MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 72

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[Let the gardener plant a few osmanthus trees in the yard next year. 】

Song Bailao recovered very quickly after waking up. I don't know if it was because of his excellent recovery ability or if all alphas were like this.

He didn't show any gloom about losing his glands, and he was even a little happy, which made me wonder if he wanted to do it in the morning. Otherwise, why did he say those specious things to me before? Why did he have to go to the Sanatorium and Hospital to find Luo Mengbai for surgery?

But even if I ask him, he probably won't admit it.

I won't be able to smell his pheromone from now on, I'm a little disappointed to think about it.

But I can smell the pheromone, which is also a blessing of pregnancy. Once the baby is born, the hormones in the body return to normal, and it should not smell like before.

If you think about it, there is nothing to regret.

This year, I almost forged an indissoluble bond with the hospital. Either I was hospitalized or on the way to the hospital. People around me from Song Mo to Song Bailao were all injured and hospitalized. What a curse like.

The only person around me who is in touch with these strange and chaotic gods is the Daoist from Weijing, so I went to the Taoist Temple to ask for a Taoist talisman.

"Song Xiaoyou is like this now, it's all from our Xia family, so I won't charge you." Daoist Weijing sent me to the door, "Don't worry, although I'm no longer in the world , no matter what is going on in the world, I will definitely take care of this matter to the end. You have a fate with me, and I will not let the Xia family bully you casually."

At first, I thought that what he said "to the end" was nothing more than a greeting to the Xia family, so that they would stop embarrassing Song Bailao and me. But I learned later that he had summoned hundreds of Xia family members during the Chinese New Year, held a clan meeting, and put my name into the Xia family tree in the name of Guo Fangqin.

At this point, I am the "Xia family" in theory. Even if Mr. Xia is angry, there is no reason to move me.

But I was busy in bed recovering and didn't know about it.

I asked for the talisman and put it in the drawer of Song Bailao's cloakroom. In the afternoon, the cook cooked sweet soup. Sister-in-law Jiu said she wanted to send it to Song Bailao, but I took it from her and expressed my willingness to do it for me.

"I'm fine at home anyway, let me send it to him."

Sister-in-law nine looked at me with a smile: "You miss Mr., not because it's okay."

Facing her eyes that seemed to see through everything, I touched my nose, a little embarrassed.

Carrying the heat preservation bucket, I came to the floor where Song Bailao belonged, and when I walked to the door of the ward, I was surprised to see Li Xun at the door.

She was not injured that night except for being a little frightened.

"Mr. Ning?" She was also surprised to see me, and quickly glanced in the direction of the ward, "Why are you here at this time?"

I raised the bucket in my hand: "Sweet soup."

Li Xun said: "Oh, wait, lawyer Wu is still talking with Mr. Song, it should be fine soon."

Lawyer Wu?

In the kidnapping case, only a few innocuous little guys were caught, and even the Xia family didn't scratch their oily skin at all. Shouldn't lawyer Wu appear?

I saw that Li Xun's expression was very unnatural, and asked tentatively: "Attorney Wu is here today..."

"Uh..." She hesitated for two seconds, "Just talking about work."

This is too general and more like an excuse to deal with me.

"Can't I go in?"

She looked a little embarrassed: "This..." She looked into the room and suddenly smiled, "Okay, lawyer Wu has come out."

After a while, a middle-aged lawyer in a suit pushed open the door. He was taken aback when he saw me, and then he nodded and greeted me.

"Mr. Ning, long time no see."

Since the case of He Xiangping and Chang Xingze ended, we have not seen each other for more than half a year.

I also nodded at him: "Long time no see."

After the greeting, he quickly said goodbye to me, and Li Xun left with him.

Entering the ward, Song Bailao should have heard my voice long ago, so he was not surprised when he saw me.

He sat at the table, looked up at me, and continued to play with the computer. Except that the stitches were not removed, the wound was still covered with gauze, and he was alive and well as a normal person.

I put the heat preservation bucket on the table and unscrewed the lid: "Why is Lawyer Wu here?"

Song Bailao didn't lift his head: "Xiang Ping is sentenced."

I put the soup in the bowl for a while: "How many years?"

"Fifteen years."

Xiang Ping is not only Master's son, but also a brother-in-law who once studied art with me. There were lofty ambitions and dazzling dreams, but now, if you make a mistake and fall into prison, how can you not be embarrassed.

Although he is a bastard, when I think of my master and my wife, I feel sad for them both.

It is said that bad bamboo produces good bamboo shoots, but here it is the opposite, good bamboo tends to produce bad bamboo shoots. I just hope that Xiang Ping will be transformed inside and become a useful person to society, so that Master and Mistress will no longer feel at ease in the sky.

"Is that all?" I sighed inwardly, and I pushed the bowl in front of Song Bailao.

He moved his laptop aside, held a spoon and lowered his head to take a sip of the sweet soup.

"What else?"

Li Xun clearly said it was a matter of work, but he said it was only a matter of Xiang Ping. The two of them don't have the same caliber, which makes me more and more suspicious of fraud.

"But Li Xun didn't say that."

Song Bailao's soup-drinking movements did not stagnate at all. He looked very righteous and did not feel guilty at all.

"What did she say?"

"Tell the truth."

Song Bailao put down the spoon, looked up at me, looked at me for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

"She won't tell you the truth."

Shows full trust in subordinates and extreme confidence in their own authority.

But this also indirectly confirms that the arrival of lawyer Wu today is indeed not simple.

I frowned, and suddenly covered my stomach: "Hey, my stomach hurts..."

Song Bailao's expression changed, he got up and hugged my waist from behind.

"Does it hurt too much?"

I frowned and said solemnly, "Tell me the truth and I won't be in pain."

Song Bailao stared at me and almost lost his mind. After a while, he laughed angrily, pulled me by the arm and sat on the chair, letting me sit on his thigh.

Not only do I lie, I dare to hit you.

"Look," I stretched out my five fingers, with the back of my hand facing him, and the ring on my ring finger was particularly prominent, "I have recovered the ring."

He took my hand and stroked the thin ring with his fingertips.

"You're pretty smart..."

I staggered a little bit, side by side with his hand. In the same position as me, he also wears a ring on his hand.

"So is there something I can't know?"

Song Bailao inserted his finger between my fingers and sighed softly in my ear: "It's not really a big deal, it's just... I made a will."

I was blinded all of a sudden, and I didn't expect this to happen.

When I thought I was about to die, I also thought about finding a lawyer to make a will. Could it be that Song Bailao thought he was about to die, so he wanted to make a will?

Isn’t that… the loss of the glands may not have any sequelae, but become a beta of type A blood?

He made it seem like an accident could happen anytime, anywhere.

"I'm just in case, it's normal to make a will, Luo Qinghe must have his own will, there's nothing bad about it."

Since it is normal, why hide it from me?

I turned around, looked at him for a moment, leaned into his arms, resting my chin on his shoulder.

The tip of her nose twitched, but she couldn't smell any breath behind her ears. In the past, this place was clearly the place with the most pheromone.

"I can't smell osmanthus..."

I didn't ask about the "will" any more, I just assumed I didn't hear anything.

He stroked my back and said dissatisfiedly: "Why? Don't you like me without the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus?"

I closed my eyes: "I like it."

I have always liked you.

From past, present, to future.

After a few minutes of silently hugging each other, I froze suddenly, and then started shaking uncontrollably.

"Ning Yu?" Song Bailao quickly discovered my abnormality.

I frowned and pressed my stomach, unable to speak because of the sudden pain.

"Uh..." My forehead instantly burst into cold sweat, and when I opened my mouth, I could only groan in pain.

"Does it hurt my stomach?" Song Bailao asked me eagerly.

I nodded, my body couldn't help but want to curl up, it was really painful, like... like my internal organs were split.

Song Bailao hugged me onto the bed without saying a word, and then rang the bell.

Sweat clouded her eyes, and she was cold and weak.

The ears are buzzing, and the sound seems to be far away and cannot be heard clearly.

"Ning Yu..."

The broad palm wiped the fine sweat from my forehead, and in my blurred vision, Song Bailao showed an expression I had never seen before.

It seemed to be fearful and painful.

As long as I can spare a little time and spare time, I will take a picture of him with my mobile phone.

"I'll be fine...with me..."

I stared at his lips that kept opening and closing, and deciphered the words.

Sometimes people really can't make jokes. I just pretended to have a stomachache, and now I really have a stomachache.

Luo Mengbai clearly said that I can hold on for another month, but now my stomach hurts like this, there must be a problem with the birth sac, could it be... Could it be because of the Song Bailao incident two days ago that I was too excited?

In pain, I managed to lift my arm, I worked hard to gather strength, and patted Song Bailao's face with my palm.

"Don't be afraid..."

I don't know if I'm making a sound. Maybe I just lip-synched, or maybe my volume isn't as good as the sound of a mosquito's wings.

But Song Bailao should have understood or understood.

He took my hand and nodded at me.

Read The Duke's Passion