MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 59

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[Luo Mengbai told me that the fetus in my body is about the size of a kidney bean. The human body is amazing. 】

Although I know that various parades are popular now, I didn't expect that there would be conflicts between parades and parades in places like Xiangtan.

The piercing siren cut through the sky, and halfway through the examination, I was about to return to the ward, when a large number of wounded suddenly came to the emergency department.

Judging from the slogans and clothes on her body, one side is beta who wants equal rights, while the other side is alpha and Omega who hope the government can strictly control "pheromones".

These two groups of people have different demands and starting points, so there should be no disputes. But they just fought, and the fight was quite fierce, and there were not a few people who broke their heads.

"Mr. Ning, it's too messy here, shall I take you back to the ward first?" The lady nurse who accompanied me for the examination took my arm and tried her best to block the flow of people for me.

it is good.

"Borrowed!" A marcher hurriedly passed through the consultation hall with his blood-covered companion in his arms. Seeing that he was about to bump into the nurse in front of him, I hurriedly pulled her, the injured Her toes nearly rubbed her back towards the emergency room.

I followed the man for a moment, I lowered my head and asked the nurse, "Are you all right?"

She covered her chest and shook her head: "It's okay, thank you."

Suddenly a child's howl penetrated the noisy crowd and reached my ears. I looked around and saw a little boy crying out of breath not far ahead.

The other party's clothes were stained with blood, his hair was messy, and the word "beta" was painted brightly on his round cheeks. He was a marcher at such a young age.

"Oh, this child is lost, why is he crying here alone?" The nurse on the side apparently also found him.

"It should have been sent with the parents, but it's too messy here, so I don't care about him."

The nurse said: "What kind of children do you bring in the parade? It's too irresponsible for minors."

Maybe they want to cultivate their sense of equality since childhood.

While we were talking, we came to the little boy, I half-squatted down and asked him, "Don't cry, little boy, where's your mother?"

The child rubbed his eyes and choked with tears: "I, I don't know... Mom was injured... carried away on a stretcher woo woo woo..."

As I guess.

I asked him again: "Then do you remember the contact information of your father or other elders?"

He must have been so frightened that he kept crying and said he didn't know anything else.

The nurse coaxed him for a long time without coaxing, and sighed: "How about taking him to the service desk? You can find his family through the radio."

Facing the crying little boy, I had no better idea, so I nodded.

At this time, a voice came from a distance: "Little Tian!"

I looked in the direction of the voice and unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

"Han...Sister Han!" The little boy stopped crying when he heard this voice.

Han Yin, wearing the same blue T-shirt as the marchers, ran from far to near, sweating profusely, and hugged him excitedly.

"It's great, I finally found you." She hugged the little boy tightly and said with lingering fears, "You scared me to death. Are you injured?"

"No, no." The little boy answered choked up.

Han Yin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, touched his head lovingly, and then looked at us.

She seemed to recognize me, and her eyes widened in surprise: "Xiaoyu?"

In previous conversations, she expressed some concerns about the status quo of beta and her desire for "equality", but I didn't expect her to participate in the parade, and I didn't expect to meet again in such a scene .

This is really not a good place to catch up.

"What a coincidence." I smiled at her, "Is this your child?"

Han Yin waved her hands again and again: "No, Xiaotian is my friend's child. My friend...was injured during the parade and was just taken to the emergency room." She said with a trace of worry in her eyes .

"Why does a good parade fight?" I asked her.

"I don't know, we collided with another team, and by the time we reacted, the two groups had already fought. The marchers over there thought we were also the culprit in the abuse of aphrodisiac pheromones. One, it's hard to speak, and it completely treats us as extremists." Her eyes were reddish, "We just want equality, not the same as those groups that advocate beta supremacy."

"Those groups" I have seen when I attended charity dinners before. To say that betas who hold parades to fight for the rights of their peers are warriors, that is to show their "excellence" and put their lives at the extreme of others Beta, is a group of feverish neuropathy. The two cannot be compared at all.

Congressional elections are about to heat up, and such a conflict happened between a, o and beta, I don’t know if it will have an impact.

"Are many injured?"

"There may be hundreds of people. There are hundreds of people in our parade this time, and there are many people on the other side. In fact, in the end, many of them were not injured, but were pushed down and trampled. The scene was a mess. Fortunately, the parade was held near the hospital, otherwise so many people would be injured and would not know what to do." At the end of the day, she was fortunate and scared.

I'm still wondering why so many injured people are pouring in all of a sudden, it turns out that the parade site is nearby.

Listening to the Korean tone, the two parties add up to thousands of people, and the chaos formed is quite spectacular. I don't know if it will affect passersby, at this time...

I unconsciously looked in the direction of the lively gate, and I heard Han Yin say, "Why are you here, Xiaoyu?

I was wearing a hospital gown, and I couldn't even say that I was accompanying a friend to see a doctor, so I had to say it lightly.

"It's just... a little glitch."

At this time, the voice of a nurse calling a patient's family came from the direction of the emergency room, and Han Yin's face flashed: "It's Sister Lin! I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, I have something to do... Next Let's talk again next time!" After that, she took Xiaotian's hand, and before I could answer, she trotted to the emergency room.

After she left, I was going to leave, but there was a new disturbance in the hall at this time. A marcher with a red and white turban on his forehead actually fought with the marchers on the other side, and their companions soon joined the melee.

It is clear that there is not much hatred, but those people seem to not give up on each other, forcing me and the nurse into the corner.

"Ning, Mr. Ning, what should I do?" The nurse asked with a pale face.

I kept her behind me, facing the chaos of the consultation hall.

I was still hesitating whether to slowly move to the passageway closest to us, when three entangled figures hit me.

Staring at the three people who were blood-soaked and threw their fists, I took a step back. The nurse grabbed my arm from behind, so nervous that my hands were shaking.

These three door gods are the same, blocking our way to death.

As a result, the two opposite him dodged, and the chair slammed directly at me and the nurse.

Everything happened so fast that I had time to close my eyes to cover my head, and my ears were filled with the screams of the nurse. However, after a few seconds, the expected pain did not come, and the chair slammed against the wall beside me with a loud noise.

At the same time, there was a loud police whistle coming from the door.

The three people in front of them didn't know whether they were shocked by the almost smashing of innocent passers-by, or they also heard the whistle, and they all stopped and looked at each other.


From my point of view, I can just see the whole process of "Yi" being kicked to the ground from behind, rubbing against the smooth floor and falling under my feet.

That kick was really fast and accurate, kicking the other party's face full of pain, moaning and unable to get up. What was revealed from the position behind him was Song Bailao, who was wearing a bite stopper and had a fierce look on his face.

The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to the elbows, and the buttons of the collar were unbuttoned. His always meticulous hair was a little messy, and the smooth and full forehead was covered in sweat.

"Song..." I was overjoyed, and as soon as I uttered a word, Song Bolao kicked the stunned "Er" to his knees, and then grabbed the other person's hair. At the same time, he pressed his knees against the opponent's back, mercilessly applied pressure at the same time, and smashed to the ground. With just one click, the man lost consciousness with blood all over his face.

The only remaining "three", because of this sudden change, he panicked, and he may not understand why Song Bailao appeared.

Unlike the other two, this time he roared and rushed towards Song Bailao.

I involuntarily took a step towards them and was pulled tightly by the nurse behind me.

"Mr. Ning, don't go there!"

A large number of security personnel in black rushed into the consultation hall, throwing batons to separate and suppress the melee crowd, and the scene was quickly brought under control.

This distraction, when he looked at Song Bailao and the others, turned into a one-sided situation.

Song Bailao pressed the man under him, grabbed the front of the opponent's shirt with one hand, and smashed the front of his man with a punch, his knuckles were stained with blood.

"Song Bailao!" I saw that he couldn't hold back, afraid that he would beat someone to death, so he hurriedly stopped.

When he heard my voice, he suddenly stopped and lowered his fist.

He stood up from the ground panting heavily, and he took the hair that was loose and came towards me.

"Are you injured?" He raised his hand, and when he was halfway up, he found that the back of his hand was covered in blood, so he had to switch to the other one.

I shook my head slightly: "No."

It's...a commotion.

Read The Duke's Passion