MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 313

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Obviously she is a carefree persona...

He really wants to go back to the streets and alleys to see how his deeds are spread...

For those of Kenpachi...

This part of Uno no Hana... is too much...

Obviously not bullying her...

It's just pure practice... occasionally give her some rewards to encourage her practice...

Because of the pain in the practice, screaming and so on, isn't it very normal?

"Cough, those are all because they are jealous of me... I can guarantee with my life that I will never bully you. In short, you just need to believe me."

"If I ever bully you, let the thunder in the sky keep hitting me until I kill you."

Seeing Luo Yu made a poisonous oath.

Kuchiki Rukia, finally less timid, asked in a low voice.

"Are you sure... this oath can be trusted? With your strength, will you directly chop the thunder, or chop the sky?"

Luo Yu was a little speechless, he had already promised so seriously, why didn't he believe it?

Although he can definitely split the sky...

But he is a real man!

I vaguely feel that Rukia may still not be able to accept herself easily.

Luo Yu could only helplessly raise his face, his hands suddenly wrapped around him, and his extremely cold eyes looked down from a high altitude.

"Hey, do you guys better not be ashamed to know? What are you talking about with me here? I don't know if this uncle is going to perform the first mission? If you don't do well, you will be dismantled. !"

Luo Yu suddenly became so fierce, but after Rukia breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately tightened her body and bowed quickly.

"Understood, Rukia will never drag Lord Luo Yu's hind legs. The Lord said that if you go east, Rukia will never go west, and everything will act according to your instructions!"

Seeing Rukia being so obedient, Luo Yu was a little surprised.

But it did save a lot of trouble, so I nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, your performance is not bad. If you perform well in the next period of time, I may have a reward for you."

"Reward? What reward? Following the adults has already satisfied Rukia very much. What exactly is this reward..."

Rukia was also curious, and while maintaining a bowing posture, she secretly raised her eyes to peek at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu directly touched her head.

"I can teach you to become stronger, this reward should not be bad, right? I came to Jingling Court, but I haven't officially taught others, how to become stronger~"

After all, Mao Zhihualie was not formal, so Luo Yu was indeed telling the truth.

Chapter 447

"Become stronger……"

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly felt her eyes lit up, her whole body began to tremble slightly, she immediately stood up straight and suddenly bowed.

"Thank you for your generosity, Lord Luo Yu, Rukia will definitely implement your instructions and make sure to do the best in all tasks!"

I saw Kuchiki Rukia's bloodied appearance.

Luo Yu showed a satisfied smile.

This was indeed his plan, to try Rukia's desire to become stronger.

Obviously, very eager indeed.

After all, although she has become a **** of death, Rukia's strength is somewhat low.

Relying on the relationship component is bigger.

There will definitely be a stronger desire for strength improvement.

Then the current loyalty is definitely not comparable to the previous one.

This time it should be true, and you can be obedient.

Luo Yu, who has watched a lot of death dramas, knows that this little girl is rather slick.

The obedient and obedient appearance like just now is definitely not the real appearance.

The serious assurance at this time is her sincere attitude.

"Get up, it's getting late, we should go too."

With Luo Yu's voice falling.


Kuchiki Rukia immediately straightened up with a faint smile and longing on her face.

Originally, she thought that it would be a very bad thing to be assigned to do tasks in the world with Luo Yu.

Now that I heard that it can help to become stronger, she doesn't care whether it is true or not. As long as it is possible, she wants to give it a try.

After all, Luo Yu's power is there, and it can be regarded as the undisputed strongest existence in the entire Jingling Court except for old man Yamamoto.

Even if it is a little bit of practice method, it is estimated that it can benefit her a lot.

When Luo Yu walked towards the passage, Rukia followed him happily, like a little follower.

Soon Luo Yu took out a short sword and stabbed it into the wooden door with hollow window grilles.

Immediately, the door opened, and a large amount of white light was poured out.

The two walked in slowly, and as the door closed, they completely disappeared from the Jingling Court.


Busy city streets.

The two of them just came out of the passage and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Luo Yu naturally had a very small amplitude, almost the same as his usual breathing. If the air was not the same, he didn't need to breathe hard.

As for Kuchiki Rukia, it was really because of exhaustion that she was out of breath.

Legs are a little too close.

"It's a little troublesome to finally come to the next world. I always have to be chased by Jutu. Speaking of which," Lord Luo Yu, what should we do next. "

"Should you take a rest first, or just start patrolling and eliminate the ghosts in the nearby area? Or, go to a nearby store first... to buy a corpse that can be used for our life in this world?"

The **** of death is almost identical to the undead in the present world. Although it has the power to affect the present world, it is completely invisible to ordinary people.

It's very inconvenient to live...

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the corresponding righteous skeleton, which is the same as the real leather case, which can ensure that the **** of death will live like ordinary people in this world.

However, seeing Kuchiki Rukia's exhausted appearance, Luo Yu couldn't help but cast a very strange look.

"It's really strange for you, how can you become a **** of death with such a poor physique... It's just that you ran back and forth to prevent it from becoming like this..."

Kuchiki Rukia scratched her head naively.

"It's mainly because I was almost late today, so you ran like crazy before you dared to come, and then you were quite tired when you arrived at the meeting place..."

"So's become like this..."

Luo Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

"It turns out that this is the case, then let's buy the righteous bones first. It shouldn't be too urgent to eliminate things like Xu, and there is no movement now."

Of course, Luo Yu is still more inclined, and you can immediately go and see that technical genius, Urahara Kisuke.

Although it was driven out alive by Aizen.

But the whole Shinigami anime provides a lot of technical support, which is somewhat similar to Orochimaru, but more positive than Orochimaru.

The main thing that interested Luo Yu was the collapsing jade he made.

After all, if he hadn't moved his hands and feet, maybe Aizen would have relied on it to become the God of Creation, and one can imagine the magic of this thing.

Ask Urahara Kisuke to help make a few or something, Luo Yu is still very thoughtful.

Not to mention using it for one's own use, but just using it for the system, it is estimated that it can absorb a lot of energy.

Although it may not be easy to manufacture, it is also an energy harvesting or conversion device.

It is much better than simply absorbing the power of the world.

Because in essence, this power may be stronger.

This is the power to become a **** in one step.

Of course, Luo Yu is still more interested in the production method.

After all, Urahara Kisuke could make it, so Luo Yu directly searched for the production method in his mind, and made 180 pieces using Hundred Refinements of Divine Machines that had been promoted.

It's not a big problem to do well.

Seeing Luo Yu's order, Kuchiki Rukia immediately bowed to respond.

"Understood, Lord Luo Yu, please come with me~"

Saying so, Kuchiki Rukia became a guide.

The two were still moving at a relatively fast speed.

Soon came to a place similar to a canteen.

It seems to occupy a small area and is relatively desolate.

A little girl with two small pigtails and bangs like the tentacles of a unicorn. The little girl hanging down the center of her forehead is cleaning hard with a broom outside.

Seeing the appearance of Luo Yu and the two, he immediately stopped what he was doing, and looked at the two of them in confusion.

"Are you... here to find the store manager?"

Kuchiki Rukia nodded solemnly immediately.

"Yes, is the store manager at home? If so, we'll go in directly."

Hyuga Hui quickly took them to the location of the Righteous Path Society and started a collective great practice.

Although four people were added, it also brought a lot of resources.

Hi Xiang Hui did not expect that these people went to the auction and bought billions of spiritual stones from the previous things.

Pieces are piled up, and there are more than half of the righteous path of a mountain.

It is also a lot of rich resources.

As for other more resources, they are still frantically sending them to the Right Path Society.

It can be said that the strength of the entire continent is used for the four of them to practice.

"This... so many resources are really all for us to practice?"

Wolf Slayer swallowed again, looking in disbelief.

As soon as I saw that my neck was sore, I couldn't see the top of Lingshi Mountain, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and kept asking this and that.

"Of course it's okay if you want to practice, but it's strange that you haven't learned the technique of shadow avatars. It may be difficult for you to learn immediately because of different systems, but it may also be because of your aptitude itself."

Hearing Luo Yu's emotion, Wolf Slayer was embarrassed.

They have been learning shadow avatars for a long time, although only a few days have passed.

But it's a little bit difficult to comprehend.

In fact, regarding the use of Chakra, he is still very strong in control, and training such as climbing trees and treading water can be learned almost immediately.

But when it is time to separate the shadows, it is impossible to distinguish even one.

Chapter 448 Urahara Kisuke

See Luo Yu's extremely domineering look.

The boy was still not afraid at all, his brows were twisted into pimples, his teeth were clenched and his teeth were fully exposed, as if he would bite someone if he disagreed.

Read The Duke's Passion