you." Matsuda Jinping didn't even seem too nervous, and said with a low smile: "Help me confirm the angle, there is still time."

"Let's do a bungee jump without a safety rope—" Matsuda Jin stepped on the edge of the cockpit with his flat feet, his palms were slightly wounded by broken glass, and red blood slowly dripped down. His sunglasses were taken off by him as early as the beginning, and the natural curls that had always looked messy were blown by the cold wind from the high altitude, Matsuda Jinping narrowed his eyes: "Isn't it a rare experience?"

At this moment, the barrage stopped screaming and all meaningless speeches, leaving only a glittering high-level barrage and the wish to appear at the same time.

【【【Wish: Xiao Zhenping, you are absolutely fine! ]]]

【Matsuda, it is now! Jump! 】

Matsuda Jinping released his hand immediately, and in the next instant, the No. 7 cockpit exploded!

Standing on the ground, Hagihara Kenji, who was watching the explosion, froze.


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