MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 707 Hai Jing Boping

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After carefully examining the opponent's lineup, Lei Jiu really found the figure of the adventurer player.

It's not that the words "I am an adventurer" are written on the opponent's forehead, but from the appearance of the equipment to the action application, the difference between adventurers and NPCs is still very obvious, especially compared with these small world NPCs.

There are more than one adventurer, of course not in the Dragon Country team, but in Shushan.

Not long after Lei Jiu and his party were intercepted, the coalition forces over there began to attack, and it was easy to conclude that the other party had the means of real-time communication.

This is also inevitable. Only when this side confirms that it has intercepted Lei Jiu and his party, can the allied forces make a move. Otherwise, what if Lei Jiu will send Jiu Ge and Jiu Ting back to help when he gets the news?

It is far less difficult to intercept an empty island in the sea that has long since stopped, than it is to intercept Qinglong and Suzaku. Even if this empty island can be disguised, it is the same.

When Lei Jiu finished scanning the entire enemy with his eyes, Lei Jiu said to one of the saints, "This is..."

During the battle of the Dragon Kingdom in the Small World, all the Saints of Shushan were dispatched, but Lei Jiu was very sure that he had never seen this Saint. In addition, the other party’s aura was very similar to Tiamat’s. The identity is self-evident, the **** behind Shushan.

Of course, this is just the general identity of the other party. Lei Jiu wants to know who the other party is, and whether he can find his existence in the familiar "Shushan" story.

"Poor Daoist Long Beard!"

"...", System, you are too blatant to plagiarize, it's better to call Changmei directly. I don't know if the system will carry out the cottage to the end, and match this long-bearded real person with a pair of artifact Shuangfei swords named Zi Suo Qingying.

Forget it, these are all trivial matters. Right now, sending them to take a sea bath is the real business.

In half a year, it was enough for Lei Jiu to master the sky scepter. The head of the scepter pointed a little in the direction of the enemy. Lei Jiu used his spirit to complete the selection of the enemy and the enemy, and was still waiting to hear what Lei Jiu wanted to say. Matt and Longbeard only felt their bodies slump.

Pulled by gravity, Tiamat and Longbeard were both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar, because they understand that this is Mother Earth's reluctance to embrace; strange, because they have not been disturbed by it for a long, long time...

When the two of them fought against this downward pulling force with all their strength, the hands of those below the holy level they brought with them started to crackle down like dumplings.

The flying height of the sky island is not low. From this height, in terms of the strength of the dragon's body, it will not be seriously injured, but... those sword repairs will not be successful.

As long as you start to free fall from a high enough height to reach the speed of the sea... People shoot on the sea, and the impact is not inferior to shooting on an iron plate.

Even though Sky Island was flying very high, Lei Jiu could hear the constant sound of piapia from below.

Eh, it hurts to hear!

Below the holy level, they were banned for almost an instant, but the holy level could stand for a few seconds. Tiamat and Longbeard were the strongest, and it took a full ten seconds to fall down.

Before they fell, they saw Lei Jiu smiling and waving at them.

When they fell and couldn't see Lei Jiu's figure, they heard the other party's voice coming from above their heads, "Climb up to the ceiling of the sky island!"


The sky scepter's air-restricted authority covers a wide range. After all, it can cover the entire kingdom of the **** of the sky, with a radius of 500 kilometers.

In other words, as long as Tiamat and the others are still there, or within 500 kilometers of the Sky Scepter, they have to stay in the sea honestly.

After thinking for a while, Lei Jiu still asked Jiuge to rush back to Huanghuang Island first. Although he felt that the coalition forces should not be able to break through the island's defense line, it would be better to have an extra layer of insurance when sailing carefully on the Wannian Ship.

Jiu Ting's stay was a means of insurance for the team on Sky Island.

Even on the empty island, even with the sky scepter in his hand, Lei Jiu didn't worry about sending all the flying saints out.

As for Tiamat and the others...

Let them dry for a day or two, then lower the flying height and put Jiu Ming down to play with them...

Well, you can also send the sword-headed Yin Shuoyan troops to attack. This time, they, like the soldiers on the empty island, didn't get the chance to play, and their bodies were rusted.

With the frequency of their attacks, coupled with the effect of the paralysis ring, Lei Jiu estimated that the enemy probably wouldn't dare to show up on the sea!

In short, when dealing with Tiamat's interception team, Lei Jiu was not in a hurry to kill the opponent.

After all, there is the sea below, not the land, so it is not a home game for Huanghuang Island. Lei Jiu asked Jiuge to return to the island for support, losing a top-level air combat power, and the four elephants could not form a battle formation...

In view of the above reasons, plus the consideration of avoiding losses as much as possible, Lei Jiu prepared to slowly consume and grind the opponent to death.

Two days later, Lei Jiu shook his head when he saw that the enemies below were still gathering together, with many wounds. The choice of the other party is very human, but it is not wise!

For Tiamat and the others, it was the most correct choice to make a decision after falling into the sea. Everyone scattered and escaped from the coverage of the Sky Scepter. After converging, retreating directly was the most correct choice.

In that case, at least the Saints can escape most of them.

Now, it depends on their luck!

Watching Jiu Ming, who had recovered his true body, fall to the Lei Jiu sighed like this.

The giant dragon and Jianxiu, who can't fly, faced the Xuanwu holy beast Jiu Ming in the sea... Let's observe three minutes of silence for them first!

Since Jiu Ming smashed down and set off a wave of water, the sea below has not calmed down. There is no wind and waves of 100 meters, but it is a miracle.

In the midst of such turbulent waves, among the supplementary swords of the Swordshead Silver Suoyan Brigade, it really requires a lot of luck to survive the disaster.

Of course, this is for those super-orders.

As long as Jiu Ming is not named, just the waves and the sword-headed Yin Shuo Yan will not be able to do anything at the holy level.

Jiu Ming seemed to be having a good time, and really didn't go to trouble them specifically, but unfortunately, before they could feel at ease, Jiu Ting, a holy beast of sea, land and air, descended from the sky...

Whether it is a giant dragon or a sword cultivator of Shushan, the water is not very good, and it is not easy to survive in the sea, let alone fight.

In fact, letting Lei Jiu go down can clear up a lot of Lv2.

After all, due to Lei Jiu's characteristics of the source of the sea, it was a bit too much for the sea to be so kind to him.

The extreme disadvantage of the environment, being moved by Jiu Ming and unable to take food and replenish physical energy, all kinds of unfavorable conditions are added together, even Tiamat and Long Beard Master can't fight Jiu Ting for a long time, let alone other saints. .

So, wait for Hai Jing and the waves to level, and this battle will be over...

: . :

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