MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 676 Skynet

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The action speed of the coalition army is not slow, at least for a large team composed of troops under the jurisdiction of many players, the action efficiency is quite high.

After the attack order was issued, a large number of troops landed on Jinxiu Dongtian Island from all directions, regardless of the people and cities along the way, and marched all the way towards the capital.

The air force is much more convenient. In fact, apart from Huanghuang Island, no island has a complete air defense mechanism, and Jinxiu Dongtian Island is no exception.

The coalition air force leaped across mountains and rivers, and gradually approached the core of Jinxiudongtian Island.

With Jiu Feng and Jiu Ting in town, the coalition air force was still far away, so they were detected by these two holy beasts with a super-far sensing range.

There are a large number of super-orders mixed in the large-scale life breath, which cannot be hidden at all from the induction of the holy level, not to mention that the coalition forces have no intention of hiding at all.

The soldiers are very fast, and it doesn't make much sense to hide them now.

The order was conveyed from top to bottom, and soon, all the troops knew the news of the enemy's upcoming arrival and were preparing for the final battle.

Today, Fairyland City, the capital of Jinxiudongtian Island, entered its first state of emergency since the city was built. All residents stopped all living and production activities and stayed at home.

Because it is not clear from which direction the coalition air force will attack, it cannot be intercepted in a specific direction outside the city, and it is inevitable that Wonderland City will become the focus.

The losses that the city will suffer in the future can only be commemorated with the blood and corpses of the enemy.

Of course, although there is not enough time to transfer the position to the outer city in the corresponding direction, it is still possible to move to the position closer to the edge of the city in the corresponding direction.

After everything is ready, all that's left is to wait...

Gradually, the whine could be faintly heard in the city, and it quickly became clear and loud.

It was the sound of the wind brought by the concentrated flapping of the wings of countless flying creatures.

Originally, Jinxiudongtian Island, like Huanghuang Island, could not see strong winds or hear such wind noises all year round, but when the number of large flying creatures increases, this effect will occur in a single episode.

The residents of Wonderland City may not be clear, but most of the warriors of Huanghuang Island and Jinxiudongtian Island know that as long as they have participated in an island qualifying match, because in the qualifying battle, when the coalition air force comes out, it looks like this. .

And although the sword head of Huanghuang Island, Yin Shuoyan, is faster, the sound is much smaller, and it only makes a violent collision sound when it hits the enemy.

The enemy army had already appeared, but Fairyland City did not act immediately. After all, all the enemies were air forces. Even if Huanghuang Island carried a large number of air-limited nets, they had to wait for the opponent to approach before launching them to maximize efficiency.

Hidden in a high position in the air, the empty island with the cloud formation hidden circle was not moving, so the enemies who were rushing in did not notice their existence.

On the empty island, a large number of sword-headed silver swallows lined up neatly, waiting for the order to start charging.

Huanghuang Island and the coalition air force are also old rivals, but in the previous island ranking battles, due to the more ground troops on the coalition side, the advantage is more obvious, and there is no chance of using the air-limited network at all.

Take down the Air Force?

What are you doing down the net? There are obviously more enemies on the ground than in the air, and the sword-headed Yin Shuoyan has to devote her energy to helping the ground!

As a result, the Allied Air Force has not been aware of the fact that Huanghuang Island has deployed such a piece of equipment in batches.

I didn't know, so I didn't have any precautions, so when countless nets bloomed in the air like exploding fireworks, these coalition air units slammed into the nets of different sizes.

The body is as huge as a giant dragon. There are few nets that are big enough to cover its whole body, but they can struggle a bit. Those with a slightly smaller body are directly wrapped in their wings.

In the air, what are the consequences of suddenly losing the floating power?

Free fall!

The fireworks have just been in full bloom, and then dumplings are served. It's quite a New Year's taste, although the coalition air force will never think so.

Unprepared, the enemy was beaten and fell into temporary chaos.

The enemy is chaotic, but the defenders of Wonderland City will not be chaotic. Huanghuang Island continues to launch air-limited nets, while the defenders of Wonderland City directly rushed out of the bunker fortifications and ran towards the enemy troops who were hit on the ground but were not seriously injured.

Of course, they also have to be careful not to be hit by falling objects that are still falling.

Those air units did not fall lightly when they fell to the ground, and even a lot of them died directly, but if the soldiers on the ground were hit, they would definitely not end well. .

A bowl-sized hailstone can kill a person, not to mention this one is much bigger than a normal human being?

At the same time, at a higher place, the sword-headed Yin Shuoyan, who was waiting on the empty island, also left the empty island one after another, and began to charge in the air.

Although the coalition forces did not have the participation of the Dragon Kingdom and the Shushan troops in this raid, it did not mean that there was not even a single person from both sides in the team.

In fact, among the coalition air forces responsible for the raid, there were dozens of giant dragons from the Dragon Kingdom and a dozen Shushan sword cultivators.

The air-restricted network attack launched by Huanghuang Island surprised both parties. They did not expect that the other party would study and equip this kind of equipment specially used to restrict the air force.

This kind of net of different sizes seems to be extremely resilient, and even a giant dragon cannot struggle to open once it is covered by a net that is big enough

Moreover, not only those flying creatures that need to rely on constantly flapping their wings to provide buoyancy, even the Shushan disciples who are flying with the sword will still have a headache when they face the overwhelming nets.

"What is that?" A Shushan disciple raised his head and exclaimed, pointing at a large piece of silver light that was falling from the sky.

"No, that's the 'Silver Flying Sword', the exclusive air force of Huanghuang Island!" The commander in charge of the Allied Air Force is a veteran who has participated in island qualifying battles several times. Familiar.

It's just that they didn't know the scientific name of the sword's head, Yin Shuoyan, and they finally called it the Silver Flying Sword.

Well... they really don't want to admit that those extremely hard-headed things are really a kind of creature!

In terms of body color and attack method, the "Silver Flying Sword" is more appropriate.

"Silver Flying Sword?"

There are sword cultivators on Huanghuang Island?

The style of this flying sword is a bit strange, and...the number is a bit outrageous...

Could it be that the opponent's sword cultivators are all multi-swords, and everyone will play a thousand swords and return to their ancestors?

The commander didn't have time to pay attention to the doubts of the Shushan disciples, and began to send orders quickly. Whether it was a net from the ground or the sword head Yin Shuoyan hiding a surprise attack, it all proved that the plan had been exposed, and Huanghuang Island had already laid an ambush in advance.

If he doesn't want to be hit hard, he has to deal with it... Once he finds that something can't be done, retreat immediately!

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