MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 8

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Although it means putting blowing snow in.

But it was also time for him to gain energy today.

You can get a lot of energy at home every day, and life is actually quite comfortable.

It's just that there's more to eat now...

Opening the door, I immediately saw Fubuki wearing a long white dress, looking into the room with bright eyes.

"The ingredients today are not bad. I seem to have smelled the fragrance. Mr. Luo Yu, your cooking skills have improved again~"

"Hehe... Right... I'm going to save the weirdo first, you can sit in the room for a while..."

He graduated from Xindongfang before. Is his cooking skills strong?

In terms of dishes, it is not comparable to the dishes of the island country's petite family.

It is also normal for Fubuki to come to eat often.

"Well, let's go, I'll take care of myself, you don't need to worry~"

Hearing Fubuki's reply, Luo Yu just wanted to laugh.

What will take care of yourself, that is really impolite.

Luo Yu was also speechless, almost every time he went out of the room.

The guy started to slurp and eat secretly.

It seems that stealing can make the food taste better...

However, it should have been given to her, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

After some daily super-weird.

Luo Yu gained 5200 energy points!

The energy collected in the past two weeks, plus 70,000 contributed by the vaccine people.

He now has 140,000 energies.

It's time to get the next Eight Magic Skills!

"System, open the property panel!"

Host: Luo Yu

Age: 20

Lifespan: 69

Combat Strength: 72800 (Dragon Class)

Abilities: Tongtianlu, Daquan Daquan, and the origin of Qi body.

Playing: Eight Magic (26%)

Deduction energy: 140200

"Very good, naturally increased the progress by 1%, which is just enough to save a little energy."

"System, immediately accelerate the deduction of the Eight Magical Skills until the emergence of new skills!"

The voice fell, and the system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding! The deduction of the eight wonders is accelerating..."

"Ding! The deduction progress has reached 37.5%, consuming 115,000 energy."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the divine machine!"

Hearing the system prompt sound, Luo Yu was instantly overjoyed.

Looking forward to it.

Finally, the magic machine he wanted has been refined and hoped!

under one person.

There are so many styles of magical instruments, even artifacts like storage rings can be made!

And Village Chief Ma used a magic weapon to fight against five temporary workers without losing.

It can be seen that the combat auxiliary function of the magic weapon is also extremely amazing!

Now the Fubuki team has been working harder to kill monsters recently, but the progress is still a bit slow for him.

If you can match them with powerful weapons, the efficiency should be higher!

Maybe a bunch of people can go up together, and it is also possible to challenge the ghost level!

At that time, I can have tens of thousands of energy income every day, which is very refreshing to think about!

I have to say that when I chose to cooperate with Fubuki, it really was a good move!

Think of this.

Luo Yu is looking forward to the future performance of the Fubuki team!

He hurried back to the rental house.

Then I heard Fubuki in the kitchen, constantly exclaiming "Really Fragrant".

"Cough cough, Miss Chuixue, come here quickly, I have something to talk to you about~"

"Ah? What, can't wait for me to finish eating... Wait... Are you talking about serious business?"

Fubuki didn't care about his image, he ran out of the kitchen and asked curiously.

"What's wrong with today? Um... why is it so formal all of a sudden?"

The corner of Luo Yu's mouth twitched, as if he had never been serious.

At this moment, Fuxue was still eating fruit salad in his hand, so he was very speechless.

"What I'm going to tell you next is very important. I had a little insight when I was overcoming a weirdo. I have fully understood the artifact refining method that I haven't been able to learn before."

"I will be refining weapons in the future. You and your team members prepare the various materials I need, and what kind of weapons you need, you'd better think fast!"

Fuxue's beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

"Mr. Luo Yu, are you telling the truth? Although I heard you talk about it before, we think it's amazing enough to create a talisman..."

"It shouldn't be that easy to refine a powerful and excellent weapon like a talisman..."

Luo Yu smiled.

"It's natural to say that, I will show you the work. You quickly call your people and bring the best steel!"

"Oh... ok, that's my name~"

Fubuki hurriedly took out his mobile phone and typed them one by one.

She was still looking so cute just now.

When facing his subordinates, he became a queen again.

Personnel scheduling, vigorous and resolute, simply neat.

It didn't take long.

There was the sound of a car from outside, followed by the sound of heavy steps on the stairs.

The doorbell rang.

"Miss Fubuki, Mr. Luo Yu, here we are, we have bought the best steel. Even the super alloys provided by Metal Knights, we also bought a little."

As soon as the door opened, Lily took the lead in reporting to Fubuki.

But suddenly everyone was stunned, staring at Fuxue's mouth.

"You... what's the matter? Why are you all standing and come in quickly?"

The crowd did not dare to be vague, and walked in dumbly.

It's just that individual male team members began to whisper.

"Could we... come here by accident..."

"But... didn't Miss Fubuki ask us to come?"

"Cough, maybe Miss Fukiyuki doesn't care... But the room seems to have a fishy smell..."

Originally Luo Yu only thought it was weird, but after hearing some remarks, he looked at Fubuki again.

almost fainted...

Oh my God…

This **** eats fruit salad and doesn't wipe her mouth...

This is a big misunderstanding...

It is difficult to establish an image of pure heart and few desires in the hearts of everyone.

Maybe it will be completely destroyed by today's scene...

Chapter 9 Refining Weapons

"You all look at what I do, all look at Mr. Luo Yu, Zi Liu~"

Fubuki said, sucking the salad dressing from the corner of his mouth into his mouth.

But she didn't show the slightest discomfort, and she was even a little unfulfilled.

Don't get too fancy...


There was a sound of swallowing in the room.

When everyone's eyes shifted to Luo Yu.

A pair of big eyes filled with curiosity.

"Mountain Ape, come out!"

Hearing Luo Yu calling him.

Shan Yuan was stunned on the spot, but walked over to Luo Yu without delay.

"Mr. Luo Yu, what are your orders?"

"What is your weapon, take it out and see."

Mountain Ape took out two small iron objects from his pocket.

There are five finger holes and a sharp knife at the front.

Obviously a simple punch.

Luo Yu took the punch and grabbed a piece of super alloy, and he was methodical.

"What I'm going to do now is to incorporate this superalloy into your punch. But in the process, I'll also give it new abilities."

Mountain Ape thinks it is very strange.

"Mr. Luo Yu, it is impossible for you to incorporate superalloy into the punch... Because to ensure toughness, only a little superalloy can be added to this punch..."

"Because this pair of punches has been improved by dozens of blacksmiths, almost all of them have the same rhetoric, you..."

When the others heard it, they were all suspicious.

"Although I don't know much about forging, but to incorporate a metal into a finished weapon... Magic is not so incredible, right?"

"Mr. Luo Yu's thoughts are really strange, aren't they joking with us?"

I heard a lot of people being suspicious.

Fubuki, who was also disbelieving at first, lost his temper.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion