MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 50

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[You are so noisy, you must be a healthy and lively good boy. 】

After listening to my words, Xiao Yu seemed to be suddenly interested in Song Bailao's growing environment, and he kept asking me about him all the way back.

"Does he have a bad relationship with his dad?"

"Does he get whipped often?"

"Will his dad beat him when he's so old?"

The more I asked, the more strange it would be. After all, he and Song Bailao had never met, so he shouldn't be so curious.

Xiao Yu may also see my doubts and explain embarrassingly: "I'm thinking of my son." He said in a low tone, "I left him to his father in the hope that he would get Better education, don't have to follow me around, wandering around. If he has a bad life because of this, I..."

He didn't go on, but the sad expression said it all.

It was my words that made him empathize.

"Are you out of touch with your child?" I asked.

“After my wife and I divorced, his family warned me to stay away from their father and son, saying that as long as I was still in contact with them, they would not be able to really start a new life, and it would be no use to anyone. Okay. For this reason, I moved house, changed my mobile phone number, and devoted myself to work." He sighed deeply, "I originally wanted to go back and have a look in a few years, but I accidentally fell off the mountain and suffered severe injuries. I was seriously injured and lay in bed for more than a year. When I was completely healed, my legs were lame. I didn’t want my children to see me like this, so I tried to write a few letters back, but there was no response.”

I remembered the letters Song Bailao wrote to his mother, and said, "Could it be that something went wrong and the letters were not delivered to him?"

Xiao Yu shook his head: "Maybe he also blamed me for abandoning their father and son, and doesn't want to recognize me anymore."

The relationship between Song Bailao and Luo Qinghe was tense. He rarely talked about his parents. The only time he mentioned his mother was when Song Mo was on a swing last time.

If it were him, would he blame Song Xiao for not abandoning him? After so many years, has he been relieved?

I used to be curious about my father, whom I had never met, and pestered Ning Shi to know who he was.

Ning Shi just said "I don't know" with a face full of impatience at first, but was annoyed by the questioning. As soon as she slapped the table, if I asked again, I would go out and find my father, don't be in her eyes again Shaking below.

I didn't dare to ask any more questions, I slumped against the wall and shed tears sadly.

Ning Shi glared at me, and after a while, she seemed to have no choice but to throw a ball of tissues.

"What are you crying for? Wipe away your tears." She frowned, "Your father is like a male dog who is only responsible for sowing seeds. His children are not only you, like me. There are more women. If you were an alpha, our situation may be very different now, but you are only a beta, and after giving me a sum of money, you have nothing to do with him. Even if you go to find it now He, he will never admit that you are his child."

I sobbed and pressed the tissue to my eyes, stammering: "But...but I just want to see him from a distance, it doesn't matter if I don't admit it, let me know what he is like It's good to be a good person, this way, is this not enough?"

I was less than ten years old at that time, she even said to a ten-year-old child "your father is just a male dog", I don't know what she thought.

"If you know it, you will have expectations and yearnings, and then you will start to resent, be jealous, and be unwilling." She said, "If you know something that is not beneficial, it is better not to know it."

Ning Shi is not a qualified and good mother, but she does not always hold pure malice towards me, always thinking about how to use me. Sometimes she also does things that she thinks are good for me, and that fits her status as a "mother", such as letting me study at Shangshan, and for example, she has been tight-lipped about my father for more than 20 years without mentioning a word. .

I didn't understand what she did before, I felt that she deprived me of my right to know, as a child, I have the right to know who my father is, even if it is an asshole.

But now, I'm not sure.

The poor mother made me look forward to a "father" who never appeared in my life. I just looked at him from a distance, it doesn't matter if I don't admit it, but in fact, there is still a voice deep in my heart that whispers, "What if he recognizes me", "What if he is a good father".

As Ning Shi said, if this expectation is not answered, or even give me a heavy blow, it will not benefit me when I was young. It may not be a bad thing to keep a beautiful dream in your heart forever with expectations for the other party.

I slept until the middle of the night, and gradually my body felt hot and sweaty, and every bone was sore. I struggled to open my eyes in the obscurity and stared at the darkness for a long while before I realized that I might have a fever.

Swallowing her saliva, her throat instantly tingled. I sat up and went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

The clock at the bedside shows that it is 3:50 am, and it will be several hours before dawn.

Leaning on the wall and walking out the door, just as I was rubbing to turn on the light, the doorbell rang in the middle of the night.

This strange scene made me freeze in place, looking at the door at a loss.

Thinking like this in my heart, I approached the cat's eye nervously, and saw Song Bailao's figure in the corridor with the sensor light on.

Not in a good mood…

He seemed to be sensing something, he met my eyes directly across the cat's eyes, raised his hand and rang the doorbell at the same time.

I took a step back in shock, accidentally bumped into the shoe cabinet beside me, and the cardboard box placed on it fell off, making a lot of noise.

He should have heard it, so he stopped ringing the doorbell and started banging on the door.

"Ning Yu, open the door!"

It was only a week before he found me.

My heart was beating violently because of nervousness and panic, which made it even more difficult for me to think.

I don't know what will happen if I open the door, and I don't know what he will do if I don't open the door. In a dilemma, the door at the other end was slapped louder, and he justly had no idea that he was disturbing the people at all.

If he keeps messing around like this, the whole building might not be woken up by him.

"Ning Yu, I won't do anything to you, open the door and let's talk, okay?" Seeing that I didn't say anything, he paused, and when he spoke again, he even brought a negotiating tone .

I thought he would kick open the door and rush in in a fit of rage. With such a calm and calm attitude, I was a little lost. However, in this state, he is already outside the door, and I don't seem to have any other choice but to open the door.

Although he is an alpha and I am a beta, I may suffer from a physical disadvantage, but he should not be so **** and violent that he will sanction me on the spot because I signed the divorce agreement given by Luo Qinghe?

Put his hand on the doorknob, take a deep breath, and finally unlock the door.

The door opened slowly, and Song Bailao appeared in front of me completely. The cat's eyes were not very clear, but when I looked again, I found that his eyes were blue, his skin was pale, his hair was messy, and he looked like he hadn't slept for days and nights. Even the shirt he was wearing had more wrinkles than it should have.

"Ning Yu..."

He called my name, and when I looked at him, he was also looking at me, his eyes were deep and complicated.

Suddenly, he stepped forward and hugged me, wrapping me in his arms. The sore bones were hugged so hard by him that they were about to break in an instant, and I couldn't help but let out a very low hoarse moan. After smelling the fragrance of the flowers on his body, his startled heart miraculously gradually calmed down.


I was probably confused, and I actually felt that there was some grievance and coquettishness in his voice.

"Let go, let me go, don't you want to talk? Go into the room..." I stretched out my hand to push him, the muscles in his chest were like a stone, and he couldn't push him.

He completely ignored my words, rubbed my cheeks with his fingers, and suddenly looked cold: "Why is your face so hot?"

Then he pressed the back of my head, forcing me to raise my head to touch his forehead.

After a while he let go of me, frowned and said, "You have a fever, don't you feel it?"

I feel...

I pushed him again, but this time he was unprepared, but I pushed him away.

"Just say what you say, don't... don't move." After a pause, I added, "I will take care of myself, so you don't have to worry about it."

The sensor lights in the corridor dimmed, shrouding us in darkness.

It was so dark that I could only see Song Bailao's blurred body outline. He stood there silently, not responding for a long time.

I wondered if he was holding back his anger and was on fire, and thinking about how to deal with me, he suddenly spoke again.

"I won't touch you, you follow me to the hospital."

As soon as I heard he was going to take me to the hospital, my hair would explode in an instant, and I retreated subconsciously.

"Don't." Dazed, everything was based on instinct, I tightened the clothes on my stomach and stared at him vigilantly.

"I'm just..." Halfway through his words, the door on the opposite side opened with a creak, and the sensor light came on.

Song Bailao and I looked at it at the same time, Xiao Yu was half leaning out in a coat, and his expression was still a little embarrassed. He should have heard the movement outside the door and wanted to get up to see what was going on.

"Xiaoyu?" He opened the door further and walked towards us.

Song Bailao looked at him, suddenly turned around and walked over, the two of them greeted me in front of my room door. Under the dim light, from my point of view, I could only see Xiao Yu's misty eyes slowly widening, and he looked up at Song Bailao in front of him in shock.

His voice was soft and careful, with a faint trembling, as if afraid of breaking something.


As these two words sounded, Song Bailao's back was instantly tense, and his hand on the door frame also tightened suddenly.

I was at a loss when I heard Song Bailao calling out to Xiao Yu: "...Mom."

Wait, Mom?

I held my forehead, and it was a little difficult to return to my senses.

Xiao Yu, Yu Xiaoxiao, plus his occupation, the things he said about his ex-partner and children, all of which are added together, so... Xiao Yu is Song Xiao? !

It's a coincidence, it happens to me every time I rent.

The first time I rented a house, I met Liang Qiuyang who generously helped me in the tattoo parlor, and the second time I rented... I met Song Bailao's mother.

What kind of luck is this?

I really didn't mean to interrupt their mother and son reunion, but tonight everything was weird, my eyes went black, and the contents of my stomach came up my throat without warning, making me even Before turning around and running into the toilet, he leaned against the wall and vomited.

The vision gradually became blurred, and there was a dark pool on the floor, and I didn't know what was spit out, and the mouth was full of strange fishy sweetness.

"Ning Yu!"

One second before he lost consciousness, Song Bailao turned around and charged at me, taking me, who fell down, into his arms.

People really can't be too iron teeth, five minutes ago I swore to tell him to stop moving, don't bother him, five minutes later I can only fall into his arms like a dead fish Personnel do not know.

Read The Duke's Passion