MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 338

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In an instant, blood splashed, and Dongxian asked for the white battle suit, and it seemed that a strange blood rose was immediately opened.

The heart-piercing pain made Dong Xian distort his face, but Rao was unable to return to the sky, so he still held on to keep his consciousness from dissipating.

Word for word.

"For...why...Aizen-sama...I never betray..."

"Shouldn't it be trivial for me...even if I openly oppose you...?"

What Toxian wanted to say seemed to go straight into Aizen's heart.

He couldn't help but move slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

However, a ruthless determination flashed in his eyes soon, and the long sword stabbed Dongxian's body again with a snort, widening his body wider.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I don't need you, so I'll kill if I want. Besides, the answer just now was too slow, which really annoys me."

Of course, disgust was not the reason, but in the final analysis, this hesitation made Aizen even more suspicious.

After he knew that there was a doubtful crack, he could only cut the mess with a quick knife.

So without hesitation, I started.

However, Dong Xian Yao's dying reaction made him know that he had killed the wrong person.

Dongxian Yao is still the same Dongxian Yao before.

It is estimated that he was really guarded, and he would not mind...

But the killing has already been killed, and his blue dye is not the kind of person who is not straightforward.

With a flick of the blood on the long sword, after the long sword returned to silvery white, he greeted the three daughters of Maozhi Hualie with awe-inspiring aura.

"It seems that the three of you think it's a sure win over me, don't you? Under the circumstances just now, you can actually hold back and not make a move."

Broken Bee clasped her hands in her arms, expressionless and authentic.

"Hehe, I just think this infighting is quite fun. I want to see how it will develop. It turns out that you are quite courageous and stupid."

Uzhihualie followed with a smile.

"It's really interesting, but are you afraid, or are you very confident that you can deal with us alone. To be honest, no matter which of the three of us is against you, there is a 100% chance of winning."

Taunted by both of them.

Even if Lan Ran's qi-raising skills were good, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Although you are indeed very strong, how much confidence can you have in front of my essence, Shuiyue?"

"What gives you the illusion that my sword is in this state, isn't it in the beginning state?"

The corners of Aizen's mouth twitched slightly.

Although the mirror has failed.

But facing the three women in front of him, he didn't think it would be equally ineffective.

After all, there are only a few powerful people.

Like Luo Yu, there will be no one for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the strength of these three women increases, it is estimated that they will not be able to break through their own limits.

Otherwise, Jingling Court would not have been the old man of Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue Kuni for a long time.

However, in the next second, a hurricane suddenly surrounded Aizen.

The speed of the hurricane is getting faster and faster, and it is constantly and very contrary to common sense, constantly compressing the wind pressure inward.

Aizen's clothes were torn to shreds in an instant with a "stab" sound.

Immediately, the skin was "chichi" as if it was cut with a sharp knife, and the opening was quickly cut, and more and more cuts were made.

Layer upon layer, continuous, when Aizen felt pain, thousands of knives had been cut on his body, and his face began to twist.

He felt an unprecedented sense of crisis!

"How is it is it could I die under such an attack, I am not reconciled, not reconciled!!!"

The pain greatly stimulated Aizen, and those eyes that had never been surprised by Gubo immediately became blood red.

The moment he roared frantically, his body actually changed dramatically.

The cut part quickly grows new meat.

The new meat continued to bulge out, as if resisting the ever-increasing wind pressure.

It's just that the wind pressure is gradually increasing, so the newly grown flesh and blood is crushed into a blood mist, making the tornado quickly turn red.

Aizen's body shrunk by a large circle, and the white bones are clearly visible, and it turned into a bone man after a while.

What's just very bizarre is that his bones are constantly thickening, and all parts of his body are thickening and growing, but he is still being strangled by the blood-colored tornado.

Just a moment later, dazzling sparks lit up inside the blood-colored tornado, and I saw the blood-colored tornado rubbing against the increasingly large blue dye, and even wiped out a spark.

"This guy is so strange, he even managed to hold it like this, he thought he could solve it at once~"

Matsumoto Ranju curled his lips involuntarily, a little gloomy.

Broken Bee glanced at her and smiled.

"Isn't this why you attacked quickly without discussing it with us at all? My husband has already made it clear that Aizen can evolve again when he is on the verge of death, and it is natural to evolve towards the hard side."

Uzhihualie also nodded slightly.

"However, I don't care about you about the preemptive attack. After all, he can become so hard, and it can give me a little more time."

Uzhihualie said with a bloodthirsty smile, and the red color of the blood-colored tornado was reflected in his eyes.

In fact, Matsumoto Ranku has used all his powers.

Right now, it doesn't seem to be able to work on Aizen anymore.

The things that follow can only be left to the seniors, who have improved their strength more than Broken Bee and Mao Zhihualie.

Although very regrettable, she had to.

Soon Matsumoto Ranju was very knowledgeable and took back the tornado that the gray cat turned into.

But what was very unexpected was that at this time, Aizen's body was crystal clear, but it seemed that his body was full of stars, and the light of Yingying was blooming everywhere.

The mysterious and unpredictable appearance is comparable to that of the stars in the universe.

It completely lost the appearance of the **** of death, as if it was an alien from outside the sky.

"Although I have abandoned the body of the **** of death, I appreciate the body at this time more than the fragile body of the **** of death. This is really thanks to you guys."

Chapter 485

"You are really amazing to accept the fact that you have become a monster so quickly, Captain Aizen. Speaking of which, your mentality seems to have always been so good?"

Broken Bee is like chatting and teasing with ordinary people.

I didn't feel that Aizen became weird and couldn't communicate.

But this made Aizen's chest rise and fall violently.

"Hehe, as ordinary gods of death, you who are still framed within the limits of gods of death, how could you possibly understand how great I am at this time!"

"I am bringing unprecedented progress to a world that has not changed for thousands of years, so let's put away your ridiculous prejudice."

"But you will soon be able to see how powerful I am at the moment. After all, you are going to die at my hands!"

Aizen pulled out the sword from his waist, and an unknown power was injected into it, and the sword became as bright as a star at an astonishing speed.

However, such a change only made Mao Zhihualie, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

"Even the Zanpakutō has changed? It is indeed an amazing change, and I don't know how long it will last. It's really exciting."

"Sister Broken Bee, should you serve first or me first, or the two of us together? It's a pity to miss such a delicious meal."

Broken Bee shook his head again and again.

"Farewell, sister. This is delicious food for you, but not for me. Since my sister likes it so much, I'd better leave it to you, and I'll just watch it."

"Then I would like to thank my sister for her generosity."

Seeing Broken Bee's refusal so readily, Mao Zhihualie didn't speculate much, her aura suddenly calmed down, and she arched her body slightly.

Like a sharpened sword.

boom! ! !

Like thunder blasting in the silent night sky.

Like a meteorite falling at a high speed, Uno no Hana is full of flames and quickly bullied Aizen.

"This... Uzhihua she... Did she still keep her hands before? How strong is she now? How could she..."

Shigekuni Yamamoto Yuanyanagi was stunned.

Killing him directly and reopening it is unbelievable.

In just a few months, the woman who was weaker than him suddenly became unfathomable...

Even he exerted all his strength, as if he hadn't seen the full picture of her strength.

But Mao Zhihualie is so strong, how powerful is Luo Yu...

Can a knife shatter the void?

Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue Shigekuni's gaze at Luo Yu became even more shocking... He didn't even dare to have the arrogance of the older generation, but instead, he was like a primary school student next to his teacher, full of humbleness and embarrassment.

Luo Yu was not vicious at all, and smiled kindly.

"Although she is strong, she should be far from the Spirit King. But as long as she is given another year or so, she should be able to reach that level."

"What... Spirit King? Luo Yu, you... how did you know about Spirit King?"

Yamamoto Motoyanagi was originally too surprised.

But after careful consideration, it seems that it is not impossible...

On the contrary, Luo Yu has such a powerful strength, not only is his identity more confusing.

As long as you want to know the secrets of the Spirit King, there is nothing you can't understand.

It's enough to just ask someone who knows...

Luo Yu didn't even answer yet, Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni's expression changed and changed.

But what surprised him even more was that Shigekuni Yamamoto Yuanliuzai suddenly became more obedient.

"That... Mr. Luo Yu... Can you tell me... What are your duties as a dog? Can a dog follow you to improve your strength?"

"I'm just asking, I'm really curious...nothing else..."

Although Yamamoto Yuanyanagi Saigekuni has tried his best to cover up.

But there is no doubt that the title has become respectful and the attitude has become low.

He was obviously a little tempted, maybe the condition is not too much, and she will agree very quickly.

However, Luo Yu didn't really want this old and ugly dog.

After all, he already has quite a few, and all of them are young and beautiful.

It's too late to be pampered, how could it be possible to accept an additional old dog?

"Of course the dog that follows me has to obey me, even if I let it eat shit, but since it's a dog that follows me, of course, there are benefits, and it's natural to be able to become stronger."

"But one thing is very important. The gender must be different from me, and the appearance must be good-looking. These are my biggest requirements for choosing a dog."

Although the words are not very obvious.

But Shigekuni Yamamoto Yuanyanao felt that he was being targeted again and again.

Even if you don't accept him, you still call him ugly...

Ugly reject...

After so many years, even if he is a bad old man, he is very popular with some ladies, okay?

Why was it so ugly?

Cough, and the gender is stuck. What?

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes