MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 693 Wan solution news

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After paying the lives of a lot of investigators, the coalition forces finally got it. There were countless white skeletons piled up outside the Great Wall of Coastal Defense on Huanghuang Island, but the interior did not seem to have suffered much damage. In the conference hall of the coalition meeting, the original The cheerful and relaxed atmosphere was instantly swept away. watermark ad test watermark ad test

Originally, I thought that some immortal would come out and plan to take Lei Jiu, the evildoer.

Who would have thought that the thunder was loud and the rain was small, the pomp was so great, and the momentum was so exaggerated, but in the end, it failed to take the Huanghuang Island.

Those undead are doing woolen yarn!

In the past, it was to ask for directions...

Majestic Tangtang's heart was also indescribably complicated. Although he hoped that Lei Jiu would last a while longer, the other party was unscathed, which was not what he hoped to see.

Only the Eternal Knights had vaguely felt that it was too early for the island owners of the coalition to be happy. Those undead were not necessarily the enemies of Huanghuang Island.

After all, the abyss of death in the small world once supported his Rhode Island, and he left a few words when he withdrew his support from the other side. He clearly felt that Lei Jiu and those undead had a closer relationship.

It's just that the atmosphere on the coalition side was warm at the time, and he wasn't interested in standing up and pouring cold water on everyone. That would just be annoying.

Even if the facts prove that he is right in the end, so what? It's just that others are more upset with him.

The topic of the coalition meeting has changed back to how to deal with Huanghuang Island's aggressive offensive, how to harass the opponent, how to delay time, slow down Huanghuang Island's digestion speed, attack pace, etc. These heavy topics came up.

The previous relaxed atmosphere was swept away...

Next to Jinxiudongtian Island and Gensokyo Island, many high-level officials who knew the situation broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm. It turned out to be the friendly army of Huanghuang Island?

Master Lei Jiu of Huanghuang Island is really... He has a lot of friends, and even these movable bones can be connected...

When Yaojia left with the army of skeletons, countless residents of the three islands ran to the Great Wall of Haiphong to see what the undead of skeletons looked like.


The Great Wall of Haiphong in Mishima seems to have become a haunted house in a playground, and every now and then there will be one or two screams of panic mixed with excited screams.

The more people there are, the more courageous they become. Many people even leaned out and stabbed them with their hands to break the bones of the undead outside.

Then, the skeleton moved, detached from the opponent's palm, and clucked his jaws a few times, as if to accuse him of not disturbing his rest, and then changed his position and continued to lie still and pretend to be dead!

Such a move would cause a screeching noise around him, causing the sergeants patrolling the Great Wall of Haiphong to roll their eyes.

Although the textbooks taught them a lot of knowledge about non-human races, on the island, apart from the dwarves and the very rare beautiful elves that could be seen occasionally, the islanders basically never saw other alien races.

Those Cyclops, ogres, vampires, etc., are basically only accessible to the mixed army system, and belong to the series only known by their names.

Therefore, the islanders traveled thousands of miles to see the fresh enthusiasm, which was beyond Lei Jiu's imagination.

Of course, this is no big deal. Let the inspecting sergeants pay attention to maintaining order, let Qi Wenchuan make arrangements, and Lei Jiu will no longer pay attention.

As for those topmost undead skeletons who are constantly being harassed... Just bear with it!

There are pros and cons in any position, right?

Those undead skeletons at the bottom are still being held down by so many of the same kind, and they can't move, don't they say nothing!


Lei Jiu's final plan was to take the two steps of attacking the fusion island and digesting its resource population out of the cycle.

It took two years to attack the island, dig out the island owner, integrate the island, then recuperate for seven years, properly integrate and digest, and then continue to rotate like this.

In this way, 20 years later, it will be the turn of the 7-year recuperation cycle. With the experience of the first two rounds, the coalition forces can judge that this period belongs to the quiet period of Huanghuang Island.

Although they may take advantage of this quiet period to secretly plan some things, during this period, the possibility of them making big moves on Huanghuang Island will also be greatly reduced.

The reason for choosing the cycle of 2+7 is that if the number of cycles is less than two, it will be difficult for the coalition forces to get a good grasp. And the number of cycles was too many, and Lei Jiu was afraid that the quiet period would not be enough time for him to deal with the affairs of the Sky Temple.

Twenty years later, when he rendezvous with Yao Jia, he will try to hide as tightly as possible in the army of skeletons.

After all, the Sky Temple is located on the Laya Continent, and adventurer players are less restricted on the Laya Continent than on the player's island.

Once the adventurers outside knew of Lei Jiu's whereabouts, it was estimated that he would be stabbed on the forum in an instant, making everyone known.

Similar things, in all aspects, he must plan in advance, it is related to the safety of Huanghuang Island, and he can't be careless.

"Boss Lei Jiu, I got the news of Wanyan solution!"

This day, Shen Baiye suddenly ran over to look for Lei Jiu excitedly, and he said that.

"Wan solution?" Lei Jiu was stunned for a while before he remembered this thing. It was really too long since he had heard the name, so he didn't remember it for a while.

It can be said that after not getting it from Crystal Palace, Lei Jiu stopped paying attention to this thing.

However, Shen Baiye has not stopped searching. After all, this kind of search for materials and the whereabouts of treasures for Lei Jiu was originally part of their mission.

Moreover, in the adventurer mission hall of Jiuhuang City, the rich bounty is still hanging high above it. It is also one of his tasks to keep clearing the above tasks. Since both sides are occupied, he naturally has to pay attention.

The ten thousand solution...the rule stone? Well, I remembered!

"Tell me, it's the real thing, or the information!"

"The real thing!"


Although he asked such a question, Lei Jiu originally thought it was just a piece of relevant It turned out to be a real thing.

"Tell me!"

"The owner of this Wan solution is an earl from a small kingdom in Laia continent. As a result, there was a **** plot, and a powerful duke of a large empire next to him fell in love with his wife and wanted to break them up.

The earl and his wife love each other, the earl is naturally unwilling, and intends to do everything he can to appeal to all parties to see if things can turn around.

And the person who participated in this incident and served as the steward of the earl family for decades is an adventurer. He saw Wan solution in the items that the earl took out, and it happened that he had also heard of our reward for Wan solution. "

"What additional requirements does that player have?" If he just wants to honor the bounty, Shen Baiye can make the decision himself. Now all the solutions should be in his hands. The other party must have made a request that Shen Baiye can't handle or decide. , will find him.

"The other party asked us to deal with the Duke of the Empire. If we do it, he is willing to take only one-tenth of the reward!"

"Oh? It seems that this adventurer player seems to be very comfortable in this earl's house!"


"Promise his conditions! Don't give a tenth of the reward, pay him half. I will let Jiuge go with you!" A powerful duke of a great empire wants to solve the other party, even if he hires the Phantom Brigade Groups are difficult to complete.

After all, even the current Lei Jiu, if he doesn't have a divine weapon, he can't guarantee that he will be able to take him.

And the combat power other than adventurers can't sit in the teleportation array, so I can only trouble Jiuge to run...

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