MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 4 Attributes

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When he opened his eyes again, what greeted his eyes was no longer a blue, but a green that stretched almost the entire field of vision.

In front of you is a flat and open field where the new grass has just been greened. There is a small-scale forest on both sides. In the distance, you can vaguely see the blue sea and the vague island shadows. There are seabirds in the sky from time to time. fly over.



Two voices, two different titles, from two people with completely different appearances.

Lei Jiu turned around and caught sight of two distinct groups of people. The group on the left was tall and strong, three males and two females. The name of the patriarch came from the strong man who was the leader of the five.

The other group was of average height, slender and thin, with two men and three women. The leader was a long-bearded middle-aged man, who called Lei Jiu "leader".

The two groups of people were all dressed in sackcloth and sackcloth, with straw sandals on their feet, and they looked like they were in the dust.

Lei Jiu moved her feet subconsciously, it was a little cold, she touched the clothes with both hands, it was so rough. Well, you don't need to look to know, he certainly can't get rid of such a dress at this time.

Although the ten people all looked like they were in a state of turmoil, but at this time they all seemed to be very excited? Is it because you have found a suitable place to live?

Needless to say, the system must have set them like this. Otherwise, the island is so large, and there is a plain in the middle, so do you need to look for it?

Looking at the ten subordinates, Lei Jiu just wanted to open his mouth, "Ding! Please collect the novice island master gift pack!"


Newbie gift pack?

"Get it!"

"The player successfully received the novice island master gift pack, and got 100 silver coins (1 gold = 100 silver = 10,000 copper), 100 kilograms of rice, 100 kilograms of fish, and 100 cubic meters of wood!"


A lot of things suddenly appeared in front of Lei Jiu, mainly because the 100 square meters of wood took up a lot of space, and there were not many other objects.

However, this novice gift package is worthy of being given away for nothing, it is not as convenient as the materials bought with money. The materials that Lei Jiu bought in the system before he entered the game can appear at any location he designated anytime, anywhere in the specified quantity.

"Everyone, let's get these supplies together first, and then let's build some wooden houses first, otherwise we will sleep in the open at night!" There are only eleven people in total, and Lei Jiu, who is a red-haired species, is also an important labor force. Naturally, he does not She was so embarrassed that she opened her mouth to direct others to work, and then watched by herself.

The rice, sea fish and copper coins will not move for the time being. It is still in the morning, and they will come back here to cook at noon. A group of people first carried the wood to the planned housing area behind.

The five red-haired seeds carried a total of four or five squares of wood, walking like flying, Lei Jiu carried a small half-square and followed behind. The remaining five silver-haired men didn’t even have half of the wood they were carrying, hey Xihexiu moved step by step.

Although the expressions on their faces can fully prove their hard work, the effect of the labor is really touching. Lei Jiu also finally affirmed that in terms of physical labor, the silver-haired and the red-haired species are really one in the sky and one in the ground.

Carrying the wood and running, Lei Jiu called out his attributes.

Name: Jiuxiao

Identity: Island Lord

Race: red-haired

Combat Occupation: None

Level: 0

Strength: 10*2

Agility: 10*1.5

Physique: 10*2

Intelligence: 10*0.5

(The initial points of the four items of the player are all 10 points, and the latter is multiplied by the race growth coefficient. The strength and physique growth coefficient of the red-haired species is 2, that is, for every +1 attribute, the actual growth is 2 points. The agility growth coefficient is 1.5, Intelligence growth factor 0.5)

Free Points: 0

Qualification level: F (upgrade by 1 level, free points +4, the highest level is SSS, free points per level +12)

HP: 200 (Physical*10+Level*50)

Physical Strength: 380 (Strength*6+Agility*4+Physical*10+Level*10)

True Qi: 0 (0 for practitioners who have not turned on True Qi, and after cultivating with True Qi, the total amount is the main attribute of Qi training*10+level*10)

Magic power: 0 (0 for those who have not turned on spell practice, after turning on spell practice, the total amount is intelligence * 10 + level * 10)


Unlimited analysis: Active skills, exclusive skills of full-time grandmasters, exclusive skills of the only full-time grandmaster Jiuxiao in the game world, cannot be upgraded. Effect: It can analyze any knowledge and any skills of any civilization and any species. After complete analysis, the player Jiuxiao can spend a certain amount of money to learn this knowledge or skill. Note: Not subject to any race or occupation restrictions.

Medicine Refinement (Level 0/10): Passive skill, exclusive skill of the red-haired species, as the skill level increases, the efficiency of medicine refinement gradually increases.

Body Refinement Level: None.

Equipment: None.

Mount: None.

Lei Jiu blinked, there is nothing else to say, but this skill that is the only one of his attributes is a bit overdone, right?

When the system said before that a powerful skill would be given away, Lei Jiu didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just an advantage in the early stage and not a very useful skill in the later stage.

Now, this is really a huge surprise.

If I had known that I would get such a skill, it would be a good idea to play Adventurer by myself. As for now, it's a bit of a waste to give him this skill. After all, being the island owner doesn't even take much time for leveling, let alone brushing the skill level. Even if she can get a lot of powerful skills across races and occupations, he is completely No time to practice!

pity! What a pity!

waste! What a waste!

Infinite analysis is amazing, but for him, it is not as useful as a more advanced lord attribute, such as increasing people's hearts, increasing food production, increasing labor efficiency, ...

But, forget it, it's better than nothing, it's a skill that's given away anyway, just put your mind right.

There are only strength, agility, physique, intelligence, stamina and blood among the basic attributes. There are no attributes such as attack power and defense power. It should be no different from "Pro War". The damage caused by the attack will Real-time calculation of attack speed, status, etc.

Next, is the power attribute.

Island Name: Huanghuang Island

Island owner: Jiuxiao

Island level: Level 1 (total area < 10 square kilometers)

Island reputation: 0 (unknown)

Island Population: 11

Number of island cities: 0

Island people's heart: 80 (the people on the island are full of energy and are willing to follow you to build a beautiful home)

The island's population refreshed today: 4 (island level * (grain reserves / 30-daily consumption of grain) / per capita grain consumption * island people's heart / 100 / game years)

The comprehensive strength of the island: <1 (the comprehensive value of the island's population, resource output, gross production, economic aggregate, cultural aggregate, and military aggregate.)

Island Status: Idle.

What a pitiful figure, eh?

"System, what does the island state mean?"


Oh, forgot, after entering the game, the system will ignore him.

He was called Jiuxiao Island Master before, but now he calls the player directly.

╮(╯▽╰)╭, I can only figure it out myself.

Next, let's quickly see if there are any talents among his subordinates. Well, let's start with the red-haired one who leads the charge.

Name: Luo Zheng

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 33

Loyalty: 90

Status: Normal

Occupation: Lux

Combat strength: 70/79 (Note: 70 is the current combat strength, 79 is the upper limit of combat strength growth, the following attributes are the same)

Command ratio: 60/65

Intelligence: 60/60

Politics: 20/45

Talent: Victory in Vietnam War Lv1 (For every 1 minute the battle lasts, the combat power increases by 1%, and the maximum increase is 20%. Note: Talent cannot be upgraded)

Specialty: Master of Swordsmanship: Level 41/51, when using a knife, the damage is increased by 41%. (Note: 41 is the current grade, 51 is the individual

Growth cap level, the maximum growth cap for all specialties is capped at level 100, the same for the following specialties)

Hunting Master: Level 45/62, when hunting, reduce prey ability by 45%

Introduction to Farming: Level 8/18, increase the harvest of farmland by 8*2%

Fishing Mastery: Level 15/42, increase fishing yield by 15*3%

Skills: Skills: Basic Bodybuilding Boxing (Level 5/5/5): Active skills, basic body training boxing methods for training the strength of the flesh, and have a slight improvement effect on tendons and bones. (Note: The three levels of 5/5/5 are the current level of personal skills, the upper limit of personal skill growth, and the upper limit of the skill itself, the same for the following skills)

Intermediate body-building boxing (level 10/10/10): Active skill, advanced body-building boxing method to exercise skin, muscles and bones, which can finely strengthen the membrane.

Advanced Bodybuilding Boxing (Level 6/10/15): Active technique, an advanced bodybuilding boxing method for exercising the muscles, muscles, and periosteum.

Demon Tiger Boxing (Level 11/13/15): Active technique, a powerful boxing technique created by the ancestors imitating the beasts sitting on the mountain tiger to fight and imitating the momentum. It is powerful, heavy and powerful.

Gale Blade Technique (Level 13/15/15): Active skill, an advanced blade technique featuring speed, with extraordinary power.

Wind Chasing Arrow (level 10/10/10): Active skill, intermediate archery, the higher the level, the faster the firing rate and the longer the range.

Medicine Refinement (Level 5/8/10): Passive skill, exclusive skill of the red-haired species, as the skill level increases, the efficiency of medicine refinement gradually increases.

Body refining level: bone refining (skin, meat, tendons, bones, membranes, blood, dirty)

Equipment: None.

Mount: None.

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