MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 29

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[Song Bailao always bites me, I don’t know if the alpha pheromone has any side effects on beta. 】

What you don't want is what you don't want. Song Bailao just left last night and came back this afternoon. Fortunately, he collided with Liang Qiuyang.

I stared at him, and everything seemed to stand still. It felt like a long time, but it was only a few seconds.

"Ah, are you the idol singer who is very popular recently?" Luo Mengbai suddenly leaned out from behind Song Bailao.

Liang Qiuyang looked back at the two of them when he heard the sound, and when he saw Luo Mengbai, he stood there just like me, stood up after a while, and greeted each other with a gentle and soft voice.


I looked at this omega, whom I had known for seven years, in amazement. I have never seen him so honest in all these years.

It's a bottle of vodka that's literally labeled strawberry milk, poorly disguised.

Luo Mengbai crossed Song Bailao and took the initiative to reach out to Liang Qiuyang, with a smile of He Xi on her face, and her gold-rimmed glasses complemented her snow-white skin, and she was full of elite style.

"Hello, I'm Luo Mengbai, Bai Luo's cousin." When she spoke, the curvature of the corners of her lips was just enough to reveal her canine teeth, "It's an alpha."

Liang Qiuyang held her hand awkwardly: "I am... I am Liang Qiuyang, my name is omega."

"Sorry, didn't know there were unmarked omegas, I don't have a bite stopper, I'll wear it if you mind..."

"No, I don't mind."

I looked at the hands that the two of them were holding, and then looked at Liang Qiuyang's little face stained with Bo Xia, my mood changed from confusion to shock immediately.

This guy, didn't he like Luo Mengbai?

As if to prove my idea, Liang Qiuyang's attitude became very earnest after that, and he had endless questions about Luo Mengbai, from age to occupation, and even asked for the other party's phone number.

The two were chatting, and Song Bailao and I were listening silently. When I saw his expression hesitant, I guessed that he was not happy that I was carrying him with Liang Qiuyang. Although he felt unreasonable, he cleared his throat and took the initiative to talk to him.

"Qiuyang knew that I was injured and came to see me..." I sat next to him and leaned a little to whisper.

Song Bailao rolled his eyes and squinted at me: "Then am I bothering you?"

I hurriedly shook my head: "No no."

He was thorny when he opened his mouth, which really made me very difficult to pick up. I sat up straight, picked up the black tea on the table and sipped it.

When it was time for dinner, Sister Jiu told Song Bailao that the food was ready and asked if she wanted to be seated now.

Song Bailao didn't care whether Liang Qiuyang and Luo Mengbai were chatting hotly, got up and walked to the restaurant: "Let's have dinner."

I got up and greeted the guests: "Eat first, and chat while eating."

Me and Song Bailao sat on the side of the table, Liang Qiuyang and Luo Mengbai sat on the side, and Song Mo sat between me and Liang Qiuyang at one end of the table.

"You haven't eaten the cake made by Xiaoyu?" Liang Qiuyang talked about the topic of food for some reason, and then he went back and forth to talk about pastry and me, "The biscuits made by Xiaoyu and muffins are both It’s very delicious. We used to live together, and I could often find delicious food made by Xiaoyu. Now I can’t eat it, and I still miss it a little.”

Luo Mengbai was surprised: "You two lived together before?"

"Yes, I found Xiaoyu when I was looking for a co-tenant, and we lived together for seven years." Liang Qiuyang looked at me with a soft smile, "I still keep the house, and the inside is Nothing has moved, if Ning Yu wants to go back to live one day, the door will be opened for him at any time."

He was clearly speaking to me, but I always felt that he had something to say, beating Song Bailao to let him know that I was not without a way out.

It seems that the previous incident with Su Shu still planted the seeds of distrust in Liang Qiuyang's heart, which made him brooding.

"Autumn Sun..."

heart of.

But before I could express my opinion, someone next to me interrupted: "I've accepted it with good intentions, but since Ning Yu is married to me, of course it is more comfortable to live in the Song family." Song Bolao put down his hand. The bowl, the porcelain and the tabletop made a not-so-gentle touch, "Really, Ning Yu?"

The chopsticks were poked in the bowl, I looked carefully at Song Bailao, and when I saw him looking back at me with a half-smile, my heart suddenly rang.

"Yes!" I didn't dare to hesitate, "Qiuyang, keep your house as a wedding room in the future, I...I probably won't go back to live there."

Liang Qiuyang pouted and looked at me with disgust: "Counsel, why didn't you see that you were a 'wife in control' before?"

Because I never thought I would marry Song Bailao...

After dinner, Luo Mengbai did a basic physical examination for me and Song Mo alone, and also checked the recovery of my hand.

"The recovery is good, and the bandages can be removed in a few days."

I didn't ask her why she came this time, but it seems that she came to check on me and Song Mo.

I was injured a lot during this time, maybe Song Bailao is also afraid that I will be played by him.

Luo Mengbai took Liang Qiuyang with him when he left. I sent the two to the door and watched them go away. Liang Qiuyang's vaguely sweet voice was heard in the wind.

"You still have a physical examination? Then why don't you check it for me..."

He shook his head helplessly, and went back to the room, but Song Bailao was nowhere to be seen. Sister-in-law Jiu pointed in a direction and said that he took Song Mo to the video room to watch a movie.

It seems that there is a new cartoon released recently. Song Mo kept saying that he wanted to watch it before it was released, but because of the fracture of the bone and the charity reception these two days, I forgot about it. .

I twisted my fingertips: "Ninth sister-in-law, can you do me a favor?"

Sister 9 blinked: "What do you say?"

I asked her to give me a hand, help me do some movements that I can't do with one hand, stir, send it, and send it to the oven. Fifteen minutes later, with a "ding" sound, a fluffy and fragrant muffin was ready.

Ninth sister-in-law wore heat-insulating gloves and placed the muffins one by one on the snow-white bone china plate.

"I thought you wanted me to help, it turned out to be cake."

I picked up the porcelain plate with six small cups on it, smiled and said: "Momo has not eaten the cake I made for a long time, today... Today I said I want to eat it, I I just wanted to do something for him."

I came to the video room with a plate, I knocked on the door and pushed it in. The room was very dark, which was different from what I imagined. The father and son were not watching cartoons at all, but a movie based on the legendary life of a famous entrepreneur.

Song Mo may have smelled the smell, so he climbed onto the back of the chair, smiled at me and called out: "Cake!"

I presented the plate in front of him, he picked one that closed his eyes, held it in front of him and ate.

I considered for a moment, turned the direction, and handed the plate to Song Bailao again.

"You..." I lowered my eyes, a little nervous, "Do you want it?"

He didn't speak for a long time, only the conversation of the characters in the movie could be heard.

"Do you think making two cakes to please me will smooth out today's affairs?"

I looked up at him, and saw his expressionless face, unmoved by any external force, and the hand holding the plate was shaking unsatisfactorily.

"Liang Qiuyang and I are just friends, he likes..." Fu Zhixin, I suddenly thought of who could lie down, "He likes Luo Mengbai."

After a few days of peace, I really don't want to go back to the previous mode of getting along.

He is not tired, I am.

“…what about you?”

I was dazed there. In the background sound, the hero of the movie was talking eloquently at the product promotion meeting.


His eyes fell on the plate of muffins, and he didn't know what to think, the corners of his lips slightly hooked.

"What do you like?"

The video room was dimly lit, making it difficult to see, he stared at me, his eyes reflecting a little brilliance.


I swallowed and looked at Song Mo, who was on the side. The little guy was watching the movie with relish while nibbling on Ma Fen, and didn't pay attention to the movements of me and Song Bolao.

"I...I like you."

I looked at the muffins on the plate, drowned in the background.

A short chuckle sounded above his head, and then Song Bailao slowly possessed himself and came close to my ear.

"I know."

The heart beats like a drum, filling the eardrums. After a while, the plate in his hand lightened, and he took a cup of cake at some point, glanced at it, and leaned back in the chair to bite most of it.

I accompanied Song Bailao and Song Mo to watch a whole unintelligible movie that night. Whenever my thoughts fell on the plot, I would be distracted by all kinds of strange thoughts Notice.

Song Bailao's "I know" echoed back and forth in my mind.

He knows?

I stared at the big screen, I couldn't help but want to smash these three words into ashes and sprinkle them on his face, and then sneered back to him: "You know shit!"

Before going to bed, I received a text message from Liang Qiuyang, he sent a series of meaningless "ah", about thirty or forty, I waited patiently to the end, and finally turned to the subject of his text message .

【Her pheromone smells so good, I want to give her a baby! 】

I can guess who this "she" is without asking.

I told him to calm down. I haven't had much contact with Luo Mengbai, but from Song Bailao's attitude towards her, there should be no major problem with her character. It's just that the Luo family is complicated after all. There was a case of breaking up Luo Qinghe and Song Xiao before, which made me feel a little subtle about Luo Mengbai, because I was afraid that she was not a good person.

A few days later, my lawsuit against Chang Xingze and Xiang Ping for infringement of reputation will be held.

As the plaintiff, I have fully entrusted lawyer Wu as my agent and did not appear in court. Chang Xingze did not appear in court because he was pregnant, and Xiang Ping was the only one at the scene.

The case was in court in the morning. I couldn't sleep and got up early. I sat down for a while and got up. It can be said that I was restless and anxious.

About two hours after the court session, Wu Feng's call came.

I couldn't wait to pick it up, my palms sweating nervously: "Hey, lawyer Wu, how are you?"

Wu Feng's confident voice came from the opposite side: "Although I shouldn't jump to conclusions like this before the sentencing, I can predict that they will lose miserably."

Read The Duke's Passion