MTL - Old Chapters-v18 Chapter 3 ring of time

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"As long as the scalp is cut off, the candle will never be attached to me!" Lin Fan held the scissors, trembling all over.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, some who immediately called the police for help, some who huddled at home and waited to die, and some who cut their scalps.

"But cutting my own hair before did not affect the candle at all. Does removing the scalp really work? If it doesn't work, do I have to remove the skull and brain." Lin Fanman thought frustratingly.

"Wait, is this candle really that dangerous?" Lin Fan looked at the candle firmly fixed to his head, and couldn't help thinking that this phenomenon was considered a supernatural force, but the court gave it a poisonous gas weapon.

After thinking about it, he put down the scissors in his hand. No matter what the reason was, he really didn't have the courage to cut off his own scalp. Just thinking about this kind of thing made his scalp tingle.

After opening the forum, Lin Fan thought about it for a while, and carefully asked a question: "Do you think the candle is a treasure, but the court sent out the news of the poisonous gas in order to cover up the truth?"

"It's possible. The poison gas weapon is a candle. It's strange to think about it, but it's also strange that the treasure is a candle."

"Can't you conspiracy theorists be healthier?"

"Whatever it is, I just hope this thing will pass soon."

"It's possible what the landlord said. No one knows what the court's virtues are. He likes to hide things and hide them. This time, there is a sudden big news, maybe it's just to cover up a bigger problem."

"According to the landlord's statement, this candle ignites one, the void produces light, and releases great spiritual power radiation, which can make people lift up the sky, ignite two candles, the sky and the earth sing, ghosts cry, and ghosts cry, can reverse life and death, ignite the third, There are two days in the sky, the earth will spring into the divine spring, self-sustaining detachment from samsara, free and unending forever, come on, Lord, I am optimistic about you!"

"Do you want my treasure? If you want, you can give it all to you. Go and find it. I will put everything in a candle - Wozki Shod."

"The nonsense upstairs, that sentence was clearly said by Lu Xun."

"Lu Xun: I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"The above is the list of the first batch of shootings in the new year, open the door to check the water meter!"

"..." Lin Fan looked at the post that was completely crooked, touched the candle on his head, and glanced at the lighter on the table. For a moment, he really wanted to light the candle on his head.

"Forget it, I'll still ask the imperial court for help!" Lin Fan was hit by this candle last night, and ran back to the rental house in a panic. After learning about the poison gas weapon, he didn't want to go out. Who knows if he would be killed directly.

But now it seems that he can only pray for the help of the imperial court. Lin Fan was thinking about it. He took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police, when he heard a knock on the door and the sound of the key being inserted into the door lock.

"The rent is collected, Lin boy, I know you are in there!" The landlord's aunt's loud voice sounded, making Lin Fan say that today is the day to pay the rent: "You have delayed the rent for two months, if you don't pay it today, I'll let you get out."

"Eh? Wait, Sister Ma, don't come in first..." Lin Fan remembered the candle on his head. If the landlord didn't see it, with the loud voice of the other party, it is estimated that the people around him would know about the candle.

Although he is ready to call the police, instinctively he does not want too many people to know about this matter. After all, modern times are an era of fearful people. Once rumors that he has passed the candle go out, his future life will be affected. great influence.

However, Lin Fan's words were obviously useless. The landlord's aunt, Sister Ma, still opened the door and pushed in. When she saw Lin Fan, she said loudly, "Tell me not to come in. Are you kidding me in the room? Can you make a difference? ."

"You can't afford to pay the rent. Look at your sloppy appearance. You can't be so lazy at home on vacation. No wonder you can't find a girlfriend!" Sister Ma is a little fat and has a loud voice. The most important thing is that there seems to be venom spraying people in the words, stinging people's fragile hearts.

However, Lin Fan didn't care about Sister Ma's poisoning behavior now, because the other party didn't look at the top of his head, and looked like he was ignoring the candle on his head, which made Lin Fan a little confused.

"Stupid, hurry up and pay the rent!" Sister Ma waved her hand twice in front of Lin Fan's eyes, and said earnestly, "You are not too young, you need to eat longer, work harder, and save some money. "You can't go on like this."

"Yes, yes, Sister Ma, you are right!" Lin Fan responded quickly: "That, Miss Ma, my company is on holiday today, and it is estimated that the salary will not be paid in two days. See if it can be delayed for two days."

"It's been delayed again, you've already delayed it for two months, are you planning to delay it for another month?" Sister Ma became unhappy when she heard it.

"Just a few days, didn't I get sick last month? Just a few days, I'll pay you the salary right away!" Lin Fan said After saying a lot of good things, she finally coaxed Sister Ma away , In fact, Sister Ma is pretty good, except for her mouth is a little poisonous, otherwise she wouldn't let Lin Fan delay the rent for two months.

Looking at Sister Ma who went to collect the rent from another house, Lin Fan closed the doors and windows and sat in front of the computer, feeling a little dazed: "Could it be that Sister Ma is an interstellar player?"

"Isn't it? I have such a big candle on my head, and she didn't see it?" Lin Fan asked himself suspiciously, "Is this candle only I can see?"

"Is this a real ghost incident?" Lin Fan gave up calling the police immediately, but sorted out his image, opened the door and walked out, paying attention to the way passersby looked at him, very normal, no surprise, no ridicule, and no panic. .

"It's really only me who can see it..." Lin Fan tested it and ran back to the rental house. For some reason, the original idea of ​​calling the police was abandoned by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan, who had been living in a normal way for so long, suddenly had the urge to break through the trajectory of his destiny.

"Look on the Internet, the court must know something, otherwise it wouldn't be such a large-scale search." The focus of Lin Fan's search this time is on supernatural events. There are naturally many supernatural events in the main world, and even some Many supernatural organizations exist.

However, those things all exist on another layer of the network. Ordinary people can only find some specious things. Lin Fan searched for a long time, but he could not find any information of practical value.

Rubbing his eyes, Lin Fan felt that he must be hysterical. If the candle on his head reminded Lin Fan of the extraordinary existence, he would not have the confidence to continue searching. After all, some things are too nonsense.

"Huh? The ring of time and space, what?" Lin Fan suddenly saw a website, and almost clicked into it.

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