MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 662 background in person

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Before the battle was set up again, the two sides had a brief exchange.

Lei Jiu asked the Kingdom of Dragon and Shushan to immediately cut off the support of Li Shaotian on Shenlong Island and Qinglian on Bloody Ancient Sword Island. Although Lei Jiu has other demands, if the other party is really willing to give in, he can give up everything else. .

Unfortunately, his request was categorically rejected by both parties.

Since the other party didn't even leave room to talk, Lei Jiu didn't think about it anymore, let's fight!

In the end, if you still can't get rid of whoever's fist is bigger, you can listen to whoever's.

The Dragon Kingdom and Shushan both have four holy-level combat powers. What Lei Jiu didn't expect was that Shushan actually came out in full force.

You must know that their hometown, Shushan, is different from the Wandeshan Mountain of the undead. Except for the undead, the Wandeshan Mountain is a dead spirit. It is a treasure land for the undead, and it is not so friendly to the living beings. In addition, there is nothing there for the undead to care about.

As for Shushan, as the hometown where the swordsmen have been operating for countless years, let alone being rushed in and robbing things, even if they simply smashed the gate and buildings, it would be a huge loss.

Could it be that in Shushan's eyes, the blood-stained green lotus represents the righteous path of the world outside, and Huanghuang Island is the place where evil demons and outsiders gather?

Otherwise why is this?

Do you want to stop him despite the risk of being taken over from his hometown?

Well, although Huanghuang Island is home to a large number of monsters, and there are a lot of monsters, even human warriors, either have magic cores in their bodies, or are fused with the blood of other races...Cough, think about it carefully, in order to make the most of it. It is possible to increase the combat power, and the soldiers on the island have also paid a lot...

Do you really think that the way of Huanghuang Island is not pure enough and has too much involvement with non-human races?

Compared with Huanghuang Island, the situation on the Qinglian **** side is indeed much better, but the reason should be that the other party has no chance to get these. Otherwise, Lei Jiu does not believe that Qinglian **** will refuse these methods of improving combat power, probably ...

This is a conflict of ideas, just like he and Jinao Island have the same goal.

Jin'ao Island can choose to support him without asking for anything in return, and Shushan's reckless attempt to stop him is not unacceptable.

Come, come, come, although the disadvantage of super-level combat power on my side is obvious, but the number of saints is more than the other side. What the result is, we have to play to know.

Lei Jiu arranged for the Five Sacred Skulls to deal with the four Sacred Dragons. Although there is no death qi blessing here, in a five-on-four situation, they will not lose.

Jiu Ge, Jiu Ting and Jiu Feng are responsible for dealing with the four holy sword cultivators in Shushan.

Jianxiu's speed is fast and the output is high, so it is more secure to let the strongest combat power deal with them.

If you let other saints go up, they will encounter a fencing formation or something like that, and if one is killed, it will be a huge blow to morale.

Mixius led the angels to fight, and Bigu Xian led the Qi practitioners to jointly deal with the attacks of the Dragon Clan and the Shushan disciples.

In order to avoid the aftermath of the battle from injuring the super-order army below, the saints on both sides tacitly stayed away, fighting in the distance, although the number of people was small, the momentum created was greater than the battle scene of the tens of thousands of super-orders here.

It can be said that the battle between the saints who let go of their hands is definitely a scene of transforming the terrain.

As Lei Jiu expected, in the five-on-four situation, even if the geographical advantage was lost, the undead were able to control the scene.

Although it seems unlikely that he wants to take down four holy dragons in the short term, after all he has taken the initiative, Lei Jiu is already quite satisfied.

After all, these saint-level skeletons don't have the aura that saint-level skeletons should have at all. Lei Jiu is really afraid that they are parallel imports.

The current scene was a reassurance for him.

Although Jiuge, Jiuting, and Jiufeng are playing more with less, the advantage is even more obvious.

In the face of the three holy beasts with peak holy-level combat power and basically no shortcomings, it is difficult to exert the advantages of sword cultivators.

Their speed advantage is not obvious to Jiu Ting and Jiu Feng, let alone to compare with Jiu Ge... Well, it becomes a direct disadvantage.

In addition, the three of them were constantly attacking in a range similar to the domain type, such as the wind array, the sea of ​​fire, and the thunder domain.

I can't get close!

Jianxiu can of course use long-range sword control, but its power is inevitably much lower than that of short-range and medium-range attacks. After breaking through those ranged attacks, it is hard to say how much power is left.

Anyway, the result was that they were all in a mess, but the other party didn't even scratch the skin...

In fact, facing Jiuge and the others, it feels like they can't start, and there are more than four of them.

If the avatar of the God of the Sea is here, they will be reminded that if there are not enough saints, then don't think about what they can do to the four-image saint beast.

Being able to hold on is the best result!

The situation on the Saint-level battlefield was very good, and Lei Jiu turned his attention to the army.

Although there are two Saint-level leaders, the opponent's numerical advantage is very obvious, and our side has not yet completed the control of the battlefield.

Neither Misius nor Bigu Immortal are the kind of saints who can do mass-destruction tactics. In fact, among the saints, there are still many who are good at fighting alone.

Therefore, neither of them chose to charge into the front, but instead sat in the middle, using battle formations and formations in series to integrate their own battle strength, fight steadily, and establish their advantages little by little.

After all, all they lead are their own children, and it is the most correct way to fight with the least casualties.

In general, the situation is improving, and the battle is in the end, UU reading www. battle damage should not be too big.

Of course, the premise is to prevent a saint level from going mad and suddenly rushing to the super-level battlefield to self-destruct.

This trick, Jiu Ge has used it many times when facing endless monsters in the event, that power... Haha, Lei Jiu absolutely cannot let it happen to his own faction in reality!

Right now, we must play steadily, take strict precautions and control, and keep accumulating advantages, but at the same time, we must not give the opponent a chance to jump off the wall.

As long as there are no accidents, or external forces intervene, the balance of victory has already begun to tilt towards one's own side.

Just when Lei Jiu's heart stabilized, there was a new situation in the Dragon Kingdom. It was inside the Dragon Kingdom. Some giant dragons who were too young or too old to be fit for the battlefield were hiding inside.

With bursts of five-colored brilliance, Lei Jiu felt a huge sense of threat approaching.

That is...

Lei Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly.

These giant dragons are too much, they can't beat them and call them parents!

More importantly, no one told him that in a small world, gods can descend on their own!

The ancestor of the giant dragon, the founder of the country of dragons, the five-colored dragon, also known as the five-colored dragon god, actually ended up in person, which is shameless.


Since the five-color dragon **** can come, then...

For a while, Lei Jiu's face turned blue...

: . :

Read The Duke's Passion