MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 268

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Ram always kept looking at Betty with a cold look, with a hint of indifference and sloppy, full of ridicule.

This scene made Luo Yu a little dumbfounded.

In order to prevent the situation from worsening, Luo Yu suddenly picked up the two of them, one by one by the waist.

"Okay, we're all a family in the future, is it necessary to quarrel like this? Although it's really fun, ahem, but it's better to be more harmonious in the future."

"After all, you can't focus all your energy on arguing, but on how to improve yourself. This is the only way to compete effectively~"

Although they didn't mention it to the two women, Betty and Ram knew what to improve themselves.

However, their reactions were different.

Betty pursed her mouth for the first time, a little sullenly.

"Betty doesn't want that kind of improvement. Betty is not a toy. It's totally unnecessary to improve that aspect!"

Ram seemed to have expected it, and took over the conversation immediately after Betty finished speaking.

"Haha, I'm afraid that some people say no, but the body is very honest. And it's not uncommon to say it on the surface, and it may be silently preparing for the next time behind the scenes."

"The classic duplicity, if you don't want it, you won't refuse it? I still remember someone asking for it, and it's flooded before it even started~"

Ram's ability to poke people's sore spots seems to be completely full.

As soon as the words fell, Betty seemed to turn into a tigress immediately, and was about to bite Ram with her teeth and claws.

But the arms and legs are too short, let alone the mouth.

In the end, he could only keep thumping in the air, failing to bite Ram.

"Smelly Luo Yu, say something, don't you help me teach her a lesson? She is so hateful, do you like her more or me more!"

Luo Yu suddenly had a headache.

But Ram instead answered immediately for him.

"Of course, my husband likes them all, but if I want to say who I like more, it can only be better. But most of the things, my husband doesn't need our help, so for my husband, there is only one thing. "

Chapter 375

It is almost needless to say which thing the matter refers to, both Ram and Luo Yu know about it.

As for Betty.

Naturally, she knew that, after all, she was not a fool, but she was obviously treated like a fool.

But this is not the point for Luo Yu.

The point is that Ram's answer really suits his taste.

I even started to get a little excited and wanted to reward Ram again.

Compared to Betty's duplicity, Ram has more of a maid's self-consciousness.

And it is also very open, giving Luo Yu a very good feeling every time.

Of course it's not that Betty is bad.

The good thing about Betty is that she is easy to be bullied, not only because she looks too young, but also because of her proud personality. When bullied, she will be particularly emotional.

This kind of good is indescribable.

It can only be said that it satisfies a certain hobby of Luo Yu.

As for Ram, he is well-behaved and considerate, gentle as water, and meticulous.

In the past, if there was a choice, Luo Yu would be very willing to leave Ram alone.

Anyway, it's such a special feeling.

Speaking of coming to Zero World, I really like Ram more than others.

It always feels that Ram has become the Rem in his impression, and Rem has become the Ram in his impression.

This is undoubtedly because he is not Leyue Ang.

But this expansion is not bad.

At least he likes it.

Betty seemed to have been greatly wronged, and pointed at Ram Road again.

"Smelly Luo Yu, you are saying something, how can you make her say everything, can she represent you?"

"And what you said about getting along in harmony, does she look like getting along in harmony? Hurry up and punish her, she's too arrogant as a maid, she's going to climb on your head!"

Betty is obviously distorting the facts, like a schoolboy making a report.

And Luo Yu, who has sharp eyes, will naturally not be blinded in the slightest.

"Okay, it's strange for you to say that. In fact, Ram's meaning is also my meaning. Do you understand now?"

Luo Yu expressed his meaning in such a straightforward manner.

Immediately, Betty was stunned.

But what followed was an immediate childlike cry.

She cried so hard, she looked like a little girl whose favorite toy was stolen.

However, Luo Yu would not let this scene last too long.

She patted Betty's Pippi with a slammed "pop", and physical means calmed her down.

"Okay, you can go back to playing games. You can leave the rest to me and Ram. Haven't you done your best anyway?"

Luo Yu said and put Betty on the ground.

However, Betty did not immediately run towards the mansion as if the primary school students were on vacation, but after a moment of stunned, she immediately hugged Luo Yu's hand again.

Looking at him eagerly.

"No, I'm not going back. I'll continue to act with you. I don't want to go back yet."

All of a sudden, Betty seemed to have lost the arrogance and arrogance before, but instead had a lot of cute and sticky feeling.

This change is so great that it is almost catching up with the face-changing drama.

But it wasn't a bad thing, instead it made Luo Yu think of some good things.

"Oh? Why do you suddenly don't want to play games? If you really want to go with you like this, aren't you afraid that I might play games with you at any time?"

"After all, there are still things to be busy with, and it's hard not to want to relax after being busy."

Betty was hesitant for a while, but after looking at Ram, she immediately became decisive.

"She can go, but Betty can't go, and Betty also wants to go together. You can't leave Betty behind."

Suddenly mentioned by Betty, Ram's expression didn't change much, and he still looked dismissive.

"Hehe, because Ram followed, it means that Ram is ready, even anytime, anywhere. Do you arrogant guy have this kind of consciousness?"

Not to mention that Betty was shocked.

Even Luo Yu was a little surprised.

Although the actual situation was indeed like this, he didn't think in that direction, he just thought that Ram seemed to cooperate very well.

Now it doesn't seem like that.

But now that it was said, it was not just shocking to Luo Yu.

I'm afraid it will stimulate Betty.

So how far things will develop really makes Luo Yu curious.

From what he knew about Betty, it might stir her competitive spirit.

Where there is competition, there is hard work.

To put it in a fashion, this might make the usual relationship more turbulent.

If this kind of thing could be rolled up, Luo Yu would still be very happy to see it.

Therefore, when looking at Betty, there is also a hint of anticipation.

At this time, Ram was always disdainful, while Luo Yu was looking forward to it.

Under the intertwining effect of two completely different eyes.

Although Betty felt that it was a bit against her usual style, she still pursed her lips and responded in a general way.

"Go... go, go, but Betty isn't doing other things. In short, she won't mess around casually. It's too shameless to mess around!"

"Hehe, you're happy~"

Ram replied unhurriedly, and then said nothing more.

Seeing that the two finally stopped on the surface, Luo Yu didn't delay much, and wrapped the two of them around the waist.

Quickly took the two of them to the direction of Roswaal's flight.


At this time, Roswaal was on a big tree not far from the mansion, using a well-made telescope, watching the situation of the mansion from a distance.

But I haven't seen a big movement for a long time, and I can't help but feel a little suspicious.

"What's the matter, didn't Petitius say that he had already repulsed Luo Yu and Betty? Why hasn't he reached the mansion yet?"

"It's really strange, how come Luo Yu and Betty and the others haven't escaped... Are they lying in ambush in the mansion again? Or did they never come back?"


A gust of wind erupted like a cannonball, smashing the tree where Roswaal was standing.

It also smashed other surrounding flowers and trees into pieces.

However, such a sudden attack was constantly too difficult for Rosvall, who had lived for 400 years, to dodge.

What's more, he himself is at a high place and can fly.

Just as soon as the flying technique was used, it escaped the attack range of the hurricane.

But when everything calmed down, Roswaal was stunned when he looked at the place where he had just been attacked.

"You... how come you are here? Could it be that you already know about Pettigius' connection with me?"

While Roswaal murmured in amazement, he also looked at Ram, who was looking a little sturdy with a pink long horn on his aggressive head.

It's not that I've never seen Ram like this.

But Ram's horn was interrupted by him, and it was impossible to grow again...

Now it has grown out, and Ram, who obeys his words, seems to have some kind of inexplicable hatred for him?

This is so weird.

It made him a little overwhelmed, and his mind was about to go blank.

Chapter 376 Capture Roswaal

Ram's body was suddenly covered with amazing airflow, and the snow-white skirt fluttered high, like the Queen of Storms who wanted to shred everything.

"Sure enough, you are in charge of all this, don't you have any human emotions? Why do you do such a thing!"

"Obviously everything is fine, and we have never done anything to be sorry to you, so why ruin everything!!"

After Ram angrily scolded Roswaal, the wind was even more astonishing, and the top of the hurricane even made a hole in the thick clouds!

Roswaal still looked calm, and even straightened his messy hair, smiling.

"It seems that you really don't understand. Although it's a bit surprising, even you know all this."

"What's good for you may not be good for me. If you don't have all that, you're not important to me."

"But things seem to have exceeded my expectations. You shouldn't be here. It seems that something happened during this period that I don't know."

Roswaal looked at Luo Yu as he spoke, as if he wanted to get an accurate answer from Luo Yu.

Luo Yu didn't answer immediately, but put one hand on Betty's head, and put the other hand on Ram's waist through the hurricane.

"It's actually easy to know what happened. It's just that after reading your script, I'm ready to go out of my own way, and I don't want to be controlled by you anymore."

Read The Duke's Passion