MTL - One Piece Bounty System-Chapter 7 First partner

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When the noisy snake is angered by the thunder, he can’t say it. Not to mention that he himself is probably the weakest demon fruit. Pointing to the thunder: "You! You! You!"

The navy listened and laughed loudly. These navies followed the general Sakarski Red Dogs. What kind of demon fruit ability has not been seen, but, let alone, this noisy snake is really the worst demon fruit ability they have ever seen.

"Young Master Thunder, you are right, this is the worst we have ever seen, the devil fruit ability."

"Yes! Yes! I have never seen such a bad demon fruit ability."

Noisy snakes listen, wow wow: "Mixed boy, you want to die, I will be yours, see my snake whip." The snake's legs become suddenly, grow long, like a long whip to the thunder Come over.

Tianlei now has no domineering color to protect the body. If you let it bite, you can't eat it. It seems that I can only play the long-range attack, but fortunately, I also have three moves to attack.

Tianlei first shot a Tangcao tile, and attacked the attack of the noisy snake with the shock wave of Tang Caozhen Zhengquan. Then there is the constant use of water, and the dripping arrow attack attacks the noisy snake!

The noisy snake is also very tricky. Both hands have turned into a ten-meter-long snake. When they started two long whip, they waved up and blocked all the water-attack attacks of the thunder. However, the main attack of Tianlei is not the trick. After all, the power of this move is still known.

The water attack is just a sham, used to disturb the eyeliner of the noisy snake. Tianlei has spotted the opportunity. After a move of Tang Cao’s punches, the two flurry snakes of the noisy snake are shaken off, and the defense of the noisy snake is immediately In the moment when I made a flaw, I tried my best to hit the chest of a noisy snake in the middle of the box.

[The bounty system prompts that the host bombards the bounty with a bounty of 2.5 million puppies and pirates, and rewards a primary body, swordsmanship, shooting, weapons, superhuman devil fruit, animal devil fruit. 】

The words appeared in the brain, and Tianlei immediately knew the attack. This is to directly give this noisy snake to KO. However, it is a pity that the sad reminder who was flying out of Sakarski before! It’s a complete draw of a draw.

[The bounty system suggests that the host now has a chance to get a preliminary draw and whether the dormitory is drawn. 】 No, Tianlei immediately vetoed.

After this attack, Tianlei understood a truth. If you are not strong enough, you should not force it. If you try to hit the KO opponent directly, is it OK? After a full blow, it’s not too late to solve the fight! Just like this noisy snake, he made a full blow. This noisy snake couldn’t stop his own blow. Will there be such trouble later?

Thunder immediately said: "Next!" Just try your own idea, right?

The captain of the dry pirate group, the mad swordsman Fujiwara, stood up, but he did not go forward, but said to the cold of Aki, "Sword!"

Major General Archie glanced at Sakaschi and saw that there was nothing to say. He took a sword from a major in one side and threw it to Fujiwara. Before the Fujiwara swallowed the sword, it looked very normal, but the Fujiwara that got the sword was different, and it became sharp.

Seeing that Tian Lei’s pupils couldn’t be shrunk, Tian Lei could see that this Fujiwara is a real swordsman, but such a swordsman would be a person without evil? Can't help but ask: "Mr. Archie, what is the crime of this Fujiwara?"

Major General Archie looked at Tianlei with a puzzled look. Although he did not know what Tianlei meant, he replied: "This man was originally a navy. After killing his Shangguan as a pirate, it is really a sin!"

Thunder: "Can you tell me why you are, why did you kill Shangguan?"

Fujiwara swallowed coldly: "Win the sword in my hand and say."

When Tian Lei heard it, he suddenly became full of arrogance and shouted: "Good! Pick up!" After that, Tianlei was the strongest gun wave that swallowed the past.

Fujiwara: "The wind is raging!"

"Thousands of tiles are boxing" attack again.

"One word!" Fujiwara did not show weakness.

"鲛瓦正拳" Tian Lei made a full blow and immediately blocked the attack of Fujiwara. Immediately, he jumped out and kicked out the Xeon strike. "Two thousand watts round the kick." Opened the Fujiwara defense, and then in the air, Tianlei immediately pulled out a shot, a bullet made of water. Flying and hitting the Fujiwara that was too late to defend.

Fujiwara glanced at the left shoulder that he had been pierced, and said coldly: "I lost!"

[Bounty system prompts, the bounty of 3 million Boule pirates, the mad swordsman, the pharynx, and the pharynx, voluntarily give up, rewarding a primary body, swordsmanship, shooting, weapons, superhuman devil fruit, animal devil fruit. 】

Tianlei is happy, once again: "Is it necessary to talk about your own affairs?"

Fujiwara: "Shangguan, collusion with the pirates, killing the people! Nowhere to sue, kill!"

Tianlei listened to dripping a drop of cold sweat, this answer is really simple and clear! Also cold can. Tianlei turned his head and looked at Sakaski: "Uncle, this guy, I am fancy, help me find out if this guy is really true. If it is him, it is my partner, and it is also my future warship." Swordsman?"

The words of Tianlei came out, but they thundered everyone. It is that Sakaski is also a bit stunned. He is very happy with the change of Tianlei. This is also a big brother who can die for himself. Moreover, the qualification of this Fujiwara swallow is not bad, so the general of Archie said: "Aki, you go check it."

Then, to Tian Leidao: "Well, this vine has followed you after the swallow, so! Next."

The last one came out, that is, the captain of the Bounty Pirates of the Bounty 500, the black scorpion, this guy can pull the wind as soon as he appears. This guy actually pulled a bone from his body as a weapon!

When I saw this scene, I thought of the bones of the fire and shadow. It was exactly the same! Is this the devil fruit? You~ sister~ yourself, this is how big the shit! The four guys who are at the bottom of the pirates, actually have two demonic fruit abilities?

Quite depressing thunder, fiercely stepping on the ground, flew away to the black scorpion, followed by a full-strength 2,000-watt swing kick. The sly kick was on the black scorpion, and after listening to Carrara’s crackling sound, the black cockroaches fell to the ground. Tianlei suddenly stayed. What is the situation?

At this time, Major General Archie: "Congratulations to the young master of the thunder and break through again. This black scorpion is a person who relies only on the ability of the fruit. The rest are slag. He is the ordinary person who eats the devil's fruit, as long as the strength reaches three. Hundreds, you can break his defense! Winning him is like stepping on an ant."

Read The Mage of Eternity