MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 284

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It made her nervous, and her heart was about to jump out.

"Didn't you say...there are other ways? It won't hurt me again...but it can't be like this...Are you sure you didn't do this to punish me?"

Luo Yu immediately comforted.

"Of course it's not to punish you. After all, I'm an educator. Not only do I use rude methods for unruly children, but there are still a lot of gentle methods."

"You have to treat it as a new reward, and it's totally fine. Besides, isn't it just very convenient for you to dress like this now?"

"Let's try it quickly. I guarantee you will like it very much. I will take you out in a while and give you the knowledge you want."

Luo Yu bewitched step by step, as if he was a bad uncle with a lollipop, seducing an innocent girl.

For a time, Echidona fell into a situation of war between heaven and man.

It seems that there are black and white villains who are arguing fiercely.

But after a while, she calmed down a little.

"Okay, then this time, don't do this again in the future, or you'll never touch my finger again!"

There is no doubt that reason triumphs over unease.

For Echidona, the yearning for knowledge is undoubtedly her most important reason.

After receiving such a reply, Luo Yu felt very at ease.

After all, if you have it once, you are not afraid of a second time.

He had already had an idea before, and if he could get his wish, it would be the best thing.

Therefore, without further delay, I began to take away Echidona's hand and began to observe...


After more than an hour of meticulous persistence.

Luo Yu finally finished the inspection of Echidona's body.

Not only the condition of every inch of skin, but also a comprehensive test.

She also gave Echidona a lot of nutrition to ensure that she can always maintain a good skin condition.

After all, she has just been resurrected, and the nutrition express cannot stop.

No matter how much you eat, it is very necessary.

Luo Yu was also a little surprised. Echidona, whose stomach was bulging a little, actually woke up after finishing the work.

Should it be said that she was too obsessed with knowledge, or that her stomach was so bulging that she couldn't sleep, which made Luo Yu very helpless.

I can only help support her, and take her out for a walk with her tenth-feet pregnant belly.

"It's all your fault... What do you do for me so much... It makes my walking even more unsteady~"

Although she was meticulously supported, Echidona still rolled her eyes at Luo Yu.

It seems that there are all kinds of resentment in one look, which can melt the heart of a straight man of steel.

What's more, Luo Yu is no longer a straight man of steel.

"Oh, I just saw that you were too thin, so I couldn't help but make up for you. This is my love for you. Although it's a little too much, isn't it okay for you?"

"But...but it's really in my stomach...I'm almost can you get from there..."

Seeing that Echidona's face was getting more and more red, she was speechless at once.

Luo Yu hurriedly called out a haha.

"Cough cough, isn't it just to replenish your body and let you eat it? It doesn't matter, because you have just been resurrected, your body is already very clean. It's time to eat, and it will digest by yourself later."

Luo Yu actually never thought that things would develop to this point.

Although it's really out of control... but I never imagined that there would be such a result...

Although Echidona was still full of resentment, she was still deflated and arrogant.

"Hmph, what about the things you just said? Could it be that you lied to me? Can you let me experience the feeling of a god? Or is it a legend of the knowledge of my god?"

Luo Yu agreed.

"Of course, it can satisfy you all. These things are just trivial things, but I don't know what you want, so just mention it as you like. I'll be your **** today."

"It's almost there!"

Although Echidona's voice was arrogant, her lips did not curve a single arc.

Chapter 400: Crossing the World of Death God

The days that followed were less ups and downs, but more smooth.

The days are getting more and more moist, but if it is too moist, it will inevitably be a little greasy.

Even if you use a small trick to surprise Echidona every day, in exchange for many unique small rewards for Echidona.

Still, Luo Yu slowly lost his passion.

Of course, if you change to ordinary people, you may not get tired of it for decades. After all, the base is very large, and there will be new changes in any combination.

But Luo Yu really didn't want to leave anyone out in the cold, so that everyone shared some warmth and was extremely busy every day.

But in turn made him a little mentally tired.

May be too kind, but also a burden.

However, the greater the ability, the more responsibilities should be shouldered, not to mention that some things are completely obligatory, no matter how much land is carried, there is no problem.

Anyway, he is completely tolerable.

Moreover, not a single hair was lost, and his physique even improved a lot because of the hard work day and night.

It can be considered that it does not delay the serious business at all.

However, if the salted fish goes on like this, even if he is nourished again, he will gradually lose his passion, and life must not lose passion.

So he is ready to embark on a new journey again.

This time, it is actually a world where it is easy to say, and difficult to say.

Although it may not feel like the existence of the same level, it is definitely far superior to all previous opponents.

It is different from the plane of life in another world that starts from zero.

In this place where he was going, there was God.

Although there is only one, it is definitely the God of Creation.

Although the power is bound, and even the will is not self-control, but it is undoubtedly higher than the previous world, the combat power is not known by how much.


Death World.

District 80, Beiliuhun Street.

"Hey, is there still no more decent opponent today? It's been a long time, and none of you can make me have fun?"

A man with a spiky head, a blindfold on his right eye, and a scar on his left face.

The long sword covered with a lot of serrations was swung freely like a stick, as if to vent the depression that had accumulated for a long time.

A group of men who were reprimanded, holding swords and sticks and other weapons, were relatively more ragged, panting and bowing their heads.

"No way... Captain Zeraki, you are so amazing... Even if we all aim for you, it's not so easy to catch up, and it's only been a month, why are you here again? ~”

"Yeah, Captain Zeraki... Why don't you go shopping in other districts, maybe you can find something new? Many captains are not from Liuhun Street, and there are more than 80 districts. ?"

Hearing a group of residents of Liuhun Street, they all showed their retreating expressions.

Zeraki Kenpachi's vicious face turned even more ferocious like a bandit.

"Aren't you guys too spineless? After all, you are taking me as an example. How can you be discouraged like this? You can never catch up with me like this."

"Aren't you afraid of fighting with me? Although I have indeed tried my best, it is not so scary that you don't even have the courage to fight."

"I think you may be timid, let me teach you another lesson today, the best way to eliminate fear is to face it bravely, so let's continue to fight happily, hahaha!!"

Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care about it at all, and immediately swung the broken sword in his hand again, rushing towards the crowd like an eagle.

"Ahhh, hurry up, Captain Zaragi has started again..."

"Wow, Zaraki... Captain Zaki, don't come here..."

Although the battle has not yet started, the residents of Ryuhun Street can only choose to flee in the face of Kenpachi Zaragi who seems to be more and more motivated.

Although not many people have been defeated at one time, it is because they are more familiar with the surrounding environment.

The people who fled in all directions disappeared without a trace.

Angrily, Kenpachi stomped his feet.

"These guys haven't made any progress at all. They escape faster than anyone else. It's really useless~"

"But isn't Xiaojian going to carry out the mission? Is it really okay to suddenly focus on the competition like this?"

He has pink shoulder-length short hair, black eyes, and a flushed face. He looks like a child, wearing a black Death God's special death tyrant costume.

He jumped down from the house beside him, and muttered a little worriedly.

Immediately making Kenpachi Zaragi a little embarrassed, he scratched his head with a big hand and said blankly.

"Anyway, I'm lost again, and I can't find my way for a while... No matter who comes, I'll answer like this~"

"But it's not like there are vice captains and the others. I shouldn't have an accident if I'm not there~"

Just as Zaragi Kenpachi finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from afar.

Several footsteps came hurriedly.

"Captain... Captain, are you doing this?"

"Captain, we have completed the mission, let's have a passionate duel, and today's duel can't be left behind~"

The moment when a slightly excited shout sounded from a distance.

The residents of Liuhun Street in the Eighty District breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Zaragi Kenpachi, who also heard the shouting, he gave an excited smile.

"The efficiency of these little brats is really high. Not only have they completed the task, but they have also found my position and even challenged me, but they are much more motivated than these guys!"

Yaqianyu on the side couldn't help showing a sweet smile, jumped to the back of Kenpachi Zakigi, raised his small hand and said excitedly.

"Then hurry up and join the corner, Gong Qin and the others. Today is another day to complete the task perfectly~"

Zaragi Kenpachi is also in a good mood to step forward to meet Madarame and Ayasegawa Yuki.

But suddenly a brilliance descended to the vicinity.

From the dazzling light, suddenly came out a handsome swordsman holding a long sword.

"Do you also use a sword? How about a competition?"

Zaraki Sword Hachimoto wanted to walk away.

But as if his soul had been stopped, he couldn't move his steps, and his eyes were completely attracted by the man who suddenly appeared.

The handsome man is indeed very handsome, almost the kind that breaks through the sky, and even the blush on his cheeks became even bigger when he saw it.

But it wasn't his appearance that attracted Zakigi Kenpachi, and that pair of extremely focused eyes seemed to have nothing to distract him.

The will to duel was almost completely engraved in his eyes.

Kenpachi, who also loves fighting, seems to be inspired by his soul, and his blood begins to boil.

The corners of his mouth rose wildly, and he gave a cruel crocodile-like smile.

"Of course I won't let go of the battle that is delivered to your door. But don't be too weak, let me enjoy it once~"

The man also returned a bold and straightforward smile.

"Because of a mistake in estimating the opponent's strength, and missing an opportunity to play against a strong opponent, it should make you even more crazy~"

Chapter 401

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes