MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 683 4 elephant homing

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Unlike the sea eye, which is similar to the black hole in the sea, even in the deep sea where you can't reach your fingers, you can clearly see the outline of the sea spring.

Many of the free energies scattered along with the gushing seawater are reflected in the form of various colors of light, rendering the entire huge sea spring with splendor and beauty.

However, although Haiquan is constantly spewing out seawater, it is much less dangerous than Haiyan, but if you want to approach cultivation, you need a sufficient foundation of strength.

The strength is not enough, and it is impossible to resist the impact of the rushing ocean current. Under the current, it is possible to be rushed out no matter how far, let alone practice here.

Of course, as long as you pass the super-order threshold and your water quality is not weak, you can stay at the edge of Haiquan for a long time.

Pure water, like the Xuanwu candidate, who is only one step away from being promoted to the holy level, is a peak Lv2, which can be very deep.

The group led by Ao Shang came to the periphery of a sea spring controlled by the Crystal Palace. If they wanted to go further, Lei Jiu would become a burden.

Therefore, Lei Jiu asked Jiu Ting to protect Xuanwu's alternate law and accompany him to go deep into Haiquan to advance.

Because the prerequisites for this promotion have been met, and only enough energy is needed, so in terms of time, it will not be as long as Jiu Ting's promotion.

According to Jiu Ting and the others' estimates, it will be over in about a month or two.

A month or two is not long, and Lei Jiu can't wait. Besides, when Jiu Ge, Jiu Feng, and Jiu Ting were promoted, Lei Jiu was always with him, so he couldn't favor one over the other, he would not be there when Xuanwu was promoted.

Well, I just took this time to think about what kind of name to give the new Xuanwu.

The other party seems to be rather dull and doesn't like to talk, so let's call it Jiu Deng...

Time slipped away bit by bit in Lei Jiu's undisturbed thoughts.

Of course, it is impossible for Lei Jiu to think about some things all day long. It happens that the free energy where the sea spring is located is relatively abundant, and the absorbability is relatively good. When practicing body-building boxing here, the body-building experience will gradually increase. .

After one day of body training and punching, Lei Jiu found that the efficiency of gaining experience was actually much faster than his medicated bath.

If he can kill his heart here and practice for 100 years, it is estimated that he can directly achieve the Great Perfection of the Seven Realms and achieve the Great Achievement of Refinement.

Of course, this can only be if, it is impossible for him to retreat here for a hundred years.

Even if he is truly a master of the seven realms, and his level attributes have increased to full value, it is at most equivalent to a super-level Lv2 with higher combat power. Perhaps in terms of defense and survivability, he can compare with the peak Lv2. Not in other ways.

Even if he becomes a true Lv2 pinnacle, his role on the battlefield is limited. Instead, he gives the coalition a hundred years of development time, and the advantage of Huanghuang Island may disappear.

What's more... even with Lei Jiuzhi's ability, he can't bear to spend 100 years in this sea spring!

Fortunately, Lei Jiu could bear it for only a month or two.


One day, without knowing the exact time, the sun and the moon could not be seen on the bottom of the sea, and it was difficult to tell whether it was day or night. Lei Jiu felt an unusual change in the depths of the sea spring, and the surging ocean current seemed to be affected. The interference of strong external forces has become chaotic and disorderly.

Lei Jiu guessed that it should be the time for Xuanwu to advance.

Looking at Jiuge next to him, and seeing him nodding, Lei Jiu confirmed it.

Looking from the edge, it has always been like an incomparably huge spring-like ocean spring, as if several turbines have been installed at the bottom, and the ocean current can be chaotic.

But...the effect of the streamer looks even more gorgeous. It is a beautiful scene different from the night sky where the stars are still.

After a while, Lei Jiu felt that the tearing force generated by the disordered ocean current was already strong enough to make him feel uncomfortable, so he and Jiu Ge retreated to a farther place.

It seems that the holy beast is promoted, and the movements are so earth-shattering.

I don't know if other saints other than the four-symptom saint beast will do the same.

Thinking about how Jiu Ting made a lot of noise when he was promoted in the Ancestral Dragon Nest, the dragons didn't make much of a fuss. It should be the advancement of all the saints, and the momentum is not small!

Uh, what happened to Ai Luomeng?

At the beginning, she was promoted silently. If Lei Jiu hadn't checked her attribute panel, she would not have known that she had been promoted to the holy level.

I don't understand!

The movement of the Xuanwu Advancement was not only the sea springs that affected the seabed, but also the disorderly disturbance of countless ocean currents, which also made the sea above their heads unsettled.

A large number of innocent seafood were implicated, some were forced to separate from their own ethnic groups, some were forcibly demolished, and some entered reincarnation in advance.

Unlike the Ancestral Dragon's Nest, which was emptied by the Dragon Clan, where the sea spring is located, the Crystal Palace has only blocked an area.

Therefore, there are other intelligent races living on the bottom of the sea not too far from the sea spring.

However, they all know that this is the site belonging to the Crystal Palace, and even if they sense the movement, they don't dare to look closely.

Even if he suffers any loss because of being affected, he can only bear it silently.

Fortunately, this movement didn't last long, and soon, order came again.

As the power of the interference disappeared, the sea spring that spewed out later forcibly smoothed the current, and everything was back on track.

Advanced Xuanwu, the image is the same as in myths and legends, with a dragon head and a turtle body, and the tone of the whole body is darker.

In the end, Lei Jiu abandoned the messy names he thought of At first, he initially named the three Qinglong candidates Jiuzhongyi, Jiuzhong2 and Jiuzhongsan, and the three Xuanwu candidates were Jiumingyi2 three.

Later, the Qinglong candidates had other names. When Qinglong advanced, the name Lei Jiu gave was not Jiuzhong, but Jiuting, because Lei Jiu felt that the name Jiuzhong could not represent the characteristics of Qinglong.

However, Jiu Ming is different. Therefore, the final name of the advanced Jiu Ming 2 is to remove the previous 2, Jiu Ming!

Jiu Ming successfully advanced, and it didn't take a long time. Lei Jiu planned to directly do what he promised the Dragon Clan.

According to Ao Shang, the five saint-level ancestors were already on their way, and Lei Jiu did not move, but waited here in Haiquan. By the way, let Jiuge, Jiufeng, Jiuting and Jiuming familiarize themselves with the battle formation of the four elephants.

At the same time as Jiu Ming advanced, all the four sacred beasts returned to their places, and their minds naturally gained more knowledge about the battle formation of the four elephants.

However, in order to convert knowledge into strength, it also requires specific familiarity and practice, but in the face of holy-level power, there is not much difficulty.

On this day, Lei Jiu suddenly took the four of them to the sea to get some air. After rushing up into the sky, he looked at the vast and clean sea below in a daze.

"Jiuge, I remember when I came here, there seems to be a player island here, right? Where did it go? It's been two months, and you can't escape your sight!"

"It is estimated that it was washed away by the disturbing current that erupted when Jiu Ming advanced!"


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